War movies....

Discussion in 'Travel Forum' started by russell55, Aug 18, 2003.

  1. russell55 New Member

    Feb 4, 2002
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    Do any of you history/movie buffs know of any Viet Nam war movies suitable for a 13 year old boy to watch?

    My son has developed a fascination with war books/movies since his dad was buried with the veteran's ceremonial stuff this summer. What he's watched/read so far has been WWII stuff because that's what we have, but he'd really like to know more about his dad's war....

    Any suggestions?
  2. mozier New Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Hmm, this is a tough one.

    Most Vietnam War movies are quite Anti-Vietnam War, as well as full of extreme violence and sexual content that would be inappropriate for the young man in question. And then there is "The Green Berets," with John Wayne, that gives a rather distorted and unrealistic pro-Vietnam War viewpoint.

    However, I can think of one film that would be good: "In Country," with Bruce Willis. It is quite a well done story, about a young girl who is trying to have someone tell her about what the Vietnam War was like. She turns to her uncle, who tries really hard to avoid talking about it, for it was a very traumatic experience for him. However, he does slowly open up to her and confronts his own personal trauma as well, which he has been holding in for so long.

    This one may be the best one for the young man.

  3. russell55 New Member

    Feb 4, 2002
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    That sounds like the perfect sort of movie. My husband was very conflicted about his war experience, too, and told us very little. He has a bunch of medals, and we know nothing about why he got them....

    Now I'll have to see if I can locate that movie....

    I really appreciate your help. Thanks.