Weak Christians

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Prince of Preachers, Jan 6, 2003.

  1. Prince of Preachers New Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    Do you believe that the average christain in church today does know what he belives or even cares to go gung ho for Christ? I saw a lot of this traveling to different chuurches, people with laxidasical spirits towards soul-winning, prayer, Bible, and standards.What is your feel, and what can we do to change this?
  2. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    I think people mean well, but most have no clue as to what the Bible says.
  3. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Pew warmers. I believe they have been around for quite some time. I had seen them after I was saved 15 years ago. It appalled me then, to see such a slothful spoonfed bunch that really did't care what they believed. And they really never put themselves into a situation to ever have to prove anything.

    [ January 06, 2003, 10:08 PM: Message edited by: TheOliveBranch ]
  4. Site Supporter

    Jan 3, 2003
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    Many people in our churches are slothful in their "Christianity" - even some of those who are "good, faithful members."

    I see one reason being a lack of personal fellowship with God, especially Bible study and prayer. We have allowed people to develop the attitude that as long as they attend church regularly, that is all that is neccessary for Christian service. Attending church is good, but it is just a beginning. True discipleship is an every day thing, whatever we do should be for the glory of God.

    One of my strongest passions is to help God's people study the Word for themselves. We as leaders in the churches have the responsibility to equip the saints.

    One of the themes of the Epistle of 1st John is fellowship, both with God and with fellow believers. It is a fascinating book. Read it, and compare it to the Gospel of John - you will be greatly enriched!!
  5. Don Well-Known Member
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    Oct 7, 2000
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    What do you consider a "strong Christian"?

    And is there only weak or strong Christians?
  6. Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    I would modify this slightly by saying that people have developed the attitude that church attendance is Christian service at all.

    Attending church is kind of like attending a meal. We are no more serving God by attending church than a child serves his mother by coming to the table and eating.

    Amen. Additionally, each saint has the responsibility to put on the whole armor and enter the battle.
  7. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Hi Don:

    I'm beginning to think I should change my name to "Troublemaker"

    IMHO I don't believe a "strong" Christian has anything to do with attending church three times a week (although I do and I am not forgetting that Christ said, "Forsake not the gathering of yourselves together...)

    I believe a "srong" Christian is someone who knows what his convictions are and stands by them no matter what. "If you stand for nothing, you'll fall for anything".

    I believe a "weak" Christian is sort of like an 'agnostic Christian' (yes I know, does sound like an oxymoron doesn't it???), who does not know what he believes and wavers back and forth with the newest concept.

    I, myself, have preferences which can and quite often do get changed. On the other hand, I have convictions that no one will ever change. I know "in whom I have believeth".

    I also think there are varying degrees between weak and stron Christians.

    I hope I've helped answer your question, but I fear I have confused you even more. :confused:
  8. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    Definition of a strong Christian to the typical believer:
    Anyone who's as strong as me, or stronger.

    Definition of a weak Christian to the typical believer:
    Anyone who's weaker than me.
  9. Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    I believe that many of those that we Baptist call "weak Christians" are actually unsaved people. They usually show up in force during things like church splits or controversies between members. Otherwise, they show up just enough to satisfy their conscience and do nothing else.

    The things they typically care about are the color of the carpet, what pictures are hung and where, whether the choir sings two songs or three, whether the pastor's niece gets the lead in the Christmas play, and such like.

    While they will always give the right answers and become indignant if accused, their actions show no care at all for prayer, evangelism, the spiritual/physical/emotional welfare of other christians, knowledge of God's Word (other than what they glean from church service), or other matters of real substance.
  10. Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    Could be, but in my personal, anecdotal experience, I have trouble with the concept expressed in the lead post of travelling from church to church and observing the unspiritual attitudes. How do you know that when you don't know those people save from first impressions?

    As far as having been there awhile, it really is dangerous to make these assumptions.
    In the past, both my husband and I have been bedfast at different times and unable to attend church for significant periods. At other times, I have been home for several weeks at a time with very ill kids. Blessedly, those days have passed.
    I will not be in church this weekend but will be taking my turn assisting a family member recovering from a major operation.

    QUITE often, when there is a person you think is unspiritual, it could be a nudge from the Holy Spirit encouraging you to help that person in the problem or discouragement he is facing. The longer I am a member in the same church and get to know people as individuals, I see God's real grace at work in peoples' lives in really hard circumstances. Getting to know them reveals an entirely different situation from my first impressions. God's list of requirements for them really can be different from our list.

  11. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    people with laxidasical spirits towards soul-winning

    On the flipside, I've known churches who reel 'em in, but once they're saved, they're left empty handed. Such tactics rewrite the great commission from going out and making desciples of all people to going out and getting as many people to join the country club.

    Too many churches try to fill the chairs at the table, but fail to fill the table with food.
  12. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    But most of the time I don't think it's the fault of the church. I was the type that couldn't get enough of God. So, I put my church on the spot, asking for everything I could think of spiritually. I kept them busy. On the other hand, I had known several people who were saved, or brought in, as you said, but you could barely get them to come to church once a week. We had Bible studies, discipleship classes, Wednesday night prayer, even Sunday night services. But there wasn't much that could be done to "kick-start" them. Today, I have'nt a clue to where they are.
  13. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    I found out about flood protection :D

    [ January 07, 2003, 05:41 PM: Message edited by: TheOliveBranch ]
  14. Don Well-Known Member
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    Oct 7, 2000
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    I Am Blessed -- No, I don't think you're a troublemaker. If anything, I'm the one that's stirring the pot by asking the question I did.

    I believe there are weak Christians, but I define them as the legalistic bunch: More worried about an outward appearance than a real inward change. I believe there are those that consider themselves strong Christians (they know they have a liberty in Christ), but are more worried about the "I" word than about their neighbors (as in, "my liberty in Christ). And I believe there are strong Christians, like the apostle Paul, who realize their liberty in Christ, but don't allow that liberty to become a stumbling block for their weaker brethren.

    I personally strive for the latter category, but still have quite a ways to go.

    I like what Johnv said: We all too often reel in the fish, only to put them in the pond and let them fend for themselves....

    [ January 07, 2003, 05:44 PM: Message edited by: Don ]
  15. Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Oooh, I hear this one allot here on the B.B. Not all churches who soul-win are that way. Some actually give you food for thought as well as tools for living. I belong to such a church.

    As far as "weak" Christians...I think the term Lukewarm is more Biblical. I don't mind the lukewarm who attend regularly and get a serving of God's word...what I have a problem with are people who don't want to learn and grow...who say they are Christian, but you would never know it. People who don't have a desire to read God's word, or "listen" to it...that is something that I have a hard time understanding.

    Not everyone wants to serve, and not all churches encourage Bible reading & application, church service or soul-winning. Of the churches that I'm familiar with these are encouraged and desired. And when a regular attender or member doesn't desire to do what the church encourages them to do...it just baffles me. I jest don't git it!

    But then again...my church has me doing so much soul-winning, church service etc...that I'm completely exhausted...So what is right?
  16. Abiyah <img src =/abiyah.gif>

    Jul 22, 2002
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    Olive Branch --

    Please check your PMs! 8o)
  17. Prince of Preachers New Member

    Oct 30, 2002
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    i believe that if a christian goes to church as much as can be done and reads his Bible and prays, then there is no stoping that person from growing. the problem i believe is on the teachers/preachers who fail to emphasize the imporatnce of a daily walk with God. on the other side of the coin its the low standard which is set up by most christains of how much they are going to serve the Lord.
  18. Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    If you decide to become a preacher, I hope you don't use that statement in hopes that you will encourage anyone to want to serve. It's better to encourage members of a church by instilling in them a feeling of team work and willingness to get things done...rather than saying that someone has low standards. None of us will acomplish anything unless we believe that it is within our nature to do it. ;)

    [ January 10, 2003, 06:11 PM: Message edited by: Laurenda ]
  19. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    You wouldn't happen to be a twin? :D

    I can see prince's point, though. Shortly after I was saved, Justified and I had a couple tell us to write down how we felt, because it wouldn't be that way in a few years. That was a pathetic point to make. We were a little upset that they assumed we would do this. But, on the other hand, now that we look back, I think that our desire to learn and willingness to serve, and the fire that was burning in us to grow made alot of others spark a new desire to continue living for him. But not all people are strong in the beginning and will desire to hear that others are weak, too. If they are not encouraged by the Pastor or those around them, they seem to just wander instead of desire.
  20. Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Well, the reason I said that is because my church instills that work ethic repeatedly. The only time an attitude of "low standards" is spoken about from the pulpit...it is in regards to dying churches...or churches that have lost thier fire...so to speak. (the fire analogy always makes me think of Hell, so the use of it to apply to church attitude always makes me pause) Anyway...I understand what Prince is saying, but I know that he is going to Bible college...and I was hoping to bring what I said to light. People often do what they are believed to be capable of. When a preacher uses a complaining type of comment...it makes members say, "Okay, why bother, he doesn't think I am capable of doing it, so I won't"

    You see my parents used to tell me I was good at everything and praise my efforts. Of course I was only a child, but I believed them, and believed that I could do things, because they believed that it was in me to do it in the first place. That is all I'm saying...."Attitude determines the altitude"... my Pastor is fond of saying that too.

    If you believe that someone will rise to the challenge, they start to do it...they start to believe they can. When teamwork becomes a favorable attribute...teamwork is a desired and probable outcome.

    One would have to ask...Is the glass half empty or half full? Are you going to dwell on what people are unable, unwilling or too lazy to do? Or will you see the possibilities of how believing that someone will do something, can often be the encouragement that they need to believe that they can as well. This is what I've seen. This is what I've experienced. Whenever anyone says "I was surprised that you were able to do that" It makes me think, that they didn't have any faith that I could be capable of doing anything, so why should I try to.

    [ January 12, 2003, 05:45 PM: Message edited by: WisdomSeeker ]