What do you think about during the day?

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by ckm49er, Apr 1, 2005.

  1. ckm49er New Member

    Oct 24, 2004
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    I think alot.... some people say that I think to much. I do come up with ideas that are way out in left field but for the most part I think I have good ideas. So im just wondering what yall think about.

    Here are some of my thoughts:

    When I was driving to work this morning I saw a sign that said "God Bless America", then I drove a little further and saw a sign that say "God Bless America". It is a 10 min drive to my work and I counted 12 signs that said this and I started to wonder why isnt it the other way around???

    Next thought:

    I dont know if any of you realized this but life is so rehearsed and most people dont truely listen. I work in a grocery store and I noticed that all of the employees greet the customer with a "How are you doing today?" and the customer would normaly reply "Im good how about you?" and so on (yall get the idea) but I decided to just say some random things to a few people. Like my first customer I say "Are apples a vegtable." and his reply was... guess... "Im good how about you?"... So i started to wonder do I not listen to people throughout my day... and I realized that Im just like everyone else I dont truely listen, and why is it that we are so rehearsed that we do the same thing everytime?
  2. AZfiddler_Oct1996 New Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    After 9/11 our church put out a big sign that said "America Bless God." The "God Bless America" signs were everywhere... even on the public schools where God's Word isn't even allowed to be read! I think they got it backwards a looooong time ago. ;)
  3. Ishouldbhappy New Member

    Mar 21, 2005
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    During the day I think about what I have to get done and what all I need to do.
    When I am in one of my classes I listen to some of the girls talk and think about how things should be.
    When I go to work I think about the little kids that I am watching and why they are almost all being raised by a single parent.
    And then I think about stupid things like if I could be an animal what would I be. I think about too much stuff to tell you everything.
  4. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    Thinking?!? What's that? Do I ever do that?!?!
    LOL, rearly do my thoughts make sense. I seem to go from one thing to another, and pretty quickly! (I used to wonder if I had ADHD!)
    In the mornings I think "Good morning Lord, I wish I were REALLY awake!"
    On the way to school if I'm not singing hymns along with the CD player, I'm listening to a Phil Kidd sermon. So I'm either singing or shouting!
    When I get to school my mind strays to the oddest things!
    When I leave there for the childrens' home, I'm trying to stay one step ahead of the youngins. You know, stop fights, catch boys falling out of trees, chase toddlers, bandage "booboos", and talk with the older children...all at the same time.
    My drive home is much like my drive to school...sermon or music, and then it's home to homework, supper, reading, piano, writting, cleaning,Bible reading, prayer time......lol between all of this there isn't much time to think! But when I do, it probably wouldn't make sense to most people.
  5. Ishouldbhappy New Member

    Mar 21, 2005
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    Abby I am ADHD so my thoughts go around like crazy. lol
  6. Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Me. Hmmmm. Well when I am bored first I start quote historial things, like the presidents in order, Washington, Adams, Jefferson, Madison, Monroe... Then after I quote all 42 of them I go on to the preamble to the U.S. constitution, then I go on to the Missouri State constitution preamble. Then I resight the vice presidents in order, Adams, Jefferson,...If I have not wasted enought time doing that, I think about the blessings God has given me, and how that I am truely blessed to be saved.
  7. Ady New Member

    May 11, 2005
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    ckm49er, you're totally right about not listening, and frankly, people aren't caring when they're not listening. Recently I read a couple of english classics set in the 1800s, and it was offensive if acquaintances did not ask about your family and their health every time they met.

    The way I see it, people are so consumed with time and running from one activity to another (like me on many days!) that we've lost touch with the importance of every person, whether we like 'em or not. If you're reading this, pray about it! Tell God you know it's a problem for you (like most sinners), and ask Him to open your eyes! "His ways are higher than our ways, and His thoughts higher than ours." And the Spirit who speaks to us can lead us to make great changes in our lives. He is not restricted like we are, so immerse yourself in Him through the Holy Spirit. Then we will see the truth, and the truth will set us free!
  8. AZfiddler_Oct1996 New Member

    Aug 21, 2004
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    Wow, Kayla, I don't think I'd have the time to be that bored! Actually, I've already got tons to do so I'm almost never bored. If I am then it's usually not for long.

  9. Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    I really don't anymore that was when I was in Middle School I would do that, Middle School was probably the three most boring years of my life. I couldn't drive, wasn't a sunday school teacher(speaking of which...reminds me I need to look at my lesson for tomorrow), I was the Asst. Pastor's secratary, and lots of other things I do.