What does an Independent Fundamental Baptist

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by crazycat, May 11, 2002.

  1. savedgirl63026 New Member

    Feb 9, 2002
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    I agree with Abby (saved by grace 1999) 100%. Me and her are on the same level.. My church ( An IFB), we are strictly KJV 1611 (Amen for that), Virgin Birth of Christ,sinless life of Christ, Salvation by grace through faith, Good old fashioned hymns with the piano and organ accompianed. My church is a music'y kind of church. Some teenage girls play violin and trumpet. As for personal issues go, we believe in courting, ladies in dresses or skirts BELOW THE KNEE, no movies or questionable entertainment..... as the bible says "Abstain from ALL appeareance of Evil!!!!",, respect towards authority in my case, yes sir, yes ma'am in school..... etc....
    Standards that follow Scripture!!!!

    Jamie :)
  2. Ernie Brazee <img src ="/ernie.JPG">

    Aug 17, 2001
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    Sounds just like home.

  3. go2church Active Member
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    Jun 21, 2002
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    The comment that the IFB is the SBC of the 1940's is very telling! I have always thought the IFB type churches are trying to hang on to the good ole days of the late 40's and 50's. You know the days of segregation, restrictions on free speech and expression and a moral ethic dominated by guilt by association tactics of those in leadership. Man those days must have been great :rolleyes: :(
  4. Justified New Member

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Another thing I find interesting about an IFB Church, or at least all the ones I have gone to and/or visited. They will help you be sure your saved.

    Meaning that if they don't see the fruit of your salvation, they will take the time to sit with you, just to be sure of your salvation. :D

    "It is always better to stand up for conservatism, then to fall into liberalism" Justified Version ;)

    [ August 15, 2002, 07:36 PM: Message edited by: Justified ]
  5. Grasshopper Active Member
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    Apr 19, 2002
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    we need to keep our use of terms in keeping with biblical truth.

    What is a new evangelical and a compromiser?

    Some on this board say if you use anything other than KJV you are a compromiser. Or if you happen to differ on style of music you are a new evangelical.
  6. cdawg New Member
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    Mar 1, 2002
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    I too am IFB although I have not always been proud of the title. Thank you Dr. Bob and CircuitRider for your descriptions. Just as with other denominations, fellowships, and groups there is great diversity under the title "Independent". (I prefer Non-affiliated.)

    IMHO those who go to extremes are wrong, but those on the other side who get critical and demeaning toward them are just as wrong. If a church chooses to have higher standards than mine, that is their right. If they choose to have lower standards than mine, the same applies.
    That is the joy of local church autonomy.

  7. GIG New Member

    Jul 31, 2002
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    I go to an Independent Fundamental King James Believing Baptist Church. I used to say that I am an Independent Fundamental Baptist But I am increasingly becoming almost ashamed of it. The problem is not in the standards (Women wearing dresses, no beards, only hymns, KJV etc.) The problem is that we have seen a large number of IFB churches including my own that are wearing their personal convictions as a badge of honor and when the lost world sees them and the Church , they only see the convictions and Not Christ! I believe the good old KJV, you want to know why? Because while reading it, the Holy Spirit of God convicted my heart and told me that this was his book ! But just as many people get saved from other Bibles as the KJV.. I do not have to defend my position, that is between me and God..I believe that women should wear dresses, but a Woman wearing pants can lead someone to the Lord just the same as one wearing a dress...I have seen on this board and other boards people get into heated discussions on these subjects especially about the KJV. I have seen people who have so much book knowledge about the KJV's origin that they have become ignorant to it's main theme! Winning Souls To Christ !! I do speak from a little bit of experience as we travel all over the country spreading the gospel thru song and preaching in mostly IFB churches. I will also tell you that the churches that seem to have lost their Love for The Saviour and have lost the Joy Of their salvation seem to be those that only emphasize their convictions and miss the big picture.
  8. TheOliveBranch New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    Saved Girl and Saved By Grace,
    Praise God for the Mature teens that know how to take a stand. My daughters would be pleased to meet you. Bro. Ernie is right when he states that it's just like home.

    It's comments like this that Grasshopper and others make that shows how they stand. They usually say one word, or too many and can't back it up with Scripture. They judge us for our convictions and the desire to live a Godly, separated life. They often try to prove their points with rumor or personal feelings.

    Gig, Thank God you are called to preach. May the Lord have you preach on this very subject when in these churches. They need to hear this message. ;)
  9. uhdum New Member

    Jul 12, 2001
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    I think it's only considered legalistic when you think you have to follow certain outward standards and such in order to please God.

    If it's your own personal conviction and choice, praise God, keep your convictions and serve the Lord. But if the rules are being preached from the pulpit that you must keep them or you are not a good Christian and wickedly out of fellowship with God (I've seen and heard it happen), then it becomes legalism.

    I hope all who are quick to condemn our IFB brothers and sisters will make this distinction before judging, and that IFB'ers will check to see which of the two situations applies to them.
  10. latterrain77 New Member

    Jul 7, 2002
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    What if one believes overwhelmingly in the absolute inerrancy of the Bible, believes totally in salvation by grace alone, fully recognizes the fallen sinful nature of man (including ones own fallen sinful nature), believes strongly in a literal 24 hour 6 day Creation (plus one day of complete rest), is flatly and vocally opposed to abortion, believes in the marriage institution with LOTS of children (i.e. no birth control), male only church leadership (1 Tim. 3), Evangelical style outreach pursuits, uses KJV (though has no problem with cross-referencing on with other versions for study purposes only), believes in a literal “Noahic flood” which literally covered the entire earth in water, and believes strongly in the resurrected Jesus Christ who will return (at a time not known to mankind), who is part of the Holy Trinity.

    Yet, also believes that there is nothing wrong with a man wearing “long hair” (looks cool), a woman wearing “slacks” (though they look far prettier in dresses and skirts), believes strongly in reaching out to sinners, feels it is a requirement to help the hurting, feels that some modern “congregations” have largely fallen away (some of them ridiculously so). Believes that compassion and mercy are required in all dealings with mankind and especially so with the unsaved. Believes it is necessary to reach out to all sinners in a meaningful, non-judgmental, and loving way (yet never sacrificing inerrant Biblical truth when doing so).

    Does the above make one an IFBer? Or, is the above description too liberal? Thanking you in advance for your kind replies.

  11. Justified New Member

    Jul 14, 2002
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    You are doctrinaly sound, but you forgot one! The Virgin birth!

    Seeing where you are going with this, I would say that this would also be included.

    So, doctrinally, you are a IFB person.

    As for your other views, your dogmas are liberal.

    "It is always better to stand up for conservatism, then to fall into liberalism" Justified Version ;)

    [ August 18, 2002, 10:36 PM: Message edited by: Justified ]
  12. Grasshopper Active Member
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    Apr 19, 2002
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    It's comments like this that Grasshopper and others make that shows how they stand. They usually say one word, or too many and can't back it up with Scripture. They judge us for our convictions and the desire to live a Godly, separated life. They often try to prove their points with rumor or personal feelings

    1.Please sight an example of this.
    2.When you take your convictions and try to push them off on others, it is you who can't back it up with scripture. (KJV only) etc.
  13. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    I'm Independent Fundamental Baptist.

    But, I am telling you that too many IFB people are hyprocrisy like as Pharisee. Sorry to saying it. I am hyprocrite. I am not shame to telling you that I am. I am not perefect.

    IFB people like to carry rumors, criticize, judge each others. They are act like Pharisee.

    I use KJV all the time. But I am NOT KJV Onlyism.

    Late Dr. Hyles said, a person who reading RSV all through whole, he cannot be born again with corruptible seed.

    I disagree.

    No one witness me how to become saved. I was saved by reading different version - New English Version in Revelation. On night, on August 17, 1988. I read in Rev. 20:11-15, it scared me of going to lake of fire. I got quilt and scared. So, I bow down and asked Jesus to came in my heart to be saved.I was saved while I was a Lutheran!!

    Also, I am not Ruckmanite. Dr. Ruckman's testimony already ruined.

    I am telling you some of SBC have better spiritual than IFB.

    IFB is not perfect, Also, SBC is not perfect too.

    Why does I am still Indenpedent Fundemental Baptist? I believe we are not under any government authority like headquarter, or organization. We are under Christ's authority, because He is our head of the church.

    Fundamental is a 100% foundation base on the rock on the correct doctrine of whole 66 books in the bible with all doctrines, as we believe in all. We believe in salvation through Christ by the grace. Virgin birth of Christ, resurrection of Christ, Christ is the deity of God. Holy Spirit's working through our live in our body after our salvation. We believe Jesus will come again, and we will reign with Christ.

    But, we can't expect that ALL IFB people have the same view and interpreting the scriptures.

    two things, that I notice many of them are debate on: "Once Saved Always Saved"- OSAS. And second, Eschatology.

    I consider, that third thing is mansuscript or Bible translation is part of hot debate.

    Nobody is perfect by interpreting the Bible. Holy Spirit is our teacher - 1 John 2:27.

    But, when we all die and will arrive heaven, we all will understand everything, there will be NO MORE debate in heaven!



    All IFB churches have different standards. Some are high standard, some are moderate standard, also some are low standard! All churches are not same standards. All churches have their own standards.

    I prefer being in moderate standard. Why? I do not like being myself as Pharisee. I am interesting in our hearts than outside.

    I respect some IFB churches are high standard and low stadard, because they are my brothers and sistes in Christ.

    Never know some IFB churches which are low standard have better spiritual than IFB churches which are high standard.

    We all be very careful about what we are saying in out mouth by judge, criticize, our tongue is so power - James chapter 3.

    The most important key word, that we are fail i: LOVE!

    We ought to be careful toward liberalism, legalism, SBC, IBC, etc.. because we better be careful not to offend their feelings of their beliefs. We have to love and respect. But we have to be careful, not to fellowship with them too much while they do not agree with us each other. We have to limited time to fellowship with them. If we fellowship with them. Someone will think we are compromising with them.

    I am posttribber. I am little fraustrate with them, because they aware that I am posttribber. They avoid me.

    I am not try to cause them into split or division. If a person have opening mind and heart come to me in private talking. I would be happy to talk with a perosn in private at home, not at the church.

    I am still attend IFB church is pretribulation right now.

    But, the board of the church not allow me to do invlove ministry at deaf church. I am limited, because I am posttribber.

    So, next month I will move to Michigan to start own deaf church with correct doctrine, and independently oppurinity to serve the Lord to witness deaf to Christ and able to teach them the right doctrines from the Bible.

    So, we can't be expect that all IFB people have the same view, and intepreting the Bible. But, all of us as IFB agree that Christ came to earth to died for our sins, to saved us from sin and hell. Also, we all agree that Christ already rise from the dead. We all agree that Christ will come again! That is the most important basic things that we agree same.

    Have a nice day!

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 - Amen!

    Many of them
  14. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    I'm Independent Fundamental Baptist.

    But, I am telling you that too many IFB people are hyprocrisy like as Pharisee. Sorry to saying it. I am hyprocrite. I am not shame to telling you that I am. I am not perefect.

    IFB people like to carry rumors, criticize, judge each others. They are act like Pharisee.

    I use KJV all the time. But I am NOT KJV Onlyism.

    Late Dr. Hyles said, a person who reading RSV all through whole, he cannot be born again with corruptible seed.

    I disagree.

    No one witness me how to become saved. I was saved by reading different version - New English Version in Revelation. On night, on August 17, 1988. I read in Rev. 20:11-15, it scared me of going to lake of fire. I got quilt and scared. So, I bow down and asked Jesus to came in my heart to be saved.I was saved while I was a Lutheran!!

    Also, I am not Ruckmanite. Dr. Ruckman's testimony already ruined.

    I am telling you some of SBC have better spiritual than IFB.

    IFB is not perfect, Also, SBC is not perfect too.

    Why does I am still Indenpedent Fundemental Baptist? I believe we are not under any government authority like headquarter, or organization. We are under Christ's authority, because He is our head of the church.

    Fundamental is a 100% foundation base on the rock on the correct doctrine of whole 66 books in the bible with all doctrines, as we believe in all. We believe in salvation through Christ by the grace. Virgin birth of Christ, resurrection of Christ, Christ is the deity of God. Holy Spirit's working through our live in our body after our salvation. We believe Jesus will come again, and we will reign with Christ.

    But, we can't expect that ALL IFB people have the same view and interpreting the scriptures.

    two things, that I notice many of them are debate on: "Once Saved Always Saved"- OSAS. And second, Eschatology.

    I consider, that third thing is mansuscript or Bible translation is part of hot debate.

    Nobody is perfect by interpreting the Bible. Holy Spirit is our teacher - 1 John 2:27.

    But, when we all die and will arrive heaven, we all will understand everything, there will be NO MORE debate in heaven!



    All IFB churches have different standards. Some are high standard, some are moderate standard, also some are low standard! All churches are not same standards. All churches have their own standards.

    I prefer being in moderate standard. Why? I do not like being myself as Pharisee. I am interesting in our hearts than outside.

    I respect some IFB churches are high standard and low stadard, because they are my brothers and sistes in Christ.

    Never know some IFB churches which are low standard have better spiritual than IFB churches which are high standard.

    We all be very careful about what we are saying in out mouth by judge, criticize, our tongue is so power - James chapter 3.

    The most important key word, that we are fail i: LOVE!

    We ought to be careful toward liberalism, legalism, SBC, IBC, etc.. because we better be careful not to offend their feelings of their beliefs. We have to love and respect. But we have to be careful, not to fellowship with them too much while they do not agree with us each other. We have to limited time to fellowship with them. If we fellowship with them. Someone will think we are compromising with them.

    I am posttribber. I am little fraustrate with them, because they aware that I am posttribber. They avoid me.

    I am not try to cause them into split or division. If a person have opening mind and heart come to me in private talking. I would be happy to talk with a perosn in private at home, not at the church.

    I am still attend IFB church is pretribulation right now.

    But, the board of the church not allow me to do invlove ministry at deaf church. I am limited, because I am posttribber.

    So, next month I will move to Michigan to start own deaf church with correct doctrine, and independently oppurinity to serve the Lord to witness deaf to Christ and able to teach them the right doctrines from the Bible.

    So, we can't be expect that all IFB people have the same view, and intepreting the Bible. But, all of us as IFB agree that Christ came to earth to died for our sins, to saved us from sin and hell. Also, we all agree that Christ already rise from the dead. We all agree that Christ will come again! That is the most important basic things that we agree same.

    Have a nice day!

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 - Amen!

    Many of them
  15. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    Sorry! I do not mean to post twice same time
  16. ormond New Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    Hello DeafPosttrib !!

    This is Rockwell Butler (I'm deaf)
  17. LRL71 New Member

    Sep 9, 2002
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    "Run" would not be the word.....
    "Separate" is better! KJVO churches are involved in false doctrine over this issue. Historic Baptists who are also separatists should avoid these types of churches to bring them shame to their unbiblical stand on the 'KJV'.

    I'd say that it's more than 20% who are KJVO churches, more like about 50%.

    [ September 14, 2002, 11:37 PM: Message edited by: LRL71 ]
  18. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    I think this question is misleading. It asks, "What does IFB mean to you" and then we get all sorts of OPINIONS. The label "independent fundamental baptist" means exactly what the words taken seperately from each other means. INDEPENDENT: "not subject to the control of others. seperate from. not connected with. competent to perform every act of self governance."
    FUNDAMENTAL: "pertaining to the foundation. serving for the foundation. a leading primary principle, rule, law,or article, which serves as the groundwork of a system; esential part."
    BAPTIST: "one who denies the doctrine of infant baptism, and maintains that baptism ought to be administered only to adults by immersing the body in water."
    If one is independent,(ecclesiatically) then he is not subject to the 'laws' of any governing body but those of his own church. If you do not like the 'laws' of the church you attend then you are free to seek out one you do like. This in no way gives you any right nor license to ridicule nor condemn the 'laws' of ANY other church. Simply put; as an independent, you have complete freedom of conscience to serve God in any manner in which God may lead you by your understanding of Scripture through the illumination of the Holy Spirit. PERIOD.
    If one is fundamental, then he is bound to observe the essential doctrines of Scripture. Deity of Christ. Virgin Birth. Literal creation. Bodily resurrection. Salvation by grace through faith. Sanctification of the believer. Imminent return of Christ. Literal hell. Literal heaven.etc....
    If one is Baptist, then he observes baptism of the believer, not the baby. One cannot be a believer unless he has repented of sin and trusted and received Christ alone for salvation.

    These three will encompass all that an Independent Fundamental Baptist is and believes or practices. From one, two or all three of these areas of doctrine; any given church will expound further details or explainations of their own assembly's "Covenant". When one petitions for membership in a body just described; he is agreeing to 'covenant together' with others of like minded faith and practice. Key word: "likeminded". So...if you don't like it then don't attend there and find another with which you can give yourself wholly to its mission and statement of faith and standards and practices.

    For those of you who seem to be 'somewhat', I can only say one thing. You MUST have been burned by somebody and you are having serious trouble forgiving and moving on with your life. I can see no other explaination for you vehement desire to sling mud on the name Independent Fundamental Baptist.

    BTW: I am an independent Fundamental Baptist, and before I 'covenant' with a new church body after moving to a new town, (as has recently happened) I make certain to obtain a copy of their constitution and statement of faith, so I can be assured they are of LIKEMINDED faith and practice according to the light I have been given by the Holy Spirit.

    Maybe this all seems a bit severe for some of you. I am sorry. Truly am. But then again, God has given to each of us His words, His Spirit's guidance, and the very life of His Son; I am only following what I believe my Savior would have me to do. Should you wish to join my church; there are certain things you MUST agree to or you are not welcome and we would ask that you go somewhere else. We would not hold it against you nor imply that you are not saved, not a 'real' christian, not mature nor anything else. You are simply not right for our church. Remember the key word? LIKEMINDED. You are free to worship with us but you will not be considered for membership.
    In His service;
  19. RaptureReady New Member

    Sep 17, 2002
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  20. RaptureReady New Member

    Sep 17, 2002
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    It sounds to me that some of the Independent Fundamental Baptist are getting to relaxed, in a comfort zone if you will. People talk about "dresses, shorts, beards, orange hair, etc." I just thank God that they are in church. The church I attend is a Independent, Fundamental, Bible Believing, av1611 KJV church, but we are not going to run up to you and say, "that dress is too short, or you need to shave, or comb your hair, etc." That job is the Holy Spirits job to convict you. I do believe that if you are saved and in the Lords will, that you will dress and look like a mature Christian. I know you don't go to work in nasty clothes and I know in a more conservative job, you definitely look your best, you did when you applied for that job. Why not wear your best outfit when going to the Lords house, an outfit that does not tempt other weak Christians to look at your flesh. Cover up, because we still have the "old Man." I hope this works