What if you're wrong and we are right?

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by William C, Feb 25, 2003.

  1. romanbear New Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Hi Abiyah;
    A quote from you;
    (2) Some teach that if one is truly saved, they
    wouldn't do weird things in the first place.
    My reply;
    The problem is we all sin. I have met a few that said they didn't but Christ himself would disagree.The biggest problem I think with most people today is that they sometimes won't forgive or they don't know how. No one ever said it is easy. But loosing ones salvation is mentioned in several places once as I mentioned in Mathew the other in Romans where Paul is talking about being cut out of the vine for boasting and in Revelations for taking away part of the Bible or, ("erasing part of it"). My security is that it is my hope that I would never turn away from him. Oh sure regretfully, I still sin and I make no excuse for it, ("but I do ask for forgiveness"). I find few days if anytime in my life there isn't something we all need forgiveness for. I do the best that I can to keep from sin. Just Like Paul he wrestled with it all the time, I mean his flesh with spirit. In these bodies we have right now there is little chance for perfection. But this doesn't mean we shouldn't try. If we Love Him we should be doing our best for Him.
  2. Abiyah <img src =/abiyah.gif>

    Jul 22, 2002
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    Again, Bill, as I have said: I am mostly familiar
    with holiness-Arminianism. From that vantage
    point, you have created a false dichotomy. To
    me, this is like saying, "What if oranges are really
    watermelon?" Or more closely, "What if dying in
    an accident is really obing the dabilitor on a
    cosmop frimp?" Do you really think you can
    convnce someone about a concept by using
    sometihng they do not believe? It isn't going to
    happen. But it does amuse some.

    I am not, however, amused by the idea. 8o|

    Thank you for the compliment on the photo, though.
    I, uh, have been around for a while!
  3. Abiyah <img src =/abiyah.gif>

    Jul 22, 2002
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    Romanbear --
    These are the things I don't understand about

    1. Do they believe that when they sin, they always
    lose their savation?
    2. What happens if you, in a weak moment, gossip,
    and immediately, you are struck by a car and
    killed: do you go to Hell?
    3. Do some sins not have the ability to cause you
    to lose you savation, but others do? If so, which
    sins are too small to cause the loss, and which are
    big enough?
    4. What verse(s) best define(s) sin in you opinion?
    5. Do you believe that the BIble differentiates
    between its uses of the words "sin"' and "sins"?
    6. Can an infant go to Hell for Adam's sin before
    they have commited sin themselves?
  4. Abiyah <img src =/abiyah.gif>

    Jul 22, 2002
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  5. William C New Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    Salvation is not by the works of the law, that is very clear in scripture. But scripture is also very clear that ones behavior is sure sign as to their eternal destiny. Is one saved by the good works? No. Is salvation kept by good works? No. Salvation is by grace. But we must not forget that grace is applied through faith--and faith works.

    So, if you don't maintain good works you should not believe that you are eternally secure.

    The problem with this debate is that we have absolutely know idea if a person's profession of faith in Christ is sincere or not. Only God knows that. Therefore, I believe that we should teach what the Bible says concerning those who do not "continue in the faith" and those who don't "produce fruit" or those who don't "continue in belief." And not try to sugar coat it by teaching "once saved always saved regardless of your behavior."

    Instead, we should teach "your saved if you perserve to the end." Or "be afraid. For if God did not spare the natural branches, he will not spare you either...Consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God; sternness to those who fell, but kindness to you, provided that you continue in his kindness. Otherwise, you also will be cut off. OUCH!

    I believe this doctrine of "once saved always saved" mixed with "no Lordship salvation" has produced the "easy believism" that is sweeping our country. We've got a bunch of teenagers who think they have a ticket to heaven and free licence to sin on their way. The Bible was careful not to present the gospel in this manner because God knew it would produce these types of fruits from weak minded, immature believers. That is why we see such strong teaching that links behavior to salvation. It's not teaching salvation by works, its teaches working out our salvation.

    If you don't do the works to keep it, you never had it in the first place!
  6. Hardsheller Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 21, 2002
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    If God can be so limited by man that millions that He desired to come to salvation are lost then we are all in a real bind, for we would have a God who can be defeated in the one area that the Bible claims he cannot be - that of Salvation.

    Salvation is of the Lord. Jonah 2:9

    (Psa 20:6 KJV) Now know I that the LORD saveth his anointed; he will hear him from his holy heaven with the saving strength of his right hand.

    (Acts 13:48 KJV) And when the Gentiles heard this, they were glad, and glorified the word of the Lord: and as many as were ordained to eternal life believed.

    If Calvinism is wrong then the vote of God in the Salvation of a soul can be defeated by the devil and man. Herschell Hobbs said it this way, "God votes for you, the devil votes against you, and you cast the deciding ballot."

    Only one problem with that theology. It puts Satan and Man on equal footing with God in Salvation.
  7. Abiyah <img src =/abiyah.gif>

    Jul 22, 2002
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    Ah! Calvin and Hobbs!

  8. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    There you go again. Are you saying that you do not believe any Calvinists are saved?
  9. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Everyone should be sure of their doctrine regardless of the position that he or she takes on particular Biblical issues.

    Also, I don't think there is "no harm done" by having a wrong Biblical position. That would be to say that doctrine doesn't matter at all if Brother Bill's premise is accepted as true...which it is not.
  10. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Your point is rather silly as Calvinists have been around for hundreds of years and will continue to be around until Jesus returns. Your ruminations are therefore pointless. You repeatedly come across as thinking that you can singlehandedly eliminate Calvinism from the face of the earth through your puny crusade against it...but you are wrong.
  11. William C New Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    If God can be so limited by man that millions that He desired to come to salvation are lost then we are all in a real bind...</font>[/QUOTE]According to 2 Peter 3;9 and 1 Tim 2:4 God desires all men to be saved, so it sounds like Calvinism isn't exactly meeting up to God's "desire" either.
  12. William C New Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    Yes! This is what I am saying! The wrong Biblical position causes harm. If the Arminians are wrong there is harm, but it is temporary and minimal because even Calvinist say we should minister like Arminians and beleive like Calvinists. Arminianism works, which is one of the reasons I believe it to be the biblical view.
    But if Calvinism is wrong, and Arminians are correct, just consider how much more damage has been done to the cause of Christ through the doctrines and extreme practices of Calvinism.

    That is a point that should be considered. Why? If a Calvinist is reading this board and thinks to himself, I'm 99% sure I'm right about this stuff, he should ask himself is it worth the risk of even 1% that I might be the cause of someones hardening to the gospel or turning away from the faith with this possibly false doctrine?

    Is it really worth that chance? Be a closet calvinist if you want to but don't risk disunity and causing confusion to immature believers and the lost just so you can show them how smart you are.

    What eternal benefits are gained by being a Calvinist? NONE. If your right, you just get the pleasure of being right when you get to heaven with all of the other elect ones. All the Calvinist can get together and sing a round of "shanana....hey...hey....goodbye" and rub it in the face of all of us stupid Arminians. That's all you get, and that won't last for eternity, because that would be hell for us

    If your wrong, you see all the blood on your hands because of the people you confused and caused to turn away from the faith, or those you gave a false sense of eternal security by teaching "once saved always saved" but who really never followed Christ at all.

    Don't you see the ramafications of what you teach, if it is false? That is serious! Therefore, I'm just asking you all to be careful, someone's eternity may rest on it.
  13. William C New Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    This from a man who believes everyone will be saved. What bible have you been reading? Now that is SILLY.

    Buddists have been around for hundreds of years too Ken, should I just assume that they are right and not even attempt to debate them or convince them as Paul tried to do the pagans in Greece?

    Ahhh, why bother everyones going to be saved anyway, we can't affect that so who in Hell cares? I promise that everyone in Hell cares!
  14. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    1)Not so. I have started a new thread that shows the awful core danger of Arminianism.

    2)Please don't ever say that about me. I believe like a Calvinist and walk with my Lord as a Calvinist.

    3)Yep, Arminianism is certainly based on works.

    4)I am 100% sure that salvation is 100% the work of God alone.

    5)Salvation is not a matter of chance. Apparently, Arminianism teaches that it is.
  15. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Absolutely, I agree that they do. And bad doctrine such as Arminianism must be opposed every step of the way so that the fewest number of people will be there, not because one cannot be saved as an Arminian, but because it gives a certain number of people a false security that they are already saved when they are not as my thread about the core danger of Arminianism points out.
  16. npetreley New Member

    Oct 20, 2002
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    Of course. The reason I believe what I believe is because I was open to the possibility that free will was false, and studied the Bible until I came to my current conclusions.

    That's the point you're missing. God's word is the truth. I believe what I believe because that's the truth I get from God's word - I do not take into consideration what affect it will have to believe it, because that has nothing to do with what is true and what isn't. Whatever that truth is, it's true no matter what you think the consequences of believing it may be. I trust that the truth always brings about the best consequences because the truth comes from God. What more do I need to know?

    As I said, the suggestion "you should believe this because it will have a better result" is straight from hell. You can put that in front of lots of things and will be perfectly true from man's perspective. "Reject Christ and you'll have an easier time getting along with most other people..." for example. You say you're talking about an outcome that is more noble? Says you! Given the choice, I'd rather go with what the Word of God says, and let God decide what good comes of it, not what Mr. Bill thinks about the good or bad that comes of it.
  17. William C New Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    Absolutely, I agree that they do. And bad doctrine such as Arminianism must be opposed every step of the way so that the fewest number of people will be there, not because one cannot be saved as an Arminian, but because it gives a certain number of people a false security that they are already saved when they are not as my thread about the core danger of Arminianism points out. </font>[/QUOTE]What? How does false theology prevent "the elect" from being saved? You are not making any sense!

    so that the fewest number of people will be there[hell] Is that number changed based upon what Arminians teach? That's a new doctrine.

    So Calvinist believe that the elect will ultimately be saved unless influence by an Arminian and then they might be lost! What is this nonsense??????
  18. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Pure, unadulterated Arminianism will cause some people to end up in hell because they will not be taught to trust in the finished work of Christ alone but instead will be taught that salvation is based upon some action they took aside from the power of God alone.
  19. William C New Member

    Jan 29, 2003
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    Who says you have a choice?

    The Bible is a 2000 year old document that we don't contain the original manuscripts for, it has been translated from a foreign language that currently is not actively spoken in our world. Is it possible your interpretation of that Word is wrong due to your lack of knowledge of the original language and the context in which it was written? Not to mention all the logical and textual problems that your doctrinal system affords; and the numerous scriptural contradictions that must continually be reconciled to fit into your system. It baffles me that you are so arrogant to think you could not be mistaken about your beliefs in light of all these things. You better hope your right, otherwise your arrogance may cost someone their life. I pray that is not the case!
  20. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Ditto back to you, Brother Bill, ditto back to you.