What makes a curse word a curse word?

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Acts 1:8, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. amixedupmom Guest

    Anything said in anger or directed to another person in a unfeeling and hateful way. Anything that comes from hatred in your heart. Anything that is meant to hurt another...........

    This is "Filthy, mean , hateful, spiteful, angry, ect."

    It dosen't matter what comes out of your mouth and is heard. It matters what your saying to your heart. Your heart knows when your doing wrong.

    God Bless
  2. delly New Member

    May 21, 2004
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    I totally agree that people who use vulgar language are deficient in the use of the English language. I once heard the so-called commedian, Chris Rock, state that people who don't use four letter words need to grow up. If that's being grown up, I would rather stay child like.

    I once had an English friend who was fond of telling everyone that he knocked up his neighbor. It was funny to us because in America it means to get someone pregnant, but he meant knocking on the door and getting someone up out of bed. I loved listening to him tell of his life in England and the difference in our languages.

    As Christians we must always be aware of the image we project to our young people and lost people. Sometimes old habits are hard to break.

    I've always had a hard time breaking myself from using "Dang" or (as we say in the South) "Dag
    nabit". Most of you probably never heard that expression as it is old South, but Gabby Hayes used it a lot in the Roy Rogers films.

    Sometimes we just never stop to think of the origins of some words we commonly use, but, I agree that most of our slang words are derived from vulgar words and we need to put a guard on our brain as well as our lips.

    The American language is changing so fast with all the new words coined by Hollywood and the music industry that our young people pick up. Sometimes I have no idea what they are saying. It makes me feel old. LOL
  3. Trotter <img src =/6412.jpg>

    Jun 29, 2003
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    It was the word that Nick Cage's character used as a general expletive.

    From the way it was used, it could have several different meanings. But my daughter and I got so tickled when he said it that it has sort of stuck around.

    In Christ,
  4. robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Cussing is as cussing does. In AV times, piss was an everyday word.( I cannot figure out why certain words for excretory functions became "dirty" words-everybody does them, saint & sinner alike.)

    As a former sailor, I can tell you there the phrase "cuss like a sailor" is NOT false! Even educated, high-ranking officers often said, "F this, F that"(Much to the amusement of many Japanese, I might add!!)

    It's a cultural thing. I avoid the use of the word "bloody" in my posts because, although it's a perfectly-acceptable word in the USA, its use as scatology is highly offensive to our British readership.

    "Jazz" is a word which has been "purified" over the years. Its original use was a slang word for semen, mostly by southern blacks, & was considered "cussing" by most Americans of a hundred years ago. Its original form was "jass". Although this word is occasionally applied to its original use, it generally means a form of music, and is thus taught in English classes in other nations.

    The "Music Police" sometimes cite the term "rock and roll" as meaning to have sex inside a car. Like "jazz", the meaning has changed considerably over the years.

    I actually don't see why anything outside of using God's name improperly should be considered 'cussing", especially those terms for bodily functions that everyone must perform, but in the society in which I live, they ARE considered cussing, so, as a Christian, I don't use them lest I should show Christianity in a bad light or cause my brother to stumble.
  5. amixedupmom Guest

    Christ once said " If you sin in your mind with your neighbors wife, you are already guilty" OK so that's not word for word.

    IF we take that as true

    Then whenever you cuss in your mind ....... before it hits your lips ... you are cussing
  6. E. K. Smith New Member

    Jun 26, 2004
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    There are two kinds of cussing. Those words which misuse God's name and those words which people at my work call potty mouth. The latter is usually evidence that the potty mouth person is usually thinking thoughts linked to adultery and fornication. They tend to make every possible link with sexual material.
  7. WallyGator New Member

    Apr 21, 2003
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    I believe any uterrance that would offend your brother(sister). When in doubt, leave it out!
  8. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    Bastard has other meanings too. It is a type of file.