What Shall We Do?

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Dragoon68, Sep 4, 2005.

  1. Dragoon68 Active Member

    Nov 30, 2003
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    What can we, as individuals, do to help with the consequences of what's happened? We have government hard at work on our behalf. We have private relief agencies and churches at work with our donations. But what about our own efforts? Are we doing enough so enough?

    In many of the cities where displaced persons have been located there is need of volunteers to help with many basic tasks. Depending upon your ability, your job limitations, your skills, etc. you may or may not be able to help with your labor.

    In some cases, some people might even be able to take in a person or two - especially a child missing parents or such as that - in their own home for a brief period of time especially if they have some particular need such as a foreign language or speical diet. This isn't for everyone but perhaps some could do it.

    If everyone that can helps a little it will add up to a lot.

    Regardless, of whether we help with our money or our labor or, for what every reason, can not directly help, we should all pray that God will comfort all those harmed by this terrible event. We should pray that He will bring our nation to closer relationship with Him and that he will continue His great blessings upon our land despite this disaster. We can all pray for our leaders and the army of workers they command as they continue to struggle with the challenges they face.

    In the end, all that we do means nothing save what God wills be done either by direction or permission. Even as we ask for these things we should also thank Him for all that we do have and for all that did not happen which could have happened.

    Our prayers - form His children - will be heard.
  2. LorrieGrace Member

    Jun 28, 2004
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    I saw a man from Houston trying to "adopt" a displaced family and he could get no one to help him. He was going to take them into his home.
  3. Filmproducer Guest

    Well said Dragoon.

    I also saw that LorrieGrace. It is such a shame. I am praying that things will settle down enough for people to start helping in this matter. I am going to keep praying.
  4. LorrieGrace Member

    Jun 28, 2004
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    Me too, Filmproducer.