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What's Behind the London Attacks?

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Jul 8, 2005.

  1. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Peace and happiness to you, too, my friend. [​IMG]
  2. OldRegular

    OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    I think I have the answer, it was Islamic terrorists!
  3. prophecynut

    prophecynut New Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    Now lets put everything we've learned together into a proper timeline of who knew what and when using the original, more detailed timeline. The individual bombings are in red while compiled information is in green.

    * Sometime that morning, the Brits were conducting terror attack drills at/near bombing sites.
    * ~8:43am, Mossad office in London alerted to a pending terror strike 6 minutes before first explosion.
    (red) 8:49am, there was a report of an incident on the train line.
    * Sometime between 8:43am 9:15am, Netanyahu was warned. It isn't clear when he was told, but someone tipped him off not to go out due to a possible terrorist attack. He (and the Israeli Embasssy) originally said that it was Scotland Yard who called in the warning, but the Brits deny this. However, the Mossad office got a warning (not telling where from, just saying "they").
    * 9:15am, the media reported emergency services were called into action.
    * 9:24am, Police still unsure what happened, say it may have been a train accident or electrical issue.
    (red) 9:33am, reports of another incident.
    * 9:40am, Police say there have been power surge incidents.
    * 10:02am, Scotland Yard announces they are dealing with a 'major incident.'
    (red) 10:14am, bus is reported to have exploded. This is the first real sign that it's a terrorist attack.
    (red) 10:23am, Another bus is reported to have exploded.
    * 10:25am, Tony Blair and company are still unsure about terrorist attack.

    So if Mossad knew 6 minutes prior to the first bombing that means by 10:25am, while Tony Blair wasn't even sure, the Israeli's had knowledge for about 40 minutes. What's worse is they didn't bother to call anyone else, such as the London police, to give warning. This completely negates them from saying that this is a British matter that Israel shouldn't be involved in.
  4. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    If this is true it's sad there wasn't enough time to act on the information. [​IMG]
  5. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Agreed. Think how helpless they must have felt knowing the info but being helpless to do anything but sound an alarm about it. [​IMG]

    Nuttin Honey was truly shaken. His eyes looked so sad and heartbroken when he was interviewed on TV after the bombings. [​IMG]
  6. prophecynut

    prophecynut New Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    ~8:43am, Mossad office in London alerted to a pending terror strike 6 minutes before first explosion.

    * 10:25am, Tony Blair and company are still unsure about terrorist attac

    the Israeli's had knowledge for about 40 minutes.

    they had plenty of time to give warning.

    they did not give warning because the Mossad was involved.

    reason for bombs: to keep England from withdrawing troops from Iraq.
  7. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    If it's true they heard at 8:43 and the bombs went off at 8:49 then that's six minutes, not forty minutes.
  8. LadyEagle

    LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Well, according to the reports today from the UK, it wasn't Mossad after all. It was young men, British citizens (homegrown, as they say), who were Muslims.
  9. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Yup, and they used "military explosives". Don't be surprised if they are linked to Iran or Syria to justify more military actions and "pre-emptive strikes".


    For the whole list of links to the information contained in this article click here.
  10. prophecynut

    prophecynut New Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    From http://www.savethemales.ca/ It has inside sources claiming Mossad notified Scotland Yard which is not stated in the above time line.

    Neal said (July 09, 2005):

    Since many of you probably don’t get or can’t listen to the bloggers
    and alternative media that is now taking over the world news systems,
    you might be interested to know what is being said on some of these
    alternative talk shows and websites.

    We are hearing that there is a very large segment of the English and
    American populations who are calling the London bombing a “false
    flag” operation. That means, like the Oklahoma bombing, Pearl Harbor,
    and 911, people are beginning to understand that almost all (but not
    quite all) of these terrorist events are managed stage shows.

    Callers in on the Alex Jones show this morning are reporting “callers
    in” to shows such as KPFA and CSPAN have been saying that they
    suspect the London bombings are government staged. One reporter in
    London, yesterday said that 50% of the people he interviewed in

    Others calling into the show are reporting that they are even hearing
    conversations in restaurants both here and in the US where people are
    openly discussing the odd facts pointing to government involvement.

    I don’t have time to get into all the details, but let my give you a
    few hints:

    Netanyahu was notified by Scotland Yard IN ADVANCE of the attack. So
    naturally, Londoners are asking why Scotland Yard wouldn’t notify all
    of London first? Sherman Skolnick, who has some of the best inside
    sources, says that Scotland Yard was in fact informed by the Mossad
    first, not the other way around, and that they agreed to tell the
    press that Scotland Yard knew first.

    We know that Mossad led the coordination for the 911 event, so it is
    naturally they should be directing this one as well.

    Time of attack on London Bombing 8:49 am Time of attack on New York
    911 8:49 am
  11. prophecynut

    prophecynut New Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    same article

    If you are listening to regular media, you will be getting nothing
    but the party line which will be encouraging you to support further
    loss of liberties, etc.

    GOOD NEWS This event is showing the globalists that their FEAR
    agenda, which they use to shut down things like the impeachment of
    Bush, the indictment of Carl Rove, the Downing Street Memos and this
    weeks vote in US House of Representatives to finish off USsovereignty
    with the CAFTA agreement, is NOT working.

    THE BAD NEWS When a little fear doesn’t work, a LOT OF FEAR is
    employed next. Thus we have Tom Henneghan (one of Al Gore’s past
    political advisors) reporting that Bush and Clinton were discussing
    at Camp David how to pull off a bioterrorist event in the US about a
    month ago. He also reported on Hillary Clinton’s meetings to set up
    the same type of event in offices in New York.

    I know you won’t believe much of this, but probably within a few
    years it will all be out in the open, so you won’t have to trust me
    on this for very much longer.

    We can hope that this will be the last terrorist show for a while,
    but don’t count on it. As I mention in the start of this article,
    their event in London DID NOT WORK. It was designed to shock a
    majority of the population back into following the party line, but so
    far, as of today, it appears it has had the opposite affect. It has
    only served to advance the awakening.


    There is nothing more important than what is happening in the US
    House of Representatives right NOW!! Be sure and log in with your
    Congress person (if you feel so inclined) and tell them you do not
    support the passage of CAFTA in the House this week.
  12. KenH

    KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    Is this perhaps an anti-Semitic statement? [​IMG]
  13. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Is this perhaps an anti-Semitic statement? [​IMG] </font>[/QUOTE]Don't know. Is your statement meant to shift the blame, an attempt to give us a guilt trip or to change the subject altogether?

    We're hearing about "homegrown terror" more now. Ractheting up the fear to get us ready for some. I wouldn't be surprised if we saw some here at home. And I wouldn't be surprised to hear the government plead with us to give up more of our liberties and most of the folks here agreeing to do it. Then I supose I'll be called unpatriotic for being against that also but that wouldn't surprise me either.
  14. prophecynut

    prophecynut New Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    'All The Hallmarks
    Of Al Qaeda' - NOT
    From Philip Hoag

    A. Synchronized timing devices ........not triggered by suicide bombers (CNN)

    B. "high explosives" .......not homemade material...The bombs used in the attacks held less than 10 pounds of explosives each. (CNN)

    C. Bombs had 'level of sophistication' ...military grade...attacks had used timers.... "In Israel we've had coordinated (suicide) bombings but they've never been that close," ..."If they've got down to a minute that would be an all-time record." (CNN)
    Prime Minister Tony Blair said investigators still don't know who was behind the attacks, but said a group like al Qaeda was probably responsible ????

    1. Synchronized timing devices
    2. Bombs with a high 'level of sophistication'
    3. Military grade explosives
    4. Closely coordinated bombings down to a minute

    al Qaeda was probably responsible ????

    It sounds more like all the hallmarks of a Western intelligence service.
  15. prophecynut

    prophecynut New Member

    Nov 23, 2004
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    From the Liberty Forum

    There was an interesting article written by the former head of the Mossad (Efraim Halevi) and published in the Jerusalem Post on the 7th July (same day of the London attacks).

    Now, considering that at first, for at least 2 days, the media reported that the bombs did not go off simultaneously but over a time-span of approximately 50 minutes...

    ... how did this person know that the bombs had gone off simultaneously and that there was "sophisticated choice of timing as well as near-perfect execution"?

    Please read the following, quoted from Efraim Halevi's article, written(?) and published on the same day of the attacks:-

    "The multiple, simultaneous explosions that took place today on the London transportation system were the work of perpetrators who had an operational capacity of considerable scope. They have come a long way since the two attacks of the year 1998 against the American embassies in Nairobi and Dar-Es-Salaam, and the aircraft actions of September 11, 2001."

    "There was careful planning, intelligence gathering, and a sophisticated choice of timing as well as near-perfect execution. We are faced with a deadly and determined adversary who will stop at nothing and will persevere as long as he exists as a fighting terrorist force."

    Amazing knowledge of the careful planning, intelligence gathering and sophisticated choice of timing, let alone his claim of "as well as near-perfect execution".

    What do you think he means by "near-perfect execution"? How would he be in a position to know the attacks were executed near-perfectly and not imperfectly or perfectly, on the very same day of the attacks? Did Efraim Halevi know what perfect execution should have entailed?

    I find these claims, published on the very same day of the attacks, very revealing and thought-provoking.

    Now take a look as he proceeds to tell another nation's people what they must do, another sign that this script was already prepared:-

    "There will be supreme tests of leadership in this unique situation and people will have to trust the wisdom and good judgment of those chosen to govern them. The executives must be empowered to act resolutely and to take every measure necessary to protect the citizens of their country and to carry the combat into whatever territory the perpetrators and their temporal and spiritual leaders are inhabiting."

    "The rules of combat must be rapidly adjusted to cater to the necessities of this new and unprecedented situation, and international law must be rewritten in such a way as to permit civilization to defend itself. Anything short of this invites disaster and must not be allowed to happen."

    Quick-thinking or what? Did Efraim Halevi's psychic abilities allow him to establish all these things about the bombings and the bombers, when for approximately 2 days it was not known the attacks were simultaneous and employed a sophisticated choice of timing and that they were not "perfect" but "near-perfect" because of the bus incident?

    Please bear in mind that news regarding how the bus bomb or bomber might not have gone according to plan came out after this article was published.
  16. poncho

    poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    New Developments In London Underground Exercise Story
    Will the real Peter Power please stand up?

    Probability of 7/7 Drill and Attack Coinciding I wonder why the media aren't reporting the drill??

    The Convenient Malfunction Of The London Bus Camera This is classic and obvious op control. Turn off the cameras. Leave no visual evidence.

    Frame-up: Do These People Fit The Bill Of Suicide Bombers? BBC: Suicide bombers' 'ordinary' lives

    London Underground Exercises and the Magically Exploding Terrorists: Important Questions Official government story changes every minute

    How the Government Staged the London Bombings in Ten Easy Steps 5) Before the bombings take place, make sure you warn any of your buddies who are scheduled to be anywhere near where the bombs go off. If this gets leaked to the press, just deny it.

    London Patsies: A Replay Of The Pristine 9/11 Passport The cover stories are flying thick and fast as British investigators try to put some kind of cap on the London attacks.

    Mission Accomplished: Brits Embrace Police State “Almost 90 per cent of people want the police to be given new powers to arrest people suspected of planning terrorist acts, tighter immigration controls and strict baggage inspections.” Never mind none of this will prevent “terrorism,” especially state-sponsored terrorism. [LINK --&gt;] Hermann Göring: “Of course the people don’t want war. But after all, it’s the leaders of the country who determine the policy, and it’s always a simple matter to drag the people along whether it’s a democracy, a fascist dictatorship, or a parliament, or a communist dictatorship. Voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked, and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism, and exposing the country to greater danger."
  17. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    Meanwhile the bombings were committed by 4 losers from Leeds who had never met a real Al-Qaida representative in their lives.
  18. church mouse guy

    church mouse guy Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 23, 2002
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    Mioque, was the chemist caught in Egypt connected to anyone?
  19. mioque

    mioque New Member

    May 23, 2003
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    As far as I know he has the Egyptian nationality and apparently studied at a university in North Carolina in 2000.

    My losers from Leeds comment predates me knowing about the Egyptian by the way.
  20. Enoch

    Enoch New Member

    Mar 12, 2004
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    :eek: WOW, so you presume to know more than British Intelligence. I find this to be a strange comment and rather disturbing. I do not know where you stand politcally but perhaps your comment sheds some light.