Why Men Hate Going to Church

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by Deacon, Aug 8, 2005.

  1. A.D.S. New Member

    Aug 16, 2005
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    Well, I guess I'm a little late on joining in on the discussion, and I've enjoyed reading the posts up to the present, but with all of these "reasons" about why men aren't coming to church swirling around I have just one question. Are these "reasons" coming from the last three guys you've evangelized and witnessed their conversion, but now you just can't get them to come to church? Or are these "reasons" coming from hypothetical, anonymous survey men? As Mark Twain once said,"There are three types of lies: lies, Damned lies, and statistics.

    Is anybody still here? A.D.S.
  2. guitarpreacher New Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    nothing hypothetical from my spot. George Barna is pretty highly respected researcher/pollster, so if he says he surveyed unchurched people, I believe him.
  3. A.D.S. New Member

    Aug 16, 2005
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    So you'll grant that these are anonymous survey men.
  4. guitarpreacher New Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    The survey was not limited to men, it included women as well, as to whether or not they asked them their name, I do not know. Your point is?
  5. rufus New Member

    Jan 20, 2003
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    Wasn't there something in Murrow's book about how women love relationships and thus are drawn to church more than men who seem to seek more impersonal things in church and life?

  6. A.D.S. New Member

    Aug 16, 2005
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    My point is that we are making a lot of noise over reasons to not go to church by people we don't even know. We can't even be sure that the people that answered the survey were part of our individual communities, and the reason we can't be sure is that we aren't asking the men in our own communities why they hate coming to church.
    The problem at my church isn't that we can't get the last three men that were evangelized and born again to come to church, the problem at my church is that men aren't evangelized! And the number one reason that my church has failed to evangelize men is that I have failed to evangelize men!
    Yes, we shouldn't add offense to our Lord's service by making it boring. But let's not forget that Jesus came to seek and to save that which was lost. He didn't just set up camp and post a sign that said, "Yall come", or "come as you are 11:00 am" even though He could have. At least twice He left the crowds behind in His relentless search and rescue mission going and meeting people as they were. And He never divided the task of evangelism from discipleship. What God has joined together, let men not separate.
  7. Ps104_33 New Member

    Sep 3, 2001
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    Hey, I know why some men hate going to church. It just dawned on me. Maybe they aren't saved. Ya, think? You get a man saved and delving into the meat of the Word, and get him into a church that preaches the Word, and he'll go.
  8. guitarpreacher New Member

    Mar 15, 2005
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    I think we are pretty much together on this. You quoted the verse, Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost, and you highlighted seek. That speaks volumes about what Christianity should be. "Little Christ" should be about seeking the lost. Instead, we build a building, hire a professional speaker, seperate ourselves farther and farther from the world and wonder why men aren't getting saved.
  9. Fishnbread New Member

    Oct 16, 2004
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    Boy let me tell yeah, Im so sick and tired of Baptist who can do no more than make excuses for there short comings! if your church is targeting women its targeting women! No need to make excuses. Iv'e heard the whole men don't to church because they are lazy lie a million times and let me tell you, you Gynocentrics need some new material, it's easy to blame the church goer for not going to because it takes the attention off of your discriminatory ministry. In short ICE THE GARBAGE! Men don't go to our churches because they are not being encouraged to do better they are being treated like primal animals in need of taming , do to such treatment a Im sad to report that a lot of men have become mennaces to society.

    But thats the differance between someone who cares and someone who doesent, the people who care would be out there ministering to men instead of using the old men are lazy christians excuse. You guys can say what you want but men still don't go to church as much as they should and the problem needs to be addressed, I mean some Baptists don't even want to consider the fact that their churches have become misandrous, and they will get it from God in the day of judgement for their sloth.

    Your servant