Witnessing to an athiest 14 year old

Discussion in 'Evangelism, Missions & Witnessing' started by The Baptist Tape Maker, Jan 24, 2003.

  1. Joined:
    Jan 18, 2003
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    The Lord has allowed me the opportunity to witness to an athiest 14 y/o girl. She knows where I stand on the scriptures and accepts that, but each time we talk about the Bible she completely rejects God.

    She said that she doesn't belive in God becaues if He were real why did he allow her to go through so much heartache and pain? She has indeed suffered very much but I would like to ask for your prayers and suggestions in dealing with her, hoping to eventually be able to lead her to Jesus.
  2. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    No need to explain calculus to a first grader:

    One thing that would help is to try to paint a picture of God at her level. Start with getting to understand that God's work is everywhere a flower, the sun, the rain, a baby crying, etc etc. God's not somewhere "out there" but he's "in here" (okay, so I borrowed the line from Star Trek, so sue me!!).

    Part of what God wants is for us to choose things for ourselves. Part of choosing is making mistakes. Part of making mistakes is other people making mistakes that hurt us. It would be nice if we didn't have to hurt, but then we would have choice, and if we didn't have choice, we wouldn't be free people. (folks, let's not start this into a free-will/predestination forum... I think you know where I'm going)

    Don't talk about the Bible yet, since that's beyond her at this point. Don't talk about sin, repentence, forgiveness, salvation, etc, since those lessons are best saved for a later chapter in the lesson. Right now, just get her through the introduction, and the rest of the lesson will follow in God's time.

    Even an oak starts with a tiny seed, and takes years to develop.

    [ January 24, 2003, 03:21 PM: Message edited by: Johnv ]
  3. Ben W Active Member
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    Sep 16, 2002
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    First, be absolutley sure she is an athiest. find out if she believes in any type of deity that may have caused the heavens and the earth to come into existance.

    Most people that reject God are usually Agnostics. True Athiests are very hard to find. One reason being that they have to admit that they have no answers for anything. which in itself is not a logical argument.

    Pray for hear that God will reveal himself to her. Be her friend, hurt people need real friends. Remember your hands are the hands of Jesus on this Earth.

    She is hurt and withdrawn into a prision. Go up to the walls of that prision and pour love and friendship over it. those walls will come down.
  4. Joined:
    Jan 18, 2003
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    Yes, she is an athiest. I asked her what she believes made everything and she said she doesn't really know or care.
    Thanks for the good advice and continue to pray for her.
  5. Joined:
    Jan 18, 2003
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    Well thank you everyone for telling me what she is, but any suggestions to make her change from whatever she is?
  6. The_Narrow_Road New Member

    Jan 6, 2003
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    The evolutionary "tree" is easy to tumble down. A great site to help you witness to your "atheist" site is www.AnswersinGenesis.org and also www.icr.org both have great articles and booklets for witnessing to atheists. Start now praying for this 14 year old girl.
  7. Madelyn Hope New Member

    Nov 6, 2002
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    Continue to develop a relationship with this young lady -- get to know about other areas of her life. Learn about her problems and be a friend to her. I've found that it is easier to witness to people when they know I care about them as a human being not just a target for witnessing. (This isn't implying that you aren't her friend, but the young lady might not realize this.)
  8. Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    I would pray for God to reveal Himself to her in some way. I would let her know that is what I am praying. I would not expect to have a great argument that would do anything unless the Spirit of God was working in her heart anyway.
  9. redwhitenblue New Member

    Oct 22, 2001
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    you can't make her change from what she is...God has to reveal himself to her and it's a personal thing, the best thing to do is not to preach to her that she is going to hell (not saying you do that)because if she is a real atheist, she doesn't believe hell exsists either...just be there for her, love her and listen to her...also pray hard for her.
