Womens ministry

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by donnA, May 26, 2003.

  1. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Does your church have one? What is you womens ministry like? What do you do?
    I'd like for us to start one, but I now there are a lot of different ways it can be done. So what works for your church?
  2. kandibear2801us New Member

    Apr 9, 2003
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    We have a women's ministry that is called women on mission I believe but I am not part of it just yet! But we did have a session a few weeks back called Hope for a Woman's Heart and it is a Kathy Trocolli series and it was wonderful. Women really need to have devotional time with each other and one thing that a previous pastor used to emphasis was that the Mature Christian women should be a guidance to the New Christian women. It was a real blessing for me and if there is enough interest in your church I think it could be a blessing there too!

    God Bless You!
  3. dianetavegia Guest

    Yes. Our Women's Ministry is less than one year old. We have about 14 leaders.

    We do things for our women that include the Beth Moore classes on Sunday night, parenting classes, shopping trips near the holidays, Mother / Daughter banquet with guest speaker, CeCe Winan's Concert for the families, Church Wide Picnic and more. Each committee plans 1-2 outings each year so we have something at least once a month! Most months have 2-3 things to choose from.

    I'm the Chairwoman of the New Member Inclusion Committee and we had our big yearly picnic this past Saturday. It was SUCH a hit that the pastor's wife called me late that night and said people asked could we have another one the end of summer! I was very pleased.


    I can't spell before my morning cup of tea!

    [ May 26, 2003, 10:11 AM: Message edited by: dianetavegia ]
  4. Molly New Member

    Jul 15, 2000
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    We also have a women's minstry. It involves the Wed night Bible study,special conferences(we had Martha peace come last year). It seems that what ever study we are doing,we try to get that author to come and speak. There are also pratical fun things,like *Coming Home* classes. These are on a Saturday and such...how to make bows,Christmas Planning classes,homeschooling,etc...anything that has to do with being a homemaker.

    There are other things they do,but those are the highlights.
  5. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    Well, I have been in churches that have had either "women's ministry" or women's groups that did "missions" things.

    I have been to a few of the "women's ministry" "dinners" and I am just not into the fru fru. I don't like "group things" where there is little or shallow interaction. What is the point?

    As far as the women's missions groups, many timest the groups were doing things that I could do and did do as an individual. I love missions and have done more as an individual than many have done as groups. Even in their "studies", I don't feel that challenged. And again, I ask, what is the point?

    I am not much of a women's groupee, but it is good for some people. I would rather have more serious topics that are on the edge.
  6. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    A lot of differetn ideas here. How about if I asked women what they would like in a womens ministry and make a list? Might find most are like saggy and don't like to group dinners. Then we would want to do that. Might do that. What do oyu athink?
    Dinae, sounds like your women'sministry is a team that takes care of the ministry work, is it?
  7. dianetavegia Guest

    Yes, Katie. But we also have WMU and Brotherhood plus a Men's Ministry.

    Our group pretty much organizes the group things and I'm also like Tina and avoid most of the groupee fru fru. I love that word! Fru fru. We had a big banquet a few weeks ago and I helped but then did not attend. I'll sometimes do the PR work or keep the children instead of attending.

  8. Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    My church is just now starting a women's ministry. It is being led by our minister of music's wife who has a seminary degree in education.

    We started with a "mug and muffin" Sunday morning get-together.

    There was special music, prayer, and the leader explained just what a women's ministry is.

    We filled out a survey that will help her and her committee identify two things:
    • the skills that the women of our church can offer as a service</font>
    • and the needs/interests of the women of our church</font>
    From what I understand, we will be serving our community, church, family, and each other. In other words, a lot of growing in the Lord and service to the the Lord by the women of our church.


    Scarlett O.
  9. Charlotte Marcel New Member

    Jan 31, 2003
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    Our church has a Bible study specifically for woman. Woman's outings including retreats. There's a Woman's diet program that meets once a week. I forget what it's called, but you would probably have heard of it if I could remember. And there is even a specific number that a woman can call at the church for counselling for woman's issues.

    What do I do? I sometimes help in the nursery. I've helped with crafts for woman's meetings or retreats. Nothing specific, I just help out, that's all.

    God Bless You,
  10. Susan WNY New Member

    Apr 13, 2003
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    Thanks so much for sharing this! I have been trying to think of ways I can serve beyond what I already do in my church & this is something I would like to bring up with my pastor, to see if we could start something. Thanks so much!
  11. ByGrace3 New Member

    May 15, 2003
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    Our church doesn't have a women's ministry as such, but we do have a ladies' fellowship program. We meet once a month, have officers who plan and present the program each month, have a newsletter and a directory/cookbook.

    When we were home all the time, I played the keyboard for services, accompanying the pastor's wife, who plays the piano. I also played piano for special music, and sang in several groups. I also taught Sunday school, 3rd grade girls. I was president of our ladies' fellowship for a couple of years in there. I love being busy in the church; can't stand to just sit. I really miss my SS class and the music, although we get to sing in almost every church we're in.

    When we have a church started in Canada and have enough ladies to do something, I'd like to have a Bible study, and then branch into some other things. I'd like to see a good foundation laid first, before we start doing all the extra stuff. I just want to see some lives and families changed!

  12. ByGrace3 New Member

    May 15, 2003
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    Forgot to mention my favorite thing that our ladies do . . . secret pals!!! We reveal and re-draw every 3 months. Several reasons:

    - Keeps interest high
    - If you have to stop for some reason, it's not a long commitment
    - You get to know more people
    - You can sit out for 3 months, but get back in when you want to, not having to wait a year
    - Some folks would start out well, but by the end of a year had fizzled out or weren't even coming to church anymore

    We thought it was weird at first, but now we love it!

  13. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    You have some great ideas. After VBS I ahve start back on writitng the spiritual gifts lesson, then I am going to ask my pastor about doing a survey to see if women would be intersed, and what would they want from a ministry like this, see whose interestred in working in it.
    Susan, I'd like to know more about how the secret pals works? What do you do, send birthday cards? Small gifts? what?
  14. ByGrace3 New Member

    May 15, 2003
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    The requirement that we have is one "gift" of some kind at least once a month. This doesn't have to be anything expensive; it can be something you bake or craft, a bookmark in a card, a candle, a towel, a pretty pen and note cards. Some ladies who can do more, do so. One favorite thing is to make a snack basket with the recipient's favorite snack and drink (could cost as little as $2.00). Sometimes a 12-pack of their favorite drink or candy bars shows up with a card on it. Books are another favorite. We have ladies who sew, bake, and craft, and others will ask them to make things for their pals (sometimes with pay!). I've found that my pals always loved getting little cross stitch pillows and such, and one time I gave a special friend a large framed piece (most cost to me was time). She has it hanging in her house still!

    For ladies who have the means, they have paid their pal's way to a retreat or activity, or gotten them a new Bible, or even bought them some nice perfume or clothes.

    When a lady joins SPs, she fills out a form that asks her b-day, anniversary, favorites (food, drink, restaurant, color, etc.), home dec. colors, things she'd like to have, things she needs, and any prayer requests. These are placed in a card file on the piano, and everyone can look at their pal's info at their leisure.

    You can send cards, but be careful not to put a return address, or use the church address. As you pray for your pal, it's fun to give them a card to let them know, especially if they're going through a hard time - such an encouragement!

    We also have a fun way of giving gifts out. We bring in our gifts and put them on the platform, next to the pulpit. The pastor then hands them out during the service, using teen boys as runners to take them to the ladies. Preacher loves to joke about tithing off the food! You have to get creative if your pal is one who is always early, so she won't see you bringing it in and then recognize it when she receives it. I always had other people's little kids take them in. They knew it was a secret and loved being part of the fun.

    When we draw, someone who is not participating writes down each person's name and the name that she drew. We have had deaths, sickness and such, and this helps to find out who that person was giving to so that arrangements can be made for it to continue for that term.

    This got long, but I hope it gave you some ideas. It's my favorite part of our ladies' fellowship, and I miss it now that we're on deputation. I love to get things, yes; but I really loved watching my pal get things from me and her surprise at revealing time! Priceless friendships are built that way!

  15. Joined:
    Jul 14, 2003
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    We kinda vary.

    We have had a Secret Sister/Secret Santas ministry 2x a year where women are paired up. THey are supposed to give little inexpensive gifts, pray for each other, send notes of encouragement etc. It closes with a Revealing Potluck dinner. What invariably happens is that ladies sign up and then don't give the gifts, and then there are the ladies who faithfully send something each week. It's been quite erratic.

    We have traditionally gone as a group annually to the WOMEN OF FAITH CONFERENCES. This year they are skipping our locale.

    We've dabbled with prayer brunches and are pretty receptive to letting someone do something NEW. I think there is a great need but we have a lot of disporia, so it becomes a challenge.

    God bless!

  16. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    God has formed our inner core leader group. Each one of us was called by God in one way or another. The leader has been praying and God gave her our names and rolls, she wrote it all down and waited for God to call us to her.
    I was so tickled at the roll in the group I would play. I am the one who will give us biblical direction, makeing sure what we choose to doa dn teach is biblical and when necessary do the study and bible research.
    We will meet Wednesday nights, have prayer(God gave ua a woman who has the gift of intercessory prayer), and sing and worship God,a nd then have a message that God will give to ne of us. All these messages will be discussed and oked by the leadership group, again making sure what God wants us to say, what topic, and to keep us biblical. We will do this a while and then begin to add other things and activities. But our main concern in worship and glorifying God, and leading not only ourselves but other women to a deeper relatioship with God.