Wow... where did last night go?

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by UnashamedYouth, Apr 13, 2003.

  1. UnashamedYouth New Member

    Sep 12, 2001
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    I had a lot of fun at prom... so much fun that I didn't take very many photos(none of me on my digi... you'll have to wait until I find someone to scan my professional photos)....

    I only went to the dance... I'm fighting yet another one of my infamous head colds so I stayed up till midnight and danced all of ONE dance... (with one of the *popular* kids ;) ) we danced the last slow song together as he and I don't "dance" so his date went and found someone who did LOL so he and I swayed to the last bit of the music

    anyway... it was fun... a lot of jokes were made... and we all had a blast....
  2. Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Wait a minute girl! Ok so how did you wear your hair? And was this popular boy cute? And so did everyone see that you were dancing together. Too Cool!

    And so did the yearbook committee get pictures of you?

    I want all the details!

    What was the theme at prom?

    Did the Seniors get a gift bag from the school? Spill the beans girl!

  3. stubbornkelly New Member

    Jul 24, 2002
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    Tee hee! Inquiring minds want to know!!!
  4. UnashamedYouth New Member

    Sep 12, 2001
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    my mom did my hair... and I'm not exactly sure how it looked... it's was an updo... but I couldn't really tell how it looked LOL

    yes and no to the cute question... he's just the class brain who plays football... and we were in teh back... so I doubt we were seen LOL

    no we don't get gift baskets... and no prom rarely makes it into the year book(they will be coming out in a week and a half I believe)

    the theme was Cinderella's Ball... or something like that(the tickets say "Make a wish and dream")
  5. Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    The Seniors here get a gift bag. Usually a key chain with the year, and a picture frame with the year on it to put prom picture in, a small towel with the "Go Bearcats" logo on it, and a bunch of coupons for free stuff, and a lot of junk. It is real nice.

    Plus the journalist-photography club takes all the pictures for the Yearbook, and they take some pictures of Prom. Then you pick the yearbook up in Sept. First of the next school year. Graduates always have to find someone to get the yearbookds for them, because most are gone off to college.

    OK...I know someone seen you dancing! I did! And I was yelling "you go girlfriend!" Didn't you see me? Oh yeah you were too busy to see me.

    Hey I bet your mom did your hair good! lets hear more of the Cinderella night. Hey....there won't be another Senior Prom...we might as well get our money's worth!

    I know you were style'n...I seen that dress! Ok so get busy...start typing!

    Sherrie ;)
  6. UnashamedYouth New Member

    Sep 12, 2001
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    I'm still so tired! LOL

    we all got a keychain this year with "Prom 2003" dangling from it... but nothing THAT special... I think they did something like that 4 years ago... but we don't have enough extra funding for something like that

    wow... what a lame way to do yearbooks! LOL We get ours in April/May so that we can have our friends sign it and leave messages