Writing a bible study HELP!

Discussion in 'Books & Publications Forum' started by JanetMiller, Jun 6, 2006.

  1. JanetMiller New Member

    May 26, 2006
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    I am in the process of writing a bible study and I don't know where to go to get it published or if I should. How do other bible study authors (that aren't already famous) go about getting their studies published. Do you have to have a degree in something to do this. My study is on depression and music. I have written it after overcoming depression and I just wrote down the steps I followed. I go into the scriptures I used and the music I used.

    I would appreciate any words of advice. Thanks!
  2. thjplgvp Member

    Mar 21, 2006
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    Re: book published


    Published will require some help and much grace. Printed on the other hand can be done with some intial expense on your part and then setting an Ebay acount or links on various church home pages and their library options.

    Google "getting my book printed" and start there.

    Good luck
  3. GospelExplained.com New Member

    Sep 13, 2005
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    Well it depends if you want to make money out of it. Generally in this area you need a string of letters after your name, to do well. But you never know. Look at supernanny.

    You can pdf publish on the web very very cheaply. You can charge like an ebook, or provide for free if you wish. Either way, people could print the study questions for group/individual study. If you wanted a web site and it became popular, you can make money on selling advertising (ie google adwords) banners on your site.

    Or you could submit the word document to an established Christian site, and they may do it all for you - if accepted. For example - I, like many others, need to develop content for their site. Lots of well known sites like good content.