You just can't make this stuff up gang.

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by Jedi Knight, Jul 5, 2010.

  1. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Connecticut is known as the Constitution State, that is what we have on our license plates.

    Many think Connecticut was the first state to have a constitution, that is not so, Delaware was first. But Connecticut became famous because it's original constitution was a Christian constitution with the goal of furthering the gospel of Jesus Christ. Here is part of the original constitution of Connecticut.

    So, I don't know about the other states, but Connecticut was absolutely founded to be a Christian state.
  2. Bob Alkire New Member

    Mar 23, 2001
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    I know this is off subject, but I was taught that and read the other 12. Also read their state prayer and Constitution to see what place God had in many of their minds.

    I don't believe this is taught today in our schools, but it is still there.
  3. windcatcher New Member

    Apr 28, 2007
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    Are you saying slavery is a product of Christianity?
    It's origins (slavery) began when?
    Do you think God sanctions slavery... or expect a defense of it?
    Rather that He permits it in a fallen world, a material and tangible example by which God can teach us of spiritual bondage to sin and His love for the sinner.

    [Slavery has existed in some form in nearly every civilization since the beginning of historic accounts. It's origins is not in Christianity. In fact, its defeat and the best arguments against slavery have been found and supported by Christians... based on the teachings of the Bible, the very book which neither encourages nor condemns slavery, but does give directions concerning the responsibilities of humane and lawful treatment of menservants and maidservants. You are studied. You know yourself of a NT Book written on behalf of a slave Onesimus. (Or I may be assuming too much?)]

    Well, Rogers, not wishing to break any glass here.... but we live in a fallen world..... Show me a perfect man.... and you will have only one to show.

    Show me a redeemed man.... and you may have many. Of them show me a holy man...... for w/o holiness none can stand before God..... yet we will both bow and stand..... because of the righteousness of Jesus Christ, but try as we may, this holiness only comes from God and is not yet perfected in any of ur.

    You make these arguments like a child unschooled in his faith nor aware of the fallen man and his institutions, nor capable of comparing scriptures and the rule of God to the corruptible rule of man.... or how the Biblical examples and instruction compare to the laws under which our country was founded. The Christian faith and Jewish law impacted the design of our government and its early laws. There will be no perfect government until the rule of Jesus Christ.... and, if I understand correctly, He will rule with a rod of iron, and after which time of living under a perfect rule, man will still rebel and divide off and raise an army against God which ends with a finality of judgement and separation to those who join and those powers of evil .... and the eternal and holy kingdom of God.

    To contest on the basis that Christian's must be perfect, or with the expectation that a government based on Christian principals must either be perfect or maintain its standards w/o regular housekeeping is ludicrous in a fallen world. God permits free will..... and so must a government founded on Christian principals. Perhaps this best explains the decline of our 'Christian' nation.

    (BTW, history teaches us that there's always been a 'Judas' in the strongest camp. Although the community which founded our country was majorialy Christian in faith and practice..... there were already those in their midst who secretly held to and practiced their own superstitions and idolatry, so rebellion against God was also an early import.)