Your best life know & finding your dream job

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by evangelist6589, Jun 29, 2012.

  1. evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    I am seeing that so many on the dating sites these days talk about finding their "dream job" and talk about being fulfilled, becoming a better you, and everyday is a friday vernacular. Yes Osteen has written books on these titles, and I think that many have been influenced by this popular message. However in my scripture reading today from 2 Cor 12:9 I read that God's faithfulness does not promise us a life of freedom from trials and hardship as Paul had plenty of that. If you have read the book Slave by John MacArthur, or the book Captured by Grace by David Jeremiah, you will learn that many in the past had trials and hardships, and they were not delivered from them. I also do not see God giving everyone their "dream job" as what many want these days.

    Some have large financial debts that will never go away. Some have medical problems. Some have marriage issues. Some have bad work environments. Some have other problems that will not go away. My point is that I dont see God promising freedom to everyone in this life from these trials. I believe as the Bible says that God will promise grace through the trials.
  2. ktn4eg New Member

    Nov 19, 2004
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    Given the way that 3.5 years of Obama has done for our economy, one ought to be thankful that he/she HAS a job, whether it's a dream or a nightmare.
  3. Mexdeaf New Member

    Mar 14, 2005
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  4. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Well, I wouldn't say I have a "dream job", but I truly enjoy what I do. It is very challenging and there is a bit of science involved. I get paid very well for a blue collar job.

    But I didn't start out there, I started in Hazardous Waste using many chemicals, which I had done before at another plant. Very dirty, and very dangerous too.

    I worked hard, and when I saw an opening in the Non-destructive testing department I applied for it. There was much study and you had to successfully pass many tests. It was not easy learning again after being out of school so many years, but I did well and qualified for a much cleaner, much safer, and much better paying job.

    There are no shortcuts, nobody is just going to hand you a good paying job, you have to prove yourself. You have to start at the bottom and work up.

    Use what education you have now and apply for a job you would enjoy. Start at the bottom and work hard, if you do well you will be promoted.
  5. Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    I remember my dear Grandfather telling me when I was a youth, not yet of working age, that it was better to have an occupation that is enjoyed than to have one that pays well but makes one miserable. I'm grateful for his wisdom shared.

    There were a few years to make ends meet I took a job that I was miserable being in. It payed well- very well- but the stress was not worth it (toward the end I was losing weight and vomiting every morning). I left.

    I went back to my first love of aviation, and I can say I've not regretted it. It has treated me well.

    It's my opinion that it is better to, if possible, live a middle class existence and awake in the morning eager to get to work than to labor at a better paying job and to hate getting up in the morning because of the dread of the workday.
  6. evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    I realize if I were to go back into the computer field I will start at the bottom. However starting at the bottom there would probably get me $15-$18 an hour at least thats what my research indicated. That would jump my pay quite a bit, and make it 10 times easier to pay back my debts. Believe me I am looking for an entry level position. I want to do whatever possible to avoid taking on anymore loans. Apparently 27K a year is too much for me to make to do well with financial aide, so they will force me to take on loans, which I wnat to avoid.

  7. Oldtimer New Member

    Dec 6, 2011
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    God never promised anyone of us that we'd have an easy life here on earth. IMHO, for those already in the body of Christ, He's watching how we deal with the trials and tribulations we must face, whether it's a job or any personal disaster that falls upon us.

    Today the temperature is supposed to be around 105 with increasing humidity levels. Any job that's in an air conditioned environment is a dream job compared to those working on roofs or walking behind ashphalt paving machines. Wonder how many today will thank God that they have a job that keeps them out of the heat, regardless of the pay scale?

    Mopping floors is a dream job compared to working in a foundry pouring molten castiron on a day like today will be. Earning $27k per year is a dream job to someone, with a family, working part time on minimum wage. I know of families who have to live on far less than $27k. There's no choice, as better paying jobs just aren't available since most of the industries in this area went overseas.

    There's also a truth that probably 95% of us have to accept. There is no such thing as a "dream job" for a professing Christian. Yes, some are better than others in terms of what we prefer to do. Yes, some are better paying than others. Christians are going to face trials and tribulations, regardless of where they work or how much they earn. Satan can use the lure of a "dream job" to cause us to stumble in so many different ways. When trying to climb the ladder of success, it's easy to reach for carrots of compromising our faith for a few more bucks.

    In closing, there's a prayer that I've kept posted somewhere within my work environment for the last 20-30 years. I'm looking at it now, as I type, here in my den.

    Serenity Prayer

    God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change;
    courage to change the things I can; and wisdom to know the difference.

    Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time;

    Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace;

    Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it;

    Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will;

    That I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him
    Forever in the next.

  8. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Eight years ago my shop where I had worked 15 years closed down. I could squeak by on unemployment, but barely. I went down to the state employment office every day and used their data bases. I literally sent out dozens of resumes to all sorts of jobs. Within 4 weeks I landed a good job close to home, where I am now. I sent out so many resumes that I was getting job offers for the next two years. You just have to throw so much spaghetti against the wall that some of it sticks.

    You have to sell yourself. The best ability is "dependability". I don't care what anybody says, the #1 thing any employer is looking for is someone who shows up every day. I stressed that I had an excellent attendance record (which is true). I would stress that I was flexible and willing to do whatever was necessary, and that I cared about the quality of my work. I told them I was a fast learner and willing to try new things. This is what employers are looking for. They don't care about your Master's degree.

    If you like computers, this is the field you should enter.

    Have you ever considered a sales job? Sales people make very good income. Perhaps you could sell computer supplies. Customers want a knowledgeable person who can answer their questions. Look into a field like this.

    Just get out there and send out lots of applications. Don't be fussy or picky. You have to be aggressive, but it will pay off and you will get lots of job offers.
  9. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    I agree with this, I was an insurance agent for 10 years and made fantastic pay, much better than I make today, but I couldn't handle the stress. I would have to talk to hundreds of folks every day on the phone. The first thing I would do when I got home was take the phone off the hook, and I still don't enjoy talking on the phone to people. So, I agree with you, making lots of money doesn't guarantee happiness.
  10. Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    Shows up...and on time.
  11. evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    After I got laid off in December I used the advice in several of my career books (What Color is your Parachite, 48 days, etc..) and fired out many resumes. I had easily about 10 interviews in a month and I ended up going to where I am today). Even to this day I have received many calls from staffing agencies and what not finding my resume on Career Builder, Monster, or whatever and contacting me about a job. However the sad news is that they all so far pay less than what I am making today.

    Throwing yourself out there is one part of the pie, however having recent experience, education, and the opportunity for such jobs counts even more than ambition. I have worked in retail computer sales but the wages were garbage, so I need something that pays better. What do you have in mind that you can kindly suggest? Thank you.

  12. evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    Do you think having ambition, a good work ethic, and dependability can out match someone whom has more education, experience, and skill? I do not know how you can think this. Well perhaps you are right to one degree, but it all depends on the company.

  13. evangelist6589 Well-Known Member
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    Nov 22, 2010
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    But how can someone whom lacks the experience, education, skill, and connections out match a candidate with the above?
  14. Arbo Active Member
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    Dec 4, 2010
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    I read your post two ways due to the format of the post.

    If you are asking if somone who lacks the experience, education, skill, and connections can compete with someone who does and is dependable, I'd say it'd be pretty hard.

    If you're asking if an underqualified person with a good reputation can compete with those who have experience, education, skill, and connections; I'd say that it depends on the nature of the job. Sometimes it's a matter of getting one's foot in the door. There's nothing wrong with starting lower and working one's way up.