Your Salvation Testimony

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by MissAbbyIFBaptist, Mar 3, 2005.

  1. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    If there's one thing I love about church (other than the Bible preaching, hymn singing, and fellowship! :D ) it's when people share their testimonies. I love hearing how people came to know the Lord as their Saviour. So I got to thinking this evening (yes, yes I know! First time for everything!) and thought "Maybe there are others who do too!"
    So if you would like, share an account of your salvation.
    It can be short, or it can be long.
    I will post mine later. I tend to be wordy (like ya'll never guessed! :D ;) :rolleyes: )
    so I'll shorten it a little so no one will fall asleep!
    because of the blood,
    ~Miss Abby
  2. Britney New Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    well I'll be the first...

    I was saved at VBS (Vacation Bible School just incase anybody doesnt know what that means)in the summer of 2000. I was saved on a Friday which was the last day of VBS. My pastors wife led me to the Lord and the same day my twin brother got saved also. After that our church started the Awana's program and I was in it for one year and then I was to old for it and I didnt really like the youth group so I quite going to church but then in 8th grade I started coming back to church and getting active in our youth group and helping with the younger ones. I'm glad I got back into church and that I have so many friends there to help me get through trials and hard times.
    Your Sister In Christ,
  3. Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    I thought that I had gotten saved when I was younger but really felt that I didnt really know what I was doing then and I felt God was convicting my heart that I wasnt really saved.
    So I got saved after a rivival meeting at my home church on a tuesday night, at my house, when i was 12 years old. About a year ago I surrendered my life to Christ and this past summer I got Baptized. I think God every day for saving my soul and calling me into His ministry.
    Your Sister in Christ,
  4. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    My parents got married the middle of their senior year, and seven months later there I was! three an a half years later so was my brother. The first four years of my life were awful. Emotional and some physical abuse were all I knew. I can't go into detail on that, becuase it isn't appropriate to be repeated. The nicest things she had to say about me during her fits of rage was that I was her illegitimate, unwanted child, and that no one would ever care about me.
    Being around four, you tend to believe what you're told.
    Before I turned five, my mother left us for the man that would later become the father of my sister. My brother and I were sent to live with our dad's parents. My grandmother says she'd never experianced anything greater than trying to help the two of us. My brother and I would become hysterical at loud noises or raised voices. We were afraid of anyone outside of our dad and gradparents. I didn't talk a lot. Granny says I asked if was allowed to eat when we had supper. That I asked before leaving a room for the bathroom. I couldn't believe that all families didn't scream and fight. I didn't understand that I was allowed to play outside or talk to other kids.
    During this time our mother had no contact with us. I couldn't understand why, but I was too afraid to ask. Even though she put us through a lot, she was my mother and I loved her as much as I could under those circumstances.
    She visited off and on, but when I was seven, an few months after the birth of my sister, she left completly. No one knew were she was. It was around that time that I fell under heavy conviction. My grandparents raised us in a sound, fundamental,independant Baptist church, and I was always under good preaching. I made a false profession, because when my grandpa explained salvation I didn't understand how it worked, but I was too afraid to ask again.
    For those four years afterward I stayed under conviction. I was literaly afraid of almost everything, and had an unateral fear of death. I was so scared that at any moment I would die and go to hell.
    Things at home got bad. I became rebellious, angry, bitter, and treated everyone pretty badly. My grandma had what the doctors believed to be a mini stroke due to stress. She and I were always argueing, and I'd pitch tantrums. (I was ten!) They didn't know what to do with me. Unknown to me at the time they tried to get my mom to talk to me, when they learned were she was. She refused. Kids at school made fun of me because I stuttered, was overweight, and didn't live in a normal family. I hated school. I hated living. I thought no one cared about me, so I decided to kill myself.
    I wrote out a note about a page long. I planned to take an entire bottle of my grandfather's heart medication. I knew I was hell bound, but the devil had me convinced that hell couldn't be as bad as the life I was living. I picked January of 1999 as the time I would die.
    During this time an evangelist and his wife came to our church. They were so kind to me. I just couldn't understand it. Why would someone be kind to me? Afterall I was mama's unwanted child, right? (understand, that though my grandparents and dad were wonderful people, who tried to help me, my mother had so instilled fear and distrust, I had a hard time with being around people. Even my family.)
    He preached hard. I wanted to get saved so bad, but I was scared my family would be furious that I'd lied about being saved for almost four years.
    I did come through that meeting with one thing settled though. I could not take my life. I could not go to hell. God's Holy Spirit really begain dealing with me to the point I couldn't sleep. I'd lay awake crying, afraid that if I feel asleep I'd die and wake up in hell.
    I wasn't untill July that year that I fianly got it. My grandpa was reading the Bible, and during this time we'd started having trouble in the middle east again. I remember him reading about wars and rumors of wars, and how God would come after that. It was as if the Holy Spirit said "Get saved Abby, you won't get another chance." Would I have died? Would the Holy Spirit's conviction left me? I don't know. I didn't want to find out.
    That night after we were put to bed I got up. There was a battle going on for my soul as I walked to my grandpa's room. I was afraid of grandpa being angry, but more afraid of never being saved.
    When I walked into his room he asked what was wrong. I couldn't take it anymore. I screamed "Papa, I'm going to hell! Please, please help me!" and fell down on my knees sobbing, crying, gasping for breath. I probably would have hyperventilated if he hadn't pulled me up on the bed. Instead of being angry like I thought, he took out his Bible and some gospel tracts and explained the gospel from Jesus's birth to His resurrection. He covered every detail. He then asked if I wanted to get saved. I said "Please! Please pray with me!" so he prayed, and repeated, but I meant every single word. I wanted so much to know I was loved and the Bible promised God did. I wanted to be forgivin because I knew how wicked I was. God's promises were true, and that night God washed me in the blood, made a new creature out of me and sealed me untill the day of redemption.
    God's still working on me. Always will be I expect. When I think of the girl I was, broken, angry, bitter, and what Jesus did for me it amazes me. Still amazes me. And if there ever comes a day it dosn't, I pray God would take me home.
    Well this is shorter than usual, but longer than I would have liked. Hope it dosn't put too many people to sleep from reading it.
    May the Lord bless ya'll. Good night.
    Because of the blood,
    Miss Abby
    Proverbs 31:30 kJB
  5. Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Abby you told me that story before and it still makes me cry. And so thankful that I grew up in church all my life. I was about 7 1/2 years old when i came to know christ. I saw all my friends getting baptisted and wanted to also, So I went to my pastor and told him I wanted to get baptisted, and he asked me, Kayla, do you know Jesus as your personal saviour? And I of course didn't, so I asked him what was that, and then he showed me the gospel from the Word, and how Jesus had died for our sins. And I cried and my pastor lead me to the Lord that Saturday and the next Sunday I was baptised.

    But the story does not end there, the biggest struggle I probably ever had is when God was laying on my heart for his service. I fled from it, like Jonah I started acting like I was sick and didn't go to church as much. I did not want to give my life to the Lord. I was 14 years old all my friends were talking about being lawyers and doctors, how could I tell them I was to be a missionary...I couldn't be! Finally our church went to church camp and I love church camp, And all week the Holy Sprit tugged on my heart I couldn't stand it, I couldn't sleep I could hardly eat, I wasn't friendly to people (very hard for me, I am very friendly). Finally on Wednesday Night the speaker spoke on being a vessel for God, and I went to the altar and surrendered my life for what ever God wanted. I felt so relieved and then I had to repair my back-slidden life. But now I happy I am doing to do God's service, It's special to me, there's only one other person in our school doing anything like me, and that's the youngman from our church that's going to be a pastor. And the reaction when I tell people is so amazing they don't really taunt me...well atleast I don't let them, they kind of stand in shock for a moment. That's the first time I've ever told that story in full context. And God's only blessed since then.
  6. savedgirl63026 New Member

    Feb 9, 2002
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    I was raised in a Semi-Christian home. My mom and dad went to a Lutheran church, then they got a divorce. Too much was going on, and like Abby, it's things that can't be repeated. So, we moved 45 minutes away, across the Mississippi into Missouri. We moved in August right before school started. That next March of 1999, some people came knocking on our door asking us if the kids wanted to ride the bus to church. We did. I went the second week, because I was too stubborn to go the first week. As a 12 year old bus kid, never hearing a clear presentation of the gospel before, I got saved. I remember exactly where and when and who led me. It was great. So never give up on your bus kids, because no one has given up on me. Ever since that day I have been coming to church. In 9th grade, I began attending Christian school, working off a work scholarship, and for the past two years, I have been paying my own way. My mom is saved, praise the Lord, but not going to church. I plan on graduating (Lord Willing) May 18th and heading off to Bible College. It's amazing what the Lord can do, especially w/ Bus Kids :-D
  7. Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Wow those are all amazing testomonies. Abby your's made me cry. I have never had to experience any of that, but yet I have still had my hard times. Like Kayla, I grew up in an independent, fundamental Baptist, church too, and like Abby I made a profession when I was, I think, 7. I had told my mom I wanted to get saved so she call our pastor and he came over. All I remember was being really confused and everyone telling me I was saved. I ended up getting baptized a little while later. Nothing changed it me..oh I still went to church every sunday morning and VBS every summer..but that was about it. During my seventh grade year I went to a Revival (which I have already told ya'll) Bro. Clark Bosher was preaching. I was falling under conviction and I didnt know what to do. I was scared to go up to the altar..because everyone assumed I was saved (I still didnt know if I was,for sure, or not)..So I waited.When the service was over God was still tugging at my heart. I knew deep down that if I were to die on my way home I would go to Hell, I just thank God He spared me. I started telling my mom what was going on. When we got home my mom lead me through the Romans road and Iknelt by my bed and ask Jesus to come into my heart and save me. (Though at the time my mom thought I was just "confirming" my Salvation) I knew in my heart that finnally..after all these years..I was truely saved, my name written down in the Lambs book of life. I was so excited. The next day I wrote about it in my journal, sometimes I go back and read that passage and I get excited all over again.Unfourtunatly that feeling didnt last for long. When I was in 6th grade my parents got a divorce so on every wednesday night I have to eat with my dad. Well I got saved on a Tuesday night so the next night, while I was at my dads, I asked him if he would let me start going to youth on wed. nights. He wouldnt. I was devistated..I cried forever. (Now looking back..I have no idea why I didnt at least start comeing on Sunday nights)Well..I got extremely discouraged in an extremely short period of time (when it came to my dad i had never been one to cause waves). I continued on to my regular Sunday morning attention...Going through the next 2 years of my life as a lukewarm Christian. I wasnt afraid to tell someone I was saved..IF they were to ask. Everyone thought of me as "the Goody"..but no one ever said anything about me being "The Christian". I was already backslidden.. so quickly that you could almost say I was never...front-slidden. I knew I was on my way to heaven, i didnt think I was all that bad of a person..and thats all that mattered to me.
    Well toward the end of last year..something started to change in me. Things weren't going to well with my "friends"(for unknown reasons) at the time and (believe it or not) I had been getting this "Christian girls magazine" in the mail and after reading one of the articles in there, I decided to give my dating life to God. Shortly there after I felt God was wanting more of that. One night it just clicked. God wanted me to be a missionaries wife.(I know it seams weird considering how backslidden I was)But for some reason Britney^^wouldnt stop bugging me every sunday morning to come sit by her with the youth(She is truely a blessing from God). Eventually I gave into my stubburness and went to sit by her. She invited me to come back that night..and I did.I was hooked every since then. The next Monday I got a visit from some of the youth. Well the next monday me and britney both ended up at visitation..everyone was surprised but very welcoming. I started getting more involved and in the mean time I had surrendred my Whole life to Christ. I didnt really know who or where but I did know that I couldnt ignore God's calling. This past June I had gone to church camp for the very first time..and also..for the very first time I began doughting my Salvation. I had a miserable summer fighting a battle within me. I knew in my heart I was saved but the devil kept throwing things in my face. The biggest thing that caused it was thoughs few years after I got saved. Though like I said before..I wasnt a "bad" kid..I was blind and liveing in sin none the less.I ended up getting baptized when I came back from camp..but I was still feeling doughts. Then I started to remember what one of the pastors said at camp.." If the Devil can get you to dought your salvation, he can keep you from doing what God wants you to do." What I have came to realize that God loves me..I believed with all my heart back that night back in 7th grade, that I was forgiven and saved. Daily I pray that I may be able to forget my past, like God has. Im not gonna lie though..many times the Devil creaps in and tries bring back the guilt, it's hard sometimes. But I thank God that I know, that I know Im saved His wonderful grace and I have an amazing future to look forward to in Glory.
    Im so sorry it was so long!
    Your Sister in Christ,
  8. Britney New Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    well heres my little story for asking non-active youth to sit with me.

    During the summer (maybe 2 years ago, maybe less) when not many people were active on Saturday Visitation and we were having a contest for our Sunday School classes (adults against youth) I went with I think first it was my friends Jason, David, Wesley and Russell and we visited quite a few people and then I went again a couple weeks later with my youth pastors wife and visited high school girls to try and build up our class. Well I had been planning to start going on visitation every Monday night. I got to go maybe 2-3 weeks and my mom made me stop. She said that she didnt like it when people came and visited her so she wouldnt let me go. And on Monday visitations we visit people who have just recently got saved or people that were coming to our church but stopped. So I did what I could at school but that wasnt much. So at church I started asking people to sit with me on the front row and invite them back on like Sunday nights and Wednesday nights if they didnt come. I would just ask nicely ever week they were there. I would try to get some of them more active on the youth to where they wanted to come back and not just come back because thier parents made them. As you see it got Katelyn to become more active and we have become really great friends. I'm trying to get my friends Mandy and Dusty to sit with us but they are like how Katelyn started out but hopefully they will give in.
    Your Sister In Christ,
    2 Tim. 4:18
  9. Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    savedgirl your from Missouri!! The best place on the earth and I didn't know it!
  10. MissAbbyIFBaptist <img src=/3374.jpg>

    May 3, 2002
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    "I was 14 years old all my friends were talking about being lawyers and doctors, how could I tell them I was to be a missionary...I couldn't be! Finally our church went to church camp and I love church camp, And all week the Holy Sprit tugged on my heart I couldn't stand it, I couldn't sleep I could hardly eat, I wasn't friendly to people (very hard for me, I am very friendly). Finally on Wednesday Night the speaker spoke on being a vessel for God, and I went to the altar and surrendered my life for what ever God wanted. I felt so relieved and then I had to repair my back-slidden life. But now I happy I am doing to do God's service, It's special to me, there's only one other person in our school doing anything like me, and that's the youngman from our church that's going to be a pastor. And the reaction when I tell people is so amazing they don't really taunt me...well atleast I don't let them, they kind of stand in shock for a moment. That's the first time I've ever told that story in full context."
    See, this gets me excited! I love it! I love what God does with our lives! Girl, I just about shouted when I read that (would have too, except my grandparents are asleep and would kill me if I hollored "WEEEEELLLLLLL GLORYYYY" like I wanted to!)
    "Shortly there after I felt God was wanting more of that. One night it just clicked. God wanted me to be a missionaries wife.(I know it seams weird considering how backslidden I was)But for some reason Britney^^wouldnt stop bugging me every sunday morning to come sit by her with the youth(She is truely a blessing from God). Eventually I gave into my stubburness and went to sit by her. She invited me to come back that night..and I did.I was hooked every since then."
    KATELYN!! How wonderful! Praise the LORD!
    "As a 12 year old bus kid, never hearing a clear presentation of the gospel before, I got saved. I remember exactly where and when and who led me. It was great. So never give up on your bus kids, because no one has given up on me."
    Ya'll this keeps getting "gooder and gooder" as my pastor says. I don't know about ya'll, but this blesses my heart. This is just wonderful!
    We serve a truly wonderful, amazing, powerful God!
    ~because of the blood,
    Miss Abby
    Proverbs 31:30 KJB
  11. Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    I know, I feel greatly on the God's work, Right now I am praying, i think God is either leading me to go to Austraila or Ireland. The missionary our church supports to Ireland is one my absolute heroes. He is completely decaded to what wants in his life, but of course this has nothing to do what why i feel lead there, I am of course a 3rd generation Irish-American, two of my grandparents were born in Ireland. My grandfather, who I hardly got to know before he died, had a great burden for our family still in Ireland, who are all catholic.
  12. Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Keep praying Kayla..God will show you in dew time where He wants you.
    Believe it are not just about a month after I surrendered my life to Christ..My Pastors son and I started to become interested in each other. Come to find out he was called to be a missionarie back in the 5th grade. He feels God is leading him to Togo, Africa.God willing, We are planning on getting married and Africa's where I will be on the Mission Field.
  13. Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    your fifteen and already know who your going to marry. Oh I am way behind, I have no clue who God wants me to marry... Nor at this point is important all that matters now is God's will he'll bring Mr. Right around in due time. probably when I go to college, although my pastor is holding out for our young preacher boy or one of his grandsons. Although the whole church has been trying to get Brad(a.k.a. young preacher boy) together for a long time. Our grandmothers talk about "when" we get married all the time, it's so scary.
  14. Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    LoL...dont worry about being behind..Im sure im the one thats early ;) But you know..I said the same thing about Mr. Right will come when God's is ready...and no more than a month later..God gave me him. So you never maybe sooner..or even later than you think. It always seams to fall into place though.
  15. Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    the sad thing, is I'm the only girl in the church who has never had a boyfriend, and I am the one all the girls look to for guidence. My pastor's wife says I am the most mature of all of them, seeing how that I am the only one surrendered to God's will right now. Next year I will be the Eldest Teen in my church, to a bunch of girls, who including myself have all looked up to Bradley our entire church lifes, and he'll be gone to Heartland next year, and I don't know what it's going to be like next, probably one with me counting the days until he comes home from college, for Thanksgiving and what not.
  16. Britney New Member

    Feb 15, 2005
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    Its ok Kayla, I havent really had a real boyfriend before, my friend Val is always asking me what to do about her and her boyfriend so I know what you mean. In our youth group out of the girls that are my age and older I am the only one without a boy friend but then I have my friends Mia, and Stephanie that are within a few years younger than me and they dont have boyfriends either so its ok. Just know that God has a plan for us and will introduce Mr. Right to us in due time.
  17. Bound4Glory New Member

    Jan 14, 2005
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    Kayla..To be honest I dont really know how you feel. I have had this same boyfriend since I fisrt started getting more involved at my church. I dont know what its like o be the oldest either.
    But in away I do know how it feels to be a leader and looked up to. God has a plan for all of our lives. Maybe he hasnt given you a boyfriend yet because he wants you to grow individually before you grow with someone (does that make since?)

    Oh by the way..I maybe totally wrong in asking this but im gonna give it a shot anyways...
    Do you happen to have a special feeling for this Brad guy..our is it totally friendship only?
  18. Ishouldbhappy New Member

    Mar 21, 2005
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    Hey all
    I accepted Christ when I was eight years old. I was practically born in the church. When I got older I started hanging out with some girls who I know I should not be hanging out with. I started using bad words should we say. I never went to parties or did any other stuff but I was not living my life for him. One summer at church camp God convicted me and I started to change. During all this time I was running from God I was running from his calling. The next summer we went back to camp and I knew that it was time to stop running from him and give it all to him. That next Sunday at church I went forward and let my church know that God had called me to go into some form of ministry. Although I am not sure what he is calling me to do. But I do a Christian club at my high school and my mom and I are starting one in the middle school next year. I feel God calling me to do summer missions during the summer.