Youth Activities Ideas....

Discussion in 'Youth Forum' started by savedgirl63026, Feb 1, 2003.

  1. savedgirl63026 New Member

    Feb 9, 2002
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    Ok, this is a good idea. We have a fun time with our youth activities, what are some of your favorites?

    Mine is a "polaroid Panic" You get a polariod camera and have a list of things to take pictures of in a certain amount of time. These were some of ours
    1. House # 349
    2. With a snake
    3. With a corvette. (I sat in one!)
    4. With a hat on.
    5. With a famous person
    6. Standing on your head in front of 7-11!
    7. Original.....

    It's fun.....any one else??/

  2. Sularis Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    Heres what my youth group used to do - they are all too old and mature to want to have childish fun anymore ;(

    Starting off from younger to older events

    Youth leader would go ahead of time, and set up a series of questions that the answers were all within the place we were at

    We did this at our local airport - prices of things - last flight - total number of agencies, which store doesnt sell newspapers

    Also did it at the mall

    We also would do hide and seek at a place like a mall or in our church.

    I remember a cemetery - clue following thing we did on Halloween - the older youth group hid in the graveyard and as we followed clues they would jump out and try to scare us

    Bike trek to a major biking area and amusement park

    The Fellowship of churches in area held a yearly conference - go to that as well as also held our own every year - when we got older we would also hold a canoe trip

    we turned church into (major)minigolf - with a lot of duct tape and carddboard

    swimming, sports, running a day camp, of course our church was an Awana church so I always went to Awana camp once i heard they existed.

    Of course the mandatory all nighter New Years Eve - with bowling, skating

    We rented a van and we drove several hours to a Christian center in Buffalo that had pool - mini golf, pool tables - gyms
    One of my favorite memories is the guys were in a van together, and the girls were in another lower van - every guy took their tops off, and we wrote on bristleboard that we were naked as we drove by the girls van - ahhh memories

    But back to events - churches in area were willing to start up leagues in hockey and baseball - and volleyball and if not leagues - just have a day of friendly competition - with perhaps a concert attached.
    If you have drivers and white water rapids - we swam and tubed down the rapids near us

    Also we had CB radios so we could do a car race - follow the clues to the treasure, or finish line

    concerts - the whole she-bang - church youth group was my life and i miss it - darn responsible mature people preferring to go out getting drunk and dancing

    If I ever get married Id become a youth leader so that everyone could have as much fun as I did - and that I could join in again ;)
  3. The_Narrow_Road New Member

    Jan 6, 2003
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    Hey, I am a youth leader and I'm taking notes on the ideas ya'll are presenting.

    Also, you don't have to be married to be a youth leader. Make yourself available. It doesn't matter if you are married or not. But working together as a couple in the Lord's work is fantastic.
  4. savedgirl63026 New Member

    Feb 9, 2002
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    We also have a bigger or better hunt....
    You start off with a quarter and you go to people's houses and ask them if they can give you anything bigger or better than that quarter. Let's say they give you a dollar.... you give them the quarter and you go to the next house, etc. People have given old washing machines and everything that they don't want anymore. It's pretty fun!

  5. Sularis Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    Ok narrowed here's the thing

    One of my many major weaknesses

    There is not the female leadership to balance unless I borrow a married woman - but that still leaves an avenue for lust - which i dont want to leave. Its why I stopped running and helping at my parents churches day camp - im a guy - I have a hard enough time controlling myself - Im not stepping into lions den. Mainly I go zombie or lost puppy if an attractive enough or old enough female starts paying friendly attention to me.

    While the thought of actually pursuing a romantic relationship with a known 14 yr old girl makes me get close to vomiting. (Excuse me i was actually sick so im trying to avoid nauseous thoughts)

    There are 14 year olds that dont look 14 years old - plus while I follow the 8 year rule
    Ive known very successful marriages that did 11 years apart - and I dont want to be a leader to someone that i could end up considering as a potential wife.
  6. The_Narrow_Road New Member

    Jan 6, 2003
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    At least you are truthful about it. I guess we all need to know what our weaknesses are, and not tempt ourselves. I'll be praying God will send you a sold-out Christian lady to become your wife and serve Him by your side. Or, give you the strength to do His will inspite of yourself.