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Slidell Baptist Seminary Amends

Discussion in 'Baptist Colleges & Seminaries' started by rustynail, Feb 23, 2005.

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  1. PatsFan

    PatsFan New Member

    Dec 3, 2004
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    Thanks, Bill.
  2. A Baptist in Slidell

    Jun 30, 2007
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    What IS a Phoney? SBS? (Slidell)

    Well, my brothers, here I am LIVING in Slidell, Louisiana, and have had the opportunity to research the Slidell Baptist Seminary, and have been afforded the oppurtunity to attend the "umbrella" church he, Mr. Dabdoub, is "affiliated" with Ridge Memorial Baptist Church, and here is what, (like Nord), I have found: (Do your research people)
    (1) SBS, (Slidell Baptist Seminary) claims accreditation with The American Association of Theological Institutions, Inc. They are not recognized by the United States Dept. Of Education, nor the Council for Higher Education. The "diploma" from SBS is basicallly worthless. If you want high standards for yourself seek an accredited college and/or Seminary, set low standards for yourself, and attend SBS. AATI, The American Asociation of Theological Institutions "gives" out "accredition" for a fee of $100, and $75 each year thereafter. Mr. Dabdoub says on his site that "...."after having been fully examined educationally, ethically, and spiritually....", oh please, no honesty here. Gibberish.
    (2) Mr. Dabdoubs' SBS has NO BUILDING. His address is a P.O. Box in a bank. I have been by their. 5520 Gause Blvd E. is a bank with a post office inside. He claims to have an Admissions Office. Where? I can't find it. Besides that, the address for SBS, (Slidell Baptist Seminary), in the Slidell phone book has his address, 106 Jane St. That is his home address. The phone number is a different one than his home phone we have. Oh, please, what a shame. He tells church goers all about his office, and they believe he has a realistic Seminary, I did for awhile, building and all.
    (3) He claims you can gain Christian employment with the diploma. Oh really? If a scrupulous employer checks your credentials, he'll find out you your "diploma" isn't worth the paper it's printed on. These places are nothing more than diploma mills. There are lots of them due to loopholes in the State Law. Write your legislator. Sending or handing out "diplomas" for a price is wrong. People who are short of means may take advantage of places like this. I feel sorry for the many people who have saved and scraped funds together just to send it to someone like him. I was present at the "graduation" and saw a lady 84 years young to jump for joy over having a "diploma", poor thing.
    (4) Mr. Dabdoub claims to be recognized by the BBB, (Better Business Bureau), in New Orleans. I called, he is not listed with them. You can call 1-(504) 581-6222 and see for yourself. (You will have to have his phone number on hand). Honesty?
    (5) I have read that Mr. Dabdoub was very rude in sending someone some e-mails after questioning his "accreditation". that fits his personality. He is an obnoxious, intimidating, self centered, arrogant, rude type of individual. Just listen to some of his preaching tapes. He will intimidate you to no end with being punishment that means nothing, just for questioning him or daring to disagree. He has done that and lied about us, and probably has to that person he was rude to in his e-mails, (after questioning his "accreditation").
    Honesty IS the best policy, my brothers and sisters. I can not rely on dishonest devils with Bibles in their hands, "self professed" people, people like him, who have no respect for the truth and no credibllity, no truthfulness. How can we trust someone with a Godly education when we catch them in untruthfulness? Ask for a refund, and see for yourself what he is like.
    I can tell you much more about the church and him too if you like. God bless you in all of your endeavors my brothers and sisters, and may God send you to a reputable higher learning institution for your study of the Holy Bible, and may God send a Godly preacher to that church so many come to be saved in the Lord, through Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior. Amen and Amen. :godisgood:
  3. Broadus

    Broadus Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    Can't say I'm surprised. There are many of these charlatans waiting to entrap the undiscerning. Maybe your evidence will keep some from being duped.

  4. A Baptist in Slidell

    Jun 30, 2007
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    We Pray in Jesus' name.

    That's exactly what we are praying for, (Bill). My Bible tells me that the devil is a liar. Bro. Paul Dabdoub has proved that to me. We pray that those who are called to serve the Lord will find a place in a reputable seminary, one which has integrety. Jesus said as He suffered on the Cross at Calvery, "Father forgive them for they know not what they do".
    Where is Bro. Paul Dabdoub? He can't find anything to say? We find that highly unusual, him being the sort, (full of hot air, like a blow fish), not having much to say. Possibly dispatched one of his cronies, (MD?), to try to confuse the issues. Have a problem with the truth Bro. Paul? :jesus:
  5. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==Let's pray that is the case.
  6. A Baptist in Slidell

    Jun 30, 2007
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    All my Brothers, Please go to www.osac.state.or.us/oda/diploma_mill.html ; there you will see for yourself what the State of Oregon, (and UZThD may find this interesting), thinks.., "users of unaccredited degrees are required by Oregon law to inform employers, customers, and clients". "Don't be fleeced, make sure the sheepskin is real". You will also find the United States Senate conducted hearings on the diploma mill problemin May 2004 and in September, 2004. You will be able to see the Senate (link) web site on that page. You can read "how they operate", "why they are a problem", "how you can tell if an instition is a degree mill", "which States have low and/or doubtful standards", "Mississippi has no oversight [/I]standards, ans ahould be evaluated with great caution".,...etc..,. This site is provided by the Oregon Student Assistance Commision, Office Of Degree Authorization, (you can do a search here). God bless.
    #66 A Baptist in Slidell, Jul 3, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 3, 2007
  7. GodsRealTruth

    GodsRealTruth New Member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    Great Seminary

    Hi. I seen this post and wanted to give my 2 cents.

    I have attended other colleges and must say this school is legitimate despite it's woes concerning accreditation. Bro. Dabdoub and all the professors are very insightful and classes are very good. The tests are difficult and it takes some work to complete. For example, one of the classes on Revelation, Bro. Dabdoub does a verse by verse study of Revelations which is the first time I have ever had a professor do that!

    Also he sticks to the bible. I got tired of classes where I was reading other men's books rather than the bible.

    I would give a thumbs up to this institution! This is not a diploma mill!:godisgood:
  8. Broadus

    Broadus Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    What other colleges did you attend? That would help us understand your perspective.

  9. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==That is fine, but without textbooks you are not getting a solid seminary education. Seminary is more than just Biblical Studies. Even there you still need textbooks if you are working at the graduate level.

    ==I took a class on the book of Hebrews at Liberty Theological Seminary and it was verse by verse. I took another class on the Gospel of John and it was verse by verse as well. I took a class on Old Testament Poetry and it was pretty much verse by verse through Job and a few others as well. Point? Verse by verse is not that unusual. My pastor is doing a verse by verse study of Matthew on Sunday mornings! While great, he is certainly not a seminary level teacher.

    ==How are you going to study Church History without reading other books? How are you going to study Greek/Hebrew, Systematic Theology, Book introductions, etc, without reading books? How can you graduate from a seminary (graduate level) and not have read the major sermons/writings of church history? Jonathan Edwards, CH Spurgeon, Martin Luther, etc.

    Degree mill, or not, Slidell is not graduate level work.
  10. Paul33

    Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    The correct grammar is "I saw this post . . ."
  11. GodsRealTruth

    GodsRealTruth New Member

    Mar 13, 2006
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    I have attended classes at New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary as well as Tulane University when studying for my secular degree.

    I understand other professors have done verse by verse studies on other books. I have taken other classes on Revelation in particular and none of them did a verse by verse study. It is very rare to have a verse by verse on Revelations. Not rare to see verse by verse on other books.

    I disagree about reading other books. You can learn plenty about church history by sticking right with the good ol' Word of God. I don't have a problem reading other books, it's just I have found they start to take on more importance than the bible at some seminaries.

    Just remember just my 2 cents thats all. Didn't say you had to agree
  12. Broadus

    Broadus Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    Surely you're writing in jest. ;) What can you learn about church history from the Scriptures? You learn truths given to the 1st century church, truths which are certainly to be obeyed today. The Scriptures certainly sit in judgment on church history, but without church history we disconnect ourselves from believers who have gone before us.

  13. Martin

    Martin Active Member

    Jan 1, 2005
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    ==I don't know how rare it is, but then again I have never done a survey of that issue either. Anyway just because a school does a verse-by-verse of Revelation does not mean that it is a good school.

    ==Really? Where in the Bible do you read about the Reformation? The Great Awakening? Puritans? Separatists? Baptists? Presbyterians? American Church History, European Church History? The book of Acts ends with the first century does your study of church history end at the close of the first century?

    ==I have not had that experience.
  14. TCGreek

    TCGreek New Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    As a fellow pastor, I am besides myself. Yes, we don't have to agree, but I wonder what are you teaching your people, those entrusted to your pastorship. Just my 2 cents worth, but here it is: But you are not adequately prepared to be before God's people as a pastor with this attitude.

    I pray that your attitude toward a church history that God has so wonderfully orchestrated will change.
    #74 TCGreek, Jul 4, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 4, 2007
  15. Paul33

    Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    You men are correct.

    I love church history! I read it with the Bible in one hand and my systematic theology books in the other! It is thrilling to read about the lives of others that God has so marvelously worked in and through! To see God's work throughout history is humbling and awe-inspiring. So yes, start your church history with Luke-Acts and then continue by reading what the church fathers and historians had to say. But keep your Bible open!
  16. John of Japan

    John of Japan Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Sep 22, 2005
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    Did anyone else look back at this guy's original thread which he claims to have started "a few weeks ago?" It was started in Feb. 2005!! Something's rotten and it ain't in Denmark!

    Edit: Oops. I just noticed that the guy's original thread was indeed written a few weeks after his first one. Someone revived this thread from over 2 years ago! :BangHead:
    #76 John of Japan, Jul 5, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 5, 2007
  17. A Baptist in Slidell

    Jun 30, 2007
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    Matthew 15:7-11 - Ye hypocrites, well did Esaias prophsey of you saying, "This people draweth nigh unto me with their mouth, and honoreth me with their lips; but their heart is far from me. But in vain they do worship me, teaching for doctrines the commandments of men. Not that which goeth into the mouth defileth a man; but that which cometh out of the mouth, this defileth a man".
    John 2:15-16 - and when he had made a scourge of small cords, he drove them all out of the temple, and the sheep, and the oxen; and poured out the changers' money and overthrew the tables. And said unto them that sold doves, "Take these things hence; make not my Fathers house an house of merchandise.
    #77 A Baptist in Slidell, Jul 6, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2007
  18. A Baptist in Slidell

    Jun 30, 2007
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    Oh, Honestly.

    Once again, my brothers, the devil is a liar/ My brother you could not have attended Tulane University. Both my brother and sister were granted schlorships to the school, and I worked their for 5 years prior to the Hurricane, (Katrina). (By the way did you know the Hurricane wiped out the "affiliated" church of Bro. Paul Dabdoub, Ridge Memorial, considered in law as "an act of God"? (The hand of God is sending a message to you all my brother.) Maybe you should have taken an elective in the English language and punctuation. I can asure you people at Tulane University know how to write correctly, ie, "I seen this post....." and use correct punctuation, you do not, "bible" should be capitalized, "I got tired....., should be Classes seemed boring.....,but here again my brother you admit to your ignorance in being "tired" of reading, well, thats how we learn, and by experience, both of which you lack, Revelation has no "s" at the end, it's not "Revelations", check your KJV, You prove to me that you are exactly the type of person Bro. Paul Dabdoub takes advantage of, the indolent, those without literacy, and using God to do it. THAT, my brother, is low down of the lowest. My Bible tells me that there will be a greater punishment for those types.
    You contradict yourself by saying "....this school is legitimate...., despite its woes of accretidation.." NO school is legitimate which lacks accretidation not recognized by the U.S. Dept. Of Education, or the Council for Higher Education. He is making himself APPEAR to be accretided. He is making a fool of you all who attend his seminary, (SBS), by handing you material which he has made "difficult" in order to have you stress over something which is simple. He is that type. He sits back and laughs at you my brother. The devil does the same, trying to fool you, then laughing when you are stressed over it. The devil thinks thats amusing. Don't let him do that to you. You, like Bro. Paul, wouldn't know the truth if it slapped you up side the head. The truth you know are lies, and you , like him, call lies the truth. You and he are not worthy of our Godly breath. My Bible tells me to stay away from even the apperaance of evil.Something else. You say "........thumbs up to this institution". Where is it? I only found a Post Office Box. Have you noticed on his web site, "For Ministry" no longer powers it? Wonder why? My brother, thats exactly what he is running, a diploma mill. Maybe the FBI would be interested? "Legitimate" means "lawful" and he uses an accretidation company with no known Board of Directors to claim he is "legitimate". That's pulling the wool, trying to appear to be something you are not, or have something you don't, fraud is fraud. Go to his "affiliated" church, Ridge Memorial Baptist church on a Sunday evening or Wednesday night, you may find 10-15 people on a good night. Sunday mornings about 60 or 70, most not regulars. Many families who used to go their when it was reputable, with a good preacher, with GA's, RA's, act teens, missionary friends, all of which Bro. Paul does not have today nor in the past when he took over as Pastor. That's why many people left the Church, because of him and his arrogance. He's had problems with a lot of people, some Pastor. Is he claiming "affiliation" for tax purposes? Maybe the IRS would like to know my brother. Our Heavenly Father, we seek the truth from your Holy Word. We pray that those who use your Word in a decietful way be weakened, as sand is weakened with water. Cleanse this church from those who are deceitful, in your Holy house. Take you whip of truth, as you did in the temple where thieves were, to run off those who do not use your house as a house of prayer, but of deciet. This is nothing more than evil at work, and those taken advantange by it. Help those to come to their senses, and open their eyes to the truth. We pray in Jesus' Holy name, Amen and Amen. :1_grouphug:
    #78 A Baptist in Slidell, Jul 6, 2007
    Last edited by a moderator: Jul 6, 2007
  19. Broadus

    Broadus Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    My dear brother, please take this as constructive criticism. While I agree with you about Slidell (should it be "Slydell"?), you have many spelling and punctuation issues with which you charge God'sRealTruth. Perhaps some can be attributed to typographical errors (we all make them), and some can be attributed to your passion. You've personally checked out Slidell and its administrator and found the school to be what many of us suspected. I appreciate your perspective. Just be sure not to be guilty of what you are charging your opponent.

    BTW, a helpful spell-checker is provided in the composition area. While it's not perfect, when I see a word underlined in red, I double check to make sure it's right.

    Also, please be fair to your opponent. You make some charges that are not warranted. For instance, he wrote "I got tired of classes where I was reading other men's books rather than the bible." From that you extracted the "I got tired" to charge him with not reading and with indolence. I took it to say he read the material and felt that it was useless. Now, I think he is wrong. If he is saying that he "got tired of reading other men's books rather than the bible" at NOBTS, he failed to understand that God uses other men to help us understand the Bible. That's no different than the president and professor-in-chief at Slidell teaching Revelation and giving his interpretation. In fact, I certain that the books he had to read for whatever class he took at NOBTS was a lot better than anything he learned at Slidell. All I'm saying is debate your opponent on what he's really saying. There's enough fodder for the mill there.

    Again, thank you for warning others about Slidell.

  20. TCGreek

    TCGreek New Member

    Sep 12, 2006
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    You spoke for me too. I couldn't find the right words to stabilize unfair attacks. You certainly have.:thumbs:
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