A Few Reasons to Pray for Obama

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Revmitchell, Feb 10, 2009.

  1. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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    The Church is called, actually commanded to pray for our political leaders. It matters not whether we personally voted for someone or not. Whether we like particular politicians and their policies or disdain what they stand for, the Scriptures implore us to intercede for the leaders in our society. Here are the Apostle's words in I Timothy 2:1-4.

    I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; 2 For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty. 3 For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour; 4 Who will have all men to be saved, and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.

    We are commanded to pray for our leaders that through their work peace, honesty and civility will abound in our nation and godliness will have free reign. We need to pray for our leaders in such a way that God be glorified and that those who need to be saved would come to faith in Jesus Christ. Daily we need to ask that those who already know Jesus would be strengthened and led by His Spirit. We need to pray "evangelistically" for many and not just for our favorite politicians but also for those who appear to be farthest from God. As we do, we need to ask God to position, use and yes, even manipulate them, their positions and their power for His glory. Surely Almighty God can use even the most ungodly public officials to bring about His desired results.

    In II Thessalonians 3:1-3 the Apostle Paul enumerates again on why it is important that we pray earnestly for the politicians in our countries today.

    Finally, brethren, pray for us, that the word of the Lord may have free course, and be glorified, even as it is with you: 2 And that we may be delivered from unreasonable and wicked men: for all men have not faith. 3 But the Lord is faithful, who shall stablish you, and keep you from evil.

    You see, we are to pray that the Gospel will spread and be proclaimed freely! For this to be done in quiet and peace (as Paul's words to Timothy express) we need to pray for the salvation of our leaders. This is why that though we stand against so many of the plans that Barak Obama proclaims he wants to accomplish, we must pray for his soul. No matter where we might be in the-end-of-the-end-days, our mission is clearly to pray, witness and remember that as we battle against evil God always rewards our efforts by filling the pages of the Lambs Book of Life!

    Fruit Inspection

    I have received several emails taking me to task and assuring me that the new President is indeed a Christian. They said, after all, Obama attends church and he said he was a Christian didn't he? My response has been that anyone can claim to be a Christian but it is through an inspection of their fruits that we'll know if they are genuine believers or not. While I cannot judge anyone's heart, the Bible does instruct us to judge by a man's actions and attitudes. I hope it is clear that I want any and every person in need of the Saviour to fall on the mercy of God through the blood of Jesus Christ. So by simply reviewing the legislation that he has previously supported and by just the statements he has made (such as the one quoted below) I strongly suggest that Mr. Obama reevaluate just where his spiritual life is headed.

    For those who are skeptical of my words, let me site the book, The God Factor: Inside the Spiritual Lives of Public People, by Chicago Sun-Times religion editor Cathleen Falsani who interviewed (then) Senator Obama in 2004. He stated, "I'm rooted in the Christian tradition. I believe there are many paths to the same place, and that is a belief that there is a higher power, a belief that we are connected as a people." Falsani reports that Obama thinks that "all people of faith - Christians, Jews, Muslims, animists, everyone - know the same God." Obama continues, "The difficult thing about any religion, including Christianity, is that at some level there is a call to evangelize and proselytize. There's the belief, certainly in some quarters, that if people haven't embraced Jesus Christ as their personal savior, they're going to hell." Falsani adds, "Obama doesn't believe he, or anyone else, will go to hell. But he's not sure he'll be going to heaven, either." This surely appears to be nothing more that the politically correct doublespeak of a Universalist who claims to be a Christian.

    Until I hear authentic Christianity coming from his lips followed by actions to match his words, I will continue to pray for our new President to have a genuine conversion by faith, for God to speak clearly to him, to convict him of sin and yes, to even lead him by the nose to accomplish Heaven's purposes if need be.

    A couple of emailers even accused me of endorsing slavery for stating stuff like that. I wrote recently that we need to pray for God to "put a hook in Obama's nose to make him accomplish the will of the Lord." It is silly to believe that I was endorsing slavery or racism. Instead, I was quoting Isaiah's prophecy of how God would deal with Sennacherib for acting in disobedience to the will of the Lord. (II Kings 19:28 states: Because thy rage against me and thy tumult is come up into mine ears, therefore I will put my hook in thy nose, and my bridle in thy lips, and I will turn thee back by the way by which thou camest.)

    As is obvious, I am not a fan of the past policies and confused spirituality of Barak Obama. I would hold to this position if only on the issue of abortion - but there is of course much more. (In the article "Rick Warren Should Have Rejected Obama's Offer" I gave ample facts as to how utterly chilling Obama's view of abortion has been. It is in fact, one of the few things we actual know from his short political track record.) Now however, it seems that every day a new policy, executive order or choice of cabinet members and advisors gives us more pause to be concerned about the incoming administration. Its frankly too much to keep up with but here are just three items that the major media isn't widely reporting about President Obama. These may even give the skeptics more reason to pray than they once thought.

    Read the full article here
  2. BigBossman Active Member

    Jan 8, 2009
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    I know that we are to pray that our president will make wise decisions when running our nation. Whether we like him or not.

    I might be wrong for this, but one time I prayed that God would strike Bill Clinton with a bolt of lightning. I honestly felt (and still feel) that he is a traitor to our country. Anyone who gives nuclear technology to another country (especially a communist country) in exchange for campaign funds is wrong. To me that was an act of treason.

    Apparently, its not God's will to strike him down. I'm guessing he has other plans for him.