A "mass of tissue?"

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by NaasPreacher (C4K), Jun 30, 2004.

  1. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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  2. Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    2 Pet 1:5 faith...virtue ..knowledge ...temperance ...patience ...godliness ...brotherly kindness ...charity...But he that lacketh these things is blind, and cannot see afar off,

    Isa 42:18 ...look, ye blind, that ye may see.

    Isa 29:18 ...and the eyes of the blind shall see out of obscurity, and out of darkness.
  3. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Amen - O that everyone considering abotion could see a video like this one. I fear though that many eyes would STILL be blinded.
  4. Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    There will always be lawless people. The thing is, we don't have to have a lawless society but we do.

    The real perplexing issue here is how anyone can look at something like this and think abortion should still be legal....

    .... but no fear, this is unlikely to ever show up on American mainstream media outlets.
  5. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    I bet the pro-choicers will come up with some unbelevable charge like, "this doctor is a pro-lifer !! he made it all up !!".
  6. Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    Please forgive me for nitpicking pb but I cringe at the phrase "pro-choice" to describe pro-abortion people.

    I am pro-choice. I believe that people should have the liberty to make choices- to include fornication. I believe that people in these circumstances should be free to assume as much or as little risk as they choose. But once the choice is made, their freedom ends and responsibility begins... that is the only way to have "rights". There must be a balance between freedom/liberty and responsibility.

    I do not believe that a woman who is cognizant of the risks of having sex and still does so willingly receives additional rights to enable her to dispense with an unwanted outcome. The woman's right to choose has been expended before she arrives in the abortion clinic.
  7. pinoybaptist Active Member
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    Mar 17, 2002
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    Scott J:

    I forgive you.
  8. DeclareHim New Member

    May 7, 2004
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    Georgia tried to pass a law that before a woman had an abortion she had to watch a video with an alternative message. Encouraging women not to have an abortion.But if I'm correct it didn't pass.
  9. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    That is my concern- I am amazed that BBC carried it. I saw a stil image in a Focus on the Family article a couple of months ago,but had never seen video before.
  10. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I agree 100% Scott
  11. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    I never had anyone ever ask me "when my fetus was due"...it was always a baby. They're a baby the moment God puts them there.

    Yep, the propagandists knew what they were doing when they decided to use the word “pro-choice”! It’s murder!

    Even if the woman “chose” to say “no”, and conceived through acts of rape or incest, that still does not give her the right to murder an innocent baby because she is mad at a man. Murdering her baby does not change the fact that she was raped. "Two wrongs don’t make it right!"

    God is the only One who opens and closes the womb. If God opened that woman’s womb, then He intends to for that baby to be born…regardless of the circumstances he/she was conceived.
  12. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    AMEN Granny!!!!!!
  13. Pete Richert New Member

    Jul 6, 2001
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    I believe in pro-choice. I believe we should let the baby decide if he/she wants to be killed.
  14. JGrubbs New Member

    Feb 4, 2004
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    In 1973, the US Supreme Court ruled in Roe vs. Wade that the government had no business interfering with a woman’s right to choose if she should have an abortion. They cited the Fifth Amendment of the Constitution, which allegedly guaranteed her right to privacy. The Fifth Amendment says, "No person shall ... be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law." I have called my Congressman and demanded justice for the preborn children in America who are denied the protection of life they are supposed to be guarenteed by the Fifth Amendment. Abortion will never end in America as long as our government denies the personhood of the preborn child.

    In the 1800's they thought a black man only became a legal person when he was set free. Now, they say a preborn baby only becomes a person at birth. As we learn from our nation’s history, the Supreme Court can be wrong. The abortion dispute hinges on one single issue: is the preborn child a person or only a potential person?

    We as Christians need to speak up for these preborn children, with over 3,500 being butchered daily in America, we should be outraged and not rest untill the the most horrible holocaust our nation has ever experienced is stopped.
  15. Scott J Active Member
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    Apr 25, 2001
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    It's amazing that "pro-choice" people work so hard to ensure that young women do not receive enough information to make a truly informed "choice."

    Another thing that amazes me is that so little is done in the way of educating the public by pro-life organizations. There is still a large segment of our society that does not know the developmental stages of a baby. Babies have all of the legal requirements to declare someone alive within the first 9 weeks.

    Surely a majority of Americans would not reject the notion that a person with self-sustained heart beats and brain waves was anything less than a life??? or maybe they would. But we have never really had that debate. The other side seems to want that info suppressed at every turn.
  16. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    It's very easy as a born-again believer to see abortion as being wrong. I am not defending abortion but want to point something out. When people have different worldviews, they filter reality differently and are able to rationalize things like abortion. This, of course, comes from man in rebellion to God and being able to suppress the truth. But pointing out all these things means nothing to most people who are for legal abortions. I was one of those people for 20 yrs.

    Most people for legal abortions know about the heartbeats and brain waves. It is no surprise to them and it does not keep them from supporting legal abortion. Why not? Because of how they view reality. Some may believe that an unborn baby is not really a life because he/she is not independent of the mother (they also use this view for people in comas, on life support, etc.) or because they think the baby does not have a soul until birth (you might be surprised how common this view is - I had this view, along with a belief in reincarnation). My point is not to present these views as rational or solid views but I am trying to point out that we need to be realistic about what sways people one way or the other regarding abortion. It does not matter that Christians may have great statements of facts or beliefs that would destroy these pro-abortion views. If we aren't realistic about it, we can't get anywhere. (And of course there are Christians who think abortion is wrong but it's okay to have it legally for others, and there are non-Christians who are pro-life).

    Another problem is that the pro-life movement (movements is a better term -- many groups, many agendas, many prima donnas) is a divided one because it's a political agenda and not based on Christ. I worked for a pro-life organization for 2 yrs. and it made me a total cynic as far as the pro-life movement goes. The in-fighting, friction, jockeying for publicity, etc., among various pro-life groups is depressing. They do not agree on what the agenda or priorities should be. It's like any other political movement - that is what I discovered.

    I do not know the answer beyond prayer; talking and if necessary, witnessing to women considering abortions; and the pregnancy centers (which I think are probably the best weapon in this arena besides prayer). Maybe if all believers who are so upset about this started a pregnancy center or volunteered in one, or opened a place for pregnant unwed mothers, more could be done. I think that is where action against abortion can really have effect.
  17. amixedupmom Guest

    Here are a few facts followed up with my beliefs

    In California if a pregnat woman is murdered, then the murderer is held accountable to the death of the baby, as well as the mother.

    Fact: Most women who have abortions are doing it out of a sorrowful spirit, not spite.

    Personally, I believe that aborition is wrong, BUT, It's like any sin. It is not my place to Judge any one who has had one, or make them feel like less of a person. It is my job to teach them that God Forgives. That they are on the wrong track. And try to help them. But not to push. I also feel that it is their decision, and their Sin to deal with.

    Imagine this on the news 2,500 preschoolers were killed in (city) today. How many people would be up in arms? Answer, ALL OF THEM. But that is the number of Babies killed everyday.

    Try this on for size if you think we are bad. In ancient greece it was accepted if your child any ANY flaw what so over, you were allowed to "expose" it. Bascially meaning you take the child the infant and put it on a hill. If no one came to take the baby, it died. This was going on 2500 years ago. We've gotten a bit better at it, but cruel is still cruel.

    One more fact. One of the people who helped push roe verses wade though, has stated he was wrong, and that it never should have went though.

    Food for thought don't you think?
  18. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Using your Greek example the US is much worse - even unflawed babies can be murdered.
  19. amixedupmom Guest

    the point i'm trying to make, is the barbarity of suffering is calmed down some.

    To be honest, I don't see how anyone can have an abortion. I really don't. I think it's cruel and unusual. I think that -sighs- it dosen't matter what I think.

    What if one of those babies was supposed to grow up and cure aids, cancer, diabetes, or a host of other diseases. What if that child is the next Martin Luther King Jr, Or Tony Blair, Or the next Billy Graham. It kills me to think of all the live that's wasted.

    There are so many contries that still use this barbarity. The only reason we are so offended by it is simply cause we have grown up. We are no longer "infants" In civlization anymore. WE just don't throw away those who are not perfect. WE try and help them.

    I have 4 children

    One who is special. And, It kills me to think that if it had been any other mother, they would have aborted her. She's 7 and one of the most beautiful little girls in the world.

    Forgive the emotion.

    Take Care
