Advice needed - a witch at work

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by LovesJesus, Jun 28, 2005.

  1. dianetavegia Guest

    One of our members, a father, said his daughter wanted a Star of David necklace. I don't remember the discussion but it was determined that many Christian youth were wearing it in place of a cross. This woman may have been Jewish even.

    I agree that this is being taken way too seriously and to show fear of a feather is a bad example to the unsaved. It's only a feather! Let's not make it into some graven image of satan.
  2. OCC Guest

    "...but I certainly do not believe witches have power."

    Oh you better believe they do. However, they have no power over a Christian for Jesus Christ will protect us.
  3. dianetavegia Guest

    Colossians 2:13 And you, being dead in your trespasses and the uncircumcision of your flesh, He has made alive together with Him, having forgiven you all trespasses, 14 having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us. And He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross. 15 Having disarmed principalities and powers, He made a public spectacle of them, triumphing over them in it.
  4. npc New Member

    May 26, 2005
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    I can't help noticing the context-sensitive ads on this thread: "Train to be a Witch" and "Huge Wiccan Store".
  5. LovesJesus New Member

    Mar 8, 2002
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    I thought the same thing at first. The first time I saw the necklace, I thought, oh, she is Jewish and wearing the Star of David. I don't really take long looks at other people's jewelry, let alone women's jewelry.

    But something made me look once more, and it was a five sided star in a circle. It wasn't the more well known "upside down star" or pentagram, but it was like this:

    I think this is a necklace that a wiccan or witchcraft person would wear. Yes? I got the image off some site I found googling "wiccan jewelry".

    Someone said something about gossip or rumor. She wasn't let go or left over issues of gossip or her practice of wicca/witchcraft. I am intentionally trying not to spread gossip. Thats the main reason I came here on the internet to get some advice from other brothers and sisters so that even my local church doesn't hear that "Dave has witches at his workplace, etc." So, to the poster who said that, just clearing that up.

    Thanks again for all the replies! It's been interesting to get all this counseling and teaching. It has challenged me to pray for this lady. If He leads, I should find a way to let her know about the grace that Jesus Christ offers to all.

    Right now, I can't find her address to send her the feather back to her, but great idea. If I can get the address, I probably will.

    Maybe rather than the tongue in cheek, I could send her a nice card (?) telling her we missed her with the feather in it.

    Maybe I need to go post this on as some of you pointed me too and ask some of those what the best thing to do to glorify Him would be.

    In the multitude of counselors, there is safety.

  6. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    All of you folks are COMPLETELY lissing the biggest point in the OP. The whole premise was based on a "rumor" and what "someone said". The issue here is not one of some silly feather at a desk of someone who . It's a much, much bigger issue. It's the issue of engaging in rumor and gossip. The whole opening post is based on rumor and gossip. A person is being accused of witchery without even knowing if she is one, without even being able to defend herself. What is this??? Colonial Salem????

    Folks, we're STRICTLY forbidden by scripture from engaging in rumor and gossip, and, sadly, not one person has even caught on to that.

    I don't quite know what to say, except that I'm somewhat saddenned by the fact that we've accepted it as appropriate Christian behavior.
  7. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    It's a feather. Throw it away.

    It has no more power than you choose to give it.
  8. BillyMac New Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    Take another feather and cross the original feather with it making an empty cross and leave it in place. If others question your actions tell them that there is no greater power than covering evil with good and that Jesus paid it all on a cross for their sins and the sins of the world.

    Tell them too that the Holy Spirit has been likened to a dove.

    At any rate, I wouldn't just toss the feather aside or throw it away....... I'd try to make lemonade from the lemon.
  9. OCC Guest

    "Folks, we're STRICTLY forbidden by scripture from engaging in rumor and gossip, and, sadly, not one person has even caught on to that."
    Is it rumour or gossip when no names are involved? Why did you read past the first post then?

    "I don't quite know what to say, except that I'm somewhat saddenned by the fact that we've accepted it as appropriate Christian behavior."
    That's probably because we haven't decided if it is rumour or gossip. Again, no names involved.
  10. dianetavegia Guest

    No name, no town, no state, no business name, no profession listed.....

    Gossip: Idle, often sensational and groundless talk about others.
  11. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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  12. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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  13. OCC Guest

    Please tell me how. If that is the case, then we can't say anything on this board and the Bible is full of slander. You know...David and Bathsheba, etc. But it is not full of gossip, just like we haven't gossipped.

    And could someone be charged with slander or gossip if no names are used? It can't be traced back to anyone and cannot be proven.
  14. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    What makes you think so? I used to have witches as friends and talk to a lot of them now. I also had experience with occult supernatural power myself.

    I am not saying there is no such thing as such a power. Re-read my post. I said that they don't have power (as in control of it) but that it uses them. I think that demonic power works through people sometimes or on them, but the people themselves don't have it in the sense of having control of it.
  15. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    I think it's okay to talk about Wicca and what the response should be, but not talk about the issue of the person leaving the job.

    Gossip is spreading info or lies or rumors to hurt someone's reputation. Discussion of Wicca or whatever and how to witness is not gossip.

    LovesJesus, Wiccans usually use the pentagram with one point up. That point stands for Spirit (the other 4 are the elements), Goddess, Higher Self, and/or other things. It's not universally agreed on by Wiccans.

    The pentagram with 2 points up is how Satanists use it, and their interpretation of the pentagram is different.
  16. OCC Guest

    I see what you are saying and I agree with you. I just wanted to make it clear that they have no power over Christians. Christians cannot be cursed by anyone because Jesus will protect us.
  17. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    If you have to ask, then you don't have a concept of what gossip is.
  18. LovesJesus New Member

    Mar 8, 2002
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    Marcia, based on my necklace picture, you would conclude this person liked or followed wicca?

    Is wicca a form of witchcraft? or what?

    Maybe I was wrong to say "witch". Sorry.
  19. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    Yes, the necklace is definitely a Wiccan or witch pentagram. So I would conclude the person considers herself Wiccan or a witch. It's possible the person is involved in some other occult teaching but just likes the pentagram, but that possibility is small.

    The Wicca/Witch label is complicated. Some Wiccans consider themselves witches but don't like to use the label "witch" as it has such negative connotations and people think they worship Satan (they don't believe in Satan).

    Some Witches do not believe that Wiccans are witches. So it depends on whom you ask. There is continuous debate on this. They don't agree because there is no central teaching or authority. It's just a loose-knit religions movement with groups of people or individuals doing their own thing.

    Gerald Gardner started the modern Witchcraft/Wicca movement in England in the late 1940's. Please read my article. I think it will help. It's at:

    Email me from my site if you have questions.
  20. LovesJesus New Member

    Mar 8, 2002
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    wow. Nice article, Marcia.
