After The S-Election?

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by poncho, Oct 20, 2012.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I dunno what I'll be posting about then but I can tell you that whatever it is it won't be based on a false paradigm.

    What do I mean by a false paradigm? Well, for example you seem to be suggesting that there is no "international network of corporations and secret governmental departments conspiring" in spite of the fact that it has now been scientifically proven. Now what are going to with this new information? Change your false paradigm or continue in it? I honestly don't know what you'll do with it but from our past discussions I expect that you will (true to form) deny these new facts and continue in it.

    Why do I expect this outcome?

    Well, because you"ll have to in order to make yourself feel justified in your continued support of one of the banking/corporate elite's bought and paid for stooges. In short I expect you will go on being dishonest with yourself and those around you simply because you chose to side with those destroying this country rather than those trying to restore it. I hope I am mistaken but as I have found with you in the past once your mind is made up no amount of facts or evidence to the contrary matter.

    Funny how that works isn't it?

    But hey at least around here you are still in the majority of like minded people.

    And now I expect a slew of insults and put downs from you because that's what people do today when they'd rather not put their dearly held false paradigms in danger. But that's okay because I understand why people act this way today. :smilewinkgrin:
  2. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I was asked what I will be posting about after this year's s-election. I spell it that way because our presidents are s elected by the global financial elite rather than e lected by the people of the United States.

    Yeah I know we still go through all the motions and rather enjoy the whole theatrical production of it all but that's beside the point right now.

    Anyway I stepped away from my computer for awhile and thought about this question that was posed to me. I think I have come up with an answer at least partly because I can't see into the future. But I can see into the past and present. So here goes.

    I will probably be posting quite a bit about how lower and middle income families will be getting gutted like so many dead fish to pay off the criminal international banking/corporate elite on Wall Street and in London. Among other things of course but I think this might be the "big one".

    Why do I think this? Well, for one thing Wall Street has already given Washington it's
    "marching orders". Matters not whether Obama or Romney are occupying the White House these orders will be obeyed in order to avoid the so called "fiscal cliff" .

    Without going into alot of detail this means the debt ceiling will be raised no surprise there. Taxes will be raised and cuts will be made to social programs across the board in order to pay off the bankers.

    I know some of you might be thinking Poncho is nuts he can't see into the future and you'd be right . . . about my inability to see into the future anyways. But do I or any of us have to peer into the future to see what'll happen after this s-election cycle?

    Nope. All we have to do I believe, is look at the EU. Look at Greece, look at Spain, look at Italy, etc. We can all look into our future here in the good ole USA by looking at the recent past and present in Europe. That ladies and gentlemen is what our future holds for us.

    In a word . . . Austerity.
    Which is nothing more than the insanely rich and powerful stealing the last crumbs from the poor and powerless folks table.

    Seeing as how both Obama and Romney are FOIBs (friends of the international banking cartel) I think it's safe to say they (who ever is s elected) will gladly carry out the cartel's wishes and gut the USA like their European counterparts are now gutting their own nations for the cartel.

    We don't need to see into the future to know how all this will come down all we have to do is look at how Europe was conquered by the international banking cartel that now rules the world.

    If any of you have your own visions of our future feel free to share them.
  3. billwald New Member

    Jun 28, 2000
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    Agree 100%. The "middle class" bubble has been popped. This will be the first generation of high school and college kids in a hundred years who will have a very small chance of doing better than their parents.
  4. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    You could just go back to ranting about black helicopters...

    And reptile people from outerspace. :laugh:
  5. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Dick Morris (former Clinton advisor, now turned Conservative) has a new book out:

    Here Come the Black Helicopters. (UN Global Governance and the Loss of Freedom)
  6. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Why yes, since I hob knob with corporate executives, heads of state, and high ranking military leaders daily, I can see why you think I will continue to promote the UN agenda.
  7. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Merged 2 posts into appropriate thread. LE
  8. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    You think I was talking about the UN agenda? Hmmm, you really have no clue at all as to what you are supporting do you?

    Have you never heard the word oligarchy before? Interesting thing happened when I was looking up the definition for you. According to M-W . . .

    An oligarchy is not a republican form of government. It's not even a democratic form of government. Quite the opposite it is a anti democratic form of government.

    For those out there that still don't know the difference between a republic and a democracy I'll make it real simple.

    A.) A republican form of government = rule of law.

    B.) A democracy = majority or mob rule, or "two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner".

    C.) An oligarchy = rule by a few.

    What do you suppose it means that the word oligarchy is in the top 1% of words looked up at M-W and increased significantly in lookups over the past seven days? You think maybe it means people are waking up?

    LE gave us a link to a book. A book you have to buy and read in order to reap it's benefit. I'm going to give you a link to a movie that you can watch for free. The only work you have to do is click a couple links and sit back and watch it. Try not to look at it as losing a couple hours you could be using to support one of the oligarch's puppets look at it as spending a couple hours becoming informed so you can then help restore the republic. Isn't that what we all want to do?
  9. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    I am in the process of watching the movie, and appreciate the link. I will watch it with an open mind. Also, I will make an effort to cut down the sarcasm.
  10. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    Poncho said:

    A.) A republican form of government = rule of law.

    B.) A democracy = majority or mob rule, or "two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner".

    Are you saying that a republic aways has rule of law.
    Are you saying that a democracy is always mob rule?

    Isn't it just as possible for the "wolves" to get elected?
    In fact a democracy might be better as each individual has a direct voice. Now, I realize it would be hard for 300 million to have a direct voice on each issue.
  11. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I was trying to boil it down to it's essence Salty. In the American republic as founded the individual is protected from the majority by the due process of law.

    Since we no longer have the protection of due process of law in this country thanks to the combined efforts of Bush and Obama and all those who supported their un-constitutional policies either by consent or silence we can no longer rightly claim to be a republic.

    A democracy is mob rule. There is no protection under the law for the individual. If there are six men in the field and five vote in favor of eating the sixth guess who's for dinner? The sixth man has no legal recourse. He cannot appeal his death sentence. There is no one he can appeal to to save him from the majority. The majority has spoken and it has the final word.

    Now a days in these United States the executive branch claims to have power over the life or death of anyone it claims is a threat. No need for a majority to rule who is worthy of life or death. One man alone now has that power.

    So much for democracy.

    Oligarchy or rule by a few. Most people here it seems still believe our government is the highest authority in the land. This is just not true despite what our leaders and media tell us and it hasn't been for a hundred years.

    A small group of private international bankers are the highest acting authority in this land. They are not elected by the people and they have control over the government because of their monopoly of creating money from nothing. Napoleon said of the bankers in his day “When a government is dependent upon bankers for money, they and not the leaders of the government control the situation, since the hand that gives is above the hand that takes. Money has no motherland; financiers are without patriotism and without decency; their sole object is gain.”

    Why do you suppose the founders gave congress the power to create money and not the bankers?

    A private international banking cartel (oligarchy) seized control of the United States government by stealth in 1913 in the dead of the night when most of congress was at home. And still exercises that control through a monopoly on the creation of money from nothing. So, we are not a republic because we no longer have the protection of due process, we are not a democracy because one man can send another to prison for life or to his death without due process of law and without consulting congress or calling for a majority vote.

    So what type of government do we have?

    Good I'll try to do the same. I've been trying to come up with a way to explain where I am coming from in all my posts. I think John Adams sums it up best so I'll just quote him in my signature line.
  12. Ryan.Samples New Member

    Apr 11, 2012
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    Alex Jones is a hot mess. We lived in Austin, TX for two years and I was rather embarrassed (on his behalf) by some of the junk he publishes. His heart is in the right place (I guess), but he plays rather fast and loose with the facts / doesn't worry himself with digging into the actual details of some stories. He is simply a woeful sensationalist. I've seen several of his films and still keep tabs on his articles from time to time, in part because he does sometimes hit the nail on the head and in part because it is somewhat amusing (sad?) to see what he drums up next. I'm all for people who want to keep "the man" in check, and I'm no fan of the UN, but he's more "hype" than "helpful." I feel like he sometimes makes some great points, but they are typically lost in his hyper-paranoia.
  13. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I agree with alot of what you say but I shudder to think where we would be today if Alex Jones and the alternative media had never been. We all have minds to think and reason and he is there to remind us of that every day. The government and it's transnational corporate sponsors would just as soon have a nation of brainwashed sheople to rule over rather than a nation of critical thinking citizens that might hold them accountable. Governments have always prefered sheople to citizens.

    Imagine if we only had the government and corporate media's word to go by still. We might as well put rings in our noses and sing kumbaya on our way to the UN death camps.
  14. InTheLight Well-Known Member
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    Dec 17, 2010
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    Well sure...the international bankers want to gut the average everyday business and the citizens of the U.S. and thereby destroy their income streams and their power base. No more mortgage lending, no more commercial loans for construction of buildings or loans for equipment. No loans at all. With the country in a deep recession no banker would need to make loans because the hoi polloi is not able to buy anything. Yes, like all conspiracy theories it makes perfect sense--kill the hand that feeds you.

    You mean those banks that were told by the EU government that they were going to have to take a haircut of 50% of the return on the government bonds they underwrote in order for Greece, Italy, and Spain to keep solvent? Those powerful banking cartels that rule the world?
  15. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I'll believe I'm going to take your advice this time around. :smilewinkgrin:

    From your own signature line . . .

    We'll see if I'm right after the s-election won't we?

  16. InTheLight Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Dec 17, 2010
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    Sure, but let's make it crystal clear.

    You are saying that Congress and the President will obey the international bankers and reach an agreement to avoid the "fiscal cliff". Is that correct?

    I am saying that no agreement will be reached, OR, it will be reached sometime in February or March, too late because economic damage will already have been done.
  17. Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    :thumbsup::applause: That pretty much sums it up.
  18. Zaac Well-Known Member

    Jun 12, 2012
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    Again, excellent. as much as some don't want to accept it, Obama and Romney are both anti-Christ working for the same wicked people to accomplish the same thing.
  19. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Yes, and after the election, regardless of who wins, you will do nothing for four years to make any difference, then, about February 2016, you will appear on stage again, telling us all about how unChristlike all of the announced candidates are, and you will continue until November 2016, then silence until February 2020.............and the beat goes on, so does the mouth.
  20. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Believe it or not I'm agreeing with you. I'm betting no agreement will be reached. Taxes will be raised and social programs will be cut across the board to pay off the bankers.

    Avoiding the "fiscal cliff" isn't in the best interest of the bankers but they sure make it sound that way.

    Watch this . . .

    Gerald Celente: The Empire is Collapsing

    Let's travel back to 2004 when I first joined Baptist Board.

    When I first joined BB all the "experts" we're telling us the economy was doing great. I come along and said no, the economy is in trouble and it'll crash sooner or later. I got called all kinds of names over it. I was called a nut case. I was called a kooky conspiracy theorist. I was called anti American. I was called everything but human because I disagreed with the "experts". Now it's all "mainstream consensus".

    Okay so it took four years for the crash to get here but get here it did. I was right. I'm still waiting for someone to say hey Poncho was right about the economy all along. Sorry about calling you all the names Poncho.

    Fast forward a bit. Shortly there after I started telling everyone here that our government was one of if not the biggest supporter of terrorism in the world. Again I was called names. I was called a nutcase. I was called a kooky conspiracy theorist and of course I was anti American. Well guess what? I was right again! I started thread after thread documenting how Obama and the "international community" were training, arming and funding Islamic extremists. I made post after post after post about our government's long term policy of using terrorists to effect "regime change" being nothing new and it started with Iran in 1953 if not before! I think out of all you here only Lady Eagle gave me credit for documenting this. Now it's all "mainstream consensus".

    When Libya came into focus I thought you all would see it with your own eyes. Nope. Then Syria came into focus I thought maybe you'd see it with your own eyes then. Nope. You all didn't take notice until our long time Islamic extremist "allies" attacked the embassy in Libya. Hey I was right again! How about that? I thought maybe just maybe you all would see this as the long term policy carried through several administrations democratic and republican that it is. Nope. Now you all want to blame it all on Obama while ignoring the republicans complicity in it.

    It didn't start with Obama and as Romney and his neocon advisers have openly promised it isn't going to end with Obama. I'm still waiting for someone to say hey Poncho was right about the governmet and the "international community" training, arming and funding our enemies all along. Sorry we called you all those names Poncho.

    And I guess I'll be waiting another fours years for you folks to understand that using terrorists as proxy fighters has been a long term bipartisan effort all along. And I'm sure I'll never get any credit for being one of the first to bring it all to your attention. No one is going say hey you know what maybe Poncho isn't so crazy after all he told us all this way before it became "mainstream". I'm not fishing for compliments or apologies here I'm just trying to make a point.

    I'm on your side. I love this country and it's people and I want what's best for all of us. That is the only reason I have been here year after year taking all the abuse I take from you guys. If I didn't care about this country and it's people including all of you here I would have been gone long ago.

    I keep waiting for the moment you all will wake up. I pray for it every night and every day.

    We got hard times ahead of us and even if you think I'm just a crazy anti American conspiracy theorist nut case and don't believe anything I say well, that's okay but for your own good, for the love of your children start preparing for the worst now. Please.