Amnesty Executive Order on HOLD UNtil After Mid-term Elections

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by righteousdude2, Sep 6, 2014.

  1. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    I hate to say that Mr. Obama has turned tail and run, but in a real sense he has. After members up for re-election in November, and the DNC pressured the POTUS to delay this Executive Order to make sure the public does not look at them unfavorably!

    If he had the convictions to do this by Executive Order, he should have demonstrated that same conviction and courage by just signing the EO, and making it happen!

    This again shows a man that is more concerned [and what POTUS isn't or hasn't been in the past] with the pubic opinion when it comes to elections!

    And this change of heart, once again speaks to his fingerprints being all over the Benghazi disaster, because he was coming up on the elections and he wanted that second term. He was not going to allow a battle, no matter how short and confined that battle may have been, influence the public's opinion and view of him, as the no war president!

    I say shame on you Mr. Obama! I do not agree with the amnesty EO you want to sign, but I think you should do the hard thing and let the cards fall where they lay, or may? This is one more crack in your armor, exposing you as weak and ineffective!

    What say you? Should he sign it, elections or not? Or wait until the dust settles, and Dems up for re-election and or election, won't be hurt?
  2. Revmitchell Well-Known Member
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    Feb 18, 2006
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