Ancestor Racism

Discussion in 'Science' started by jcrawford, Oct 26, 2005.

  1. jcrawford New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    Is this a serious comment?

    Let me know which humans today are not homo sapien.

    You're no more or less homo sapien than anyone else alive todday. Clearly, your ignocance abounds. All humans are of the Eukarya domain, the Animalia kingdom, the Chordate phymul, the Vertebrate subphylum, the Mammal class, the Primates order, the Hominid family, the Homo Genus, and the Sapien species.

    It's incorrect to refer to the "human species". "Human" referrs to the genus, not the species. All members of the Homo genus are/were humans. We are all members of the species "sapien". No other species are alive today.
    </font>[/QUOTE]All right. So we're Human sapiens sapiens, and since there are no other species of humans, Neandertals are Human sapiens neandertalensis. Java Man, Peking Man and Rhodesian Man are Human sapiens erectus.
  2. Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    Uh . . you missed the operative "today". They weren't Homo Sapiens and they are no longer alive.
  3. Paul of Eugene New Member

    Oct 30, 2001
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    It's racist to theorize that African people originated from non-human apes in Africa. It's not racist to contend that African people descended from Adam and Eve, just like everyone else did. </font>[/QUOTE]Why aren't you guilty of deliberately attempting to mislead your readers with this statement? Because we all know that the evolutionist point of view is that ALL people alive today, me, you, and "African people" (I don't yet know if that includes you or not) are descended from pre-human species, originally from Africa. We are all in that same catagory. For what possible reason do you pick out "African people" as especially being in this catagory?
  4. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    :confused: I'm curious is you're attempting to be ignorant on purpose, or is it unintentional?
    You statement makes no sense whatsoever. All humans alive today are homo sapiens (the Homo Genus, and the Sapien species).
    You appear to lack the ability to grasp that "sapien" and "neanderthalensis" are species.
    Neanderthals were Homo Neanderthalensis.
    Java Man and Peking Man were Homo erectus. Rhodesia man was Homo rhodesiensis. Neither was Homo sapien.
  5. jcrawford New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    They must be H. sapiens erectus and H. sapiens neanderthalensis since there is no evidence of any other human species on earth but H. sapiens.
  6. jcrawford New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    Why aren't you guilty of deliberately attempting to mislead your readers with this statement? Because we all know that the evolutionist point of view is that ALL people alive today, me, you, and "African people" (I don't yet know if that includes you or not) are descended from pre-human species, originally from Africa. We are all in that same catagory. For what possible reason do you pick out "African people" as especially being in this catagory? [/QB]</font>[/QUOTE]Neo-Darwinists use models of primitive African people as the lynchpin of their theories of human evolution from African ape ancestors and are only able to include the rest of humanity in "that same catagory" by falsely claiming that all H. sapiens today are descended from African people. It is a form of scientific racism to theorize that African people alone evolved from ancestors of apes and that other all other racial groups in the world today subsequently descended from 'fully human' African people.

    If anyone is guilty of deliberately misleading anyone, it is the neo-Darwinist race theorists who claim that modern African, Asian and European racial groups all originated from perfectly human H. sapiens in Africa while only H. sapiens in Africa first evolved from H. erectus in Africa and only H. erectus in Africa first evolved from ancestral monkeys and apes.

    Neo-Darwinist theory of human origins now parallels the Adam and Eve model except for the racist idea that the first Human sapiens in Africa 'evolved' from non-human ape ancestors while the rest of us Human sapiens today are only 'descended' from a very human, if not 'mythological,' Eve somewhere in Africa or Eden.
  7. jcrawford New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    I only recognize H. sapiens sapiens as a racially diversified Human sub-species.

    Consequently, I label H. sapiens neanderthalensis and H. sapiens erectus et al. as racially diversified Human sub-species also.

    Creationists can classify Neanderthal people as H. sapiens neanderthalensis, because there is no evidence that these early humans in Western Asia and the Middle East were anything less than human.

    I prefer to label Java Man and Peking Man as H. sapiens erectus since cranial capcity alone is no conclusive determinant of human intelligence. The 'H.' stands for Human.

    Rhodesian Man is H. sapiens rhodesiensis, then, indicating that sapient human beings lived in Rhodesia also.
  8. Johnv New Member

    Oct 24, 2001
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    There's no such thing. sapien is a species, rhodesiensis is a species, neanderthalensis is a species, and erectus is a species. There's no such thing as a "homo sapien erectus", no mattrer how hard you repeat your ignorance.

    All members of the Homo genus were humans. "Human" is a genus, not a species.
    There's no such theory. This is complete fantasy on your part.
  9. jcrawford New Member

    Jan 12, 2004
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    There's no such thing. sapien is a species, rhodesiensis is a species, neanderthalensis is a species, and erectus is a species. </font>[/QUOTE]Nonsense. That's only a neo-Darwinist racial theory about our human ancestors without evidence of speciation. Since there is no evidence otherwise, creationists only observe one human race and species, with racial variation within it.
    H. sapiens erectus fossils have been discovered throughout Asia and Africa. The ones in Africa have been renamed H. sapiens ergaster. They're assumed to be related to H. sapiens rudolfensis and H. sapiens habilis in Africa.
    I know. That's why we use H. to designate H. sapiens neanderthalensis and H. sapiens erectus as Human.
    Nonsense. It's called the African Eve, mitochondrial Eve, mtDNA Eve or Out of Africa model. I'm surprised you haven't heard of it. Maybe that acounts for your ignorance of the subject at hand.