Another oppurtunity to stand.

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Jailminister, Dec 10, 2003.

  1. Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    . . .Over 1.5 million online activists and growing!

    Great News! Members of Congress call FCC to task over their ruling on the "f" word!

    Take action project: Dodge to air semi-porn, pay-per-view "Lingerie Bowl" during Super Bowl

    Because of the nearly 1,000,000 e-mails and letters you sent, several members of Congress have called on the FCC to reverse their approving the use of the "f" word on TV and radio!

    Now, help convince Dodge that their sponsorship of the semi-porn "Lingerie Bowl" is bad for business.

    According to Motor Trend, Dodge will air a special pay-per-view titillating "Lingerie Bowl" during halftime of the next Super Bowl.

    Dodge's promotional site says "Halftime Has Never Been This Sexy Before!" In an odd twist, Dodge says proceeds from the "Lingerie Bowl" will help AIDS research.

    The "Lingerie Bowl" will feature half-naked models dressed in lingerie playing a seven-on-seven tackle football game. Dodge is marketing the game to young men.

    Send Dodge your email about their using semi-porn to sell a "family" Caravan.

    Very important! Call your local Dodge dealer. Complain about their decision to sponsor the pay-per-view semi-porn Victoria’s Secret-type "Lingerie Bowl."


    Donald E. Wildmon, Founder and Chairman
    American Family Association

    P.S. Please forward this email to at least one friend.
  2. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Thanks for the heads up.

    I just took a preaching op for the whole day on Super Sunday, as I'll be back from Mexico. SS, AM, PM so will miss the game.

    WON'T miss the Lingerie Bowl . . That is just another symptom of the decaying society methinks.
  3. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    The key words here being "pay per view". This means that you have to make a conscious effort to order it.

    I don't really see a problem with this.

    I'm not sure what Dodge has to do with half naked women, but if someone wants to look at that sort of thing, it's none of my business.

    But why would you even care? Do people not have the right to watch what they want to in their own homes.

    Considering that most AFA followers wouldn't watch it (at least, not that they'd admit), many won't be watching the game and many more don't even drive Dodges, what business is it of theirs?

    And I'm sure that they appreciate all of the extra publicity you're giving them.

    Considering that pay per view events tend not to do all that well in the first place, your best course of action would have been just to ignore it.

    I thought you said the show was being marketed to young men. Are that many young men really buying minivans?

    Hey, Don, you do know, don't you, that the local dealer has absolutely nothing to do with this decision?
  4. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    great! Look at the Google ads on their banner for this thread. Just what the BB needs, underwear ads.
  5. Joined:
    Sep 25, 2003
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    Since the program is pay-per-view I don't think there is a reason to get so excited. There are programs on pay-per-view that are much more deserving of boycotting than a little ratings gimmick like this.
  6. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I wouldn't pay for it, but it is pay per view, like so much other rubbish on the telly. Don't pay and don't view!
  7. Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    MikeMc That is ok, just ignore it. That is why society is in the shape it is in because "we don't have a problem with it".
  8. Ransom Active Member

    Oct 3, 2000
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    "Just ignoring" a pay-per-view hits the sponsor where it matters: his bottom line.
  9. Butterflies4mami New Member

    Jul 19, 2003
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    Only my opinion, but I think nothing will get better or taken care of by ignoring it! If Christians would take a stand against filth of this sort and the more subtle ( kind of filth that we over look because we are so used to seeing it that it doesn't even prick our conscience or hearts anymore) then it wouldn't be on tv., in ads, etc. A lot of moral decay is simply the effect of spineless Christians who just want to ride the wave till Jesus comes!
    In Christ,
    Is. 6:8
  10. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Although Jailminister and I are on opposite ends of the spectrum, I have to agree with Jailminister on this one. :eek:

    This is a HORRIBLE, HORRIBLE idea.

    It may be "pay-per-view;" however, Dodge (specifically Daimler-Chrysler) needs to receive substantial backlash for this.
  11. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    Again, what business is it of mine what people do in their own homes? How can I say that I believe in individual liberty if I want to control what somebody else does?

    Look, it's not that I don't care, it's just that...ok, it's that I don't care.
  12. ScottEmerson Active Member

    Jun 3, 2002
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    I didn't know about it until you publicized it, Jailminister. Now I'm interested. I will be ordering it now, and watching it with my friends during halftime of the Super Bowl this year.

    Okay, not really, but I can only imagine what this free publicity will be doing for Dodge. There may be people lurking around who will watch just because it is mentioned. I remember when the old AFA newsletter came out that had the different television shows and the stuff that was on them. There were teenagers who came to church but weren't saved who would read about it, and then try to watch it on television. In cases like this, any publicity is good publicity. Those who aren't going to see it aren't going to see it, but for those who would like to and didn't know about it, well, they may find out about it now.
  13. Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    You may not care about fanning the embers of lust for a 14-year-old that his father and uncles thought was now "old enough" to watch this harmless entertainment. After all, what business is it of anybody else what this kid watches in the privacy of his own home. You may not care that in a couple of years he will be watching much more graphic depictions of immorality in the privacy of his own home (after all, Dad must approve, he is paying for it). You may not care that this same kid, now a young man and totally jaded and bored with what he can experience "inside" his house comes outside to see what his now warped sense of morality can experience. You may care that he rapes or harms other peoples daughters, sister, and mothers but, why didn't you care when the symptoms of this cancer were forming? Why did you wait until it was terminal? You may not desire the political power to stem the tide of sexual immorality being expressed in the world but why would you not at least care?
  14. Bible-boy Active Member

    Sep 1, 2002
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    You guys that are attempting to make the "any publicity is good publicity" agrument are missing the point. The OMM and OMD websites have been sucessful in causing enough heat, by contacting advertising sponors of offensive shows, to actually have the shows removed from the air waves. When the companies that sponsor such shows (by their purchase of commercial air time) receive hundreds of thousands of e-mails and letters expressing concern and threatening to boycott their products they withdraw their advertising dollars quick fast and in a hurry. This causes the networks and cable companies to remove the offensive shows in order to replace them with ones that people and advertisers will support. If enough people contact Chrysler prior to this offensive pay-per view thing they may well drop the idea before it is aired.
  15. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    You may not care about fanning the embers of lust for a 14-year-old that his father and uncles thought was now "old enough" to watch this harmless entertainment.</font>[/QUOTE]This has nothing to do with "fanning the embers of lust", it's about individual liberty and allowing others to make their own moral choices, even if I or my religious beliefs may find those choices distasteful.

    The parents. Not mine, not yours, not jailminister's, not Donald Wildmon's and most certainly NOT the government's.

    Now, would this be classified as hyperbole or hysteria?

    But what you're talking about isn't "stemming the tide of sexual immorality being expressed in the world", you're talking about controlling how people express themselves, how they choose to believe and how companies choose to market themselves.

    You can couch that in all of the emotional, altruistic sounding language you want but it's still facism.
  16. Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    Mike Mc said
    Mike it is not about control. It is about standing up for righteousness. The Bible says Proverbs 16:25 There is a way that seemeth right unto a man, but the end thereof [are] the ways of death. If we know death and destruction is ahead for someone and we can warn them, should we, I say yes. I am not saying you would not either, but this is a time to warn people.
  17. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    Fine. Then warn them but understand that ultimately, it is their responsibility to make those decisions and not your decision to make it for them.
  18. Jailminister New Member

    Jun 10, 2003
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    I have no problem with that, but you could also make the same case for passing out tracts or passing out bibles. These things show a need for correction in ones life which could be inferred as interferring with someones life.
  19. Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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  20. Mike McK New Member

    Sep 14, 2001
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    But again, what business is it of ours?

    Most people who are going to wrote these letters are the same people who are going to come on Baptistboard (and you will see these threads at the end of the football season) and brag about how they're not going to watch the Superbowl that night because they'll be in church.

    Out of those who actually do watch, naturally, they wouldn't spend the money to get this pay per view.

    Of those, how many use Dodge products to begin with?

    To boycott something you wouldn't use in the first place is a bit like the guy who stands before a firing squad and refuses the cigarette with a sneer and says, "It's a filthy habit and I quit this morning".

    If it's not something that you would make the choice to get in the first place, then it's none of your business.