Are Immunizations unhealthy and sinful?

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by Paul33, May 14, 2005.

  1. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Street address please, thank you.
  2. mareese Guest

    It is not uncommon for people to be unaware of this. Doctors don't tell you there's an option. The health department doesn't tell you. In the hospital at the child's birth they tell you what injections they will give.
    When entering a child in school you are given a list of REQUIRED immunizations before the child can enter. If the list in incomplete they tell you your child will not be enrolled until it is. In my district even the chicken pox vaccine is now mandatory.
    Most who do not vaccinate their children get a visit from children's services, where they are often told that they have x amount of time to immunize or they will lose their children. If the child is taken away during an investigation they are vaccinated regardless as they are now the property of the state during investigation.

    One must know and be aware of the law before they decide not to vaccinate or they will not know the right procedures to avoid such reactions from doctors, schools, and health departments.

    We're going to.
    Threatened consequences if you don't.

    Is it any wonder people might make a mistake and conclude it's illegal to not vaccinate?
  3. Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    You are correct. Here in Nebraska, the state statutes require that persons are to be informed in writing that exemptions are allowed. But of course, that never happens. I had to rattle the school principal before he complied with the law under threat of prosecution.


    Why is it so hard for you to simply admit that the law allows exemptions for personal reasons? Ed, in Oklahoma, all a person has to do to exempt his children from immunization is object in writing.

    Again, Ed, just admit that you didn't know what you were talking about when you claimed that Oklahoma had no exemptions.

    Also, Dr. Mendelson, in his book, How to Raise a Healthy Children, speaks to this issue of immunizations and safety.

    How anyone can inject their children with monkey serum and mercury is beyond me, especially when all states allow exemptions and research is inconclusive as to the merits of immunizations. Doctors who know the truth will not let their children be immunized.
  4. TexasSky Guest

    You cannot attend schools in Texas without the immunizations. They will ask you to get them, and if you don't, they'll throw you out.
  5. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    I see that you seem to have quoted from two states laws that children can be exempted from immunizations. I am wondering if you found that on the internet, and if so, would you please post the source link?


    Joseph Botwinick
  6. TexasSky Guest

    Those posting about "exempting your kids," need to read the exemptions. It requires a doctor say that your child is safe without the vaccine, and it requires that your child will not post a risk to other children if your child doesn't get the vaccine.

    If you people don't believe in doctors, where do you think you'll find one to write you a medical note saying that you don't have to comply with a law.

    Also, why would you put your child at such a risk? God gave you the responsibility to care for your child. I lived in a world before many of these vaccines were used, and I like today's world where I'm not attending funerals for 3 year olds who died for a preventable illness.
  7. TexasSky Guest

    This sounds harsh, but I don't see a huge difference in refusing to get your chlid the medical care it needs, and in allowing an abortion. Both things are cases of parents making decisions that result in the unnecessary deaths of children because of parental actions. I think both actions are forms of murder.
  8. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Wyoming also has state statute (call me a liar if you'd like) that allows parents not to abuse their children by imposing vaccinations. My wording, of course!! Vaccinations are horrendous child abuse.

    BUT, if there is, for example, a measles outbreak in a community and your child has not had the monkey virus in them, they are not allowed to attend classes.

    My son, at 16, was a student at our local juco. The measles thing hit and his records showed no immunization. They forbid him to go to class and missing such would equal forfeiting the semester.

    So he got the shot (parents, of course, were not informed). His physical reaction was so awful that it still plagues him 14 years later. He has sworn never to get a shot for his children. His wife, RN in pediatrics, agrees 100%. She said she witnessed too many babies getting hep B shots before they were 10 minutes old and their immune systems so compromised that they had to have 12-15 antibiotics before they were 1.
  9. dianetavegia Guest

    Paul33, Polio was caused by a virus. Spinal meningitis is caused by gram negative bacteria.

    You, evidently, are quite young and never witnessed the childhood diseases which Ed, myself and the others over the age of 50 saw or endured.



    poliomyelitis (pō'lēōmī'əlī'tĭs) , polio, or infantile paralysis, acute viral infection, mainly of children but also affecting older persons. There are three immunologic types of poliomyelitis virus; exposure to one type produces immunity only to that type, so infection with the other types is still possible. Spread of the infection is primarily through contact with an infected person. Most people who contract polio either exhibit no symptoms or experience only minor illness; however, such individuals can harbor the virus and spread it to others.
    The virus enters the body by way of the mouth, invades the bloodstream, and may be carried to the central nervous system, where it causes lesions of the gray matter of the spinal cord and brain. The illness begins with fever, headache, stiff neck and back, and muscle pain and tenderness. If there is involvement of the central nervous system, paralysis ensues. Of those patients who develop paralytic poliomyelitis, about 25% sustain severe permanent disability, another 25% have mild disabilities, and 50% recover with no residual paralysis. The disease is usually fatal if the nerve cells in the brain are attacked (bulbar poliomyelitis), causing paralysis of essential muscles, such as those controlling swallowing, heartbeat, and respiration. There is no specific drug for treatment. For reasons not clearly understood, some people who have had severe polio experience postpolio syndrome, a condition in which new weakness and pain occurs years later in previously affected muscles.

    The incidence of poliomyelitis declined radically in the United States when a mass immunization program with the Salk vaccine was begun in 1955. By 1961 the Sabin vaccine, a preparation made from living organisms and taken orally, was released for use. Since then the disease has been virtually eliminated in the Americas, Europe, and Australasia, but vaccination programs continue because of polio's existence in other parts of the world (mainly South Asia and parts of Africa) and the ease of travel.

    In 1988 the World Health Organization began a global vaccination campaign to eradicate the disease—which continued to paralyze hundreds of thousands of children each year—by 2000. Although the date of eradication was later pushed back to 2005, by 2003 there were less than a thousand new cases of polio worldwide. In 2003–4 the campaign was temporarily slowed when Muslim states in Nigeria refused to use vaccines they believed would sterilize women, leading to an increase in cases there and in neighboring countries.


    poliomyelitis (poh-lee-oh-meye-uh-leye-tis)

    An acute disease, and an infectious disease, caused by a virus, that brings about inflammation of certain nerve cells in the spinal cord. It can have a wide range of effects, from mild to severe, including paralysis, permanent disability, and death. In the United States, the disease has now largely vanished since the development of a vaccine against it. (See Sabin vaccine and Salk vaccine.)

    My father in law lived in an iron lung for almost 7 years before moving into a rocking bed and then dying. The rocking bed should have forced air in and out of his lungs.
  10. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    I remember lining up at public school and taking the Salk vaccine by injection. Later people took
    the vaccine by a liquid in a sugar cube.

    I have a friend who goes to church with me.
    He has a $50,000 van that puts he and
    his wheel chair on the ground from the vehicle
    or from the ground into the vehichle. All the
    loading mechanism is remote controled so he
    can operate the whole process. Needless to
    say, he doesn't go very much. He is one of
    the ones who had polio before the vaccine,
    millions of other American children died
    of polio.

    Sorry, but we are NOT letting the anarchists
    take us back into the stone age. Immunization
    is required.
  11. TexasSky Guest

    My sister was born in 1954, the vaccine came out around 1957, but wasn't available in our city until the eary 60's, by then, my sister was fighting for life, and to this day is plagued by problems associated with the virus. I remember the hours and hours listening to her scream while they worked her legs so that she wouldn't be crippled for her entire life. I remember the wheelchairs and the cruelty of people. I remember the mocking when she had her braces. I was spared all of that because Jonas Salk shared a gift God gave him with the world.

    Consider this please: A man lived near a river which flooded. As the rain continued the man prayed for God to protect him. A few minutes later there was a knock on his door, and a deputy said, "Come with me. I'll take you to high ground." The man said, "Oh no. I'm safe. I prayed and God will save me."

    The deputy left him alone and the water rose. The man moved into the upstairs of his house, and was praying near the window when a boat came by. The boat's operator said, "Thank the Lord I found you! Come with me, I'll take you to safety." The man piously said, "No. I'm fine. I prayed and God will take care of me."

    The water rose higher and the man went to the roof. While he was on the roof praying, a rescue helicopter hovered over him. "Grab the rope! We'll pull you up!" The man called up, "No! I prayed and God will save me."

    The man drowned.
    In heaven the man said, "God, I don't understand! I prayed and I trusted in you, and you did NOTHING."

    God said, "What do you mean nothing?! I sent you a deputy, a boat and a helicopter!"

    Don't reject God's miracles because they aren't glamerous enough for you. Don't demand God give you your own PRIVATE miracles. God loves us all. The vaccines are miracles that saved millions. Don't reject them and demand God glorify YOU.

    God said, "Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God."
  12. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    Amen, Sister TexasSky -- Preach it!
  13. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    TexasSky: "Don't reject God's miracles because
    they aren't glamerous enough for you. Don't demand God give you your own PRIVATE miracles.
    God loves us all. The vaccines are miracles that
    saved millions. Don't reject them and demand God glorify YOU."

    Amen Sister TexasSky -- Preach it!!

    Amen Sister TexasSky -- Preach it!
  14. Ed Edwards <img src=/Ed.gif>

    Aug 20, 2002
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    I'm not going to respect the site by linking to it.
    It has already been linked to:

    Mercola: "Myth 2: Smallpox Is Easily Spread By Casual Contact With An Infected Person."

    This is NOT a myth. The source discusses the non-contagious time
    when the sores are on the body. The maximum contagious time
    is just before the sores break out. The time before one knows one
    has smallpox is the most contagious time. Unfortunately, it is difficult
    to know you should take preventive methods to NOT spread the disease
    if you don't know you have it.

    BTW, i've read some municipal codes in Oklahoma:
    it is illegal to place smallpox excretions into the public
    sanatary sewer. The codes do not specify specific methods
    of disposing of such excretions;
    you just can't flush them.
  15. Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    When we lived in Wisconsin, our doctor wrote the note for us. He didn't believe in immunizations because he new of the health risks and also knew that immunizations are ineffective!

    Most state statutes simply require a person to say they object to immunizations in writing to be exempt.

    I can tell that many of you "older" folks get quite adamant in your opinions. I know what you've been taught and what you experienced. When the disease is going around, we latch onto anything that might bring protection. But you've been sold a lie.

    Diane, it doesn't matter what causes polio or spiral menengitis. All that matters is that after taking the polio vaccine, the definition for polio was changed! Now everyone was getting spiral menengitis. Go figure.

    There are so many sources to get the truth about immunization that your protests really smack of bias. Don't bother me with the facts, eh?

    For Christians to advocate puting "poisons" in their children's blood stream is really apalling, but this is the state of American Christianity. We do everything the secular world tells us to do without doing our own research. Hey, its a hard indictment, but its true. My saying it makes me unpopular and brings out the worst in those who support it.
  16. Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    Type in the name of your state and the words "state statutes."

    You can find out what your one state requires.
  17. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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  18. Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    Texas state statutes:

    EXCEPTIONS. (a) Each student shall be fully immunized against
    diphtheria, rubeola, rubella, mumps, tetanus, and poliomyelitis,
    except as provided by Subsection (c).
    (b) Subject to Subsection (c), the Texas Board of Health may
    modify or delete any of the immunizations in Subsection (a) or may
    require immunizations against additional diseases as a requirement
    for admission to any elementary or secondary school.
    (c) Immunization is not required for a person's admission to
    any elementary or secondary school if the person applying for
    (1) submits to the admitting official:
    (A) an affidavit or a certificate signed by a
    physician who is duly registered and licensed to practice medicine
    in the United States, in which it is stated that, in the physician's
    opinion, the immunization required poses a significant risk to the
    health and well-being of the applicant or any member of the
    applicant's family or household; or
    (B) an affidavit signed by the applicant or, if a
    minor, by the applicant's parent or guardian stating that the
    applicant declines immunization for reasons of conscience,
    including a religious belief; or


    Texas, you don't know what you are talking about.
    Texas exempts children from immunizations if the parents obeject!
  19. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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  20. Paul33 New Member

    Sep 18, 2004
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    Arkansas code:

    6-18-702. Immunization.

    (a) Except as otherwise provided by law, no infant or child shall be admitted to a public or private school or child care facility of this state who has not been age appropriately immunized from poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, red (rubeola) measles, rubella, and other diseases as designated by the State Board of Health, as evidenced by a certificate of a licensed physician or a public health department acknowledging the immunization.
    (b)(1) The responsibility for the enforcement of this section rests equally with each school district of this state and the parent or guardian of the child or pupil, and each of them shall be separately and individually liable for permitting any violation of this section.

    (2)(A) The Child Care Facility Licensing Division of the Department of Human Services shall be responsible for enforcing this section with respect to child care facilities.

    (B) The Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education may promulgate appropriate rules and regulations, to be approved by the Arkansas Early Childhood Commission, for the enforcement of this section.

    (C) The owners or managers of those facilities and any parent or guardian violating such regulations shall be subject to the penalties provided in § 20-78-201 et seq.

    (c)(1)(A)(i) The Division of Child Care and Early Childhood Education shall be responsible for enforcing this section with respect to child care facilities.

    (ii) The division may promulgate appropriate rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section.

    (B) The owners or managers of those facilities and any parent or guardian violating the regulations shall be subject to the penalties provided in § 20-78-201 et seq.

    (2)(A) Regarding kindergarten through grade 12 (K-12), the State Board of Education, after having consulted with the State Board of Health, shall promulgate appropriate rules and regulations for the enforcement of this section by school boards, superintendents, and principals.

    (B) Any school official, parent, or guardian violating the regulations shall be subject to the penalties imposed herein.

    (d)(1)(A) The State Board of Health shall promulgate rules and regulations to ensure that all exemptions provided by this section shall have a minimal effect on the health and safety of all children attending day care or kindergarten through grade twelve (K-12).

    (B) The rules shall provide for, but are not limited to, the tracking of those children with exemptions so that appropriate steps may be taken in the event of an outbreak or epidemic.

    (2) The Department of Health, and no other department or entity, shall grant exemptions provided for by this section.

    (3) If, in the discretion of the health authority having jurisdiction or of any physician licensed to practice by the Arkansas State Medical Board, any person to whom this section applies shall be deemed to have a physical disability that may contraindicate vaccination, a certificate to that effect issued by the health officer may be accepted in lieu of a certificate of vaccination, provided that the exemption shall not apply when the disability shall have been removed.

    (4)(A) The provisions of this section shall not apply if the parents or legal guardian of that child object thereto on the grounds that immunization conflicts with the religious or philosophical beliefs of the parent or guardian.

    For you, Joseph.