Banished from a public library?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by lifeandliberty, Aug 20, 2005.

  1. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    I was simply answering the charges that it's child abuse for my grandsons, who are both saved, to hold a scripture sign along beside me. I really take offense at that. Especially when they both can defend any sign they hold. The 12 year old can quote the entire eleventh chapter of Hebrews, having learned it 2 yrs ago. Our "issue" is the sin of our country! God said in Ezekiel 22:30 "And I sought for a man among them, that should make up the hedge, and stand in the gap before me for the land, that I should not destroy it: but I found none."

    Whereas, the government schools are setting the world up for the antichrist, by indoctrinating them in a Godless system as early as age 3. We are suppose to educate our children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord. God gave the responsibility to the FAMILY to educate their own children.

    I was indoctrinated with socialistic/communistic thinking as a child via the government school system...which plagued me throughout most of my adult life. I regret that I participated in such un-Biblical programs. However, that was done in ignorance. UnGodly counsel knows all too well the influence of antichrist teachings 8 hours a day/5 days a week to young children. It's all by design...leading this country to hell! Psalm 9:17 "The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God." I now advocate Homeschooling and will fight for it 'til the Lord calls me Home.

    Before such socialistic thinking permeated the American society, Noah Webster, in his 1828 dictionary, had this to say about education…"To educate children well is one of the most important duties of parents and guardians. To give children a good education in manners, arts and science, is important; to give them a religious education is indispensable; and an immense responsibility rests on parents and guardians who neglect these duties."

    Education cannot be neutral. To say that religion is not taught in government schools is a falsehood. Christianity isn't being taught in government schools but religion is most certainly being taught. Humanism is one religion that permeates public education. Like Robert Lewis Dabney said, "If secular education is to be made consistently and honestly non-Christian, then…they must submit to a mutilation and falsification far worse than absolute omission. It is hard to conceive how a teacher is to keep his covenant faithfully with the State so as to teach history, cosmogony, psychology, ethics, the laws of nations as to insinuate nothing favourable or unfavourable touching the preferred beliefs of either the evangelical Christians, Papists, Socinians, Deists, pantheists, Materialists or Fetish worshipers who claim equal rights."

    Does God have anything positive to say about public schools? That's where my convictions come from. Education existed long before the government school system.
  2. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Cannot improve on what webdog said here. Very well stated!
  3. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Amen, Sister Thankful!
  4. Dina New Member

    Nov 3, 2002
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    Public school is not perfect, but neither is homeschooling.

    The decision to homeschool should be a decision that is left between the parents and God.
  5. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Every educational institution has a religious foundation. The religious foundation of the public schools (and universities) of America is humanism. If you want to know what humanism believes it is easy enough to find the humanist manifesto on the internet. Things like:
    Man is supreme; he is his own god.
    There are no absolutes.
    Everything is relative.
    Tolerance for everyone's beliefs (except for those who dogmatically assert religious doctrine).

    And many other anti-Biblical concepts that are being brain-washed into our children that attend such schools. Certainly public schools have some good teachers. But most good teachers' hands are bound by a wicked curriculuum that is being imposed upon them by government, even to the extent of acceptance of homosexuality and abortion.
    Thus a Christian teacher finds himself in a bad situation. He must either break the law and teach contrary to the curiculuum, or go against his beliefs and conscience and teach according to the curiculuum. What will he do?

    When I was younger I made a vow never to put my children in a public school, knowing what the public shcool teaches, and knowing what goes on in the public schools--the temptation of drugs, sex, smoking, and a lot of other wickedness. The Bible says to "come out from among them," to "be ye separate," not to jump into the middle of them.

    You may criticize Granny Gumbo for teaching her children and/or grandchildren to be part of an evangelistic ministry, to stand up for God's Word and be a witness for the Lord. It may not be the way that you would do it, but give her credit for teaching her children to be a part of a ministry. You ought to be ashamed to call that child abuse. Child abuse is allowing your child to passively sit under the cult of humanism and be indcotrinated by it for 30 some hours a week. I can hardly think of anything worse.
    I would never, never allow my children in a public school. Many years we chose to home school them when there was no Christian school available. The sacrifice is worth the difference.
  6. webdog Active Member
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    Mar 31, 2005
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    DHK, you can teach your kids how to be part of a ministry without submitting them to that garbage. Let children be children, train them in the way they should grow, but don't explain to them what sodomy and abortion are until they are old enough to really grasp how horrible it really is. Allowing your children to "sit passively under the cult of humanism" is a discipline / child raising issue and not "abuse". Abuse is seeing pictures of mangled fetuses and knowing the ins and outs of homosexuality. Not to mention showing children how to break the law and hear threatening words (most likely profanity). Granny even mentioned her baby "Malachi" being there! Wrong is wrong and shouldn't be condoned in the name of evangelism!
  7. Dina New Member

    Nov 3, 2002
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    And neither decision should be deemed as child abuse by those who chose what you didn't.
  8. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    Was Granny referrng to a specific rally, or rallies in general. I took it as rallies in general, most of which just hold up placards against abortion without gruesome pictures. One doesn't have to understand the ins and outs of either homosexuality or abortion to be with their parents and hold up a sign to protest.
    As for profanity, seeing homosexual propaganda, and more than likely homosexuality acted out in real life, you will get it all right in the public schools. They will get an education from their peers in how to break the law, and hear plenty of threatening words. I would rather a child be with a parent at a protest rally, then a child be alone in a pack of hungry ungodly wolves ready to devour a young Christian just as Satan who roams about as a roaring lion.
  9. lifeandliberty New Member

    Mar 7, 2005
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    Well said.
  10. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    We hold up the baby signs to bring public awareness to the reality of the legalized MURDER of innocent the THOUSANDS every day in America! Malachi was one such babe. God hates the hands that shed innocent blood.(Prov 6:16-17) This SIN kills more people than any other sin in America! They are babies, not fetuses. When's the last time you asked someone, "when's your fetus due?" Abortion is a HORRIBLE sin...would you keep death a secret from your child? What's wrong with telling your child the TRUTH?

    Some women murder their unborn babies and God hates the hands that shed innocent blood.(Prov 6:16-17) Who is more innocent than an unborn baby?! Some parents don't know the truth of abortion, or salvation for that matter, and therefore will never tell their children the truth. God's people are to tell the Truth...whether other people approve of it or not.

    The responsibility of providing for a child belongs to his PARENTS. It wasn't God that said it takes a village to raise a child. That heresy was promoted by Billary Clinton. Lord God Almighty said that a man who doesn't provide for his own, and specially for those of his own house is worse than an infidel.(I Tim 5:8)

    And btw, these boys do NOT watch tv or carouse around the neighbourhood.
  11. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    And we NEVER go to the sodomite parades! We do stand a few days BEFORE the Mardi Gras parade, but not during it.
  12. Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    I think you misunderstand. Malachi is the name GG has given to a picture she holds of a baby, not a grandson she has taken with her. A 12 year old is not being abused by being present.
    Come with me to middle school tomorrow where I will substitute. You will find most 12 yearolds there are not blissfully unaware of such issues.
    I am not aware of Granny indicating that her grandsons are instructed in "ins and outs" of homosexuality. But 12 is certainly old enough to be aware of aspects and taught by your family.
    You can disagree, you can choose a different method for your family. I do not do things Granny's way, but she is not abusing her grandsons, I believe.
    My children have been with me, praying legally outside an abortion clinic. They seem unaffected by any profanity they heard but periodically have seemed glad we have taken a stand.
    As far as the OP, I have personally distributed thousands of pieces of prolife material. I would not put them in library books like that. I have had too great success with all of the methods readily available to just antagonize people.
    And I substitute teach in public school.
    So I guess I have said enough here for EVERYONE here to strongly disagree with me,


    [ August 23, 2005, 07:14 PM: Message edited by: Karen ]
  13. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Showing a child a picture of a torn, mangled human child, and telling them what homosexuality is is abuse in my book. I don't care what kids today know and don't know, for one who is supose to be a responsable parent or grandparent thats pretty sick.
  14. Aaron Member
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    Sep 4, 2000
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    It's education. At what age do you consider children too young to know that these abominations are going on and that God detests them?
  15. Karen Active Member

    Aug 24, 2000
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    Thanks for the ad hominem, donnA. :rolleyes:
    Too bad we can't discuss an issue without you implying some things about me and others.
    You have incorrectly assumed some things, if you think you are getting them from my post. I never said that I showed my young children pictures of mangled babies. Or to anyone else for that matter. Actually, I don't. There is a lot of other prolife material available.
    I never said that I explicitly instructed my kids on every detail of what homosexual behaviour can involve.
    But it is appropriate to teach your children the things you believe. My husband and I certainly tailored what we said to our kids on all kinds of things according to whether they were 3, 8, or 17.
    Sometimes in my prolife activities, (and it has all been legal and no pictures of mangled babies), the biggest critics I have had have been other pro-life Christians. It is appearing that way here.

  16. GrannyGumbo <img src ="/Granny.gif">

    Apr 15, 2002
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    Hey's it going? When I hold baby Malachi, the ones who come up to me to complain, get to actually see that he was a baby, not a fetus. He has ten fingers, toes, a nose, mouth, tongue, etc. It's so pitiful, it just breaks my heart. This baby never had a chance to do anything for our Lord. I hold his pic as close to my heart as I can and in my mind he's "preaching". (us women don't preach, but we do talk one on one if another woman approaches us).

    A picture's worth a thousand words. They say, "but it's so gross"...well, I think pictures of Britney Spears is gross. People who say they don't care what children today know and don't know is exactly the kind of mentality that's wrong in America.

    We raised 6 children and everyone of them turned out serving the Lord in some capacity. And I'm NOT a child abuser! Nor a people abuser!
  17. DHK <b>Moderator</b>

    Jul 13, 2000
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    As I have read through this thread, I find this to be a false allegation. Who are the parents or grandparents that are deliberately showing "pictures of torn, mangled human children" to their own young children, and "telling them what homosexuality is" (explicitly I assume) in order to consititute a case of child abuse? Show me the people on this thread that are doing this, or retract the statement. False allegations are totally unwarranted whether explicit or implicit.
  18. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    Karen, IMHO, I don't think that DonnA was taking to you or about you or anyone else. I think she is just stating her opinion of the subject. Perhaps she is agreeing with Webdog.

    I happen to agree with DonnA. Just because my young grandchildren know about abortion and
    homosexuality (which of course they do) does not mean that I think it is ok for them to demonstate with adults.
  19. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Karen I didn't imply anything about you. I simply said I don't think it's right to show a child pictures of torn and mutalated babies.
  20. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    As I have read through this thread, I find this to be a false allegation. Who are the parents or grandparents that are deliberately showing "pictures of torn, mangled human children" to their own young children, and "telling them what homosexuality is" (explicitly I assume) in order to consititute a case of child abuse? Show me the people on this thread that are doing this, or retract the statement. False allegations are totally unwarranted whether explicit or implicit.
    </font>[/QUOTE]What false aligations are you talking about?
    Look at grannygumbo, she has shown her was it grandson(?), pictures of it, she has told us about it more then once.
    Now you can leave attack mode and be a nice guy.