BB Collective Nostalgia

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by Dr. Bob, Aug 27, 2003.

  1. dianetavegia Guest

    Dr. Bob! No corn! Grits! Girl Raised In The South!

    I'm proud of my age! I'm not old... I'm aged. Like good cheese. Pee Yew....!

    What I want to know is who is that old guy standing next to me in my profile picture? LOL
  2. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    And I'm using a 1999 pr pix of myself here on the BB, so I wish I actually looked that good anymore!

    (And what exactly IS a "grit"? I've never seen one growing.)
  3. dianetavegia Guest

    Ground up hominy. Yum, Yum! With lots of butter and a fried egg in the middle... all mushed up.

    There's gonna be lots of grits in heaven I bet!
  4. dianetavegia Guest

    The picture in my profile of Jim and me is from Valentine's Day. He was on massive steroids. He looks so much better now that he's off them. They make him swell up.....

  5. dianetavegia Guest

    Now Dr. Bob, I just saw those pictures with the grandkids and think you are a very handsome man! You certainly don't look like an old man... LOL
  6. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I believe that 1999 is a trademark!

    My photo is about 15 years old. I did show a current photo, but it got squashed in the shrinking. Just a little more shrivelled, but I'll iron out.

    Childhood. I spent most of my youth in a boarding school of boys. A different lifestyle to be sure. But, during the war I remember throwing stones at the German planes flying overhead. Can't recall downing any.

    Then, I got angry at my older sister and sent off an application for her to attend a convent in Northern Wales.

    In the market (open stalls on a street) we used to swipe goods at the last stall and sell them at the first stall. We got a few pence for spending money.

    During the Depression, we went to the market and begged for the pig's feet. At school we only got an egg a week. A few of us snuck into the kitchen and cracked a few eggs. Next day we volunteered to wash dishes and then pointed out the cracked eggs and asked if we could have them. We just opened the cracks and sucked them down raw.

    For pranks, we would sew other lad's trousers together, so they would be late for class next day. And to think, this was a Christian school!


  7. dianetavegia Guest

    Jim, I've met a number of men lately who've mentioned being in boarding schools as a child. A man at our church mentioned this just recently. I guess I just think of that in wealthy families and many, many years ago. The gentleman at church is a little older than me and his precious mother attends our church also.

  8. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Diane, I started school in 1933. There were many public boarding schools (private)in England, and especially church schools. All schools cost money back then. Whilst we lived in the slums of London, our family was not poor. I was in boarding school right through to university entry level.

    When I went to university, a young lady sat on the bench next to me. Not being used to having girls in class, I got up and moved away from her. Maybe I thought it was a catchy thing.


  9. Taufgesinnter New Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    My phonograph that could be set to neutral, 16, 33, 45, and 78.

    The milkman and those glass quart bottles. I went to the dairy recently and they wouldn't sell me any milk--they knew I no longer lived there and that I was probably trying to keep the bottle, but they can't afford to lose any because they deliver to so many more customers now that they are close to a shortage on milk bottles.

    Dime pay phone calls. My home town's phone company kept them years longer after Baby Bells changed to a quarter.

    Glass Pepsi bottles out of a machine for under a quarter.

    Howard Johnson's!

    Going under the bridge near my house to walk on the tracks.

    The firemen's field day with all the cotton candy, corn chowder, games, and rides.

    The Memorial Day parade and gun salute.

    Triple Decker bars made of dark, milk, and white chocolate.

    Our giant-bulbed Christmas tree lights with their chipped and scratched paint.

    Giant swords and daggers of ice hanging off the back roof in winter.

    Walking to school, being followed partway by our dog.

    Walking home from school with my friends.

    My hometown church, sitting next to my grandma.

    Sniffing the dittos handed out in class.

    Dunking graham crackers in milk.

    My grandma's peach cobbler and brown sugar cookies. And all those ham salad sandwiches ground from the leftovers, that ended up in my lunch box.

    She called the couch a davenport and my jeans Dungarees.

    Hey, I live nostalgia every day. I spend more time thinking and reimagining the past and planning the future than I do living here and now.
  10. dianetavegia Guest

    Tauf... thank you! I had forgotten some of those! Brought back good memories and happy days!

  11. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Sniffing ditto (spirit duplicator, blue or purple) man that is a smell that you never forget.

    BTW, read in the paper today that most universal "smells" recognized in America are
    #1 Coffee
    #2 Peanut Butter
  12. Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Large Hot Soft Fresh Pretzels on almost every conor in South City St. Louis. (Mostly around Arsenol St.) 5 for a dollar. mmmmmmmmmmmmmm! Then the cost rose extremely high and the pretzels got cold and stale.

  13. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I still grind up my left-over ham AND turkey and make ham salad and turkey salad. I grind up the meat and freeze it in small batches. When we want a salad, we just thaw out the bag and make it!

    Hubby loves to take either of those in his lunch!
  14. Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    I remember as a kid in Sunday School. If you came all year, and never missed a Sunday, you got a pin to wear. I always looked forward to that.

    Buying post cards on a Post card rack that spends around! Every dime store and Pharmacy had them. All the motels did too.

    Taking the train from St. Louis to Chicago. Having dinner in Chicago and getting back home before dark! No one knowing you were gone. Cheap. Anyone, even a kid could afford a ticket. Union Station in the old days! sigh......

    When the St. Louis Arch was not there. Every kid in school, donated 10 cents toward it being built.

    My Poodle Skirt with my birthstone in the eye!

    Wearing taps on your shoes and making noises when you walked.

  15. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Sherrie - I'm working on trying to visualize you in a poodle skirt! :rolleyes:

    That was from MY generation. How old ARE you??!?
  16. Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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    Lets just say, a lady made me one to match my mothers. It was a black skirt with a raised above the black material, white poodle with a June birthstone in it. I wore it for years even after it did not fit me any more. It was one of the only things I got to keep when transported around, from home to home to orphange. poodle skirt.

    tell me Dr. Bob...did you wear a penny in your loafers! Dad had these redish colored shoes, that tied. they had these pin holes on the toe. He had the taps on the soul of the toe, and every time he walked he tapped. Oh man...Me and my brothers tried many a time to get those taps! What a strapping we got with the belt too, everytime.

    I am as old as........My mother was one of the first families....within a 5 year radious, to move into the Projects...located in South St. Louis City. We lived up really high as they were at least 12 to 15 stories high. You could see Purina Chow from them, and we were not very well welcomed there, as we were only 2 families of white color. We lived there only no more than 3 months. We moved to Shanendoah St, in South City St. Louis, and it was there my mother abandoned me and my brothers. I was 4.

    Lots of clues!

    God Bless
  17. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I would say you were a lot closer to 50 than you care to admit.
  18. Sherrie New Member

    Jul 28, 2002
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  19. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Oxblood was the color of those shoes. And yes, I wore pennies in the little slot in those loafers.

    Never did like the "tassle" kind. Kinda Gay.
  20. dianetavegia Guest

    Me too, Dr. Bob!