Can Christians respect atheists?

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by Kachana, Mar 22, 2002.

  1. Kachana Guest

    Let's start with another question: did the Nazis respect the Jews? I take it that everyone will accept the answer to this is a resounding NO. This answer is obvious from the simple observation that the Nazis believed that an acceptable action toward Jewish people, by virtue of their being Jewish, was for them to be burnt in ovens and gassed to death.

    How is the Christian ideal toward atheists any different? Well, OK, perhaps it is actually a lot worse. Most Christians believe that I, by virtue of being an atheist, deserve a fate that makes the holocaust look like winning the lottery.

    I fail to see any substantive difference between these two scenarios, and it is due to this that I believe it is perfetly rational of me to view Christians as my enemies, just as a Jew would see Hitler as their enemy.

    Many Christians I have met however have been very nice and friendly people, and I truly don't believe that they, if they were at the heavenly controls, would choose to have me burn in agony forever.

    Would you? And if so, what reason is there for me not to view you in the same light that a Jew viewed Hitler in?
  2. Sam New Member

    Jan 22, 2002
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    I am a christian and try to be respectful to everyone. I was always taught to treat others the way you want them to treat you. Whether someone is a christian or non-christian they are steal a human being. ~Sheila~
  3. Alex New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Hello, Kachana:

    From your post...Would you? And if so, what reason is there for me not to view you in the same light that a Jew viewed Hitler in?

    At a time in the past I would say that you deserve the worst, being an Athiest. But I now find sadness and LOVE to those I consider as going to hell, such as Athiests and non-Christians. I say going to hell, because that is what the Bible(Word if God), says.

    We are all caught up in the free will choice that God gave us, and many will choose wrong. I do not hate you or anyone else BUT I can still feel anger as to the position you take as it is quite obvious to ALL that a Creator exists. Even if you believe in Evolution, you still end up with the question: How did this all start from nothing?

    I will ask you why you do not believe? DON'T let observations of Christions mislead you. We sin as much as non-Christians who are called a moral a just people. Ther are many, many, non-Christians who SAY they are saved in EVERY church. Many do this to stay in the "right" way but still have freedom to do what they want elsewhere without having the Holy Spirit tell them they are wrong. So, again, look for the Christians who show LOVE and not hate towards you. In this way, maybe you will be more open to hear what they say and with my hope, you will accept Christ.

    God Bless..........Alex
  4. radiochemist Guest

    Those christians who have negative feelings towards atheists should realize that christians also are atheists with respect to most of the Gods in past history. Christians are atheists with respect to Zeus, Baal, etc. Does that make christians bad people, to be atheists with respect to most of the Gods whose existence has been claimed by someone at some time in the past?
  5. wishtolearn New Member

    Nov 24, 2001
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    I am a Christian. However most people on this board would argue against that because I havn't been "saved", "slain in the spirit",I don't follow Church law, whatever. My belief in God and Jesus has never wavered even when I was a child, I knew and felt the same as I feel today as a 32 year old woman. I would never tell someone with conviction that they are going to Hell. Regardless of their religion or beliefs or sexual orientation, you name it. Who am I or any human to make that claim. Only God knows the heart of man, not little 'ol me. It absolutely floors me when individuals spend more time quoting Scripture and judging others than they do learning to love their fellow neighbor. I would never try to convince anyone to believe the same as I do as well, that would be foolish and what would I have to gain. You and all other atheists are equal in my mind and are deserving of a rich life as much as the Christian standing next to you. Best wishes.
  6. 177 New Member

    Mar 2, 2002
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    Well Kach, I think that your statement is idiotic.

    Nazis vs Jews = Christians vs atheists??? Feel free to correct me, but I don't think Christians have murdered six million atheists.

    I understand that Islam is looking for martyrs. Maybe you should try them. In any event, your 'poor pitiful atheist me' party is your own.

    Why does an atheist frequent a Christian board? Trying to win converts? Uh, no. Trying to be coverted? Uh, no again.

    Just looking for attention? Pathetically, probably, yes.
  7. Star New Member

    Mar 1, 2002
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    Actually I think Athiests raise really great and honest questions. One athiest I knew was a theologian for 30 years of a family of ministers and taught at one of the best schools in the country for theologians. He could not recconcile some differences he saw in scripture and looked into many things and made a hard decision the hardest ever to leave. Athiests bless me in the fact that they challenge your faith and I have come to love that about them. Most think Athiest no nothing of scripture at all but many infact were teachers of the faith. Theres a place called Infidels secular web I went to conversing with them and God blessed me immensely among them. They have point by point disputes and these guys I consider freinds in the very way they caused me to grow in knowing them. Some can be rude (but so can christians too) I've seen christians go in their with their swords drawn on them and I can understand why they react to christians as they do. I go in and observe myself. Christians don't think other christians are there and the way christians behave in there is inexcusable something making the athiest look like Jesus in comparison.

    Going there and being quick to listen and slow to speak challenged me like nothing else but it still caused great growth. So I'm thankful for them.

    In Him Kim
  8. Star New Member

    Mar 1, 2002
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    I so appreciate that beautiful quality in you, your a breath of fresh air! I love scripture but hate the borg mentality "we must assimilate you" lol! E-mail me sometime I could use more christian freinds like you, I consider you my sister in christ no hoops to jump through for me

    In Him and blessed by your humility

  9. JohnClay Guest

    Just for Christians who say that God sends atheists to hell, not other Christians...

    Well those Christians would believe that hell is a perfectly just and fair punishment and so be endorsing that. It would be like a neo-Nazi saying that the Jews deserved going to the concentration camps.
  10. tulpje Guest

    Kachana, God is not choosing to burn you in hell. It is your choice. You can choose to stop rejecting your salvation and be with The Lord in paridise, or you can choose the path you are on and earn eternal damnation. God loves you so much that he sent his Son to take the punishment of your sin on the cross with his holy precious blood. All you have to do is believe

    This is the new covenant whereas with the old covenant we were dead in our sins because no-one is without sin and able to follow the law. This is why we call Jesus our "Savior."

    John 316
    "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son,[1] that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
  11. tulpje Guest

    Again, all you have to do is believe! Hell is a terrible place, and out of Christian love we are here giving you the Gospel. No-one wants you to go to hell-including God! That is why he sent his Son. The Gospel(or good news) is that you have salvation in Christ. You just need to believe. That is the only requirement! God is merciful, loving and just.
  12. tulpje Guest

    But, wishtolearn, we have a commandment from God. We call it, "The Great Commission."

    Mark 16
    15He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation.

    Matthew 28
    18Then Jesus came to them and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. 19Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,
  13. JohnClay Guest

    Ok, I guess death camps aren't a good analogy since Jews probably weren't set free if they renounced their faith.

    But what about this:
    And this:
    I think it is against this board's rules to give links to the anti-Christian sites that said that though.

    So the same thing could be said in those examples - those Christians mightn't want people to die - they'd rather the people converted.

    You said before:
    "God is not choosing to burn you in hell. It is your choice."

    In the same way, it isn't the Christians choice to massacre those who don't repent... it is the choice of the unrepentant.

    So do you think that God's ultimatum is different from the one that Charlemagne apparently gave the Saxon rebels? Of course, it isn't a Christian thing to do to threaten people with death, but on the other hand, that is what God is doing.
  14. Kachana Guest

    Oh if only it was as pleasant as murder, murder's a doddle! Instead, you deem it the perfect consequence of my life on Earth to spend eternity in a fate that would make a Klansman puke. It makes no difference that you don't personally put me in Hell, as you believe I should go there, and furthermore, you yourself have no influence in the matter so couldn't send me there or not anyway.

    That's why I asked 'What would you do if you were the heavenly controls?'

    If you say you'd send me to Hell, I stand by my analogy, if you say otherwise, it would appear that you disagree with God.

    Just to hammer home the faulty distinction you are making between action and belief in this instance: some Nazis never murdered any Jews, they worked in other offices, but still supported that the perfectly acceptable fate for Jews was to burn in Hell. Should a Jew not hold the same contempt for these individuals as for other Nazis? Some racists don't actually beat up and harm blacks, but give their full support to those who do and think that a black man burning to death is a perfect consequence of that man being born into his race. Do you hold the greatest contempt for these individuals? If you do, what makes you any different as far as I am concerned.

    There is nothing of substance to reply to here.

    [ March 23, 2002, 08:46 AM: Message edited by: Kachana ]
  15. Kachana Guest

    Thanks for the reply Kim. You're the kind of Christian I was talking about that is truly caring and honest, and I just can't reconcile in my mind the thought that you believe it perfectly right for me to burn in a fire for eternity. Perhaps you don't believe that? Perhaps you think that I shouldn't go to Hell, that that infinite punishment would be way to harsh for me?
  16. Kachana Guest

    That is a bald faced lie! I'll prove it to you: 'I do not want to go to Hell'. QED. To say that I still choose to go to Hell is exactly as absurd as this:

    Nazi to Jew: Do you want to burn in Auschwitz?

    Jew to Nazi: No, I do NOT want to burn in Auschwitz

    Nazi to Jew: Ok, I'm sending you to Auschwitz as that is your choice.

    What differentiates your thinking from the Nazi's?

    Nazi to Jew: You can choose to stop rejecting the true Aryan way and have cutting edge genetic and plastic surgery to be like us, or you can continue as you are and earn death in a fire in Auschwitz. Hitler loves you so much that he's willing no to kill you outright, but to let you change, all you have to do is accept our offer.

    What's the qualitative difference?
  17. Kachana Guest

    Again, another type of Christian that I would be perfectly happy to see any of my children become.

    [ March 23, 2002, 09:19 AM: Message edited by: Kachana ]
  18. tulpje Guest

    Clint: I don't think that it is too cool that kachana is calling us "Natzi's". You see how we try to reach out to then in Christian love with the Gospel and show them the way to salvation and we get called Natzi's? Look at the way she perverted my words.

    You can choose to stop rejecting your salvation and be with The Lord in paridise, or you can choose the path you are on and earn eternal damnation. God loves you so much that he sent his Son to take the punishment of your sin on the cross with his holy precious blood. All you have to do is believe

    Nazi to Jew: You can choose to stop rejecting the true Aryan way and have cutting edge genetic and plastic surgery to be like us, or you can continue as you are and earn death in a fire in Auschwitz. Hitler loves you so much that he's willing no to kill you outright, but to let you change, all you have to do is accept our offer.

    What's the qualitative difference?

    How can you reach out to someone like this? Yet, she is calling herself a Christian? This is the most peculiar brand of Christianity I have ever seen.

    In Christ,


    [ March 23, 2002, 09:30 AM: Message edited by: tulpje ]
  19. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    And Clint: Here is what Kachana posted to me, & my post wasn't even directed to Kachana, but in reply to the thread regarding a literal hell!

    These kinds of remarks are pitiful & inflammatory, not the basis of good debate or discussion, IMHO, on any board, let alone this one. Perhaps there is more TROLLING going on?

    Mary: Is it time to shake the dust on this thread, too?
  20. tulpje Guest

    These kinds of remarks are pitiful & inflammatory, not the basis of good debate or discussion, IMHO, on any board, let alone this one. Perhaps there is more TROLLING going on?

    Mary: Is it time to shake the dust on this thread, too?
    </font>[/QUOTE]She actually suggested that? I don't know Eagle. It hurts that I am trying to express to them the love of Christ and we are insulted so badly. :(