Can you relate to this stuff?

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by xdisciplex, Jun 12, 2006.

  1. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Check out this video.
    It always amazes me what strange things some christians do.
    This one guy who talks about how he talked to this witch later on says that he threw a fireball at her. A fireball?!
    Where does the bible mention all these strange things?
    I cannot really take this stuff serious, can you? I have the impression that their focus on the supernatural is a bit too strong. I don't say that supernatural things are not important but how do we know what's really from God and what isn't? I have never heard a christian before who talked about such things. It seems to me that it's only a small group of christians which claims to have such strange experiences.
  2. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Some christians focus more on expereince then relationship, they base their beleifs on expereince, and not strict scripture. They seek the visual, the thrilling, the exciting, what Jesus condemned, seeking a sign. All they really need is an active relationship with Jesus, and thats enough. Those with a strong faith in Christ alone don't need the super visual expereinces to believe.
    And your right to question that it isn't in the bible. If it isn't in the bible it isn't true, it isn't of God.
  3. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    But what if those christians are only missing those supernatural things because they do not even expect to experience them? I mean seeing in the supernatural world and all this stuff are mentioned by some christians while other christians do not know these things at all. This is what I don't understand. Why is this limited to some christians? Could it be that the others are simply missing it because they don't want it?
  4. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Scripture. If it isn't in scripture it isn't from God. Nothing to do with missing anything, I want to miss out on the junk that isn't scriptural.
  5. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    I think it mostly has to do with christians weak in the faith. Weak christians will beleive just about anything someone attaches the name of Jesus too.
  6. genesis12 Member

    Dec 26, 2005
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    No. Gobbly-dee-gook. Not missing anything. Name it and claim it nonsense. There ain't no new prophets. Pure gar-BAGE. Enough said (especially, colloquially).

  7. Baptist Believer Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Jun 20, 2002
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    I can relate to some of it... but not the fireball

    I don’t know what he was talking about, but I suspect it is slang for “blowing” the Spirit on her, Benny Hinn-style. I think the reference to fire has something to do with the idea of tongues of fire landing on her.

    I suspect the idea of breathing on someone to receive the Holy Spirit comes from the idea that they must do the same works as Jesus (see John 20:22). Of course there are a few things that Jesus did that we cannot expect to do, such as provide the Holy Spirit to others, die on the cross for others, be resurrected as a sign that He was the Messiah, etc.

    It certainly does seem that they are focused on power encounters.

    That being said, God will equip you to do whatever you need to do when you are living in the power of the Kingdom. If you are facing those who are deeply involved in occultic power, you may indeed be placed into a power encounter situation where the power of God is demonstrated as more powerful than the powers of darkness.

    I have had a few of those encounters myself, back in the late 1980s when I was ministering to a number of teens who were heavily involved in two occult groups in Central Texas. Since that situation has been resolved (several teens came to Christ and the rest disbanded), I haven’t had any especially unusual experiences or power encounters. So, for the last 15 years or so, I haven’t been led (or empowered) to do anything along those lines. And I don’t seek supernatural experiences… they don’t help support faith nor promote spiritual growth in and of themselves.

    If you are led by the Spirit of God, you will know the truth from error.

    Lots of people who have power encounters only talk about them with others who have had similar experiences and can relate to the situation. Furthermore, our culture has a fascination with power and supernatural events, and an emphasis on these kinds of experience can be very detrimental for other Christians. Christians who have these kinds of experiences are not necessarily better Christians than anyone else (I know I wasn’t), but they were just in the right place and available to God at the time God wanted to demonstrate something to someone else. Christians who are used of God in this way are generally greatly humbled by the experience because they know that the power did not come from their own strength.
  8. Brother Bob New Member

    May 13, 2005
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    You called it right when you said "stuff". No wonder people think Christians are crazy.
  9. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    i dont know about that vid... it seemed legit - until he started gettin WHACK! fireball? uh - you lost me at 'hello' there.

    then - then you gotta love the ending. "after this clip - go into the store and enjoy the great resources offered there!"

    gotta love subtle marketing schemes eh? (... reminds me of "purpose driven life" and how... oh i wont get into that. :D)
  10. James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    What spirit is it that leads Christians to get into hot tubs with witches and 'love on them'?
  11. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    james - you do know he did mean it wasn't a sexual love - right?
  12. James_Newman New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    No, I don't know that but I'd be willing give the benefit of the doubt. Still not where I would expect to find a spirit filled Christian. Reminds me of a young man I used to talk to at a mall I worked in. He always told me how great it was to be spirit filled and speak in tongues, yet he lived with his girlfriend outside of marriage. His parents were ministers at whatever church they belonged to. That is no testimony for a Christian to have.
  13. gekko New Member

    Sep 16, 2005
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    i agree.

    actually - i wouldn't label that person as a christian if they're living in a willful fornicative relationship.

    don't have the fruits of the spirit from what i see.
  14. Hope of Glory New Member

    Nov 29, 2005
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    That's one of the things that we have done as modern men. "Christian" means "Christ-like", but we have labelled everyone who is saved as a "Christian", no matter how they live. That's one reason that I try to make the distinction between "saved" and "unsaved", unless "Christian" is clearly called for.
  15. D28guy New Member

    Nov 16, 2002
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    Actually there was a lot of good stuff going on with the testimonies in the video, and the spiritual things that took place. Good stuff indeed with all of that.

    Regarding being in the hot tub, I didnt get the impression at all that the 2 men went there to have sex with women, or anything else like that, as someone seemed to imply. I've never been in a hot tub, so I dont have personal experience, but the impression I got was that they where there for whatever medicinal benefits hot tubs can provide, and the encounter just *happened* spontaneously. And they did just what we all should do...they saw a door for ministry open, and they walked through it. No problem with that as far as I am concerned.

    (and it seems that some very worthwhile ministry took place, btw)

    What bothered me was that when I tried perusing the site to see what the ministry was all about I discovered that really the little 5 minute video is the only thing thats free. Everything else about the site is offering materials to purchase.

    That part bugged me.

    God bless,

  16. LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    Because I wasn't there I can only chalk it up to something I heard.

    Imagine if Mary had a movie saying a man called my brother from the grave?
  17. Link New Member

    May 30, 2004
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    I'm on slow Asian dial-up. I haven't been able to see one of these video's yet, though someone mentions them on a group like this from time to time.

    The passages about calling fire down from heaven from time to time. This guy wasn't speaking allegorically was he?
  18. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Nope. This really happened according to him.
    So do you think that this stuff is real? But if it's real then it's either from God or not from God.
    What I don't understand is this. There are a lot of christians which are willing to do God's work. If this stuff is from God then why doesn't God grant such experiences or such powers to more christians? Why do these things to be limited to small groups of christians? This seems strange to me. I have also met christians on other boards which seemed really strange to me. They prayed in a strange way and claimed to have strange experiences like "throne room experiences" for example. One of them claimed that when he prays he sometimes is taken up into the throne room of God! Can you imagine this?
    And there are even books about this with titles like "How to get into the throne room". But why isn't this mainstream christianity if it's really from God? To me this seem like a special doctrine maybe for people which simply want adventure and excitement.
  19. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    Hey man, if it helps lead folks to Christ, who am I to judge...:laugh: (snicker) :laugh:

    You know, I was throwing fireballs out of my fingers at witches all in the name of Jesus. It's all the new rage for Christendom today, don't you know? Come on. Get with the times and stop trying to quench the spirit andjust judge others because of the way they they worship God because it isn't the way you understand God. This doesn't mean that they are wrong...just different. BTW, you can catch me in the next X-Men movie throwing fireballs at mutant witches.:smilewinkgrin:

    Joseph Botwinick
  20. Joseph_Botwinick <img src=/532.jpg>Banned

    Nov 12, 2000
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    The spirit of Bill Clinton?:smilewinkgrin:

    Thank you very much...:laugh: :smilewinkgrin:

    Joseph Botwinick