Christian "Rock"?

Discussion in 'General Baptist Discussions' started by william s. correa, Mar 20, 2006.

  1. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    but SFIC, we had a scumbag IFB pastor in AL arrested for child molestation...and I don't hold that against other IFB pastors. There are idiots and hypocrites in all fields and genres.

    by the way...I must have missed that story...give us more details.

    If the story's a few years old...they may have "moved on" to Southern Gospel and I need to warn a few buddies
  2. DeclareHim New Member

    May 7, 2004
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    Uh I said the Sripture that was posted had no relevence to our current discussion. Not that it isn't relevent. :rolleyes:
  3. DeclareHim New Member

    May 7, 2004
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    I hear these kinds of ridiculous claims all the time and not one of them is ever documented in fact most of it's hearsay.
  4. Gold Dragon Well-Known Member

    Feb 24, 2005
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    Non Baptist Christian
    NASB 1 Thes 5:22 abstain from every form of evil.

    Are you telling me you are so corrupted by the world that you don't see this verse as talking about pumpkin colored carpet? I will pray for you if it isn't too late already. ;)
  5. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    actually, pumpkin-colored carpet is OK.

    Haven't you guys read the Pumpkin Driven Life?

    Now, back to the melee,er, discussion...
  6. gtbuzzarp New Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    After this discussion started the sales of Gregorian Chants have skyrocketed! :cool:
  7. Brice New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
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    The problem is that we have yet to establish that the instruments or lyrical style of ungodly music is inherently wrong. This is because they’re not; as Christians we are repulsed by their lifestyle and lyrical content, but their instruments and style aren’t inherently sinful. The world’s perverted a lot of things God created (sex, music, food, commerce, etc.), but that doesn’t mean we abstain from it all those things based on the premise that the world’s ruined it. The correlation argument is beyond ludicrous.
  8. Brice New Member

    Aug 26, 2005
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    You say this as if Jesus would walk in with a three piece suit on, singing a hymn based on an old drinking tune. I’m sorry, but the God I serve loves it when we worship him. He loves it when we find ways whether musically (using our talents) or lyrically to worship him. I personally get excited when I think about the cross and if this causes me to jump, sing, fall, cry, smile or throw my head back and forth, my God is pleased because I am worshipping him. Since everyone has dealt with your terrible exegesis I’ll refrain, but I will pray that we all keep our minds open to Him, even if it’s something we’re uncomfortable with at first.
  9. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Good points, all..and I'm going to repeat myself...again...

    I will stand up and defend any person who wishes to say, "I don't like that music in the church I attend!" I think that God will use a traditional worship service to glorify Himself in a heartbeat. We have a lot of people who worship so well when that style is played. There needs to be a connectedness to the roots of our faith...I want "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" to be part of my students' well as "No One Like You."

    Our "heavenly hymn book" will probably be much, much thicker than we expect...there's some Swahili praise songs we have to learn; we have to learn some of the great Korean hymns; and some of the oldest of our saints might want us to sing "Phos Hilaron" in Koine Greek. We're all going to learn a bunch.

    I just ask everyone to draw that tough line to draw...allowing the "I don't like that's" to be just that...statements of preference. But let's realize that God used a donkey...He can use a drum, piano, organ, harpsichord, or whatever the "controversial instrument of the century" glorify Himself.
  10. william s. correa New Member

    Mar 16, 2006
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    Great...I'll look you up. I'll even introduce you to some of the "heathen" you've criticized here, and we'll have a good laugh about it.

    You have already condemned each and every one by your blanket statement earlier. And, now you claim that you don't know each and every one. How can you make a judgement on what you don't know.

    I agree only God knows and he knows us all. We all have our faults. Is having faults mean we are decievers?
    </font>[/QUOTE]Ok I'll try to apease your amusesment . Crhistianity and Rock and Roll,Raggae, Country, and all of the above mentioned earlier, cannot be combined ,I'm sure you can try but its like trying to convert a pig into a cat. Its etheir Gospel or the World, you choose. Dont have two masters, Make a Joyful noise , and dont use those instruments,to promote satans lies. thanx and God Bless.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Thanks for a bunch of biblical clips strung together, but that does not make a coherent theology.

    Perhaps you can explain to the class "it's either Gospel or the world." Are you referring to Gospel music? Which kind...southern Gospel, black Gospel, spirituals, sacred harp...what?

    It's obvious you have no grasp of musical history. Can you not realize that all music, at one time, was "contemporary?"

    Show me, from scripture, a list of "unredeemable" isntruments. And while you're at it, ask God to let David know that he wrote some of the Psalms to be sung to "satanic" instruments...those horrible, evil, percussive instruments.

    Look at it this way: is your computer evil? Well, of course it is. In ten seconds you could go to any porn site imaginable. Is the BB web site evil? Of course it has a forum...just like some of those porn sites. It has a web address...just like porn sites.

    I'm pointing out a logical fallacy in your're arguing that a form is evil...when the form is the medium for the message. Computers aren't evil--they simply carry a message, be it good or evil. Electric guitars can be used by a pervert to corrupt, or they can be used by a saint to glorify God.

    Jesus was very hard on the Pharisees who saw a work of God and attributed it to Satan.
    </font>[/QUOTE]The church is alive and well, we dont need the world to tell us how to worship, the Holy Spirit will teach us. If we think that , excuse the expresion "Johnny Cash Christianity"; when we go to church on Sunday and to the Honky tonk on Monday, is going to get it? we need to check ourselves.We are to be separated from this sin cursed world and its music. Call it Gospel wether you use a guitar or a tamborine, but dont call it Rock and Roll . thanx and God Bless
  11. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Friend, our music is God-honoring, and our worship is authentic.

    "We are to be separated from this sin cursed world and its music."

    Nice quote. just added to scripture. Scripture says "be seperate" (no mention of music). Yikes!

    By the way, we went acoustic tonight...we did use a guitar. And a tambourine. And chimes. And a djembe. And congas. And bongos. And a piano. We sung, "Make a Joyful Noise," a rendition of Psalm 100. We sang a rendition of Psalm 145 (the "Shane & Shane" arrangement). We sang the doxology. And we sang "Jesus, Lover of My Soul." Tonight, we started our three week series on "Stuff my friends ask me about the Bible." Eleven of our students came up to me and introduced unchurched friends they brought this evening. One of those friends wants to talk to me about becoming a Christian. One of the students left Florida's spring break scene on Monday, because they were under conviction about what they were doing. Tonight, they came and told me they had repented, and they were ready to make things right.

    Now...tell me exactly how God is not using what we're doing.
  12. jshurley04 New Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    Maybe they don't have these in Canada, but down here in Texas we call that Springboard Style preachin'. Find a verse that kinda says what you want to get around to and use it to jump off into a ramblin' fit of what ever comes to mind.
  13. jshurley04 New Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    You say this as if Jesus would walk in with a three piece suit on, singing a hymn based on an old drinking tune. I’m sorry, but the God I serve loves it when we worship him. He loves it when we find ways whether musically (using our talents) or lyrically to worship him. I personally get excited when I think about the cross and if this causes me to jump, sing, fall, cry, smile or throw my head back and forth, my God is pleased because I am worshipping him. Since everyone has dealt with your terrible exegesis I’ll refrain, but I will pray that we all keep our minds open to Him, even if it’s something we’re uncomfortable with at first. </font>[/QUOTE]Of course He would, we have so Americanized Him that there is no way that anyone from the states could ever know Him if He came any other way.

    The problem is that the songs that were sung 'back in the day' are all based on what was contemporary then. What is contemporary now is just as valid except that those who look at Christianity through a keyhole with both eyes open and nose touching the door can never understand that this whole question is based upon a personal preference and not one verse of scripture. They are going to be shocked in Heaven when we get there and start to sing the new song with a full band and orchestra playing in a way no human has ever played before that would never be accepted here on earth.
  14. rbell Active Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    this about sums it up? :D
  15. jshurley04 New Member

    Feb 29, 2004
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    I can't wait to get to heaven and sing some Jesus Polka!!
  16. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Sorry, Diggin', you're a preacher and I would expect better exegesis from you...Phil. 2:5, from which you quoted one phrase, out of context, is a passage referring to Christ's humility and service...this has nothing to do with musical styles and preferences.

    By the way, you also just indicted all instrumental and classical works of music...if you can't hear words, you're feeding the flesh.

    God is blessing our ministry here. Kids are being saved, and Christians are growing in their faith. The music we use isn't an object of worship, but rather a tool God uses to glorify His name. I'll restate it here: we do new music, old music, and ancient music here. You might hear a 6 month-old piece, followed by a 400 year-old hymn. If you want to assign that to Satan's work, be my guest, but I feel it necessary to warn you...Jesus didn't look kindly to people assigning works of God to the kingdom of satan.
    </font>[/QUOTE]Sorry, rbell, I would have to disagree. Kids are being attracted to the church by the worldly music and that is all that will keep them there. Take away their right to play and listen to their rock and roll and they will leave the flock.

    One cannot use the world to win the lost. The lost are already in and of the world.
    </font>[/QUOTE]I can't speak for rbell, but his church sounds like the one I am currently youth pastor at (9 more days, until I move on to another pastorate!)
    Anyway, we also sing new, old, ancient, and my teens hate music!!

    That's right, it is a struggle to get them to listen to any of it... even the new stuff.. they are a very unique, intellectual type. to them music is fluff....they would rather do some studies in Greek! They are truly unique!

    Our youth is growing... so for us, it doesn't matter what we sing, it is not attracting the teens now...

    That is an old argument anyway....Music may have attracted them in the 90's, but not today.
    Even what we call contemporary today is already outdated to some teens.
    By the time a song hits number 1 on the charts, it is already old. Time is flying in a teens world... everything is instant, and talk about multi-tasking!
    I mean a Nintendo DS... 2 screens... as if 1 wasn't enough to play the game, now you have to watch 2 screens at a time!

    You want to know what attracts teens.... Show them you care for them the way Christ cares for you!
    Be real with them...

    Again, we sing new stuff.. This last Sunday, our Choir director sung "Cry out to Jesus" by Third Day, followed by a congregation song written by Martin Luther, I think... then the choir sung, "open the eyes of my heart" in a new arrangement that seemed almost classical....

    I'm with rbell on this one, "Jesus didn't look kindly to people assigning works of God to the kingdom of satan."

    We are a God honoring church, and I dare anyone to prove otherwise! Souls are being saved, ministries are being fruitful, and people are growing spiritually, And we could stop all music, and it would still go on!

    It is not about the style, it is about the heart of worship.
  17. MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    then why don't you provide a scripture that says using worldly-like "up-to-the-time" music is acceptable and what we are to use.

    I believe that Christ, the Apostles, and those of the early church would be disappointed in our argument that we must fit in and use the music, dress, etc to get the world to accept our message. The ministry of Christ was not to fit in with the world but to save souls and He said that they would also hate the disciples (and their message) because they hated Jesus. He called a Christian that tried to fit in as one being "double-minded" "being unequally yoked" "serving two masters". There needs to be an obvious seperation in our testimony!!

    One of the biggest issues I have is that looking at most of the bands and cd covers you can't tell the 'christian' groups apart from another rock, pop, metal or whatever band. And their musical presentation is just as fit for the MTV crowd as well with the lights, smoke, etc. I'm sad to see that another poster said it would be good if MTV hosted an hour of worship. This is so sad!! IMO that is like saying as long as the Bible is preached then we'll allow a Satanic Minister to preach in our churches. Our message [the Gospel] is to be rpeached in such a way that is not distracted by the worldly influence and it is presentation is not one of conformity but one of seperation.

    May God Bless and may we decide to disagree on this matter. Because I'm convinced my Bible tells me how to deal with these things of world look and worldly influence and so I'll not be swayed to your argument. If I'm wrong then I'll apologize in Heaven ;)
    </font>[/QUOTE]Let me quote myself and say that the only ones to quote any scripture (whether you have accepted it or not) is those who talk of being seperated and set apart from the world and the appearance of evil. So as we Baptist are fond of scripture that keeps us from doing things and scripture that tells us how and why to do things. Please share with me a scripture verse that says that it is ok to have this kind of "MTV-like" music in our churches. Share with me a verse that says we need to allow worldly influence into our churches to have a better outreach or to be more modern. I'll stop quoting scripture because I would not want ya'll to feel the need to discredit God's Word...instead I'll encourage you to enlighten us with the scripture that ya'll use to base this "MTV-like" music ministry on...I patiently await your guidance and verses so I can take accountability of my service in the Lord's ministry!
  18. MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    Do you realize that if the early Corinthian church had been influenced by their "modern times" then they would have had sex as apart of their worship service as the worshippers at the Temple Diana did just to have a better outreach. The Devil likes to take pure things and corrupt them just as he has the pulpit, the music ministry, and any other ministry in a local church trying to serve Christ. And yes God can still bless it and get the praise from it...remember He used many a wicked King or nation to bless His Chosen Ones. So God will save some and inspite of the Devil's efforts the Lord will still get the honor and glory out of it. But I think the Lord's guidance is that our aim should not be to use the Devil's tools to do God's work. I think that this will just cause more to be confused, or make shallow professions, or to be easily swayed, or even to stray away.
  19. tinytim <img src =/tim2.jpg>

    Oct 31, 2003
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    So you are saying the music that we sing on Sunday Morning is from Satan?
  20. MRCoon New Member

    Mar 7, 2006
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    I never said that here and I'm not the one to stand in judgement of what your church does.

    But I'm more curious to see what your answers are to my request for a scripture to base this kind of music ministry on than I am in mudslinging!