Church fun

Discussion in '2004 Archive' started by Sularis, Apr 14, 2004.

  1. Sularis Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    Recently a buncha young chicks started chatting with me - and I found out they had gone are going to church - but that they dont like to go and often have to be "forced" to go

    They said its no fun

    which is wierd since other then the sermon - which tends to be boring - and ill admit i have a tough time staying awake - i pull night shifts - church was fun for me - Sunday School was fun - the stuff we did in church was fun - the sermons were still boring - but we managed to have fun, and to want to go each week.

    Whats happening?
  2. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    Maybe the fact that you view young women as "a buncha young chicks" has something to do with it?
  3. shawna w New Member

    Feb 14, 2004
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    Young "people" today feel that they have to have fun to do anything. When I was young I was taught that Church wasn't a game. But that we were there to learn what the Bible says. We need to teach our young people fear and respect. Until they know this is serious business they will always expect to be entertained.
  4. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
    Site Supporter

    May 4, 2001
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    With the increase in mass media and the constant flash and buzz of TV, internet, movies, etc, people's attention span (from old to young) is seriously down.
  5. Loren B New Member

    Jul 10, 2000
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    Someone has seriously failed these "young chicks".
    When "FUN" is the goal of church we have a serious problem.
  6. Jeffrey H New Member

    Jul 3, 2003
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    Nothing wrong with having fun at church. Fun often results when we fellowship with other believers. Church is also serious as we share in other's burdens and sorrows. This is true fellowship.
  7. dianetavegia Guest

    I think our 'religion' should be a part of our whole lives and that includes the 'fun' times. As a teen, my youth group went skating, bowling, putt putt, played board games, sat around and talked, sang around a piano... instead of 'one on one' dating, we have group outings. We had a lot of fun and were involved with other Christian youth and leaders instead of having 'worldly fun'. There's no reason we can't have fun as a church group!

  8. Sularis Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    Several things

    First - Here's the things Ive noticed - When fun is removed from the context of the church - it is quickly picked up by the world - God takes joy in our pleasure - and what better way to make sure that out children have Godly - wholesome fun then to make sure it happens within the context of the church?

    Growing up - the church was my social life - I knew no one outside of it - until i hit highschool and other christians started beating me up, but even then the church still made up most of my social outings - they made learning the Bible fun - by holding competitions/quizzes - my youth was mostly male - competition works for us ;) but it was fun

    Lastly Christ4Kildare - the terms fille de jolie - magdalen - and other such terms happen to apply to these young females as well - I highly doubt me calling them chicks here, will suddenly worsen their attitude towards me or church in general - especially since their messenger names have the word chick or worse in them - and since they live nowhere near me - nor do they attend my church - so please dont nitpick what i post - but rather answer the question
  9. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    FUNdamental Baptists are often dysFUNctional in their thinking. Sounds like this bunch for certain sure!

    FUN is based on the french "fond", acting foolish like a youth in love.

    FUN is also based on the Latin "fundus", or getting to the bottom (foundation) of the matter.

    We can get by with a little of the first kind of fun if our focus is on the second. I have fun wrestling with my grandkids; I have MORE fun wrestling with the Word or a thorny Greek problem.
  10. NaasPreacher (C4K) Well-Known Member

    Oct 21, 2003
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    I still disagree with your depiction of the young women, but will try to give my input to your question.

    You also mention in your OP that the sermon was "boring". The message is meant to be key. If the message is boring to you, how much more to these unchurched young women? Perhaps you need to find a place where the preaching is not so boring.

    When you ask about fun, do you mean in the context of the church programme in general or the worship service? The church programme should include some of what is referred to as "fun." The service should also be fun. It should be fun to sing songs of worship and praise, to give willingly to the Lord's work, and to hear God's Word faithfully preached. However, it sounds like these ladies do not desire that kind of fun. Perhaps start by asking to them some of the fun type activities and go on from there. Once they know a few people, then maybe they would be more comfortable doming to a service.
  11. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    I have been to church a lot of my teen and adult life.

    Is church fun?


    Is church a pain?


    Is church a challenge?


    Is church boring?

    If it is, I need to find another area to be busy in. Or out creating fun. Or whatever you want to call it.
  12. glenn316 New Member

    Dec 29, 2003
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    The Church isn't short-attention-span theatre like we've been programmed to believe. Nor is it the entertainment channel. It's where we should be able to be discipled, and learn to grow in the faith.
  13. Thankful <img src=/BettyE.gif>

    Mar 5, 2002
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    I think the youth of today have a different definition of fun. When I was a youth, church was our social life as well as a place to learn about and worship God. We looked forward to seeing our friends at church even though we had seen them all week at school. As Diane pointed out we did things together!

    Today, I think it depends on the youth leader. This should be a leader who plans activities as well as Bible Studies for the youth.

    We have a wonderful youth group in our church. They also sing and play in the adult choir and orchestra. The entire group sits in the front middle section right under the pastor's nose and they really listen. They are a caring group and are very respectful and helpful to the senior adults.

    I think it is the youth leadership that provides what the youth today think is "fun".

    I heard this phrase from my grandson. "My church is really fun." I attended his church. The youth are busy and involved with the service.
    They are not being entertained; they are working to serve and worship.

    My other grandchildren attend a larger church and there is a Sunday morning service for the youth. I think the youth like to be treated special. (Don't we all?)