Common Ground Coffee House #102

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Sep 27, 2006.

  1. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    FoG, at least you can recognize the symptoms in yourself. So many can't or won't see that something is not right until they have a full break with reality. My mother was this way, though never diagnosed with bipolar. I am so glad and proud of you for dealing with this head on. :)

    Make sure you give the meds time to work. It takes 2 to 4 weeks to begin to see results, depending on the person. This I know from personal experience with depression. And don't let anyone give you any flack for taking "mind altering" drug or tell you that you must have a spiritual problem or you wouldn't feel the way you feel. And if they do, just send them my way and I'll take care of them. :mad: (sorry, this is a pet peave of mine)

    Been cleaning out Jenna's room. As you may have guessed, she is now missing a few toys. :D She is also missing enough candy wrappers, potato chip bags and grape stems to bury her in.

    Now that I'm done, I'm headed to the sewing machine.

    Coffee break first!
  2. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    How well you two know that to many people, John 3:16 is the solution to every ailment in creation.

    Cheers, and God bless,

  3. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Well Jim, Christ is the ultimate Solution, but sometimes He expects us to use the resources He has graciously provided us when dealing with problems on this corrupted earth. And nothing makes me madder than to hear someone saying that if a problem affects the mind, it must be spiritual.....Grrr!

    I've got the sleepy's this afternoon. :sleep: But I can't go to sleep, I have things to do! Ugg! And I really, really don't want to do anything else at all. Sad and pitiful aren't I?

    I think I'll have another cup of coffee. :) I made a fresh pot and the water's hot for your tea, Jim. (but, unless you like your tea made with a teabag, you better make your own. :D )

    BTW, is it winter where you are today? We haven't cracked 60 degrees (F) here today and they are expecting a frost tonight. This doesn't usually happen until November. (sad spoiled southerner, I know, but brrrr!)
  4. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Not a very mysterious one though, Jim. Two words - hot flashes. :BangHead:

    I am leaving to take Brent to his Boy Scout meeting so he can become a "Knot Head". :applause:

    I will be glad when he makes "Knot Master". Sounds so much better than "Knot Head". :laugh:

    I will try to check in before I go to bed, hopefully to sleep, perchance to dream...

    Rob: I'm SO glad you got diagnosed and are on medications! I sure have missed you posting those delicious sounding recipes!!!

    Have a good evening all!!!
  5. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Blackbird dashes in

    Blackbird dashes out

    Spy camera in hand

    :saint: :saint:
  6. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Menageriekeeper, (I need a name I can speel)

    That is wot I said, except MOST PEOPLE think John 3:16 is the answer to everything. As a pastor, I often counselled people with spiritual and medical problems, including psychological disorders......J' comprende.


  7. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Jim: I understood what you said perfectly and I either call menageriekeeper MK or Cindi. :smilewinkgrin:

    Good morning all!

    It is cold - I do believe that winter has set in a little early this year. It's in the 30's again with rain expected for most of the week. Yuck!

    Well, I can officially call Brent a "Knot Head" without getting in trouble now. I will still be glad when he graduates to "Knot Master" though. :laugh:

    Well, we don't have many leaves in front since we cut down the trees, but we have the neighbors leaves and since we have a fence, they STAY in our yard instead of blowing on to the neighbor on the other side! Can't rake leaves in the rain though.

    I can't just have Brent mow them with the mulcher because we are having our lawn fertilized and slit-seeded and they want the leaves gone. Oh well...

    Laundry is all done and the house is 'picked up' so today is ironing day and possibly changing out my bedroom from summer to winter. I have two sets of bedclothes and drapes - one set for warm weather and one set for cold weather (just in my bedroom - not the whole house).

    I have to sub on one of the corners this afternoon. I'm hoping the rain holds off until after I'm back home! It's odd how the regulars always want a sub in BAD weather...

    Time for coffee!
    §ue :wavey:
  8. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    I understood Jim. I guess you can tell I'm rather sensitive to this issue and it doesn't take much to get me started. :eek: I didn't mean to sound as if I misunderstood only how fully I agreed with you.

    MK or Cindi is fine. Sometimes I even answer to "hey you!". :D

    I'm going to be doing the "cool mother" thing today and making poodle skirts for Cass and her friend. This is homecoming week and tomorrow is "decade's day". Guess when I found this out? Yep, last night. It's a good thing I have a sewing machine and know how to use it!

    I've already been to Walmart to get supplies. She better not come back and tell me that Katie (third friend) wants one too. :eek:

    Anyhow, I gotta get started. Just stopped in for a bisquit and a glass of milk. Ya'll have a good day.

    PS, Sue, I think I'd have to stick with "knot head". It just has that certain ring to it. :laugh:
  9. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Hey you, and others too!

    Another rainy day here and coolish, but could be worse. I am late off the go this morning and I still have my children's story to write for another site. I learned a long time ago that adults love children's stories...:type:

    Not even the dogs want to go out when the weather is like this. They would rather have 4 feet of snow.

    Cheers, catch you all later,

  10. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Hello Ev'rybodeeeee!! This is your old pal Grover! . . . . . er, make that gayla:thumbs:

    Saw the Oncologist this morning. The Tumor-Marker only went up 5 points in six weeks. That is "very, very good" and he is "very, very pleased". Praying it stays that way!!:praying:

    Will have another blood test and a Bone Scan on Dec. 12.:1_grouphug:
  11. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Yay Gayla! :applause: Keep up the good work!
  12. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Very good news Gayla!

    Private message me your address again and I'll send another Queen surprise. I don't keep personal addresses out of respect for everyone's privacy.

    Cheers, and God bless,

  13. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Gayla: What great news!!!

    Jim: I've never had a Queen's surprise - address on the way. :wavey:
  14. FBCPastorsWife New Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Ummmm...what's a queen's surprise?
  15. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    It wouldn't be a surprise if we knew, now would it?

  16. FBCPastorsWife New Member

    Sep 27, 2004
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    Awww....'tis true! Alas it shall remain a mystery! :confused:
  17. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Thank You Jim!!! PM is on the way.

    Guess you just have to know HM the Queen.;) :smilewinkgrin:
  18. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    It is morning, right? I'm not walking in my sleep? No, the lights are bright so I can't be dreaming. It's always a frustrating half light when I'm dreaming. I guess I really am up at not even 6 o'clock getting poor T out the door to a 7:30 meeting. Ugg! Usually he doesn't have to be in till 8 or 9.

    What should have jarred me awake was walking through the house! I sew for just one day and do nothing and it's like an explosion has hit. I'm just about to decide that the kids have too many possessions! :eek: Cass was up hunting a blouse she needs for today after I had went to bed. I told her that I'd find it this morning but no, that wasn't good enough. I finally ran her to bed. This morning I found the blouse in the very first place I looked and told her to look last night! Are we sure this isn't Monday?

    It may not matter anyway cause last night Cass and Chris both had a stomach bug. yuck! At least they are big enough to make it to the bathroom!

    Okay, gotta go get some coffee.
  19. preacher New Member

    May 9, 2001
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    Mornin Folks,
    Just poppin in fore work! I took BH out riding yesterday & she had a time!!
    I may have to go find me a real job come the first of the year, ain't making the kind of money the paper said I would. Or gonna have to find something to do along with this.
    Well gotta go take care of the livestock so I'll be in later!
    Have a Blessed Day!!!
  20. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Yes, Cindi, it's morning and you beat me up today (and I bruise easily)!

    Good morning all,

    Oldest daughter is coming in from IN today and will be spending the night tonight. I'm not sure of her agenda after that.

    Something HAS to be done with the leaves in the yard TODAY. It is going to rain tonight and all day tomorrow and the grass needs to be seeded this week.

    My ironing didn't get done, so that is MY agenda for today. I'm glad I have left-over ham to work with for supper because we also have Spanish lessons and church tonight.

    Time for coffee!