Common Ground Coffee House #106

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    * GASP * Did I understand you right Sue? Did you say your forcasted high for today is 40??? WOW!! Just send it over the lake and I'll be waiting for it.

    I pickup my Wife and Mother-in-Law at the airport this afternoon. The house is clean & ready for feminine inspection. The laundry is done and folded, the dishes are done, and the kitchen has been mopped, and the counters, and cupboards are clean, and full, and the G-kids have been watered and fed.

    There is a Christian college about 10 miles from us which is in the news for firing a cross-dressing professor. The professor was told that he could not appear on campus dressed as a woman; if he did he would be fired. He not only appeared on campus in his personna of "Julie" instead of John, but spoke openly on the campus about what he considers the discrimination against his "disorder." The college stated that as a Christian institution it could not allow behavior which didn't reflect the beliefs and values of Christianity.

    The matter will now play out in an anti-discrimination hearing brought against the college. I imagine Satan is doing his little dance right now, but let's see what he does when the music stops.

    All the supporters of alternative lifestyles are getting enough attention to push their beliefs. The Christian support of the college's stand has been downplayed by the media.

    Sorry about the rant, but this whole matter just sickens me.

    I brought in eggs, bacon, biscuits, and home fries. Enjoy.

  2. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    Hey Sue, my kids are out of school the same week Brent is! Maybe we should all pile in and "help". :D

    Ya'll keep praying for Chris. He's been at school 4 days in a row now and we are beginning to see light at the end of the tunnel of make up work. After 4 weeks of only being at school about 3 days, there was a ton of work to do. He has to stay well and get it done or we'll be working over spring break. Honestly, it seems all the poor kid ever does is school work or migraines and I'd like for him to be able to enjoy his spring break without having to worry about school work.

    Today is housecleaning day. :( I hate housecleaning day, but since it hasn't been cleaned, truely clean not just straightened, since, since, well since sometime ago that I can't remember, I have to clean it. This evening we are going to move out the old entertainment center and TV from the livingroom to who knows where, and bring in the new stuff(that T's dad thought we needed. :rolleyes:). Can't do that unless I clean.

    I'm going to get interupted. This bit about the high schoolers not going in until 10:30 this week is beginning to bother me. If I'm going to accomplish anything, it'll be in the mornings while I still have a little energy. I hate having to stop what I am doing cause there is no gaurentee that I will ever get started again. Sigh, the joys of motherhood.

    Ya'll have a good day and stay warm!

  3. Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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  4. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Good morning all!

    It's been a few days, and I've missed you. But Barry has been very sick AND it was sunny for three days (rain again today), so, between the two of them, I got the adult work done and also cleaned out the chickens (a quarterly job) and got four of the raised vegetable beds prepared for planting next month. Three more to go... Also got in 22 miniature pyracantha for an evergreen hedge around our rose garden, added two escallonia to another area where we are extending a future hedge, and transplanted some daffodils that were in the way. So I've been rather busy. Every time I sat down at the computer I would just stare at it and play a game and then get up and keep on keepin' on!

    But Barry's doing much better now, although he appears to have hurt his knee somewhere along the way. Chris was hyper yesterday. But I don't think he's sick. Dreamed last night that I took HIM to the vet's for something!

    Barry and I have decided to change something. We are going to be having our big meal of the day around 11 in the morning (he usually gets up around ten because he works into the wee hours of the morning). I've done it for two days now, and we like it. We find we are not snacking from hunger nearly as much in the middle of the day. And then we don't stuff at nights, either. I'm fixing soups and such for the evening meals.

    Bible Study here tonight, so, like MK, it's a housecleaning day.

    God bless you all.
  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Helen: Good to see you back. I was wondering where you were! Glad Barry is feeling better. Most health specialists advise eating a large meal at noon and a smaller one for supper.

    Rob: They keep looking for him in IL too but they refuse to take my advice and break up the cement on the Interstate that was being put in when he disappeared!

    MK: Come on up! I'll feed y'all! Their Easter vacation was supposed to be the week before Easter, but the teens are taking a mission trip to Romania March 19th (Brent isn't 'cause I can't afford it) so that's when Easter vacation will be. The principal doesn't like to have school when he's not there and he's going to Romania too.

    I'm glad we can't afford for Brent to go. I think Romania is just a tad bit farther than I want him to go at his age...

    He won't be going on the $500.00 school trip to GA either. Instead, he will be going to Triple § Christian Ranch in Arkansas for a week. Then his Uncle (Pastor) Bob, who lives about 2 hours south of the camp, will pick him up and take him to his house for the following week (youth conference at their church).

    Anyway, he will have an eventful, fun, summer at much less expense.

    Done on the corner, went to the post office and grocery store and it is now time to start moving things off of the sun porch.

  6. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Helen - What a great idea! I wish we could do that but with the girls out at school, Bob at church and me and the littles at home, I don't see how we could do that. It would probably help us diet-wise, though!!

    Rob - That's just disgraceful and I pray that the college will win - but knowing this world, they might not. :BangHead: Whatever happened to the part of the amendment that says "or prohibit the free exercise thereof"?? UGH!!

    Saw the surgeon today and all looks good. I mentioned the swelling I'm having (and he saw it right away) and said it was probably the weather we're having (snow). Fortunately, I got approved with the new insurance company so I can start up PT again (have been out a week) so hopefully they can work at the extra fluid in my hand too.

    Other than that, I've got a parent-teacher conference for Joanna (4) today and then church tonight. I decided that we haven't had tacos in SO long that we'll have them for dinner tonight - yum!! I bought a big package of meat so I'll brown that and put 2/3 of it in the freezer for 2 more meals and use one portion for tonight. I add beans to the meat for tacos to stretch it. ;)

    It's so beautiful outside with this snow we're having right now. It's the softly falling small fluffy snow that's beautiful to watch but only coats stuff. We're due for a coating to an inch, so I'm not worried about it at all - just enjoying God's beauty. I also picked up bird seed and squirrel food last night so we have a plethora of creatures outside and it's fun to watch them too.
  7. Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    You know Ann if you didn't feed the geese too they wouldn't fertilize your front yard. :laugh:
  8. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    See, for some reason, the geese stay up front - the bird feeder is out back. But if anyone tells them - I'm in big trouble!!
  9. Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    I won't say anything, if you won't Ann.

    Maybe the geese think they're lawn ornaments, you know the kind that you put outfits on for different seasons and holidays. They're just waiting for you to dress them [and not with potatoes and gravy either.] :laugh:
  10. Timotheus New Member

    Jun 20, 2001
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    Don Colbert, the Christian medical doctor and nutritionist, said about proper eating:

    I think you have a good start Helen.
  11. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    40? Our lows are higher than that right now. Our highs are in the upper 70's.
  12. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    It is 21º right now with a wind chill of 15º. The sun is coming up and it is supposed to get up to 45º. That will be a pleasant change.

    I have to work, on the corner again, this morning and this afternoon, and possibly tomorrow and Friday. I like the extra money, but not the cold weather!

    Monday, when I hung the bed linen outside to dry, I heard a flock of geese going north. Can spring be far behind?

    I have "Miss Lucy" next to my front steps, to greet my guests. She is a concrete goose that I rescued from the landfill, and repaired (she had a broken neck). Right now she is wearing a dress and bonnet with shamrocks all over them. :thumbs:

    Time to fix breakfast.

  13. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Morning everyone! Hey Jon-Marc - if you'd like, we still have plenty of cold air we can send your way if you'd like. I don't want to be selfish, you know. ;)

    I'm just waiting for everyone to finish breakfast then I have to bring my car in for an inspection and oil change. I'm hoping that my brakes are OK but I think I may have to replace them too - atleast the rears. We'll see.

    At some point today, I need to go up to church to do my work so that I allow myself enough time for tomorrow. Tomorrow at 12:30, I'm leaving for the ladies' retreat and I usually work on Fridays but I won't have a ton of time. If I can do the service today, that will give me from about 9:30 to 12:30 to put together the PowerPoint for the sermon - which is way more than enough time but I'd rather err on the side of caution. Bob has to go up to church to make sure the ladies have everything for the sound system and then he'll come home - then I run up to put together what I can. Shouldn't be too hard - it's a pretty straightforward service this week and Bob's doing the worship, so I know the exact backgrounds to each song that I'm going to use.

    I have to say, I'm looking forward to this ladies' retreat - they're always wonderful teaching, fellowship and worship and just plain fun. I've got a few responsibilites - break-out leader and I'm in a skit, and I'll run the computer for the worship songs and such but otherwise, it's just a great time. Yea!!

    Have a wonderful day!! Nicole (my 14 year old) made blueberry muffins this morning for breakfast and I brought in a dozen for y'all. Enjoy!!
  14. Friend of God Active Member
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    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Morning Everybody,

    It is 6 degrees here, headed for a high of 33. :thumbs:

    Sue in my daily devotional reading I found a Scripture verse that speaks about your e-bay store:
    "Blessed shall be thy basket and thy store." Deuteronomy 28:5[KJV]
    Whatever it is you can find it in the Bible[to even speak about ebay. :laugh:]

    My Wife is home, and she is exhausted. She's in for a shock this morning. It's only 6 degrees here now. Quite a change from 70 degrees in TX.

    I brought in Ham and Asparagus Puff Pancake, French Toast, Sausage, Biscuits, and Cherry Chip Scones. Enjoy.

    They say that everthing is bigger in Texas, well so is my Wife's laundry.

    Time to get started on my chores. My Wife got out of Texas, now it's time for me to get Texas out of my Wife's laundry.
  15. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    That's OK, Ann, enjoy your cold weather.:laugh: I'm enjoying the warm, sunny weather here.:thumbs:
  16. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    It was so cold this morning my breath wouldn't even dropped out in ice-blocks........

    By the way, I attended a church on Sunday and the movie screen was right in the centre of platform and the pulpit had been pushed to one side....I was waiting for intermission so I could go get my popcorn or crackerjacks...........I'm sure they must have concession stands too....It sure isn't church anymore!!!

    Lord help us!


  17. annsni Well-Known Member
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    May 30, 2006
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    Hey Jim -- Hush about that movie screen!! It's my job to put together stuff to go ON that movie screen. I don't want to be out of a job!!
  18. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    Rob: Keep the cold front on your side of the lake!

    It is 30º and cloudy right now, heading for a high of 50º!!!!!!!! Of course, we're expecting rain also.:rolleyes:

    The gal I was subbing for is coming back to work today, so I don't have to go anyplace this morning other than run Brent to school. I also need to find a twin-size mattress.

    When Bob and Jonny come up to remodel the sun porch, I will sleep on the hide-a-bed in the living room and give Bob my bedroom. Jonny (he's 19 and in college) can sleep in the spare bedroom if I can get a mattress for the bed that's in there. First, I need to get some things packed up and taken to the basement that I have stored in there. That's also where my eBay things will have to be stored while the porch is being worked on. The table, booths, and cabinets will have to be moved into the family room. It's going to be a mess for a while, but it will sure be worth it!!!

    Time for hot chocolate and meds!
  19. Barnabas H. <b>Oldtimer</b>

    Jul 1, 2000
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    Boy, that must have been some cold! Glad you are still walkin' and talkin' Brother Jim. Good to see you around! :wavey:

    Lady Sue, it looks like you are going to have one of those busy days ahead. Make it sure you'll have your beauty sleep.
  20. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Good morning all,

    March has arrived with the "If you don't like the weather, wait a minute" effects that our town is noted for. I don't think we'll be down to freezing again, and the bulbs are starting to blossom. The first hyacinths and daffodils are in blossom and the first camellia opened.

    I don't think Gina is reading BB anymore, so I want to bury this here for those who are following. At Bible Study on Wednesday night she asked for prayer for herself -- MRI's have shown FIVE cysts in different places in her body - including one on her spine. They are not sure what they are going to attempt yet, and more tests are pending. She deals with a lot of pain every day and is still going to college. Please keep her and her girls in prayer. As most of you know, her youngest has a severe heart defect which they are not sure what they can do about, either. It's a scary thing.

    I was thinking of going back to teaching part time next year as I honestly miss it, but this is a strong call, Barry and I believe, for me to stay at home and be available for any problems that require an extra hand next door...

    Today, however, is our day 'off' when Gina comes over for a few hours to watch Chris. So I am going to feed the horses and go back to bed!

    Eat your hearts out....LOL

    God bless you all.