Common Ground Coffee House #106

Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Feb 4, 2007.

  1. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    good morning, folks!

    Rob (since everyone is calling you that, I figure it is your name...LOL), you were NOT whining. You were expressing a little frustration and tiredness. There's a difference!

    Let me tell you about whining -- it's when you have little ones in tow and you are passing the sugared cereal section of the grocery store. I used to have a way to stop whining I got out of book once. When faced with "Why can't I? Everyone else does..." or "Why do I have to? No one else does..." and such, I learned to say "Because I'm evil, mean, nasty,wicked and stupid, that's why." It would usually evoke a laugh and defuse the situation.

    Then there was this time when I had all six kids with me in the grocery store. The oldest was about fourteen, which would put the youngest at about three. Scott, the oldest, was trying desperately to dissociate from us by walking about half an aisle ahead. We were going through the sugared cereal section, and the begging began (sugared cereals were for a birthday ONLY, to be chosen by the birthday child and consumed by anyone who wanted to after that, until next birthday). Finally, Scott, who was totally sick and embarrassed by the situation, turned around from half an aisle away and shouted back "You can't because she's evil, mean, nasty, wicked and stupid, that's why not!"

    I think I heard grocery carts screeching to a stop at least two or three aisles away...

    At any rate, you were not whining! So put back that cheese!

    We've got pretty mild weather here right now and I almost feel guilty about it, considering what so many of you are going through. Rainy off and on and the crocuses are blooming all around the mailbox and hyacinths and daffodils poking their green up around the yard. Buds on the camellias are about ready to open the those on the fruit trees are swelling. Even the asparagus is sending up some tentative shoots. One of the horses has started shedding her winter coat and the geese look like they are starting back north. I, personally, think it is too early, but the geese are NOT listening to me!

    Keep warm, folks, and I'm glad you are in PT, Ann. I know it will help you get ready for that horse competition this spring.

    Relatively lazy day for me today. Great Bible study last night -- super bunch of people. Today we work on answering some emails and getting Barry's paper a little more web-ready.

    God bless you all.
  2. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    It was only about 72 degrees F here today, but I still managed to get in my hour walk.:laugh: Oh, I'm sorry, (no I'm not), was I bragging a little?:thumbs:
  3. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Yes, you were, Jon. Now STOP it! :BangHead:

    It was supposed to get up to 20º and I had my swimming suit ready to go, but it only got up to 11º. :laugh:
  4. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    I haven't posted in the CH in a few days, but I've been around.

    I'm doing well with the Xeloda for the most part. I seem to get dizzy in the late evenings. Sunday afternoon was my worst sell, but it was because I didn't eat enough. I haven't had any other side effects. Sure hope I've got a strong enough dose to do some good. The Dr will adjust the dosage as necessary.

    You folks in the Northern Icebox stay warm!
    We got up to 70 yesterday and today.
  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    I'm heading to the couch. I got very little sleep last night.

    It is 6º this morning and will be down to 4º again tonight.

    I'm staying in and staying warm.

    Have a great day!
  6. annsni Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    May 30, 2006
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    Gayla - I pray this medication works for you. ((HUGS))!!

    Sue - I hope you feel better!! Is it the dizziness or illness??

    For today - I hopped on really quickly to print out the recipe for the BBQ pork for a friend of mine - we trade crockpot recipes when we find a keeper!! So I figured I'd clear out my e-mails and such. I have to bring Jo to preschool for 9:30, work until she's done at 12:30, quickly have lunch then we have homeschool group from 1- about 4 PM. I'm putting a pot roast in the crockpot because it will probably be 5 before I get home and then we have our small group at 7 - at my surgeon's house. :D I love our small group but sometimes it's hard to want to go out after working all day - I have no idea how I used to work full time then go out in the evenings! I'm usually totally shot by Friday night!!

    Went to the doctor yesterday - the place was mobbed!! You'd think they were giving away free drugs or something! LOL!! I have asthmatic bronchitis and a sinus infection, which I figured I did. Dr. also wants me to have a full physical which I'm so due for anyway. I'm thinking they might find something since I had something weird happen that is usually a symptom of either rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Oh well!! I guess it's best to find out, huh?? I'll make the appointment next week probably (make the appointment - not have the appointment).

    Well, gotta run!! Busy, busy, busy!! Keep warm everyone who's got this cold weather, stay safe and for those who have warmth (anything over 30 degrees would be warm in this case)........ :p ;)
  7. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thanks, Ann. I pray you get to feeling better too!

    It is an undue amount of stress, which affects every area of my life, including aggravating my physical problems. :tear:
  8. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone! (except Jon Marc. ;) )

    I'm down on Jon Marc this morning because if his area is at 72 then my area ought to be at least in the upper 50's but you know what we have this morning? ICE!!! And they closed the county schools but the city stayed open, so my poor kids didn't even get the day off. I hope the city doesn't live to regret it. The ice is supposed to continue all day. Right now the roads are clear and I've already gotten groceries. Yea! I forgot the bread though so I'll have to stop somewhere and pick up some. Maybe. Maybe I have enough to get me through the weekend. We'll see.

    I really have to get this house a little cleaner today. I've been doing bits and pieces all week but I really haven't felt well so it hasn't gotten really clean. And I need to change out the guinea pig cages and bathe three little dogs. So my day is set out for me and then the sewing can begin!
  9. Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good morning Everybody,

    It is 10 degrees here [windchill -12], and Sunny and supposedly aiming at a high of 18.

    Sue: I hope you are able to relax and recharge. May God's Peace that surpasses all understanding be upon you and your family.

    Cuz: Please take it easy [I know that's easy to say, but hard to do.] You do so much for others, please remember that while you are holding others up that God has you in His arms.

    Sue and Cindi: When things in life seem hard to handle...just know that God is watching over you.I know because I asked him to.

    I got here too late for breakfast, so how about lunch?

    I brought in 5-Ingredient Pizza Biscuit Bake, Baked Chicken and Potato Dinner, and Lemon Bread Pudding. Enjoy.

    Time to finish my chores.
  10. abcgrad94 Active Member

    Jan 12, 2007
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    Good morning!

    Last night I had a sleep study with a c-pap machine and had the best 5 hours of sleep since I was a baby. Well, almost! Found out I have sleep apnea and that's why I'm tired all the time. I'm so glad to finally know what's wrong and that it's not all just in my head. :sleeping_2:

    Since I have some energy for once, I plan to clean the house top to bottom, catch up my church to-do list, cook and freeze some meals, shovel the snow and ice off our entire block, and take a TWO HOUR walk. So there, Jon-Marc! (Not really THAT energetic yet!:laugh: )

    Better get busy. . .
  11. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Wow! Whatever you got from the doctor - I want some! :laugh:
  12. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Lunch sounds like just the thing to keep me sitting at this computer instead of getting my chores done! :D
  13. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Wow, a lot of you are having a hard time this morning! I'll be praying for the lot of you!

    Gayla, let us know how things go, OK? I'm a little worried about you...

    Sue, please nap for a long time and get better. You do so much -- have you ever heard of taking one day off in seven and actually RESTING???

    Ann, I've noticed the same about me on the day of Bible study. I love the group and I love the studies, but almost always I will say sometime during the day, to Barry, "I'm so tired. I wish we didn't have study tonight..." and always, always I am glad we do. Something rebellious in our flesh?

    RA or lupus a possibility? Let us know, OK. I'll be praying for you. I think about you whenever I am with the horses now, so that's a great time to pray for you, eh?

    MK, you also, have you never heard of taking one day off in seven? Do the dogs REALLY need bathing? The guinea pig I can understand -- they need changing pretty often, but the dogs are probably fine, aren't they? Have they been rolling in something? Short on bread? Use crackers with cheese and meat for sandwiches and the bread will stretch just fine!

    Rob, God bless you for being the friend to everyone that you are, on net and off.

    abcgrad, if you don't get all that done today, don't worry! There's always tomorrow! I'm glad you have the sleep problem pinned down. Life should be much better now.

    Well, today for us is the day Gina usually takes Chris to give us time off. I'm going over there as soon as this is done to tell her to go back to bed and get her much needed sleep and we will keep Chris today. She has been through too much lately and is exhausted. If she sleeps this morning and can take Chris so we can nap in the afternoon, all will be just fine!

    Rain for the coming week here, which is fine. All January, I think was very sunny and very cold, so the warmer rain is nice.

    And all is well on the western front.

    God bless you all.
  14. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    Do you go swimming when it's only 20 degrees? What do you use to break the ice?:laugh:
  15. Jon-Marc New Member

    Jan 10, 2007
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    I'm afraid my feet wouldn't tolerate a two hour walk, but I will be going out soon for an hour walk. I bought new walking shoes and noticed that my feet didn't hurt as much as usual after my walk yesterday. Maybe I'll consider a longer walk today. It's supposed to be in the low 70's again. The wind, though, sometimes makes it feel cooler. The good thing is that in my area we don't get all the hurricanes that other areas get. We do, however, get heavy winds. The warm temps is who I moved from cold Michigan to Florida, and it was one of the smarter thnigs I've done. I've done so many stupis things in my life, it's about time I did something smart. Of course, the smartest thing I ever did was to accept Jesus Christ as my Saviour on May 18, 1963 when I was 17. I regret a lot of things I did in my life, but that is one decision that I will NEVER regret.:godisgood:
  16. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Okay, I quit lazing around the house and got the living room and dining room picked up, a load of dishes in the dishwasher, clothes in the washer and now I'm about to vaccuum.

    Helen, you mean mother's get a DAY OFF!!!!?? :D :laugh:

    No, seriously, I have not overworked this week. I've done the bare minimum because last week was so hectic. To put things into perspective, I've managed to read three books this week and I've a good mind to toss the sewing and read a fourth this pm. :D I do have to clean the guinea pig cages and find out what is on one of their heads, and clip nails. And yes, the dumb dogs have to be bathed, they stink. (have I mentioned that I hate inside dogs?) March can't come soon enough so they can go back home!

    I've sat down to rest a minute, though. Had to check for e-mail from Cass' teachers. She has a migraine along with a nasty little headcold (guess what caused the migraine) so I had her stay home today. She can't talk above a whisper. She's the last to catch this particular bug, the rest of us have had it.

    I'm gonna go check the weather report. It seems that most of the ice has passed us by, and I'm hoping it stays that way!
  17. Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Put it on my account, and send her two cases every
    60 days. :laugh: :thumbs:
  18. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Thanks, Rob!

    I really am sick and tired of being sick and tired!
  19. Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Sue, be glad that you can still complain about it...
    consider the alternative.
  20. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    That's Rob....always has these cheerful replies! :laugh: (Yes, I'm laughing)

    Sue, I know what you mean. And I pray that things start improving rapidly. God bless you.