Common Ground Coffee House #114

Discussion in 'Other Discussions' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jan 17, 2009.

  1. Spinach New Member

    Dec 9, 2008
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    Hello, Everyone!

    I've been quite busy here. I worked in the wood, went to the big city, cleaned, organized, and homeschooled.

    We had a bit of bad weather yesterday, but it's sunny again today. I'm sitting by the woodstove and getting sleepy.

    There's some fruit salad in the fridge.

    Have a good day, everyone!
  2. palagislandgirl New Member

    Oct 3, 2006
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    Mmmmm, fruit salad-My favorite! Here are some hot biscuits to go with it. The is water in the kettle for tea, hot cocoa or whatever you all want to make. It is 39 now with a forecast high of 74 (yes, I did a double take!) that is hard to believe since we where just in the teens on Tuesday and Wednesday. Anyway, nothing much planned today, we are going out to celebrate one of my sisters' birthdays tonight and that is it! I have a baby shower next weekend so I need to get to work on the blanket I have started. See y'all later and have a blessed day!
  3. Spinach New Member

    Dec 9, 2008
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    I have had a busy, busy day! Dh had flour distribution today, so the van was full. We'll have to go to church tomorrow or Tuesday. Instead I'm watching preaching DVDs while sewing curtains.

    I just got done vacuuming the house (there is no carpet, but sweeping makes everything so dusty).

    I need to go stock the woodstoves. Y'all have a good day!

    There is a pumpkin pie cooling on the stove top and one in the oven. If you stop by this evening, the bread that is rising in the window will be hot and ready. I'll see if dh can pick up some fresh butter.
  4. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    Did the groundhog see his shadow to-day?


  5. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Unfortunately, Jim, yes he did. I want to hit him in the head with a shovel! LOL

    Well, folks, six more weeks of this horrid winter before the flowers start blooming and life begins anew.

    Not that Punxsutawney Phil is a weather man, but it's a fun tradition anyway.

    It IS up to 29ºF here today and the sun is shining. Today of all days after staying hidden for weeks!?!

    Can't stay and visit, got to start preparing our taxes.

    I left Blueberry Muffins on the counter. Help yourself.

    §ue (NCPA just for a couple of days)
  6. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    SUE! I can't believe you said that. LOL
  7. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Sue that was funny! Can I help? :eek:

    Howdy Everyone!

    I am finally well after two weeks spent not having the energy to move from my bed. What little energy I did have was well spent IRL finally testing for my black belt! YAY! I am done unless I WANT to test and I won't lose rank if I don't.

    We also have endured such fun things as Cass being in a beauty pageant (didn't win but she looked pretty and had fun), Jenna doing basketball, everyone in the family having this same crud, and my dad leaving his 3 monsters with me. He claims these things are poodles, but my big Bootsie tries to eat them (obviously trying to protect us) so they must be monsters! I hate little yappy, indoor dogs.

    And just as I began to get well, there came a noise. T heard it and thought it must have been a monster so he ignored it. Then I heard and thought it was him, and well he thought it was me, but neither of us could figure out what was. And that time we knew it wasn't a monster cause they were outside terrorizing the neighbors cats. (funny how I attract dogs that hate cats :confused: )

    So yesterday, I begin to turn off anything and everything that I wasn't using trying to figure out what that noise was. It wasn't regular. It wasn't all that loud. It really was irritating. So in the process I turned off T's computer which is rather old and which just had a problem with its graphics card and bunch of other stuff. Finally traced the noise back to the ethernet hub that lets us have access from anywhere in the house. This is not a good thing, but it wasn't the worst thing either.

    The worst thing was that T turned his computer on and it would boot just to the login page and then reset. :eek: :eek: Not good. His machine has the last couple of sets of pictures on it, all the video software, all the photoshop stuff, all the music software, you name it it is on that machine. Ugg.

    Ya'll have a good day. I'm just stalling cause T said for me to clean off the computer table and I don't want to. Doesn't matter that he won't be able to put his box back on it if I don't. I don't want to sort through this mess!

    Okay, Ill quit whining now.
  8. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Ok MK, there ARE ways around this where he might decide he WANTS to do it himself. Maybe.

    Have you tried "Sure I'll clean it, but first we need to sit down and talk about our relationship."

    How about "Oh man, I was going to make banana bread, but I guess I can't now!" (or whatever else is his favorite dessert)

    Let's see. Hmm. "Well, I guess I can, but while I'm doing it can you run to the store and pick up X, Y, Z, and make sure that x is this oz, y is this brand, and z comes from the store on the other side of town?"

    "OW! My finger! My finger! I think I broke my picking up stuff finger!"

    "Well you see, I was going to but I was too busy thinking of excuses and this chick online was helping me and you didn't want me to be RUDE and just not take her very very very very very good advice, right?!"

    "Desk? What desk?" (after you call Freecycle and have someone come and pick up the desk)

  9. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    I saw a telly show last night where people installed a house alarm that kept going off. They didn't know ow to set it. The alarm fellow finally came back and installed a "silent" house alarm. It never made a sound....Now that is some house alarm, but the people were now happy with it.:laugh:


  10. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all,

    Just stopping by for a minute, then it's back to the couch for me. I'm under house arrest (doctors orders)!

    I am on strong meds for Bronchitis and when the radiologist reads my X-ray and decides if that spot on my lung indicates pneumonia, I am supposed to go to the hospital, but I'm gonna be stubborn. I can stay in bed at home just as easy as I can in the hospital.

    Play nice while I'm under the weather.

    §ue :)
  11. PJ Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Feb 20, 2003
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    First after me, maam! :D

    Hope y'alls gettin' shoveled out, where ever ye be. One more day of cold here; then the flood that comes with 40-50 degree weather melting 20 inches of snow. I'll take it, flood or no! :thumbs:

    Sorry to hear you're a bit under the weather, Sue. Stay in, stay dry, stay warm!! :1_grouphug:

    HAGD all! :wavey:
  12. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning Everyone!

    Gina, I have written down all those excuses. They were excellent! I'll use them the next time.

    The computer table is all cleaned off AND dusted. T is happy. His computer is back to life, but we've been threatened with our lives if we dare to touch it. I found the software that lets me download the camera and will load it onto my new computer (new being subjective to the fact that it is only new to ME!)

    Sue, you and I are being punished for threatening to knock the groundhog in the head with our shovels. I ended up taking TWO kids into the doc, one of whom had already been on a z-pac, yet managed to have a double ear infection yesterday! Poor Chris only has the viral crud that I had the last couple of weeks. I have a perscription for him but probably won't fill it unless he gets worse.

    Today is a sewing day. I need to clean the kitchen but I've not been motivated in that direction yet. The sewing machine is calling much too loud. The kitchen will have to wait. While it is waiting maybe I will decide what I want to eat for supper. Gotta cook early tonight because we have karate. The choices are chicken and dumplin's or pork pie with mashed potatoes. Both are favs and both require about the same amount of work.

    Sue, stay warm and get better.

    The rest of you have a great day!
  13. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    Good morning. Hey, it's still morning here anyhow!

    Sleepy night...I fell asleep around...I dunno know. Maybe around 7pm? I woke up once and passed back out until 4am, then went back to sleep and am considering having another go at it. :sleep:

    My third kid is down! The first was sick for about a week. The second started on the day the first got better, and was sick for 9 days. Today she went to school, but yesterday the last kid started.

    So she's gonna be home from school for a week too.

    I'm sure gonna be thankful if I ever get a couple hours to myself again! The other kids are pretty normal when they get sick but this one...she thinks the whole world should stop and take note of the momentously sad occasion. I'm so glad I didn't have four kids. I think this last week is gonna be okay, but if there was one to follow, I'd just give up. LOL
  14. Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Afternoon Everybody,

    After you nail that groundhog let's cut him up and make him into a nice stew to eat during the cold winter days.

    Sorry to hear about all the sickness that is running through the Coffeehouse. I'll be praying for all of you. :praying:

    Well, so not to be outdone by everybody else, I will reveal that my ENTIRE family is suffering from Pink Eye. Talk about a bunch of sorry, sad-looking folks too. Tomorrow is Doctor's appointments for everybody and then we'll all start the antibiotic therapy for a week with all the Gkids being home from school until they're over it.

    I brought in some fresh hot chocolate-chip cookies if anybody wants any.

    Not much else going on here. I doubt with the Pink Eye that we'll be getting out to do anything either.

    Don't worry I washed my hands with germicidal soap before I typed this so you'll all be safe from this junk. :laugh:

  15. Gina B Active Member

    Dec 30, 2000
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    I hope you're not upset that I found that comment extremely funny! I bet you guys ARE looking pretty sad!

    We all got that once many years ago, and I'm glad it was only once. Hope you all get over it fast! I can't even give any suggestions, it's been too long to remember what we did.
  16. Gwyneth <img src=/gwyneth.gif>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    What on earth is `pink eye` ????
    Is it the same as conjunctivitis, because that is a horrid complaint.
  17. Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Dr Gwyneth has come up with the correct diagnosis. Yes "Pink Eye" is the common term for the medical condition Conjunctivitis. It's easily treated by antibiotics with about a one week period of topical antibiotic eye drop treatments. Until such time it is highly contagious.

    [QUOTE]We are a bunch of sorry, sad looking folks.[/quote]

    We really are Gina, I kid you not. Of course some would say that we're also a sad, sorry-looking bunch when we're not sick too. I've never claimed that any of us would end up on a magazine cover. We look like a bunch of red-eyed, weepy, seepy, bulldogs with our eyes almost matted shut right now. Hey, wait a minute... maybe we can get a family portrait on the cover of Dog Fancy. :tongue3:
  18. Gwyneth <img src=/gwyneth.gif>

    Feb 21, 2002
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    I am so sorry you all have this nasty complaint.
  19. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    When the sheep had pink-eye, the farmers marched the sheep through a footbath outside barn door. Do you have a footbath on entering the house?


  20. Friend of God Active Member
    Site Supporter

    Mar 18, 2005
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    Good Afternoon Everybody,

    Even though our house sometimes looks like a barn, we don't have a footbath outside the door. That footbath couldn't be any worse than the eye drops we have to use, but if they cure the pink eye and remove the pain and irritation it's worth it. Oh well, it should only be for about a week during which time the Gkids will be enjoying a week off from school for the treatments.

    Sure is different being under quarantine, as it were, because we're contagious right now. Have to get used to being in the house all the time though.

    Wouldn't you know it the temps are supposed to get up to around 48 tomorrow too.

    Gkids want hamburgers and fries tonight so that should be easy enough to fix.

    The Gkids are all whiny because their eyes hurt, so maybe tonight won't be a late night. I hope.