Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. dianetavegia Guest

    Looks like more are going to die by the hand of the courthouse shooter. It's thought he killed another person and took their weapon.
  2. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Looks like they've got the Court House shooter in custody!!!!
  3. dianetavegia Guest

    Thankfully, this seems to be at an end except for the families of the victims. I wonder if the 'first jury', a hung jury, feels guilt over these 4 deaths. Might need prayer...
  4. dianetavegia Guest

    The acid the doctor used where he cut off my wart caused a blister and it hurts to walk. He'd told me that would be good if it did blister (sign it was working deep) and I can either pop it and use neosporin twice a day but if I can stand the pain, it's best to NOT pop it and let it dry naturally. It only hurts when I walk. I'm going to leave it alone if I can. Now how do I walk around at church tomorrow??? :eek: I don't have 'soft shoes'.

    Jim and Nick are still at the AWANA Games and I'm glad I didn't go. Standing all these hours would have been quite hard. The noise is deafening. I called to see how the 'games' are going and YIKES!

    Jon, 28, seems to have the flu. He's had a fever since yesterday afternoon of 101° and says he hurts terribly all over. He's drinking plenty and other than some chest congestion, seems not too bad. The other 3 of us got flu shots so I sure pray none of us get it. Jim's already so filled with fluids that when he coughs, it sounds like he's drowning.

    Guess the boys won't be home for supper so maybe I can eat something tiny. Still trying to lose those couple of pounds that snuck up on me this winter. (EVERY winter!)
  5. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Diane, if Jon's symptoms just started within the last 24 hours, send him to the clinic! They can give him something called Tamiflu (I think that's the name) and it will shorten the duration of the flu by days. It really is great stuff, but you have to take it with so many hours (I think 48) of the onset of symptoms or it does no good. Any after hours clinic should be able to prescribe it.

    As far as clothes making goes, all I really need is a detailed set of measurements(Jim could help you take these) and a pattern and fabric. I usually buy thread and other notions and charge the customer a small supply fee. That way you don't have to deal with it or have leftover supplies to store. Or if you'd rather sew the clothes yourself, you can send me your measurements and I can fit your patterns for you and then just send them to you. Fitting is the hardest part of sewing cloths, but most adjustments can be made right on the pattern.
  6. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    MK: I thought I was busy. How do you manage to get everything done???

    I started to sew a maternity top once. The baby was two years old when I finished it.
  7. dianetavegia Guest

    I've not ever been good at adjusting patterns, Cindi! I'll keep an eye out for a pattern and material and you can give me the measurements you need us to take. That would be neat!

    We have no after hour clinics. Only the E.R. I tried to get him to let me take him there. He says if he touches the top of his head, he feels like he's going to pass out. I'm now wondering if it's a bad sinus infection. He also says his back hurts near his waist line and it goes around to the front. That MIGHT be from coughing. The coughing is from drainage and he says not his chest. Jon's as stubborn as can be about illness. I gave him some super decongestant the doctor gave me when I had a sinus infection and he'd been given some penicillin for swollen glands when some chiggers got him a few months ago. He wouldn't take it then but he took it today.

    Nick's team won 2nd place and they go to state finals next Saturday. I don't know where that's being held. Jim let him ride home on the church bus. That's a big deal to a 10 year old. I have no idea what time they'll get in tho.
  8. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Jon sounds like a normal man. Tell him he can go to the doctor or suffer.

    Man, I thought my town was small and even we have an after hours. It is the only one in the county though. B'ham has several if we want to drive that far. And yes, sometimes we do drive that far. Our ER is not the best around and they are usually overrun.

    I'll pm you with the measurement details and how to take them. I take some that are a bit unusual, but you'll have a good fit when I'm done. I buy a lot of fabric from Wally world's dollar a yard table. They get in mill ends and overruns, so sometimes you can find some really nice stuff. Not to mention that they clearance off their stock every now and again and you can get good bargains there.

    There are some good online sources for fabric as well. is one of my favorites. I've never had any trouble when ordering from them.

    You don't want to know what the boys are doing on the church bus, trust me. There are some things a mother should never have to know. :eek:

    Sue, sewing is the reason I don't have a clean house!

    Really though, I used to be a terrible procrastinator even though I love to sew. I had to teach myself how to follow through and finish each project. Having to sew for a living and knowing I wasn't going to get paid and I was going to have a very mad customer if I didn't finish, helped a bunch! Three kids, one income, we needed every bit I could bring in. It was hard though, I have a huge lazy streak and can find every excuse in the book not to do something. Once I get myself started though, I can work for hours at a time if I'm not interupted to many times. Have I told ya'll I'm raising independent kids. ;)
  9. dianetavegia Guest

    I made all of Erin's clothes until she was about 6 or 7 at least. I made the boys shorts when they were small too. I made reversible vests for Jim back when vests were the rage. I enjoy making aprons, curtains, etc. but I just cannot 'fix' a pattern to fit me properly. I get tired of jumpers or vest type dresses. Even those have to be altered to a degree!
  10. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Cool! You can do your own sewing then and I'll just fix your patterns. I sent you a PM. I forgot to tell you how to choose a pattern size. Use either your bust measurement or your waist measurement. One or the other will be fine, everything else can be altered for.

    If your size seems outrageous, it probably is. Very gently look for the actual pattern measurements. These are listed on the tissue piece for the front of the garment. That is why I said look gently. The stores don't mind if you unfold a pattern so long as it will go back in the envelope neatly. If you have to go to this measurement, add two inches to your measurement and buy the size that is closest to that sum. So, if you have a 30 inch waist and you add two inches, look for the size that has a waist measurement of 32 inches. This will be your correct size no matter what size it is. Pattern sizes do NOT coorespond to manufactured clothing sizes.
  11. dianetavegia Guest

    I'd rather have you do it, with no 'time pressure' because with the day care little ones, I can't even pin a pattern without someone either getting pricked or tearing it to shreds! My sewing room is downstairs too.

    When I get the measurements, I may have you guide me with the best pattern size. I've got a pattern right by my computer for a skirt and shirt. I have larger hips and always have but a small bust. You can let me know which measurement would be most important to you.
  12. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Bust is alway more important than hips, unless there is a huge difference. Take a quick measure of both real quick and add two inches. Then open up that pattern and look on both the front piece for the shirt and the front piece for the skirt. Find the size that corresponds to your bust measurement on the shirt pattern. Now look down at the hip measure for that size on the skirt piece. Almost always the hip measure will be within an inch or two ot the correct measure. That is because designer's put in more ease at the hip than they do the bust.
  13. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Maybe we could start a sewing thread in the Women's Forum? I'm sure the men won't be too interested in reading about measurements.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  14. TaterTot Guest

    Hey everybody. We had a great day at the beach flying kites and picnicking. We took 17 and had a ball. It was mostlykids age 3-7. We sang fun songs almost all the way home - an hour and a half. We did The Wheels on the Bus, Itsy Bitsy Spider, Going on a Bear Hunt, Yo Mama Don't Wear No Socks (they love that one the best)Twinkle Twinkle, MAry Had a Little Lamb, My God is So Big, and more. Kids are great. Not ONE asked for the radio. (Its always an issue with teenagers.)

    DH is home from his trip and the girls (and I) are elated. I just finished up the last piece of low carb cheese cake, too, and I am sipping on my decaf bedtime coffee.

    I hope you all have a great worship experience tomorrow!
  15. dianetavegia Guest

    Now Sue! You know Dr. Bob has already admitted he has sat and ripped seams while watching t.v. and Gib is quite crafty. ;) I don't think our guys are threatened by our chatting. Thought that's what we were supposed to do in a coffee house.

    Tater, sounds like the kids had a wonderful time! I sure hope you had lots of help watching the little ones! Jim took Nick to the AWANA Games today and there was only one other parent from our church. The workers went, of course, but ... This is the first year I've not gone. My group is too young to participate and the group left at 10:00 a.m. and Nick's game time wasn't until 3:00. He was in 2 games and the rest of the time was sit and wait... Glad I didn't go with Jon sick and my foot hurting. :eek:

    Yum....... cheesecake! My problem... I'd eat the whole thing. I have no self control after suppertime. I could go all day and not want one bite but nighttime is my weak time. :( I had ice cream tonight after having left overs of a tiny bit of grilled chicken alfredo and some pasta and broccoli.

    YAWN! I'm sleepy and there's nothing clean on t.v. tonight. I've got my things ready for S/S so think I'll head to bed. Gotta figure out what I can wear on my foot for church tomorrow. Maybe it'll not be tender by then, tho.

    Night all!
  16. padredurand Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2004
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    Real men sew!!
  17. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I just think discussions about a ladies bust and hip measurements might be more appropriate in the Women's Forum.
  18. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    :( I did think about that Sue. But as padre says, men sew too. And they buy for their wives. This is comman terminology and not really any different than someone's shoe size if taken in context. Since trolls are uncomman here I didn't think there would be a problem.

    I will cease and desist. Diane and I can e'mail or PM if we need too.
  19. dianetavegia Guest

    Good Morning Everyone. It's already a bright and warm morning. Think I'll spend some time in the sun this afternoon.

    I still have no idea what I'll wear on my foot so I'm guessing I'll just take my shoe off once I'm inside and ask the children to be especially good today. Puppets today too. It'll be our last time for several weeks tho because of spring break and Easter.

    Hubby's already up at church. He's teaching a new fella how to properly work the equipment that tapes the sermons. They've got professional cameras either ordered or in the budget to be ordered. All these years we've spent thinking Jim's degree was worthless since the invention of computers to do his job in radio and T.V. and now the Lord is using him in a mighty way. We'll never know how many people watch or hear and are touched by Pastor Rick's words. All in God's timing!

    Hope everyone is having lovely weather. Close to 80° by this afternoon here!

  20. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    It is a very cold 19º here this morning, but the sun is trying to come out. I don't think it will get much above freezing though. :(

    I woke up with a heavy chest, nasty cough, and a headache this morning. Oh, how I long for warm weather!

    We will be having a somewhat busy week. We are having new carpet laid in our living room, so every room in the house will be messed up for a couple of days and I am having some follow-up tests Friday.

    I just heard on the news that a man opened fire during a church service, in Wisconsin this morning, killing seven people and then killing himself. He was a member of the church!