Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Mar 9, 2005.

  1. Dan Todd Active Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    Tomorrow I go for my needle biopsy of the nodules on my thyroid. That ought to be fun - don't ya think!

    Just adding my bit of improper grammer!


    PS - Sue - it seems to me that taking a shower will wake you up - which would hinder a good nights sleep!
  2. Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Hope everything goes well, Dan. And you are right, a shower wakes me up, too.

    But to each his own.

  3. TaterTot Guest

    Howdy everyone.

    My head is itching ever since I found out about Precious' lice. Poor kid. :( A girl that was here today for piano lessons said she was with kids who had lice today. Great.

    Our kitchen floor is finally done and its beautiful. I just love it. Monday they'll start the rest of the house.

    DH is gone for the weekend at the regional ETS (Evangelical Theological Society) meeting in New Orleans, and is presenting a paper tomorrow. He gets so up tight every time he does one of these. The seminary hosted a pre-conference meeting with N. T. Wright (if ya never heard of him, he's a big dog) and dh was thrilled with meeting him.

    The girls are lolled out on a pallet here in the living room. I was caccooned in with them until just a few minutes ago. They are so sweet.

    One of our church members owns a used car lot and loaned him a (very fine) car to use for the weekend. He wouldnt leave us w/out a vehicle, and we would have had to drop him off in New Orleans last night after church. It was a mess. I am so thankful for such sweet loving church folks. They gave him the best car on the lot.

    Well, thats about all I know.
  4. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Well, I got about six hours sleep, but it wasn't restful. I woke up with a stuffy nose and a sore throat.

    I just heard on the news that schools in Peoria were closed because so many kids were out sick with either the flu, or strep throat. Peoria is about 40 miles from Lincoln.

    Dan & Scarlett: I have taken my shower at night for as long as I can remember. If it is hot and I have been gardening etc., then I will take it when I come in, but usually it is before bedtime. The only time I take one in the morning is on Sunday or when I have a doctors appointment...

    Yesterday's weather was REALLY weird! Coming back from Wal-Mart yesterday morning, it was snowing so hard, I could hardly see. We got an inch and everything was covered. Then around noon, the sun came out and melted all the snow. When it was time to work the corner, in the afternoon, it started pouring down rain and then the sun came out strong again.

    9 days 'til Spring!
  5. Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    I'm a shower in the morning guy. I don't function without a shower. Some need coffee in the morning to get going, I need a little me time in the cleaning chamber.

    Cheryl wakes up every morning to a Clay Aching CD, track 4. This morning, I wanted to assist Clay in waking Cheryl. I was already up and was heading to the kitchen, when I heard Cheryl's alarm go off. I reached down, shook her legs and yelled, "boolah-boolah-boolah!" She didn't have to worry about falling back to sleep.
  6. dianetavegia Guest

    I'm a shower in the morning person too. They really wake me up so I'd not sleep well at all if I showered even after supper. I'll only shower then if I've worked really late in the yard and need a second shower.

    Dan, sure hope those results are only good results. It doesn't sound like fun at all.

    Sue, gosh I hope that sore throat and stuffy nose clear up really quickly. The pollen is horrible here but guess it might be too soon for it there yet. :(

    Tater! I almost said that yesterday! As soon as I read the post I realized I was scratching my head. Now it's itching again. LOLOL

    Gib, Cheryl's gonna hide a gun in bed and the next time you might not get out alive!!!!
  7. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    It's almost time for the 'corner'. After that, we are going to Wal-Mart to hunt for some traverse rods and 'nice', colorful, drapes.

    I bought ($2.00 a panel) plain, off-white, see-through curtains for the living room, when we bought the house, intending to replace them in two MONTHS when we could afford it. Well, it is two YEARS later and the day has arrived! Woo Hoo!

    Brent only has a few pages to finish his goals for the week, so we will do that after Wal-Mart while I am hanging drapes (or might wait and let hubby hang the rods when he gets home from work).


    P.S. Weird weather is still with us. It started snowing an hour ago and everything is covered again! :rolleyes:
  8. dianetavegia Guest

    I'm going to get my teeny plantars wart taken off the bottom of my foot this morning. I tried all the home remedies for MONTHS and saw no change.

    Today is a good day to house clean! Only have Max to pick up and take home at 2:45. Jon is off until Sunday night and Nick is thrilled. They stayed up late playing PS2.

    Wonder where Allie is? She must still be training the other person.

  9. MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    Wow, OK, just catching up on the whole apostrophe thing and what not. I missed a lot last night, LOL.

    My parents' anniversary is on March 20. :D First day of spring. Rah, rah, rah!

  10. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Know it's kind of late for me, but the events of yesterday really wore me out, mentally, emotionally and physically. It was a good thing that my pastor had called and I had to return his call when we got home from the doctors office.

    I drove up to Mt. Juliet to meet my brother for the first time face to face in nearly five years. He called just as I was pulling into the Waffle House and informed me that he had just gotten up. So, I waited an hour in the parking lot. The Waffle House was packed at that time anyhow, and I didn't want to go and just stand in line. This WH is right next door to a Mapco convenience store/gas station. I hear someone yelling my name, and I look over to that area, and it's him at the front door of the Mapco. "Gotta get some smokes and cash", he yelled. So I walked over there. Needed the exercise anyhow. As we were walking out he said he was going to cut a country western soundtrack in late April and his girlfriend was coming down. HIS GIRLFRIEND! He's married for crying out loud! I just found out that they're separated and living in the same house...he's sleeping in the studio and my SIL is sleeping in the bedroom. They are business partners, and haven't gotten the specifics on how to separate the business, so they've NOT filed for divorce yet.

    Anyhow, I spent a good majority of the day listening to him talk about this "new" relationship and how he really didn't want to hurt his wife, but he loved this other girl. I tried to give good counsel, but, all that came out of his mouth was that he was interested in what affected "my happiness", "my dreams", etc. Like I said yesterday, I don't know my bro or his wife very well. But, I found out yesterday that only one sister and myself (is that proper english?) were being objective, waiting for both sides, not just his. The rest of the family has alienated him, including my mother. She is transferring her anger towards my fathers (both birth and adoptive), who ran around on her, towards him. She drove a huge wedge between herself and him on her trip to GA last month. It was just draining...very draining. He now wants to move to Nashville.

    After all of that, I dropped him off at his recording artists friends home, and then went to wait for Viv and followed her back into Murfreesboro and went to the doctor. I'm not any better physically, and the tests showed much worse, so it's another round of antibiotics. If this round doesn't work, it's back to the hospital next week.

    As I stated earlier, my pastor had called to see how the webpage/reservation of the domain names was coming, and I had a great talk with him...almost an hour! I needed it. We talked about the domains, how we hoped the Lord would use them, and then a few minutes about my brother, and then over 30 minutes about doctrine and prayer. I suggested the men of the church who are interested in doctrines have a get together once a month, and we're going to vote on it next business meeting.

    Well, I do praise the Lord I got to see my brother and that he got to talk to me about his life. I do praise the Lord that he is going to now have to take a long, hard look at his life and that they both may come down and spend a weekend with me and Viv to try and work things out. I praise the Lord for my bro's and sis's here that prayed yesterday. I never would have made it through without prayers on my side. And I just thank the Lord that He pulled me out of that kind of a lifestyle years ago and gave me a wonderful wife.

    Ya'll have a great day, and I'm praying for ya'll.

  11. MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    It's good that you care enough about your brother to be concerned and to want to see him do what's right. I have an uncle who's been in some similar situations for years and years. Most of the family either pretend they don't notice what he does or they alienate him.

    We have to show them we love them even when other people don't. I will pray for your brother today.

    God bless.
  12. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Thanks, Margo. I do appreciate that, and I know he does also.
  13. PastorSBC1303 Active Member

    Aug 21, 2003
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    Hello all, I hope everyone is doing well. Things are going good here. McKylie is doing great, and has really taken to nursing quickly. Now if we could just get schedule straight, she seems to think she should sleep all day and play all night

    Ahhhh newborns, what can you do with em.
  14. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    SBC: You can't do much. Y'all are on HER schedule right now! :D

    Tony: Sounds like a very exhausting day, but glad you got to visit anyway.

    Dan: Good luck on the biopsy.

    Diane: Hope your foot doesn't give you too much pain. :eek:

    Margo: I love Spring, but couldn't celebrate it for several years after my late husband (the kids daddy) died on March 20, 1973.

    I found the drapes that I wanted, but I need five pair and they only had four, so I guess I will have to go out-of-town to buy them. UGH!

    I DID, however, run into a great sale at the "Carpet House" and am able to buy new carpet for my living room. This carpet is beige and about 30 years old. The stains just will not come out. It was like that when we bought the house.

    Hubby will be pleased that they are going to take up the old carpet, move our furniture into the other room, lay the new carpet and pad, and put our furniture back in place!

    With just Dale and me, it is really hard to move the hideabed and the six foot oak desk around, not to mention the two recliners!

    Our living room is 24' x 12' and we are getting all of the above done for $700.00! I mean we REALLY hit a good SALE!!!
  15. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    What's with this "I'm a shower in the . . "??


    Another lovely, dry day in Wyoming. 53F at 10 am sounds like another record. And this is state basketball tourny week here and usually that means SNOW for certain sure!!

    In our new church we have 3 birthdays this week - me and two sisters, age 8&10. Found out that one of the ladies is making a "Beauty & the Beast" birthday cake.

    Hmmmm. I can see where this is heading . . .
  16. Debby in Philly Active Member

    Oct 31, 2003
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    Well, I suppose the two little girls are the Beauties......
  17. Gib Active Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Grandpa used to say cleanliness was next to Godliness. But, he also said that technology is of the devil. Can he be right and wrong at the same time?
  18. MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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    On tecnology and the devil, this conversation from work a few weeks ago:

    Person (coughs violently)
    Other: Wow, what evil spirits possesses you over there?
    Person: I don’t know . . .
    Other: Just keep sneezing. That’ll get rid of them.
    Person: And then they’ll be floating around in the room looking for their next victim.
    Other: Well, we all know where they go. Straight to the computers.
    Third Party: That’s why we have computers, right?
    Other: Exactly. Demon containment units.
  19. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    In a busy office, a computer going down causes quite an inconvenience. One day, a computer not only crashed, it made a noise that sounded like a heart monitor.

    "This computer has flat-lined," a co-worker called out with mock horror. "Does anyone here know how to do mouse-to-mouse resuscitation?"
  20. MargoWriter New Member

    Feb 28, 2005
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