Discussion in 'Free-For-All Archives' started by I Am Blessed 24, Jun 1, 2005.

  1. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Cindi: It was not quite 6:00 when I was going to lay back down, but I never did. :(

    Be that as it may, church doesn't start until 10:30 and it is only 9:00 here.

    I went to church last Sunday and propped my foot up on a chair in the back, but I didn't make it through the whole service.

    I am not going at all today, because I did too much yesterday and my toe is throbbing very painfully. It doesn't make much since that it should be hurting NOW, but the doctor said it would get very painful 7-10 days after surgery - when it started the healing process. :eek:

    Brent took all his medicine this morning (4 pills) and the bus has already picked him up. He is taking 12 pills a day now, and I put the topical steroid ointment on him 2x a day.

    Poor kid is still covered from head to toe with poison ivy - doctor is quite worried about infection (the one on the back of his ankle really looks bad, they're still not sure if it is poison ivy or a spider bite, but it is definitely infected). He first broke out 8 days ago.

    §ue (watching Charles Stanley right now) :D
  2. dianetavegia Guest

    The craft committee will teach and prepare all the crafts. Music committee, music. Mission, mission things. Everything is in a different room except my little ones will have snack in our room.

    I just got in from Wal-Mart searching for spanish moss. It makes 'trees' look so much more 'real'. Once I get 14 children, 2 adults and our teen helpers in the room, not much is going to 'show' anyhow but I have always had a lot more time to decorate. Now notice, I spent $2.00 on spray paint and $1.65 on moss. out of the $50. I was allowed! That's one reason my room won't be as pretty.
  3. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Goodness Sue, it's not fair that the worst pain should come after a whole week, just when you think you should be better.

    Poor Brent, my SIL had poison ivy that bad several years ago and now will break out if her skin only thinks it has come in contact with it. Good luck to you on handling him behavior wise. Steriods always bring out the worst in my kids.

    Diane, that how we have always done ours in the past, except us teachers asked for more time for Bible study. So we have an hour for just for that. Then this year we also did crafts in the room. We spent the first hour and a half in the room this year(opening Bible Study, crafts, Closing Bible). It was just the way our schedule worked out.

    Speaking of VBS, we just came back from our end of VBS program. The kids did an amazing job learning all those songs and motions in just twenty minutes a day.

    Diane, get some rest tonight!

    Sue, I hope your foot is feeling better.
  4. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Well, Cindi, it was until I bumped it. Yowweeeee!

    Our VBS starts tomorrow morning.

    "Xtreme Adventure"

    The kids will be hiking through 'Decision Pass', 'Prayer Peak', 'Christian Cavern', 'Praise Point', and 'Witness Rock'.

    Heading for bed now.

    Pleasant dreams all!
  5. dianetavegia Guest

    Well we took the Spanish Moss and Jim went with me up to 'fix' the room. The children had torn up a few things during church time so we had some work to do. We used the gray material and made the moutain to cover the toys and put up all the paper tissue flowers. Then we put the Spanish Moss on the tree and it looks really nice. I've got coloring pictures already out and our director came around with my 'pre-registration' class role and name tags. I'm so glad we'd done a lot during the week. Many people had been there since church let out and had hours worth of work to do. Many set up real tents and one fella brought in a 'jeep' (kids toys) and had made an RV from cardboard.

    I spent tonight writing a day by day journal, on the brown 'binder' paper included, for the kids to take home that told parents about the verses we had that day, what the story was about and by day three, the parents were hearing the plan of salvation and day 3-5 asked them to decide for Jesus. I'll go ahead and copy those in the morning so each day will be ready to go.

    Our church is quite big and we have story time and snacks in the classroom but then go fully across the church to music, back across the church to missions and then back across the church to crafts before returning back across to our room to wait for mom. We have some teenager 'tour guides' to help keep the kids in their groups.

    I've got my VBS shirt laid out with some red 'blue jean's' and my red sandals. I did tomorrows chores tonight too so I just have to get Nick and Ty up and out and the other kids will be brought each day by their mom right to church. We'll come home, have lunch and all but one goes right down for a nap! She's 7 and will lay on the sofa and watch a Disney video. Sometimes she falls asleep. ;)

    Remember Terry in prayer as he goes for his CAT Scan results late tomorrow afternoon and please pray that little hearts will be touched as we share the love of Jesus this week.

  6. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    We finished with VBS commencement tonight---three professions of faith this past week!! We had a Ice Cream Float fellowship afterwards---as Andy Taylor would tell his "girl" Elle-----"Divine!!!!"
  7. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Boy Howdy from cool Wyoming. Summer is coming but it was cool again today. 59F when I mowed the lawn (we have church from 10am-3pm) and will drop below 40 tonight. Snow in Yellowstone - our local TV showed tents and campgrounds under a blanket of white.

    Had a blessed day in church. Really neat people in our new work. And I thank God for the measure of health and strength he's given me!

    We planted 9 trees (one for each grandkid) last night, I preached/taught all day today and then mowed the lawn, finishing about dark. Now I'm sore and tired, but thanking God for WORK!
  8. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Morning all:

    Dr. Bob...sounds like you're having a great time and blessings from the Lord in the new work! Praise be to the Lord!

    Diane, our VBS starts tonight at 6:30pm. We stayed last night and had a time of prayer over a quilt for a man in the church and also for VBS. We're meeting every night this week 1/2 hour early for prayer for the VBS time and souls to be saved and things to run smoothly. We did run into some glitches the other night, but God worked them out and things seem to be back on track.

    Vivian and I finally got placement with the teen girls. We didn't know for sure that we were going to even be able to help with VBS this year, but the Lord opened the doors for us to do so. I'll be teaching on Wednesday night since Ms. Peggy has to work.

    It's about 70 degrees here right now, and still just a few clouds, but overall looks like it might be a pretty acceptable day. Again! Praise the Lord! Some of our classrooms are going to be outdoors. Please pray for strength for us. We won't be getting home until around 9:15pm and Viv has to get up at 1:45am. We didn't get to bed until almost 10pm last night and were up at 1:30am.

    I've got to finish staking the tomato plants today and need to try and mow around the house a bit. It's really looking rough! We've got some parts of the yard that are 6" tall and others that are taller.

    Well, ya'll I may be back on later today.

    Sue, I'm praying for Brent! Poison Ivy is the pits! :(

  9. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    That Snapper rider should make things look like a newly layed piece of carpet----keep the blade sharp and the tires pumped up(so the mower won't leave "tracks" while turning!!)

    I'd mow it for ya, T, if I were your church member or neighbor!!
  10. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    Good morning all:

    Looks like another muggy day with thunderstorms predicted for this afternoon. It is 68º right now, but the humidity is 100º. It will reach 90º before it rains.

    Brent is excited about VBS starting. We will also be going to a circus tomorrow night (the three of us). It is a large 5-ring circus (Carson & Barnes) sponsored by Zion Lutheran church.

    We wanted to go out in the morning and watch the elephants put the big tent up, but can't do it because of VBS.

  11. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Good Morning all!

    I pray you all have a blessed VBS!

    It is quite warm here already. Just shy of hot, actually. The high will be in the upper 80's for today and into the 90's tomorrow.

    We are so wore out from VBS that I still have two kids asleep. Son should have stayed in bed, but he's an early bird so I guess sleeping till nearly 8 o'clock was sleeping in for him.

    Not much to do this morning but chores. This afternoon Son has an appointment with his neurologist over in B'ham. He needs to go to the dentist first, if I can get him an appointment. He has a cavity that is hurting him. He already has an appointment Thurday, but I'm not sure he can make it that long.

    See ya later!
  12. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    blackbird, I appreciate the offer....I think I'm gonna have to push mow this stuff...both the Snapper and the Murray are out of commission. Guess the push mower an the weed eater will do the trick. The rest of the yard can wait until the youth director comes over with his bush hog!

    It's already 88 degrees here! I had to go back to bed and just got up about 20 minutes ago. Viv called, but I can't remember a word she said except "Hey baby"! After that everything is a blur!

    I still haven't been stable enough to go out and stake the tomato plants. It might take an hour or so before I'm able to go out there. Oh well! Also have to turn the compost!

    MK, will be praying for Son and that tooth ache and the other appt.

  13. dianetavegia Guest

    GRACIOUS! Today was a mad house! We advertised VBS started at 9:00 and had people showing up to register at 9 and later! Everything was 'off' so my class and a few others skipped our first session (music) just so we could do our Bible story! The whole day ran late! I had 17 in my class but some of the 4 year old classes had as many as 23! Four classes of 4 year olds with about 100 four year olds total. Rachel and I had several children who had no idea how to behave. Talked the whole time. The non church boys seemed to overwhelm the girls!

    Nick, Ty and I were at church plenty early despite the fact that I woke Ty and sent him in to go potty before breakfast. He didn't come, didn't come, didn't come so I came and found him standing over the toilet but his head laying on the lid, sound asleep! He and MacKenzie are snoring away. Brayden had fallen asleep in the nursery and I had to wake him to come home. He ate a good lunch but went right back to sleep. Nick's down the street playing already and Kelsey is laying on the sofa watching Lazy Town. Kids are worn out!

    A local daycare brought almost all their children to VBS! A full busload! They also sent some workers tho.

    I woke with a scratchy throat, stuffy nose and headache. It feels like a cold. Not a good day to be under the weather!

    Had 72 emails when I got home and the people we delivered the Yellow Pages for last year just won't take no for an answer! They keep calling wanting me to do it again. Not possible! You're given only 3 days to do over 1,000 homes all over 3 counties! It took all of us last year to complete it in time. You got a bonus if you finished on time and only $160. if you didn't. I made a good bit. Close to $300. I think. Might be wrong....

    Wish I could take a nap but I can tomorrow. I won't have the 3 siblings then. Mom has her stint out on Wednesday and then works Thursday and Friday.

    Remember Terry and hs wife. They'll be seeing the doctor for his results late this afternoon. It's at 4:30 CST. Pray for peace and healing!

  14. AVL1984 <img src=../ubb/avl1984.jpg>

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Baptist's getting closer! VBS at 6:30pm tonight! Prayer at 6pm! I'm praying for a great turnout like they said they had last year. Finishing touches are being put on this afternoon and they may continue up until prayer time.

    I'd do the phone book thingy here, but, I think the people from the phone company just mail them. We're, well, you know!
  15. dianetavegia Guest

    Tony, honestly, you couldn't do it. We had to put each book up against the side of the front door frame where the hinges are and in bags. Some houses had really steep steps! Jon (28), Jim, Nick and myself almost killed ourselves, sometimes in 3 cars, getting it done. My knee hurt so badly that I could barely walk for days.

    Wish I could take some cold medicine and lay down. I don't feel well at all.
  16. menageriekeeper Active Member

    Feb 20, 2004
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    Phone book delivery? The post office delivers 'em here too.

    Whew Diane, you had a busy day! Our first day was wild as well. Things will be more settled tomorrow and for us, the amount we got in on Tuesday was what we kept for the rest of the week.

    Poor Son had a pulpectomy and a cap put on that tooth. Then we headed for B'ham and had lunch with T, took me to the library and then went to the neurologists office. We are just now walking into the house.

    Or rather what is left of the house. Precious and her twin friends babysat Bitsy today. In the process my house was somehow wrecked. :confused: :rolleyes: :eek:

    Certain girls played inocent but promptly decided to clean it up.

    I'm resting for just a minute and then heading outside to plant for a while. My tomatos need a bit of attention as well.

    Tony, there are worse things than tall grass so don't kill yourself trying to mow. Instead do what I do and get some guinea pigs and tell the neighbors you are letting your grass grow for them. Guinea pigs love fresh grass! You may get a few strange looks but then people will decide you are just one of those eccentric animal people and ignore the grass. (works for me, I promise. ;) )

    Diane, I hope you're feeling better this evening.
  17. dianetavegia Guest

    Just checking in here. All the kids are gone and Nick is still out playing. Jim has a late appointment and I really don't feel like eating. This is a full blown head cold now. The only cold meds in the house makes me too drowsy so I'll not take it til I'm ready for bed. Thanks for the well wishes tho. I'm sure wishing this didn't come right in time for VBS. Ug!

    Bellsouth used to have our mailman bring our yellow pages but a local delivery group bid and won the contract. They also had paid UPS for a while. It's horrible work, in this heat, etc. I forgot how many hours I put in but we put over 300 miles on the cars! It's amazing what you'll do to earn money when you're desperate. Talk about desperate housewives!
  18. Gayla New Member

    Jan 21, 2002
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    Diane, hope the "skeeter" bites are gone by now, (I'm reading page 5, from June 5. It can take a bit to catch up when you don't read for a week or more.)

    I remember a few weeks ago, on the Google ads at the top of the page something about a garlic spray that would kill mosquitos and other pests, d keep them away for several weeks. I'll try a Google search and see if I can find it again. It said the smell would quickly disappear for humans, but the mosquitoes would still be able to smell it.
  19. dianetavegia Guest

    Gayla, those never swelled and never got bigger than a dime. The 3 on is ankle DID turn an awful purple for a couple of days before fading. He JUST came in with one right above his folded down sock. I told him not to play out in shorts but... we got medicine on it right away and he's gone back out to play. Poor kid! It's time for him to be able to be a regular kid! Oh... and he was sprayed with Cutter Deep Woods!
  20. I Am Blessed 24 Active Member

    Jan 2, 2003
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    I delivered two different kinds of phone books for three years runnning and was also their local auditor. I made quite a bit of money, but it is hot tiring work.

    I also work for the Census Bureau when it is time for that.

    Grandpa has a new 1989 F150 Ford truck (just like he wanted). By the time I talked the guy down, I got it for $1900.00 INCLUDING taxes, plates, and title transfer. The starting price was $2500.00 PLUS taxes and transfers!

    Then the insurance claim adjuster called and said our settlement was $1828.00. We got the new truck for $72.00!