communists leading our Universities

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by freedom's cause, Sep 8, 2005.

  1. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Again you are showing your ignorance of history.
  2. carpro Well-Known Member
    Site Supporter

    Oct 14, 2004
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    Fuel for the fire from someone who should know.

    From Leningrad University to San Francisco State University.

    by Tatiana Menaker

    [Or how a recent immigrant to America was amazed to discover that the "utopian experiment" of communism was screwing up her "American dream."]

    After arriving in the United States with a diploma from Leningrad University (a university with such alumni as Vladimir Lenin, Ayn Rand and President Vladimir Putin), I realized that I had the extremely unmarketable skills of a Marxist-Leninist philosophy professor. Moreover, English was not my strong suit. So I became a staff writer for a Russian newspaper in San Francisco and free-lanced for émigré publications in New York and Los Angeles. Eventually, I decided "To bring my English to the level of my Russian" (as the Russian-born American novelist Vladimir Nabokov quipped) and enrolled at San Francisco State University. I majored in creative writing.

    I couldn't believe what I found.

    Imagine the utter amazement of a refugee from a Communist country, where Marxism was forced on all students, now having to sink in a puddle of socialist propaganda again -- but this time in the middle of an American university!

    Imagine the astonishment of a person who, after fighting the KGB and being a refusenik, finally comes so close to her dream of receiving a real education instead of indoctrination, only to find herself, once again, in the middle of a socialist brainwashing machine -- but this time in San Francisco.

    Unfortunately, at San Francisco State University, meeting with members of the monolithic left-wing faculty, who are still soaked in the delirium of the Marxist-Socialist utopia, is an everyday necessity for the average student.

  3. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    BIR and Poles, take note. That means read and understand carpro's post.
  4. paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Then you must be ashamed of the United States government whose Constitution allowed the importation of slaves for twenty years. See Article I Section 9 that allowed the importation of slaves until January 1, 1808. Why did your self-righteous Yankee forbearers compromise and allow the slave trade for twenty years if they thought it was so wicked? Did the Yankees sell out their convictions for monetary gain? If so, they tolerated slave trading meanwhile believing it was a wicked and sinful thing. It appears that their convictions were for sale. The seafaring New Englanders were more interested in the continuing slave trade than Southern plantation owners. And if you want to talk about atrocities, look at the Yankee slave ships.

    Not so with Southerners. Although Southerners knew slavery was not a desirable condition, they saw benefit to the Negro who was taken from wretched heathenism and brought into Christian civilization. In fact, Negroes lived better as slaves on Southern plantations than in the wilds of Africa. Many of them had been slaves of opposing tribes or cruel chieftains in Africa. It really doesn’t make much practical difference whether your master is black or white. They were certainly no worse off in America. There was the opportunity for betterment. Some blacks earned their own freedom and purchased slaves. There may have been as many as 9,000 slave-owning Negroes.

    So, you have Yankees tolerating the very thing they condemn. Therefore, they have absolutely no right in making moral judgments of slavery upon the South. Such is the height of hyprocrisy.

    You, like many Yankees, obviously don’t understand the relation of the races in the South. Southerners were not racists in the modern sense. Did you ever wonder why we referred to elderly colored folks as “Auntie” and “Uncle?” One of the strongest lessons that I learned as a child was to show respect for the Negro. I can take you to a graveyard in SC where “Daddy Tom” is buried with his white family. White Southerners felt a paternal relationship and responsibility for the Negro. This is an enigma that Yankees cannot understand with their racial prejudice against the South. Even your precious sainted Lincoln thought the Negro inferior. Did you ever notice that Old U.S. Grant owned a personal slave? On the other hand, General Lee freed his slaves and many Southerner slave owners offered freedom to their slaves if they would serve them through the war.

    To be fair to the Yankees, there were many of them opposed to the war. Lincoln almost lost his bid for re-election. Have you ever heard of the Copperhead Movement? There was strong opposition in Ohio and Indiana. Most cared little about the slavery issue. Only a vocal minority of abolitionists were rabid rabble-rousers who made slavery the issue. Does not it appear strange that Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freed only the slaves that he could not free—those in the Confederacy? Why didn’t he free the ones that he could free in the Border States? Can you not see the hypocrisy of freeing slaves in the South and tolerating slavery in those states remaining in the Union? If he believed slavery to be evil why did he tolerate it where he did have power?

    If my ancestors lost, why do their ideals live on 140 years later? Their ideals, principles, love of liberty and dream of independence lives on in the hearts and minds of good and true patriots who desire a free nation under God. Although hated by liberal socialist Yankees and self-serving professional racists, our symbol, the Confederate Battle Flag, is raised as the symbol of independence and liberty around the world! When the Berlin Wall came down, the Confederate Battle Flag was there in proud display. In the true independence and freedom movements of Africa, the black freedom fighters fly the Confederate Battle Flag. My son, a proud Southerner, was in Australia this summer and saw the Battle Flag everywhere! They were selling Confederate Battle Flags in the Victoria Market.

    You ought to be ashamed of yourself for maligning good honest folks. Someone said, “Regardless of how much truth is repressed and crushed to the ground, it is the truth nonetheless!” Deo Vindice
  5. paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Deo Vindice
  6. paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Communism has failed around the world. It doesn't work. The free market practicality is replacing Marxist theory. However, the place where communism is alive and well is in the liberal American universities. Are we so stupid that we must learn the hard lessons of communism over again for fifty years? The early intellectual enthusings of Lincoln Steffans and John Reed over the communism experiment are viewed as childish patter and naivety today. Have we learned nothing from history?
  7. paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Hogwash! Clearly, you don’t know what Jesus taught. Give me chapter and verse. Furthermore, you apparently don’t know what communism is. Communal living is not communism. The Shakers practiced a form of communal living but they were not communists. Monasteries are a form of communal living but they are not communist. Even the Baptist commune at Ephrata, PA was not a communist community. Furthermore, your concept of socialism is warped. Corporate or public endeavor is not necessarily socialism. I can only conclude that you just don’t know what you’re talking about. You have a very junior high misconception of communism, socialism, and Jesus’ teachings.

    Perhaps you believe that Sokel proved Marxist economics is supported by evolution. If so, I have a scheme for getting all the fresh water the world needs from the polar ice caps. All we need to do is build a pipeline. The fresh water is free. Would you like to invest a few rubles?
  8. Magnetic Poles New Member

    May 16, 2005
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    Then you must be ashamed of the United States government whose Constitution allowed the importation of slaves for twenty years. See Article I Section 9 that allowed the importation of slaves until January 1, 1808. Why did your self-righteous Yankee forbearers compromise and allow the slave trade for twenty years if they thought it was so wicked? Did the Yankees sell out their convictions for monetary gain? If so, they tolerated slave trading meanwhile believing it was a wicked and sinful thing. It appears that their convictions were for sale. The seafaring New Englanders were more interested in the continuing slave trade than Southern plantation owners. And if you want to talk about atrocities, look at the Yankee slave ships.

    Not so with Southerners. Although Southerners knew slavery was not a desirable condition, they saw benefit to the Negro who was taken from wretched heathenism and brought into Christian civilization. In fact, Negroes lived better as slaves on Southern plantations than in the wilds of Africa. Many of them had been slaves of opposing tribes or cruel chieftains in Africa. It really doesn’t make much practical difference whether your master is black or white. They were certainly no worse off in America. There was the opportunity for betterment. Some blacks earned their own freedom and purchased slaves. There may have been as many as 9,000 slave-owning Negroes.

    So, you have Yankees tolerating the very thing they condemn. Therefore, they have absolutely no right in making moral judgments of slavery upon the South. Such is the height of hyprocrisy.

    You, like many Yankees, obviously don’t understand the relation of the races in the South. Southerners were not racists in the modern sense. Did you ever wonder why we referred to elderly colored folks as “Auntie” and “Uncle?” One of the strongest lessons that I learned as a child was to show respect for the Negro. I can take you to a graveyard in SC where “Daddy Tom” is buried with his white family. White Southerners felt a paternal relationship and responsibility for the Negro. This is an enigma that Yankees cannot understand with their racial prejudice against the South. Even your precious sainted Lincoln thought the Negro inferior. Did you ever notice that Old U.S. Grant owned a personal slave? On the other hand, General Lee freed his slaves and many Southerner slave owners offered freedom to their slaves if they would serve them through the war.

    To be fair to the Yankees, there were many of them opposed to the war. Lincoln almost lost his bid for re-election. Have you ever heard of the Copperhead Movement? There was strong opposition in Ohio and Indiana. Most cared little about the slavery issue. Only a vocal minority of abolitionists were rabid rabble-rousers who made slavery the issue. Does not it appear strange that Lincoln’s Emancipation Proclamation freed only the slaves that he could not free—those in the Confederacy? Why didn’t he free the ones that he could free in the Border States? Can you not see the hypocrisy of freeing slaves in the South and tolerating slavery in those states remaining in the Union? If he believed slavery to be evil why did he tolerate it where he did have power?

    If my ancestors lost, why do their ideals live on 140 years later? Their ideals, principles, love of liberty and dream of independence lives on in the hearts and minds of good and true patriots who desire a free nation under God. Although hated by liberal socialist Yankees and self-serving professional racists, our symbol, the Confederate Battle Flag, is raised as the symbol of independence and liberty around the world! When the Berlin Wall came down, the Confederate Battle Flag was there in proud display. In the true independence and freedom movements of Africa, the black freedom fighters fly the Confederate Battle Flag. My son, a proud Southerner, was in Australia this summer and saw the Battle Flag everywhere! They were selling Confederate Battle Flags in the Victoria Market.

    You ought to be ashamed of yourself for maligning good honest folks. Someone said, “Regardless of how much truth is repressed and crushed to the ground, it is the truth nonetheless!” Deo Vindice
    </font>[/QUOTE]I am amazed at such a racist diatribe. Better off as slaves of Christians than in their own civilization? What makes being a slave to a Christian better than living free in any state?

    BTW, who you calling a Yankee? haha

    It amazes me the lunacy still present in the minds of people like yourself. Your side lost in 1865. It was corrupt and evil. Not everyone in the Confederacy was corrupt and evil, but the system you defend so vigorously was.
  9. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Actually Yankee denotes a mental state. You qualify!
  10. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    African blacks sold fellow African blacks for slaves.

    Fact #2: Yes, many of those slaves who came to the South heard the Gospel and accepted Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior - whereas, had they not been brought from Africa, they would have never had that opportunity.

    Fact #3: There are STILL EVEN TODAY, black Africans selling Africans as slaves - even sex slaves - the human trafficking market is still going strong in Africa.

    And BTW, if you think there isn't slavery going on in the North, all you have to do is Google to find out there is a lot of human trafficking going on in New York City and other northern cities, even as we speak - not just for labor, but for prostitution, pornography, and more.

    paidagogos, another excellent post!
  11. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    Anyway, communism is slavery.
  12. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    I find it amazing that you can specifically mention people in a discussion about "communists running our Universities," and yet offer no proof, justification or rationale for introducing them into the discussion. :rolleyes:

    How nice of you - perhaps someone could show the folks at South Carolina what OldRegular is writing about them on the BaptistBoard.

    Nice job, OldRegular: you outdid yourself.

    </font>[/QUOTE]Perhaps it is because your eyesight is too poor to read more than one sentence at a time, perhaps it is because you are too simple minded to understand the rules of composition, or perhaps it is because your Eastern Virginia ego is just too big to assimilate what you read, particularly since I have not said anything about the people of South Carolina. So again I say rave on, rave on, and on, and on BIR. :D </font>[/QUOTE]Like I said, amazing.

    Points worth nothing about the latest installment of abject fatuity:
    1. You still never expounded the point or rationale for mentioning those 11 of 12 at South Carolina. Despite repeated claims to the contrary, it is glaringly obvious to anyone that you have never done this.
    You didn't do it with your post on 9/8 @ 9:28PM
    You didn't do it with your post on 9/8 @ 11:25PM
    You didn't do it with your post on 9/9 @ 10:10AM (although you did attempt to make this personal with this post, didn't you?)
    You didn't do it with your post on 9/10 @ 9:10AM (again, you attempted to make it personal)
    You didn't do it with your post on 9/11 @ 11:45AM (or @ 11:46AM)
    Now we have this pathetic post, where you offered nothing.
    2. Now that you are attempting to take this to a personal level, you are showing your true colors, aren't you?
    3. Although I am currently residing in Virginia, I am not a native son of the Commonwealth.
    4. The most hilarious part of this post is the evidence of your geographical challenges. Richmond is not Eastern Virginia. Get out a map of Virginia, and here's a quick lesson. Eastern Virginia would be comprised of that little sliver of land that is not attached to the rest of the Old Dominion (known as the Eastern Shore). Eastern Virginia is also comprised of the Tidewater area, which would include everything from Newport News and Hampton all the way down to Virginia Beach. If you are going to make an attempt to insult someone's state, a good rule of thumb is to make sure what you write is accurate.
    5. Here is the most pathetic part of the post:
    That is NOT what I said, is it?

    I said the people AT South Carolina, and you know it. As a matter of fact, it is right there at the top of your pathetic post.

    Since you have made repeated attempts to make this personal, I am going to let your words and explanations (actually, the complete and total lack thereof) to speak for themselves. They have done more than I could ever do........
  13. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    You are pulling the same crap on this thread that you did on an earlier thread. You pick out one statement and obsess about it, on, and on, and on. The post that I made was factual. You can misread into it anything you choose. I can't help that. Your continued responses, on, and on, and on, may indicate an obsessive-compulsive disorder.

    You really do need glasses. Richmond is in Eastern Virginia. The Eastern Shore is the Eastern Shore. Norfolk is on the South Eastern coast. Roanoke is near the middle of the state and Bristol is in the Southwest. I am ashamed to admit, after reading your obsessive posts, that I am a native of Virginia; but then I realize that you are not a native and you also live in Richmond.
  14. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    No, actually, I asked you to elaborate on why you included this "point" in your discussion. Yet you still have managed to refrain from telling us why YOU introduced these 11 people AT South Carolina into this discussion about "communists leading our Universities." Apparently, this fact evades you, thus necessitating my repeated requests.

    Exactly what was that? Why did you introduce these 11 people into the discussion? Yes, you said they are democrats - what's your point??!! I have asked you that several times, and with every post, you fail to provide any insight as to why you made the "point" that 11 of 12 AT South Carolina are democrats. This discussion is about communists, not democrats. If you have some insight as to how they might be "communists," then by all means share it with the group. It's that simple, OldRegular. You brought them into the discussion, kindly tell us why.

    Thanks for the psychological diagnosis about someone you have never actually met.

    Richmond is in Central Virginia.

    Both of which are considered Eastern Virginia.

    I guess when all else fails, make it personal, huh?

    Now please: tell us why you introduced these 11 individuals into this discussion. It really is that simple: tell us why you did it. Any other response is nothing more than abject fatuity.
  15. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    This is not a response to BIR since any response is nothing more than abject fatuity.

    1. It was democrat president FDR who recognized the Soviet union in the early 1930's.
    2. It was during the FDR administration that communists infilterated the government.
    3. It was FDR who gave Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union, enslaving millions for 50 years.
    4. It was democrat Harry Truman who would not turn his back on convicted spy Alger Hiss.
    5. It was under democrat presidents Truman and Johnson that we [started] and lost two wars [and 100,000 men] to communist North Korea and North Viet Nam.
    6. It was the radical left in the democrat party [McGovern, McCarthy, and others] who advocated unilateral disarmament during the Cold War.
    7. It was democrat Carter who was shocked, shocked when the Soviet Union attempted to conquer Afghanistan.
    8. It was a democrat congress that faught President Reagan in his effort to keep the communists out of Central America.
    9. It is under successive democrat administrations since that of FDR that this country has moved closer to socialism, the illigitimate brother of communism.
    10. It was Hillary Dillary who tried to Socialize the Health System.
    11. The democrat party is and has been the chosen home of the radical left in this country whose primary purpose is to destroy this Constitutional Republic.

    Need I say more.
  16. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    .........and yet you STILL have not offered anything about the 11 of 12 AT South Carolina, have you?

  17. StraightAndNarrow Active Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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    You claim that Democrats are communists and then go on to say that two Democrats started wars against communists? Go figure. Also, I wasn't aware that we lost the Korean war. I think a lot of vets would disagree with you on that one.
  18. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Is there a communist North Korea or not? I doubt many veterans of the Korean Police Action would say we won. Go ask some.
  19. OldRegular Well-Known Member

    Nov 21, 2004
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    Virginia is a fairly long state.

    Driving from Newport News on the coast to the Cumberland Gap Nat. Park in the far Southwest corner initially via Interstate 64 is about 530 miles.

    Driving from Newport News on the coast to Roanoke Virginia is about 270 miles initially taking Interstate 64. That means Roanoke is in the middle of the state.

    Driving from Newport News to Richmond Virginia via Interstate 64 is about 80 miles.

    Question: Is Richmond in Eastern Virginia or not?
  20. Baptist in Richmond Active Member

    Mar 2, 2003
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    Duplicate Post...........