Cops Have Killed Every 8 Hours in 2015, Sending At Least Three People to Early Graves

Discussion in 'News & Current Events' started by poncho, Aug 10, 2015.

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    It's not just the police. The whole system is corrupt and morally bankrupt.

    We've heard all the same excuses as it's steadily gotten worse and worse. "It's not that bad", "it'll be better when a _____ is in the WH", "don't worry just vote no" "so what? it doesn't effect me", "there's nothing I can do about it" . . .

    Some will blame the "liberals", some will blame the "conservatives" some will blame "whites" some will blame "blacks", some blame this and others blame that we've been doing this for decades while the corruption gets worse and our freedoms are stripped away.

    I couldn't care less if it takes 1000 years for Lewis to get caught up in the system. Evidently he feels secure because he isn't being personally effected yet.

    But what about his children or their children?

    Maybe Lewis has been singled out already. Maybe he's already been marked.

    How would he know one way or another? You do understand that your government claims the authority to lock you away indefinitely or even execute you without due process or even having to show evidence against you in a court right Lewis?

    You act as if it's no big deal. That's what allows them to claim these un constitutional powers. You probably won't think it's a big deal until it's to late.
  2. Lewis Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2013
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    umm yeah. Anyway, police shootings are down from years past. Some people, including foreign press, are attempting to create a "crisis" for their own reasons.
    Once again I refer you to the Harvard study. CDC studies show the same.
  3. HankD Well-Known Member
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    May 14, 2001
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    I agree that there is a problem in America with some law enforcement individuals but isn't that an issue in every country and perhaps some governments have a lot worst record of abuse than ours?

    Personally I have never ever had a problem with the police probably because I've never been arrested.

    Perhaps one exception:

    One time I had a heated discussion with an officer who stopped me for speeding. It was night and he was tailgating me and I didn't know he was an officer until he lit me up. I told him that I thought he was a drunk because he was tailgating me so closely. He certainly didn't appreciate my words. But, he didn't give me a ticket and obviously he didn't kill me.

    Anyway there are bigger problems with some of those whom have been given a public trust.

    e.g 100,000 - 200,000 people a year die from medical malpractice blunders.

    There's a much greater chance that a medical practitioner will kill you than a police officer.

    Just a couple of thoughts.

  4. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Maybe you hit on something, Hank! Maybe the minorities should start keeping tab surgeons and doctors who care for black folks only to see them die of malpractice? :thumbs:
  5. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    FOIA Request Shows Thousands Have Been Held Inside Secret US Prison, Homan Square

    After filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the Chicago Police Department (CPD), The Guardian has discovered over 3,600 people have been detained at a secure facility known as Homan Square. Notorious for allegedly denying access to defense attorneys and committing human rights abuses, the officers at this CIA-style black site have been accused of coercing confessions, committing torture, and shackling detainees for prolonged periods. Although the CPD has denied these accusations, the department has been marred with a history of abuse and corruption.

    On February 24, The Guardian exposed a police detention facility in Chicago where arrestees were kept out of official booking databases, denied legal representation, and endured hours of physical and psychological abuse. After the CPD ignored several FOIA requests regarding their facility at Homan Square, The Guardian filed a lawsuit against the department in April requesting further information, including the number of people detained at Homan Square and video evidence of interrogations at the site.

  6. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    So am I hearing that within the medical community, Black lives do not matter?
  7. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Once again I refer you to the fact that police shootings are only part of the problem.

    I'm well aware of how crisis are created in order to further political agendas and expand governmental powers.

    I'm also well aware of how some will claim there is a crisis being created in order to protect the "status quo" or their own political agendas.

    Democrats and republicans and the corporate media play this game on us on a daily basis.

    It works like this, Planned Parenthood gets caught trafficking in aborted baby parts, it's defenders claim "pro lifers" are creating a crisis in order to undermine a woman's right to choose.

    What you're attempting to do here is no different than what Planned Parenthood's defenders are attempting to do.

    There have been 711 people killed by cops so far this year. It's only August.

    I suggest we wait until the end of the year before we start making claims that police shootings are down when we we only have half a year's worth of data to compare your study to.
  8. Lewis Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2013
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    Oh, you are not trying to tie me to Planned Parenthood are you? Nice dodge.

    The data that Harvard used for their study goes back for decades, and the trend in police killings is way down.

    There is always the need for better police training in de-escalation. But as one of your own sources stated, cops in the US face much more violent situations and much better armed criminals than do European police departments. If cops break the law then they should pay the consequences. I don't say they are all wonderful great guys. But they are doing a very difficult job and dealing with things that most of us don't even want to go near.
  9. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    You are the one using the same type of political doublespeak as any number of politicians and tv talking heads use to deflect blame away from themselves and/or agencies. I just happened to pick Planned Parenthood because it provides a classic example of how it's done.

    The count is up to 714 now.

    FBI: Violent crime drops, reaches 1970s level

    A justice department investigation of the FBI’s published statistics has already revealed the worst from a data standpoint: more than half the people killed by local and state law enforcement officers in the US went uncounted in the country’s most authoritative crime statistics every year, for almost a decade.
  10. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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  11. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    I just noticed that you proved me right. Guess I have to many debates going at one time . . . I said "You do understand that your government claims the authority to lock you away indefinitely or even execute you without due process or even having to show evidence against you in a court right Lewis?

    You act as if it's no big deal. That's what allows them to claim these un constitutional powers. You probably won't think it's a big deal until it's to late."

    And you said . . . "Umm yeah. Anyway . . ."

    Evidently you don't think it's a big deal that your government claims the authority to lock you up and or execute you without due process.

    "Umm yeah. Anyway . . ." :tonofbricks:
  12. Lewis Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2013
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    Or maybe I said umm yeah because I was ignoring the paranoid fear mongering.
  13. Lewis Active Member
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    Dec 12, 2013
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    Well you do realize that these new tabulation methods all depend on "crowd-sourcing", wherein vigilant anti-police types send in news accounts of supposed police shootings. This may or may not be a more accurate method than what has been used in the past. But are you sure you want to depend on big bad corporate media for your statistics? :smilewinkgrin:
  14. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Yeah well either way it's no big deal because it hasn't effected you yet.

    No that's why I look at as many sources as I can.