Crown College

Discussion in 'Baptist Colleges & Seminaries' started by Kidz-4-HIM, Jun 27, 2004.

  1. paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    He probably is.....lots of execs have those little microrecorders and do lots of dictating. Well, I did quite a bit myself before I got tired and quit the rat race. Suppose I was a dictator too.

    Then, there are the mug-wumps. They are always unhappy when they can't have their way. They cry, whine, and call people names. I just wouldn't go to school there if I thought the boss was a bad guy. There are plenty of other choices. I don't understand why someone goes to a school of their own free will and then try change the school and everyone there. Let them do their own thing their own way and go somewhere else. Start your own school where you can be the dictator!

    BTW, since Crown is thriving and Dr. Sexton is very successful, I would assume that a lot of folks agree with him and think he is doing a great job. Kudos to Dr. Sexton.
  2. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    By worldly standards, this may be true. But we are not to judge ourselves according to the world but according to the Word.
  3. Repent_and_Believe New Member

    Aug 6, 2004
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    When I hear the word dictator being used I wonder if:

    1. You are not a very submissive person and resent when someone tells you to do something. I call this the far end of submission (and really is no submission). Whenever you are told to do something you resent it. Probably not many here that are in this group (I hope).

    2. You are submissive but believe that someone is overstepping their authority. You pray for them and hope that they will see that they are being overbearing. This is the biblical attitude towards any ruler that does such. This is the other end of the spectrum and I hope that whoever made the 'dictator' comment is in this group.

    Anyone in the middle or at the far end (no submission) needs to get right with God before they post a comment about a preacher. Speaking against a man of God is a serious thing not to be taken lightly.

    Now as to scriptures that back pastoral authority:
    Hebrews 12:7 says that we are to remember them which have the rule over us ... whose faith follow!. The word rule is akin to that which a king possesses. How that ruler exerts himself can be looked at several ways.

    And read down to verse 17: Obey them that have the rule over you. Very familiar verses. Pastor Sexton must give an account of what he has done with his school and church. As do we with our life.

    I make it a rule to NEVER accept a character witness from a disgruntled person. I mean that this person has shown himself to be a whiner. He whines about everything.

    On the other hand when I know that someone is overbearing and over-exerting themself then the Lord commands me to PRAY for them and keep my mouth shut.

    Now this is my own personal stand - if I know of a man that is a dictator you will not know of it. Would I recommend Crown College? From what I have heard it is a good place to go for Bible school. Is it a PCC? No. When it all comes down to it discussing schools with former students is not always helpful. I prefer to find those that braved it out and finished despite problems they had at a school. And by the way I cant think of too many churches where there wasnt some difficulty at one time or another. Perhaps the best thing to say about Crown College is that it has produced some fine Christian servants. I know several of them and never heard them blast Bro. Sexton. They were good folks and if they did have a problem with him you never would have heard it from them.

    Thus I hope that the God of all peace rules here and that we consider our statements before we blast a pastor.
  4. paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    By worldly standards, this may be true. But we are not to judge ourselves according to the world but according to the Word. </font>[/QUOTE]Ah.........Tom, old fellow, you entirely missed the point. My statement in no way intimates that a popularity poll justifies a man or a ministry (see I Cor. 4). Elsewhere, I have argued this very point using the Mormons as an example; they are successful. However, you read in something that wasn't there. My point, however, was: "What's the worth of one disgruntled opinion when many others were happy and satisfied with Crown and Dr. Sexton?"

    There's something in me that doesn't like the naysayers. What's the worth of one egocentric opinion? It's one thing to argue facts or ideas but it's an entirely different matter to call a man a dictator. One can't please everyone; even Jesus couldn't please everyone (e.g. Sadducees, Pharisees, scribes, lawyers, Judas,etc.). I think Paul said it best in I Corinthians 4:3-5. Read and apply.

    My original statement stands. Dr. Sexton is successful and lot of people support him. This is an observable and verifiable fact, not a judgment of his ministry.

    BTW, I anticipate that you may want to argue about the meaning of the word successful. Don't bother. Words have the meaning given by their context and the contextual use here is simply growth, achievement, and accomplishment--it's antonym is failure. So, there's no point in trying to argue about success in the world's eyes or success in God's eyes. It just doesn't apply.
  5. paidagogos Active Member

    Dec 15, 2003
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    Hey, I agree! Of course, I believe that some folks could not be satisfied anywhere including heaven. After all, Jesus couldn't please everyone. Lots of folks got upset with Him.
  6. Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    NO program for the Deaf -- any majors such as pastoral major or mission major or Christian education major and others. </font>[/QUOTE]I received a letter from Crown College a few days ago. It said the Deaf program will open in Fall 2005.
  7. Mapipe Member
    Site Supporter

    Nov 30, 2004
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    Are you possibly confusing legalism with Christian Living? Is Dr. Sexton saying that to be a Christian you have to obey these rules or is he saying to attend our school these are the rules that we expect followed to function as we think fitting for a Christian. There is a big difference.
  8. Kayla New Member

    Aug 11, 2003
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    Thank you for posting that Ask JO, I was about to jump all over you cause i knew they had one.
  9. chipsgirl New Member

    Dec 8, 2004
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    I am thinking about looking more into Crown becuase it is where I live but I seem to hear more bad than good. I know they are strict but maybe I need some detailed advice on the pros and cons. Feel free to send me a private message if you don't want to post it on the board. I'm not to argue it, I just simply want to know straight up.
  10. Broadus Member

    Nov 30, 2004
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    If someone wants a solid Bible degree and isn't able to move to an on campus situation, I would recommend Luther Rice Bible College and Seminary ( ). It's fully accredited and very conservative.

  11. Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Legalism with Christian living is abnormal because of double standards. My friend, a former pastor, for example, explained to me what he learned. This story was so awestruck. He accepted someone for offering him to visit someone's pastor at his house. He explained to my friend about his pastor preaching against the TV. He said that his pastor told his audience to throw TV out of their house.

    He and my friend agreed to visit his pastor at his house. They visited there. His pastor invited them to come in his house. My friend noticed NO TV there in the living room. His pastor told them to stay here and will be right back in a few minutes. He went in other room. My friend opened the door and found the TV there in the closet then closed it. They kept silent until his pastor came back with them. A visitor confronted and asked his pastor, "are you a liar about the TV out of a house?" He denied it. My friend opened the closet door. His TV is there. His pastor was speechless.

    What do you think of this true story?
  12. Pastor J New Member

    Jan 9, 2004
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    What does this have to do with Crown,


    Crown is an excellent school. I know a number of students who went there and were grateful they went. Realize a couple things. Their education program is designed to teach in a Christian School, not public. Their Bible program is KJV. They have strict rules that you should become familar with prior to going so that you can willingly submit to them. They are not a liberal arts college and do not offer a large number of majors. If you are looking for ministry or education training though, it is an excellent school.
  13. Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    If God's willing, I will visit to Crown College and investigate there in the Spring. To investigate there is to find pros and cons.
  14. jlee12489 New Member

    Jul 22, 2004
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    Hi. I have a few questions.
    What do you mean when you say their college has strict rules? I've looked at their site and i dont know where they post their rules and i guess you can say im new at this. I'm looking into Bible colleges and i want to find out more about crown.

    And when you mean they have strict rules, what kind of colleges are you comparing them to? Is it an issue of standards or just non-related issues?

    sorry if this is kind of off topic =/ but thanks anyways!
  15. brumleyj New Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    i used to live in knoxville tenn and used to atttend temple baptist chruch under calernce sexton where home of crown college they have small deaf ministry there.

    they were very strict rules. also they excellent education program.

    ps 27:1
  16. DeafPosttrib New Member

    Apr 9, 2002
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    Several years ago, I read Crown College's catalog, it have lot of details about the rules and standards. Several things I do not agree with them. Crown College requires every student who are on dating, have to ask their parent's permission first before having date. That does not make a sense. Also, Crown College demands all female students must wear dressing while at their work, all female students cannot work at anywhere, which place allow women wear pant or jean. That is senseless.

    I heard a true story about a female is ex-student at Crown College. She was struggling try to find a job to owe college bills. She cannot find a job, because that college does not allow female student to work at any place which allow women wear pant or jean. She not have a job for long time. She have debt problem at college. So, she dropped out. But, somehow, she met a man who graduated from bible college to become pastor. She married him. Now she is happy to be with him, and serve the Lord faithfully.

    Crown College is very high standards and rules. Not only Crown College, also, I know several college have double standards- BJU, Hyles-Anderson, PCC. I am not sure if I know any other names of colleges.

    But, I have nothing against Crown College. I highly admire Dr. Clarence Sexton, because he loves the Lord so much. He is so devoting his life for Christ. He have heart for lost souls. He emphasis on soul winning so strongly.

    In Christ
    Rev. 22:20 -Amen!
  17. brumleyj New Member

    Mar 3, 2004
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    deafposttrib, yes i remember well i heard that story before.

    i am honest with you that i have nothing aganist Crown college i have highly respect Dr Clarence Sexton was godly man and real heart for lost souls. i know he has great emphais on soul winning. i do enjoy hear Dr Clarence sexton preaching is so hot.

    but i cannot give you best advice i prefer to leave you guy and woman between God's will.

    im suggesting you guys and womans to vist diffrent bible college which is best suit for your needs. pray for God guide you in his way.

    ps 27:1
  18. Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    Strict rules are extremeism as an example of Hyles-Anderson College, a male student CANNOT touch a female's shoulder by getting her attention.
  19. Askjo New Member

    Feb 7, 2003
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    I saw the website saying they has deaf ministry.
  20. travis james New Member

    Jan 26, 2004
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    i am presently a student at crown college of the Bible.