Debating, Disagreeing or Arguing?

Discussion in '2003 Archive' started by donnA, Aug 8, 2003.

  1. donnA Active Member

    Aug 10, 2000
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    Where do you draw the line, how do you know if it's arguing or debating, or just disagreeing?
    I keep seeing people mention that everyone arguing, and usually it's on a thread with debating, no arguing, but simply disagreeing w/ debate .
  2. Mark Osgatharp New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    When Rodney King got the living snot beat out of him for his crimes his only recourse was to plea,

    "Can't we all just get along."

    Go figure! ;o)

    Mark Osgatharp
  3. Xingyi Warrior New Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    :wavey:I debate because it keeps me well informed and exercises my skills in such. If I or anyone else loses a debate it does not mean that we are inherently wrong, but that perhaps there are holes in our reasoning and logic that need to be addressed. Debate shows me where my holes are so I can shore up my base and come back with a more solid arguement next time. Some people, however, just cannot handle losing an arguement. When their whole philosophical base gets smashed because their reasoning was bankrupt to begin with, they resort to ad-hominem attacks and other falacies designed to draw attention away from the fact that they are lousy debaters and don't have much other than personal opinion to support their positions. Thats why I dont post on a very well-known, popular christian forum anymore.
  4. dianetavegia Guest

    I think this depends on ones comfort level. I grew up in a home where there was constant fighting and screaming... mostly from my mother. I cannot tolerate any fussing and fighting. :( Therefore, I cannot debate.

    What, to you, might seem like a heated debate, to me is very upsetting so I try to avoid posters who seem to relish a 'fight'.

  5. BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    I agree with a couple of the above posters. I enjoy on-topic debate and discussion. Once it becomes personal (spiritual conditions questioned, insults hurled, motives challenged, etc.) it quickly goes downhill. This board (and most others) would be a lot better if people could simply stay on topic and not let discussion degrade to attacking people instead of debating issues.
  6. Xingyi Warrior New Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    Some of my colleagues and I are the very best of friends, but if you would watch us wrangle back and forth over issues you might think that we are'nt. We are playing a game that stengthens our debating skills and, as I previously pointed out, shows us where the faults in our resonings are. One thing that I will point out is that on the issues that we debate none of us have an emotional attatchment to. That is what causes all the problems. Just like a doctor usually will not operate on a family member, a person who has an overwhelming emotional committment to a particular subject cannot debate that subject rationally unless he/she can dissconnect their feelings long enough to debate the subject matter logically. I can an do on occasion debate matters that have emotive connotations but I have to suspend my bias in that area or the debate will go the way of what you described. There are certain subjects that I simply will not get involved in becuase of the nature of emotional attatchment that people generally have to such matters. These include among others, homosexuality and abortion. I have definite opinions on these matters which are shored up by independent research and I can argue them effectively. But I will not engage in a discussion where my opponents consistently resort to slanderous, ad-hominem tactics by calling me a bigot, etc... Thats not debate. I have found that many people I debate on forums get mad when they are confronted with statistical evidence that calls into question a point of view that they hold dear. This is not my rejection of them as a person in any respect. I'm simply pointing out that their arguemnt or hypothetical position is not strong and that they should re-examine their beliefs and look at other evidence (perhaps finding some upon which to base their views in the first place) before taking that stance again.
  7. Dr. Bob Administrator

    Jun 30, 2000
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    Iron sharpens iron. It also crushes talc.

    My biggest problem is allowing people who just "claim" to be Baptist but deny many of the basic Baptist beliefs. They pollute the Baptist only sections with openly false doctrine.

    Sdaly, such posters "ruin" it for most Baptists here who get tired of the same old same old pile of non-bibilical [read: liberal] dung. For example: How can we have a discussion on the Bible if someone who claims to be a Baptist does not believe the Bible is the Word of God?

    I feel they should be honest, change name or affiliation. THEN we can debate openly in the Other Religion forums, and leave other debate and discussion that will BENEFIT ALL to real subjects on the Baptist only sector.
  8. massdak Active Member
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    Oct 27, 2002
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    argue and debate me? i love all doctrine everything is just fine i agree with all paths, one big tent is my philosophy. the more liberal the better.
  9. BrianT New Member

    Mar 20, 2002
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    Part of the problem is that "basic Baptist beliefs" is not always clear-cut, and the gray areas are ripe for debate. Put 20 Baptists in a room, ask what are the "basic Baptist beliefs", and you'll get 20 different answers.

    Are you sure you aren't over exaggerating a little? Maybe I've missed it, but I've never seen anyone on these forums who claims to be Baptist and at the same time does not believe the Bible is the word of God. (Unless you count the KJV-only supporters, who don't believe my NASB is a "Bible" in the first place ;) )
  10. Xingyi Warrior New Member

    Jul 27, 2003
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    I know what you mean. This isn't a Baptist problem, but one that is inreasingly common in any Christian faith. There is an ever growing number of people who call themselves Christians who cite certain examples of the bible to adhere and live by, and ignore volumes of other passages of scripture that condems activities associated with whatever social fads they embrace. These fence riders are dividing the church in general and sooner or later the body of Christ is going to have to draw a line in the sand and as the great prophet Elijah once said "Choose this day whom you shall serve!"
  11. Wisdom Seeker New Member

    Jul 17, 2002
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    I agree, very well said.

    Keeping on topic and not getting personal makes for a better discussion.

    As an example I've put in bold the only part of the following ficticious post that is respectful, on topic and relevant to the discussion. All other parts can easily be left out without compromising the core of the posters message.

    "If you believe that you are a liar from the pit of Hell and I disagree , because unlike you I have actually done more than glance at my Bible, I've read my Bible, and it says XYZ , you should try doing more than glancing at it sometime, unless you're happy being a godless heathen ."

    You may very well believe the rest of it is true, but it's not on topic nor is it necessary to the discussion. I hope that helped a little bit. ;)
  12. DanielFive New Member

    Feb 20, 2003
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    I've read a few of those. All right then, I might have posted a couple as well.
  13. Artimaeus Active Member

    Nov 30, 2002
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    Diane, that is fascinating because I grew up in a home where there was NO fighting and screaming. I don't even think my mother could raise her voice yet, I, too, have an aversion to emotional disagreements and I cannot tolerate "real" fussing and fighting. When I get emotional my biggest comeback line is, "Oh, yeah". :D
  14. just-want-peace Well-Known Member
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    Feb 3, 2002
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    Many SAY they believe that the bible is God's word, but their statements deny that! :confused:

    I can understand some disagreement where the bible is vague, but read some of the homosexuality threads to get a feel of "a revision" of God's word to suit the writer's agenda!

    Kinda hard to see "belief" when they know(?) better than God what He meant!! :mad:
  15. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    When I took Baptist history in seminary I was quite surprised at some of the strange beliefs of some Baptists from the past. I don't know of very many who would hold to those beliefs today. So I am not so much in favor of historical Baptist beliefs but historical orthodox Christianity. It is the Bible that is our standard not Baptist beliefs. Baptists will cease to be Baptist when they place more trust in their beliefs than in the God who is. I have seen some who have done that just in my short lifetime.