Democratic Presidential Hypocrites

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Pastor Larry, Apr 26, 2007.

  1. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
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    Oct 25, 2001
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    You must not watch MessNBC too much. Kieth Olberman's rants should get him off the air, by your words.
  2. Filmproducer Guest

    Nope, don't watch much "American 24 hour news", at least not for anything important. I am certainly no fan of Olberman, either. I am of the personal conviction that the world would be a much better place if the majority of these "journalists", and I use that term loosely, would be muzzled. When I watch the news, I want to hear the news. I am not interested in 1/2hr-hr long op ed pieces with various ranting and raving, especially when the network shows it 5 times a day to ensure EVERYONE has a chance to see it. :rolleyes: No thanks, have better things to do with my time.
  3. hillclimber1 Active Member
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    Sep 10, 2006
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    If you can't see the difference between the two parties, there is something wrong with your perception. If ever there were a division between the Dems and Reps, it is now. On virtually every issue, the democrats are against good, and for evil.

    The republicans are so wrapped up in the political rhetoric and overbearing control of the Dem's that they are useless.

    But the question of good and evil is clear. Comparatively
  4. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    No, I cannot see enough difference to justify taking up for either one. Lets throw the question out there, how many of you really think there is enough difference between the two to warrant our support?
  5. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Lets see the difference between democrats and republicans

    1. They both failed to control our borders and protect our sovereignty.
    2. They both failed to reform social security and medicare.
    3. They both failed to control spending towards record deficits.
    4. They both failed to stop the murder of innocent babies.
    5. They both are power hungry, self serving pigs.
    6. Neither cares about the welfare of the American people.
    7. Neither has any credible leadership skills.
    8. Both failed to give veterans the support they needed coming back from war.

    On and on and on.

    Oh yeah, I can see a real difference. Who has a perception problem?
  6. Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    We are talking about the Repubocrats and the Dempublicans?:rolleyes: :laugh:
    Sorry I can't see the differance.
  7. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    Well, in writing, you focus on your topic. My topic was Democratic Presidential hypocrites. Therefore, I titled it that way ... and wrote that way. My topic was not Republicans. Therefore, I did not spend much time on them.

    Second, only the worst kind of moral equivocation and insensitivity could argue that the Republicans and the Democrats are exactly the same. The Republicans are bad; the Democrats are clearly worse. About that, there can be no debate from a moral standpoint.

    The Democrats have never fought against abortion. Republicans have, though not enough. That alone reveals a difference. And more could be given, though one wonder why it would have to be offered? Saying that one is better than the other is not saying that either are good.

    So by reading the title and the post, your objections were answered and your post was rendered irrelevant before it was ever written.
  8. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    Please tell me this isn't serious. This has to be a joke. Roger Ailes joke is not hte reason the Dems don't want to appear on Fox. You know better. And the N-word isn't that big a deal as long as we don't target it to any specific person? You have to be kidding. The repeated use of teh N-word is far worse than Roger Ailes joke. Again, moral equivocation reign.

    Since you asked for it, you are crazy. This is about the Dems playing politics with a news organization they don't like because it is "too conservative." That is silly and full of cowardice.

    However, please consider ditching the red type and wierd font and write normally just like the rest of us. This is obnoxious and hard to read.
  9. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Like has been stated before, maybe we should be more understanding of the two in this thread who keep screeching so loudly for the liberal Republican cause. If I lived in a state (say Michigan or Oregon) that has done nothing but contribute to the democratic electoral college total for the last several elections, I would be frustrated also.
  10. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    Who are you talking about?
  11. Petra-O IX Active Member

    Aug 23, 2006
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    This has to be a Radical Right Wingers Paradise( Michigan and Oregon). They could cuss them there liberals from sunup to sunset and still their work would never be done, There would still be plenty more liberals to be cussin out.
  12. Filmproducer Guest

    You don't have to read my posts, you know, if the font/color bothers you that much. :rolleyes:

    Don't give me the moral eqivocation reign, line. I have stated, and will state again for the umpteenth time, that I do not agree with the use of the N word in any form. Fact of the matter is that entertainers will stop using the word when people, (oddly enough middle class whites), stop buying the material, point blank. Wrong, yes, but what do expect in a capitalist society?

    The difference between your complaint and actuality is that wrong as it was those entertainers did not call any of the democratic candidates the N word. Roger Ailes the CHAIRMAN/CEO of the Fox network called Barak Obama, Osama Bin Laden, a DANGEROUS and WANTED TERRORIST, at a time where right wing nut jobs were trying to prove Obama is a closet muslim/terrosrist, (depending on who you read). BIG, BIG, BIG difference, and certainly NOT professional behaviour. He made the bed that Fox lies in, and probably did it on purpose. It certainly gave people something to talk about. "Oh look at those liberal dems scared of the big, bad conservatives." :laugh: Yeah right. Not tolerating disrespect and unbecoming professional behavior is not running away scared. We are in primary season, the candidates are not even trying to shore up the indie votes. They are more concerned about shoring up their base. For most of them appearing on a hyper-conservative network would do more to help than hurt them in the primaries. The "real fun" starts after the primaries. :laugh:
  13. carpro Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2004
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    Classic case of which came first, the chicken or the egg.

    Do black rappers demean their race and their women because white people buy the product or do white people buy the product because blacks demean their own race and women.

    To lay the blame on one group rather than the other seems to hint at racial discrimination on your part. It is just as true that, if blacks stop demeaning their race and their women, white people won't buy the product because it does.
  14. Filmproducer Guest

    Honestly I don't care who buys it, it's wrong. I was just pointing out that black people are not the only consumers of the product. If people stopped buying the stuff, and that's all people, the world would be a better place. My intent was not to place blame. I realize now, after re-reading my post, that was not clear. Rap is a popular genre with many people it will be sold no matter what the content. My sincere hope is that rappers will be forced to change their lyrics concerning the n word. I also hope that all secular music genres will be forced to stop demeaning women in their lyrics.
  15. StraightAndNarrow Active Member

    Dec 24, 2003
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    Actually, it's exactly the other way around. The Democrats are AGAINST an immoral war that we got into because of the Republicans' LIES. The Republicans are AGAINST preserving our constitutional freedoms. They are also AGAINST helping the deserving poor and AGAINST a medical safety net for all Americans. Your turn.
  16. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    it's obnoxious. That's all

    That is moral equivocation. Don Imus didn't call any of those politicians the N word, and yet they had something to say about that. The fact that it wasn't addressed to them is irrelevant. If you want to be a leader, you have to speak up.

    Cop out. Moral equivocation. What Roger Ailes did not is nowhere near as serious as what these rappers did. It is hard to imagine that anyone could think that it is.
  17. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    Um, No. This has been soundly refuted. The Democrats believed the same thing Bush did, and said it for years before Bush said it.

    No they aren't. This is simply wrong.
  18. Filmproducer Guest

    obnoxious, i.e., very offensive
    synonyms-loathesome, hateful, insufferable, intolerable, detestable

    Again, if it's that bad ignore it, otherwise I'll just chalk it up to over exaggeration on your part. I like red. Deal with or don't it's your choice.

    What universe are you from? What exactly was ambiguous about my statement? Let's not even bring Don Imus into the conversation because you will not have a leg to stand on. The man has been using obnoxious, hateful, racist, demeaning language for thirty years. The Rutgers incident was not the first time, people finally said enough is enough. Frankly I am glad they did. There has been a movement geared to eliminating the use of racist and demeaning language in the rap/hip hop industry for years now, but nothing they did ever really garnered much media attention. The tides are finally turning. To say that only the Dems had a problem with Imus' remarks is naive at best and downright denial at worst. I'll direct you to this website:

    If you notice neither Clinton, nor Obama, said anything particularily evasive about what Imus said, in fact they were right. When will you come to the realization that "the market" worked in this particular situation? The people were fed up, enough so that advertisers pulled their ads lest being associated with Imus, and the networks stepped in and said "you're fired". If you like him so much I'm sure you can watch him on the internet or hear him on satellite radio, although as a pastor I certainly would not mention it to anyone else. they might just call you a hypocrite. (remember Imus used to introduce the traffic announcer Laura McNichol, Laura Mc"female body part")

    Why not? What about journalistic or even professional integrity? Do you not think these qualities important for a CEO of a large and powerful news network? Besides using the n word, albeit offensive, in a non specific way what did these rappers do? They were paid dearly by their audience to see them perform and they delivered on their obligations. What again does that have to do with any political candidates? Have you heard Obama or Clinton, or anyone else, actually endorse the use of the n word? Of course not. Did the dem candidates attend the concert at the college? No. In the 2000 election Gearge Bush spoke in an arena where a similar type of rap group performed months before. Was he also a cowardly hypocrite? I'll answer for you, no. With that being said, Ailes oversees, runs, etc. Fox news. Why would you not think that would factor into a decision to not participate? C'mon, are you that gullible? I seriously doubt it. It is hard to imagine you think Ailes was right, especially considering you are a pastor. At the very least I would think you would be disappointed he bore false witness against another. I guess politics trancends Christian morals and values. It should really be the other way around, IMO, no matter which party/ideology people support. Why does it even matter where the debate was held? The candidates would have used the same platforms, i.e., said the same things, regardless of where it was held. Then again maybe you really believe Fox would somehow ask the "harder" questions.
  19. saturneptune New Member

    Jan 16, 2006
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    Although I am not involved in this discussion, you response here shows exactly what I was trying to show in the Giuliani thread.
  20. Pastor Larry <b>Moderator</b>
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    May 4, 2001
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    What is that? I apologize that I am not following you. (I wasn't sure what you were trying to show over in that thread either.)