Do we need HIV-positive Sesame Street Muppets?

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by LadyEagle, Jul 13, 2002.

  1. Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Granny's Daughter-

    What are you talking about? Give me some specifics.


    Scarlett O.
  2. LAWC New Member

    May 7, 2002
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    Let's look at it this way--a character with GLASSES. It teaches other kids that glasses are not just for "nerds" or onl losers where them...its not the child's fault that she wears glasses, its something she was born with. In S.A. and many other African countries the AIDS epidemic is catastrophic. Kids need to learn that CHILDREN BORN WITH AIDS are not GAY, have not brought it on themselves because THEY sinned and CAN BE touched, loved and treated with RESPECT! This character has nothing to do with GAY, obviously the children would not be BORN if it was an issue of homosexuality.
  3. SaggyWoman Active Member

    Dec 15, 2000
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    To some degree, you could say that all those "disabilities" that Justified has listed are results of sin.
  4. Justified New Member

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Well, seeing how most of you missed the point of my post and were quick to misjudge me, shows me your level of understanding, lodgic,compassion and maturity.

    "You get me sick" "Get over yourself" and other remarks, is very mature? I feel better now!

    If you would of read my post carefully and read my post as a new member here, you would of realized that I grew up with this program and I know what their agenda is. My 9 children pretty much don't watch it, as a matter of fact, they don't watch much TV anyway. And thanks Granny, you hit the nail right on the head!

    First, I said characters, not people. Children relate better to fantasy then real life, in visuaL effects. I know that they have had other PERSONS with disabilities on their show.

    Second, why didn't they do this with some of the sicknesses that have been around since the start of their production? Are you going to tell me that there are not children that have suffered from some of these other things or lost loved ones because of these things?

    Third, why pick this one and why only Africa? And why pick something that is so strongly related to sinful actions.

    Yes, I have compassion for the innocent children, and adults that have gotten this virus because of the sins of their fathers. (or the sins of their spouses)(or the sins of their needles)

  5. Squire Robertsson Administrator

    Jul 4, 2000
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    Perhaps I didn't make myself clear. While the AIDS pandemic is rooted in sin, however AIDS is a pandemic because it can be passed on through all too many unsinful practices. Just ask the families of hemophiliacs who contracted and then died the condition; they only got a regular blood transfusion. CrazyCats needle stick would fall into the same catagory. Regretfully, overseas the sharing of needles is not just done by drug addicts. Many places are too poor to afford single use needles. In China, AIDS took root in the general population because of the reuse of blood drawing equipment by commercial blood suppliers.
  6. Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Dear Justified-

    You said that Granny's Daughter "hit the nail on the head" with her statement that Sesame Street was an example of...

    ..."government (sanctioned)"

    Granny is not answering my question that I asked of her, but since you agree with her, perhaps you might.

    What do the two of you mean?

    Be specific.

    Cite references from the program that support your belief.

    Convince me.

    Peace and welcome to the board-

    Scarlett O.
  7. Bro. Curtis <img src =/curtis.gif>
    Site Supporter

    Oct 25, 2001
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    Name me one group that has done more to spread HIV, & block govornment efforts to control the disease when it was in it's infancy ?
  8. susanpet New Member

    Dec 26, 2001
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    What were the circumstances surrounding the first outbreak of Aids? How did it spread so quickly? You can't tell me that gays didn't play a big part in it.
    I love their souls and pray that they come to know God, but it makes me sick the way they prance around and have marches wanting their "freedoms".
    And the ones on here that uphold them, need to get right with God themselves. Remember what happened to Sodom?

    In Christ
  9. crazycat Member

    Nov 14, 2001
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    the first outbreak has never been truly identified, last I heard the believe it was even around in the 1700's.

    Mr, Curtis
    you are saying Homosexuals tried to stop government involvement when it was first identified as in the US? I guess you never read the book "and the Band played on"

    pandemic is (according to Mosby mediacl Dictionary) a disease that affects all or most of a population group. Well since the group that is most affected are women and children, then I dare say AIDS is not a gay disease, or even a sin disease!
    I got one question if Aids is Gods way of punishing sin why are innocent affected and why has there been a decline of new cases in the US? So why has God stopped punishing us? I know if my children continually misbehave I don't let them go, I make the punishment harsher. God is our heavenly father wouldn't He do the same?
    Are we as a nation drawing closer or farther from God? I would think farther, but heck what would I know?
  10. Farmer's Wife New Member

    Jun 26, 2002
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    Scarlett O. the reason I had not answered you is because I've not been at my computer since I posted last...I was not ignoring you. Justified has already given you a 'specific' and is totally correct. If you can't see the "hidden" agenda in the HIV muppet then most likely you won't recognize any other specifics. I thank the Lord for your insight, Justified, concerning what you allow your children to watch. I pray that more of God's people will wake up!

    By the way folks, I'm GrannyGumbo's daughter, Robin :~) (Granny'sDaughter)
  11. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    The latest word on HIV-muppet from O'Reilly on Fox News Channel last night: This program will not be coming to America because some Congressmen gave PBS the word that if they brought it here, PBS would lose their funding (of US taxpayer dollars). Well that is certainly good news.

    But I am appalled at what I am reading on these posts! That it's to show compassion, acceptance, etc. Basically you all are missing the point of the article I posted. So I reiterate a clip from this article:

    The target audience for Sesame Street is 3 to 5 year olds! Can't children be allowed to be children and have at least a few years of innocence? :rolleyes: :rolleyes: I believe this is one of the points of the article!

    And believe me, if Sesame Street could have its way without the threat of public funds being pulled, that HIV-muppet would be here in America in a New York minute! It is part of the "agenda" albeit an indirect route to get people to accept the gay "alternative" lifestyle!

    Needle sticks? Hemophilia? Blood transfusions? Yes, all can carrry the deadly virus. But where did this plague originate? From sin!

    So, okay, if the HIV-muppet teaches compassion, acceptance, fine, and if that's REALLY all this is about, fine. OK, then what's next?

    A gay muppet? (goes hand-in-hand, whether you agree or not)!

    Better yet, how about a complete gay family set of muppets! Daddy & daddy & child! :rolleyes:

    How about a prostitute muppet?
    A pimp muppet?
    An incest muppet?
    An IV drug user muppet?
    A pot smoking muppet?
    An alcoholic muppet?
    A serial killer muppet? (so we can understand how someone could do such a thing)

    Or what about homicide bomber muppets doing a jihad?

    That's it! Let's just give all the precious children a REAL world view of all the ills, sadness, evil, and world degeneration - We'll just make the little 3 to 5 year olds so skewed in their little minds they'll be sorry they were ever born! :rolleyes:

    I can't believe I am hearing supposedly Bible believing Christian parents defending yet another ruse for political correctness? Is this a generational thing---that you are all young parents, so liberal brain-washed into believing anything & everything is okay? (Am I really THAT old?) :eek:

    I'm okay, you're okay! Really? That's not what Jesus said. Not everyone is okay. Go and sin no more. Suffer the little children to come unto Me! Yes, the children in Africa are dying from AIDS, but does that mean we have to spell out all the gruesome facts for little 3-year-olds? :rolleyes:

    Why can't babies be allowed to be babies for a few years and Sesame Street continue teaching ABCs and how to count?? Why should Sesame Street have a political agenda to promote (political correctness), and why aren't you Christian parents on this board outraged?

    Shades of Romans Chapter One & reprobate minds! Wake up!

    Has God really said you will surely die? Crafty old buzzard, he is, and ya'll are falling into his politically correct trap! Wake up! See the Big Picture! :(

    [ July 16, 2002, 08:53 AM: Message edited by: EagleLives911 ]
  12. David Cooke Jr New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    From the strong reaction by those opposed to the HIV muppet, you must think this muppet is gay, right? Otherwise, you have no CHRISTIAN objection.
    Let me put it to you this way:
    Pretend its a leper muppet, and some fakely pious religious types think being a leper necessarily means you sinned and deserve the illness.
    What do you think Jesus' response would be?
    How would he treat lepers? How would he feel about a leper muppet?
    Is this issue really about sin? Or is it about compassion for those who are sick?
    You know, I'm starting to wonder who is sickest. The ones with HIV or the ones with the hardened hearts.
  13. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    David, you are missing the point! Read my post again....the target audience is 3 to 5 year olds! Is it about HIV? Or is this a sneaky way to introduce the gay alternative lifestyle? Is HIV information 3 to 5 year olds need to know? How did this HIV muppet get HIV? Through a blood transfusion? Through a needle stick? Through sex? (doesn't really matter whether heterosexual or homosexual at this point) Do 3 to 5 year olds need to know this information or can they learn about it when they are older? Do you really want your 3, 4, or 5 year old to be "street smart?"

    You have missed the entire point of the post, unfortunately. The real issue is not about compassion!

    I am going to be a grandmother for the first time in December. I am going to guard that little one and protect that little one's mind from the evils of this world and satanic influence as long as possible. I am going to help his parents teach that precious gift about Jesus. Not about the wickedness, sin, disease, suffering in this world. There will be time for that later! Unfortunately, the loss of childhood innocence comes quicker for each generation. Three to five years old are still babies! Let them be babies. Why give them adult information? I wonder if you are a parent. :eek:
  14. David Cooke Jr New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    You wonder if I'm a parent? Read my posts. I have a 2 year old daughter. Sesame Street is the only show we allow her to watch. We tape it so she can watch it later sometimes.
    If you think this is some brainwashing attempt by SS producers, you must not be watching the show. My wife and I love the values SS reinforces to our little girl. I have absolutely NO OBJECTION to her watching an HIV muppet.
  15. ElizabethB New Member

    May 18, 2002
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    I don't think the poor little children who are already dying have sinned. It is so sad to think of those innocent babies, already born with that terrible disease. What could we protect them from, it is too late already. :(
  16. Justified New Member

    Jul 14, 2002
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    Eagle, thank you for bringing this to light. I agree with you and it is a way of getting an opposing agenda into our childrens heads. That is why the muppets have been very affective in their programing. FANTASY! Not many children dislike it.

    Thank you GrannyD.

    David, Just remember that the sins of the fathers are pasted onto the children, from generation to generation. And just because you THINK Sesame Street is OK, wheather it's because you justify it in your own mind, or because millions watch it, so it has to be OK, doesn't make it wholesome, right, and/or innocent for you to allow the cracks in your childs foundation at such an early age.

    Remember that the Lord Jesus said in Mk 10:15; "Whosoever shall not recieve the kingdom of God as a little child"

    This is because little children will believe whatever they are taught, no matter what doctrine it is. Why do you think Hitler went after the schools?

    And David, God holds us fathers accountable for our childrens sins, especially if we raised and taught them wrong. Or allowed them to be taught wrong.
  17. crazycat Member

    Nov 14, 2001
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    To state Aids originated from sin is a misnomer. I will admit it may have proliferated because of sin, but since I was not around when the first incidence appeared I can not factually assume that orginated from sin.
  18. crazycat Member

    Nov 14, 2001
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    Heptitis B is just as deadly as HIV and is more likely to be caused by STD or drug use. Plus it is a 100 times easier to catch Heptitis B then it is HIV. I read once (Not sure of the source) in Nursing School there was approximately 300,000 heptitis B cells in 1 tablespoon of blood, and only 300 HIV cells in the same amount of blood.

    So if are going to start name some diseases that are passed on from sin this is another. Actually, I dare say all diease is a direct result of sin. I doubt before the fall of man that disease was prevelent in the garden of Eden. So all you AIDS = Gay people stop sinning so we can get rid of disease!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. David Cooke Jr New Member

    Jan 11, 2002
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    Perhaps we aren't talking abou the same program. I'm talking about the Sesame Street that promotes kindness, honesty, hard work, education, love for your neighbor, wholesome artistic expression, fun, wonder, good manners, creativity, respect for others, generosity, and just general goodness. You folks who keep critisizing the show must not watch it. My wife and I are very careful about what we allow our child to read or watch. Sesame Street promotes Christian conduct as well (or more) than 90% of the "Christian" books and videos out today. When is the last time you SS bashers actually watched the show? Last year? Last decade? Never?

    [ July 16, 2002, 11:17 AM: Message edited by: David Cooke, Jr. ]
  20. Scarlett O. Moderator

    May 22, 2002
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    Granny's Daughter and Justified-

    You still have NOT answered my question. You are hopping and skipping all around it.

    Granny - You said that we did not need muppets, period. Not just this HIV muppet. You said why do we need muppets. You weren't talking about this particular one. You said that they teach..

    "government (sanctioning)"

    And I'd much rather hear why you threw out these words than to hear you pass the buck to someone's post. Why did you say that?

    Justified - You agreed with her. You said that you have seen the show for several years and you are familiar with their "agenda".

    Let's put the HIV muppet on the back burner. You were talking about the already established Sesame Street.

    Will one of the two of you give me examples of how Sesame Street teaches socialism or exploits children's minds with government propaganda and brainwashing.

    I'm not picking on the two of you and I won't ask again. I'm really interested. I just want you to give proof or evidence of all those serious words that you threw out for discussion. Let's discuss them.


    Scarlett O.

    [ July 16, 2002, 11:31 AM: Message edited by: Scarlett O. ]