Do you believe that healing revivals are real?

Discussion in 'Other Christian Denominations' started by xdisciplex, Aug 7, 2006.

  1. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    I ask myself what if we christians are way too naive and simply believe everything we read from so called other christians? I remember a scene in my house meeting where somebody talked about the great faith of people like Wigglesworth who healed soooo many people and then she recited a few of his miracles and at the same time she criticized that we don't have such a faith anymore to see such miracles.
    What if we're living in a dream world? I mean the excuse is always so easy, we simply don't have the faith of these people which are supposed to have healed thousands in the past. It's so easy. We simply don't have the faith.
    But what if these miracles never happened and were all a lie? Who can prove it?
    When you think about how many frauds we have today which fake healings then why should it have been different in the past? What if we are taking things as 100% truth and talk about them as if they are a fact and the truth is that maybe they're a lie?
    When you think about this you can become really paranoid and start to question everything. I think this is a real shame that you cannot even trust the people which call themselves christians. Some christians complain about how sceptical and how unbelieving the people are. Can we blame them for it? I don't think we can, because when you look at these frauds and weirdos on TV you really cannot blame them for being sceptical of miracles. What a shame.
    This can lead so far that you become so sceptical and paranoid that you also do not believe those christians anymore which are really telling the truth. :(
    But how do we know if God is still doing miracles today? How do we know if it's true that in Africa miracles are happening all the time? This is always what you hear from evangelists. In Europe and America God cannot do miracles because the people are so unbelieving BUT in Africa sooooo many miracles are happening. Limbs are growing back, people are healed from aids... and the christians believe it. They believe it all and don't even come to the idea that it might not be true. But how do we know if it's true? Nobody can verify it. But I have heard many stories of people going there after a huge crusade where many miracles are said to have happened and when they got there and asked the people there nobody knew anything about those great miracles....
    What if these miracles never happened and the christians in Europe and America live in a dream-world and think that in Africa all these miracles are happening while they are not? Imagine you believe in this stuff and think that God is doing all those things in Africa and then you find out it was all a lie, this might seriously affect your faith. :(
  2. Chris L. New Member

    Aug 4, 2006
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    This seems to be a recurring theme with you, these charismatics practices. Do you realize that this is a baptist board? I don't think you'll find too many here who struggle with these things. You seem to spend a lot of time learning more about charismatic/pentecostalism and the scientific nonsense of the world than you do about baptist beliefs.

    May I suggest you learn more about God and the baptists and spend more of your time for the glory of the Lord?
  3. Site Supporter

    Jan 1, 2006
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    You know that I agree with Chris. And I can only speak for myself when I pray that you find faith. A focus on Bible reading with prayer would bring such a change to your life. Listening to the word of God instead of people around you brings you closer to His will.

    There will always be distractions, but His word is always available to you. Please seek to know God rather than understand mankind.
  4. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I don't believe God uses mass hysteria to heal.
  5. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Um.... do baptists not believe in healing? Or do you believe that it only happens very seldom or what do baptists believe? Do you believe that God pretty much keeps his hands out of our business today?
  6. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    I believe in healing. I believe God heals all the time. I believe God is very much involved in our lives today. I do not believe God needs a side show to heal.
  7. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    I also don't know if healing crusades or huge healing events are really what God desires. I think we shouldn't make a show out of this. But the question is how do we know if these stories about miracles in Africa are real or not? I mean why do such incredible miracles always happen in countries where you cannot simply prove them or go there with a camera team and film it? Imagine a limb growing back caught on film, wouldn't this convince many people? Why shouldn't God desire this?
  8. mcdirector Active Member

    Jul 11, 2005
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    God wouldn't desire this for the same reason He doesn't make us believe -- there is always the faith issue.
  9. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Does this mean that you believe that God would never do a really huge miracle which people could see and test because this would prove his existence?
    But this would also mean that God is kinda limited in his actions because he cannot allow to reveal himself. This means that let's say I needed a really really gigantic miracle then I know at the same time that God cannot do it because this would prove himself. Right? :tear:
    But then you also cannot have faith in miracles. This is my problem. When I ask God for something then I think that if God answered this prayer then it would basically prove his existence to me and then I think that God might not want to do this because if he did a real miracle for me then I wouldn't need faith anymore, would I?
  10. Site Supporter

    Jan 1, 2006
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    Lack of faith most certainly is a problem. From this post, it appears you are daring God to show Himself to you. Ephesians 4:8 would be a good place for you to start your Bible studies. My prayers continue that you will come to accept God's gracious gift.
  11. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    Man what are you talking about? You don't know me so please stop this "Lack of faith. I hope you get saved" stuff. This angers me. Neither you nor anyone else can judge wether I am saved and wether I have faith or not. Gosh.
  12. Marcia Active Member

    May 12, 2004
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    There has been no evidence for these "miracles." People have attempted to get evidence and have not. None of Benny Hinn's healing "miracles" have ever been medically validated and he does not offer evidence.

    xdisicplex, you see how others are urging you to study the Bible - just as I have urged you before. I think that you are spending too much time wondering about things like this when you should be grounding yourself in God's word. Then you can figure these things out. Start with God's word and go from there - don't get distracted by all the sensational stuff.
  13. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    But the bible is so hard to understand. How can I even be sure that I understand it correctly? Without a commentary I don't understand many parts. This is simply frustrating. I sit there and it doesn't pay off. I get no sense of achievement. Sure, I could simply read the gospels all the time but this also isn't really productive. Or I might come across a verse which scares me and then I'm scared again. The bible is so condensed and hard to read, there aren't many books which are so hard to read. I like books which have a lot of acting and a lot of repetitions where I can quickly read over the text or also skip a few sentences without missing anything. This is relaxing. But the bible isn't like this. The bible is totally condensed and every single sentence is important and I just don't like such books. Reading them is totally exhausting. You can't simply read over the bible because if you do this then you read and don't even remember what you've read when you're finished. I don't really know how you even read the bible. But when every sentence is so important then reading becomes a torture. Maybe I also cannot stay focused long enough, I don't know. All I know is that reading the bible isn't fun, it's exhausting and frustrating. Especially the NT books. They are so condensed. Reading stories in the OT is easier and also more fun but the NT books like Romans are totally different. They do not contain acting. This is like comparing a novel to a law book. It's totally different.
  14. genesis12 Member

    Dec 26, 2005
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    Lots of folks are frustrated with Bible reading. I was, for years. Once I simply "let go and let God" as we Baptists are fond of saying, the Bible opened up for me. Over time, I could see the misinterpretations made by the charismatics such as Hinn and Copeland. 1 Corinthinans 2:9-16 became real and exciting. I've never been the same. You can have the same experience. Maybe not this morning, but eventually. Faith doesn't come in amounts, as if "you don't have enough faith." Faith just is. It is in Jesus Christ, not the results of prayer. Think about it! God's blessings!
  15. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    And how exactly do I "let go and let God"?
    I think I have let go long time ago. :(
    So where's the miraculous opening of my understanding to the scripture?
  16. Jim1999 <img src =/Jim1999.jpg>

    Aug 10, 2002
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    As the late Dr. J. Vernon McGee used to say: "I believe in faith healing. I just don't have much faith in the faith healers."

    Some of them really believe they are healing people, but then, some people really believe their religion is right.

    I think I will continue to see my medical doctors, and believe that God has His mighty hand in all things. Sometimes He chooses to touch mine infirmities, and other times He allows me to grow through them.


  17. xdisciplex New Member

    Dec 20, 2005
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    What I don't like is how people which believe this word of faith stuff make it look as if you don't really believe the bible when you do not agree with them. They always try to make you feel guilty and make you think that while they have such a strong faith in God's promises you're simply not having the real childlike faith.
    But what they don't get or don't want to get is that it's not about the bible, it's about what they say the bible says. But they make it look like they have the correct interpretation of the bible and this means that doubting their beliefs equals doubting the bible.
  18. LeBuick New Member

    Jun 8, 2006
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    xdisciplex, Sounds like you need a good friend who is solidly grounded in their faith. Do you fellowship? Do you belong to a Church? Do they have Bible study?

    If so, wear them out. Bring all your questions each time you go and make them earn their title.

    Lastly, where commentaries and study bibles are basically good they are not absolute and are not the word of God. Try praying, reading a few verses then ask for understnding. God will, not necessarily at that time, reveal to you the truth.
  19. El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    IMHO ... Um ... you need to find a Bible Believing, Bible Teaching, Soul Winning, Sin Forgiving, Soul Healing church and get your self healed and discipled.

  20. El_Guero New Member

    Jul 4, 2004
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    You have posted 700 messages. How many of those have been about questioning Religion, faith, Scripture, God, and even yourself?

    You need a Paul to you a Timothy - you need one on one discipleship. And you need small group fellowship.
