Dr. Ruckman's "advanced Revelation"

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by robycop3, Dec 23, 2004.

  1. gb93433 Active Member
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    Jun 26, 2003
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    But there are those who are stupid enough to believe Ruckman otherwise he would not have an audience.
  2. David J New Member

    Apr 21, 2004
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    Still no answers..strange....
  3. robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    gb93433: But there are those who are stupid enough to believe Ruckman otherwise he would not have an audience.

    But apparently they're either not bright enough to defend him , or, more likely, are ASHAMED to try.

    David J: Still no answers..strange....

    Da guy claims to be a Baptist & this is a Baptist board, the LARGEST such board. I reckon his groupies simply lack traction when the rubber meets the road.
  4. David J New Member

    Apr 21, 2004
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    One more bump to give our Ruckman supporters a chance to defend him.
  5. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    How can one defend the indefensible?
    While many behaviors and comments, and beliefs of Doc Ruckman ARE indefensible, I submit, that one CANNOT assail his love for sinners and his desire to see ALL men come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.
    THAT gentlemen, is my defense of the man. Can any of you claim to be without sin in your life? Yet, I would NEVER doubt your desire to see the lost won to Christ. Nor would I equate the presence of sin in your life as INVALIDATING that desire. It appears to me, that this is what you are trying to do with the good Doc Ruckman.
    How many prisons do any of you visit with the gospel? How much time do any of you spend on the street, preaching the gospel? How many missionaries have you personally trained and sent to the field? How much of YOUR OWN money do you send to missionaries?
    THIS is my defense of the man. Though Doc Ruckman has many faults, I submit, that God is still using the faulty, for HIS own glory.

    In HIS service;
  6. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Hammer away you Ruckman haters! Doc is still in the trenches preaching the gospel.

    In HIS service;
  7. Logos1560 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 22, 2004
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    Disagreeing with the unscriptural advanced revelation claims made by Peter Ruckman and other of his false teachings does not suggest that anyone hates Ruckman. Are you suggesting that if someone claims to preach the gospel that it is justification for their teaching false views?
  8. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Where did I say that?
    I did not say it justifies anything. I said it does NOT invalidate it anymore than your sin invalidates your preaching the gospel.

    This is 1st year stuff my friend. Just because your sin is not as public as his, does not mean that his invalidates his winning the lost any more than it does YOURS!
    1Ti 5:24
    Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.
    1Ti 5:25
    Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid.

    Is your God that little that he cannot use a sinner saved by grace? I am sorry I had to get this brutal. I really am. Nevertheless, AISI, this is the issue that you fellers are ignoring. Perhaps deliberately?

    Dr. Tim has said that often he has found that Doc Ruckman's followers know their Bible better than others. Apparently this is true in this thread.

    In HIS service;
  9. Lacy Evans New Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    I drove out to Monahans Texas a few months back with my two boys to hear Ruckman preach. (Chase likes the way he draws while he preaches.) I don't agree with him 100%. (He's a little too liberal and wishy washy on the KJV issue for me. I'd prefer if he took a stronger stand. :D )

    He is neither vile, nor a heretic. He is really a pretty good preacher. 82 years old and still going. I'd hate to have someone scrutinize a lifetime body of my work with the same rigidity with which you view that old preacher. I'm sure before it is over, I'll say some stupid things too.

  10. David J New Member

    Apr 21, 2004
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    How can one defend the indefensible?
    While many behaviors and comments, and beliefs of Doc Ruckman ARE indefensible, I submit, that one CANNOT assail his love for sinners and his desire to see ALL men come to a saving knowledge of Christ Jesus.
    THAT gentlemen, is my defense of the man. Can any of you claim to be without sin in your life? Yet, I would NEVER doubt your desire to see the lost won to Christ. Nor would I equate the presence of sin in your life as INVALIDATING that desire. It appears to me, that this is what you are trying to do with the good Doc Ruckman.
    How many prisons do any of you visit with the gospel? How much time do any of you spend on the street, preaching the gospel? How many missionaries have you personally trained and sent to the field? How much of YOUR OWN money do you send to missionaries?
    THIS is my defense of the man. Though Doc Ruckman has many faults, I submit, that God is still using the faulty, for HIS own glory.

    In HIS service;

    This one is a keeper for me. Classic defense for Ruckman! The old "have you walked in his shoes" defense.

    This does not excuse the fact the Ruckman teaches heresy and adds to the Word of the Most High.

    How am I hating Ruckman by pointing out his false claims and false revelations?

    So by this Jim I don't want to ever hear a word from you about W&H. W&H's problems are nothig compared to Ruckmans and you give Ruckman the pardon! No more about MV user etc... since you stand behind a heretic simply because he claims to be a Baptist.

    End for Jim.

    Lacy how do you allow your children to follow a man that has visions of a 10 foot tall black lipped anti-christ? Is this not digging in the slime to find a biscuit to eat? How lacy? This is not an attack but an honest question coming from a father of 2 boys.

    Dr. Tim has said that often he has found that Doc Ruckman's followers know their Bible better than others. Apparently this is true in this thread.

    Except the following:

    Ruckman is not the husband of one wife therefore he is not qaulified to be a pastor. He rebels against the KJV and insist that it's ok to have three wives. There is nothing fundamental about this guys....this is liberalism in it's true form in that it splits the home and promotes divorce in order to create many problems.
  11. robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Hmmm...rat poison is 99.99% wholesome rat food, with the deadly part masked even from the rat's acute senses of smell and taste, and the result of the rat's eating a little of it is a dead rat. Dr. Ruckman's poison is much more than.01% of his works, and is not masked by what else he does.

    Lacy, there's a difference in inadvertently blurting something silly in the heat of a moment, which every last person with the exception of Jesus has done, and publishing sheer nonsense in a written work, which takes TIME AND PLANNING to make.

    As for his stand on the KJVO myth, he couldn't get much stronger(nor be more wrong) than his "advanced revelation" codwallop is.

    If Dr. Ruckman had recanted his false teachings and false prophecies, or had done them before he claimed to have been saved, I could give much more weight to the correct and 'good' things he does, but he still backs up that stuff. I mean, shoot, we dropped Swaggart like a hot potato because of his sins against God and himself, while some people still support Ruckman although he has sinned not only against GOD, but against his followers by teaching them some totally-false things.

    We're not talking about a sinner-to-saint story...we're talking about a man who's been teaching false doctrines along with the true doctrines, mixing right with wrong, ALL THE WHILE BEING AN ORDAINED BAPTIST PREACHER.

    Just as two wrongs don't make a right, a wrong and a right don't make all right.
  12. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    Ruckman is not the husband of one wife therefore he is not qaulified to be a pastor. He rebels against the KJV and insist that it's ok to have three wives. There is nothing fundamental about this guys....this is liberalism in it's true form in that it splits the home and promotes divorce in order to create many problems.

    Has nothing to do with this...

    Dr. Tim has said that often he has found that Doc Ruckman's followers know their Bible better than others. Apparently this is true in this thread.


    And I challenge you to find where I did this...

    So by this Jim I don't want to ever hear a word from you about W&H.

    I said nothing about Doc's shoes. But then...you DID dodge the questions. And the issue. That old man is still out on the streets, in prisons, training missionaries, etc, while you sit on this BB and decry what he wrote 20+ years ago. I never ONCE said Doc Ruckman is without fault. Yet some would say I have somehow. I contend that NO man is without fault, save Christ.

    Yet you would hold W/H up as some icon of purity? Please.

    In HIS service;

    :rolleyes: Please.
  13. robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    AV1611Jim: Hammer away you Ruckman haters! Doc is still in the trenches preaching the gospel.

    And so are Arnold Murray, Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch, and umpteen others trying to mask evil with good. Therefore, we WILL keep hammering away.
  14. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    After being a member here for many months perhaps a couple years, I am beginning to wonder if there is any one preacher on this planet who would pass the muster of some of the naysayers here.

    :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:

    In HIS service;
  15. av1611jim New Member

    Aug 22, 2002
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    And so are Arnold Murray, Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch, and umpteen others trying to mask evil with good. Therefore, we WILL keep hammering away.
    None of them preach the gospel and you KNOW it.
    Straw Man alert!!!

    In HIS service;
  16. Lacy Evans New Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    They don't follow him. Neither do I. They like his artwork and his preaching. I don't submit my kids indiscrimately to preachers, but they can listen to anybody they want. (I figure I can straighten out the 10 foot whatchamacallit if they can't.)

    JN Darby had some wierd ideas too but his work on dispensationalism is classic and groundbreaking.
    Concerning the KJVO issue, Ruckman is in that mode and hence an important figure. If my boys are to make up their own mind about the KJVO issue, then I will at least let them at least know who Ruckman is. Have you heard him preach? I would have taken them to see Darby preach too.

    It's too easy to dismiss a man because of his camel hair.

  17. Lacy Evans New Member

    Mar 13, 2003
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    A 10 foot black lipped anti-Christ is a bit unorthodox. Actually it is a bit wierd. But I have heard other odd eschatological speculations too from many preachers. I wouldn't consider them heretical.

    Ruckman doesn't scare me. I like his biscuits. That stuff you call slime. We eat that down south. It's called gravy. Heat up some grease, brown some flour, then just add milk and stir. MMMMMMMMMMM. (I wouldn't advise eating it at every meal though.)

  18. robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    AV1611Jim: After being a member here for many months perhaps a couple years, I am beginning to wonder if there is any one preacher on this planet who would pass the muster of some of the naysayers here.

    Certainly none who mix true with false such as Dr. Ruckman does, will pass MY muster, nor that of any other faithful Baptist.
  19. robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    Me:"And so are Arnold Murray, Benny Hinn, Paul Crouch, and umpteen others trying to mask evil with good. Therefore, we WILL keep hammering away."
    AV1611Jim: None of them preach the gospel and you KNOW it.
    Straw Man alert!!!

    A, but they DO. Have you ever heard any of'em preach any way to salvation except by JESUS? I've even heard'em preach sermons without once trying to sell their media, or "prayer cloths", or even ask for a "love gift". Does that make'em PURE? And can you really deny they EVER preach the Gospel? Sure, Dr. Ruckman preaches the Gospel...sometimes. So do those others.

    As I said, "rat poison is 99.99% wholesome rat food..."
  20. robycop3 Well-Known Member
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    Jul 31, 2000
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    lacy Evans: A 10 foot black lipped anti-Christ is a bit unorthodox.

    Typical British understatement from an American!(LOL)

    Actually it is a bit wierd.

    See above.

    But I have heard other odd eschatological speculations too from many preachers. I wouldn't consider them heretical.

    But, would you consider them correct and pure?