Fake BC? You decideI

Discussion in 'Political Debate & Discussion' started by Winman, May 5, 2011.

  1. I believe the Obama long form BC is legitimate

  2. I believe the Obama long form BC is fake

  3. Other, please explain

  1. poncho Well-Known Member

    Mar 30, 2004
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    Ya hear that y'all? Tom says we're wasting our time worrying about such a huge constitutional issue. Then he insults us because we might believe in upholding the law.

    Yeah Tom some folks are just dumb enough to think the law in this nation means something. Evidently you got more important things to worry about I guess.

    How do illegal aliens get SS numbers, DL's, vote and get married etc.? Very easily with no questions asked apparently.

    Obama's SSN was issued in Connecticut. How'd he pull that one off? And why would Google try to hide this information?

    Still none of this really matters because Obama isn't an Article II natural born citizen no matter if his BC is real or fabricated. It still takes being born to two citizen parents to be eligible to hold the office of POTUS. I wonder how long it will be before we see a false document claiming Obama Sr. was secretly a U.S. citizen at the time of Jr's birth. At least that would be addressing the real issue of his eligibility to be POTUS.
  2. th1bill Well-Known Member
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    Sep 20, 2009
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    it is amusing, the prevailing Intentional Ignorance in this matter! The document is a forgery, i attest to that being a graphics artist that does a great deal of composite photos and documents for display purposes, but people, naming the name of Christ do not care that they have been made fools of.:BangHead:
  3. righteousdude2 Well-Known Member
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    Oct 14, 2007
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    Like a Prophet....

    ....you have no honor among your own countrymen!

    It is quite frustrating that there are folks that can't see the truth if it jumped up and bit them on the nose. And a lot of those are church folks...Go figure? :sleeping_2:
  4. Steadfast Fred Active Member

    Sep 19, 2009
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    Actually, the raised seal should show up... even on a scanned copy. I scanned my BC and the raised seal is plain as day.
  5. Bro. James Well-Known Member
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    Sep 14, 2004
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    I paid a lot for my fake Rolex...

    The whole world is a forgery--by the master of deception--the god of this world--the prince of the power of the air.

    Raised seal devices can be forged too.

    George Washington was probably a free and accepted mason. Now what?

    Jesus of Nazareth has all the credentials for the Son of God. His own received Him not. Most of the world rejects Him. He is either exactly who He says He is or the greatest imposter ever.

    All have sinned and come short of the glory of God; there are none righteous, not one.

    The majority of those voting said: "We want Obama". We will have another election in 2012, Lord willing. Why do we seem to love gridlock in two/four year sessions?

    Let us work on some more pressing issues like: the national debt and imbalance of trade; and religious/racial bigotry. Yes, we are still a nation of bigots folks--it is getting worse--we are offering our children to Molech.

    Father, forgive us, we know not what we do. Even so, come Lord Jesus.


    Bro. James
  6. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    Implying that all those who oppose Obama are bigots is wrong. For years my closest friend was a black man until he moved back to Philadelphia. I simply believe any person who runs for President should abide by the rules and prove he is eligible. John McCain was asked to provide his BC (he was born in the Panama Canal Zone) and provided it within 48 hours. Obama has done nothing but stall from the beginning, and the two forms he has provided are highly irregular and very suspicious. We had the Govenor of Hawaii state publically that Obama's long form could not be found back in January of this year, and yet "poof" Obama provides it.

    There is a reason for this law, it is to insure that a person owes allegiance and loyalty to his country.
  7. Salty 20,000 Posts Club

    Apr 8, 2003
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    I think I missed it, but where did Bro James say that all who Obama are bigots?
  8. Bro. James Well-Known Member
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    Sep 14, 2004
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    Not sure what the amount of melanin in one's skin has to do with anything, including friendship. The statement: "Some of my best friends are black" is a subtle racial slur, usually unintended. The implication is: we are the best of friends, even though he is black. The color of one's skin is totally irrelevant in any context.


    Bro. James
  9. Winman Active Member

    Jul 8, 2009
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    He didn't say it directly, but he did say this:

    This was unnecessary to the discussion. It is a simple poll over whether a person believes the long form birth certificate submitted by Obama is a real birth certificate or not.

    Are you going to pretend that Obama supporters do not often play the race card against those who oppose Obama?

    So, this was an unnecessary comment. Yes, there are lots of issues we need to work on in this country, but mentioning bigotry seems to be a very subtle suggestion that those who question whether Obama is lawfully qualified to be President do so strictly because of bigotry.

    The fact that my closest friend for years is black is not a racial slur. It is simply a fact. I only brought it up because you FIRST brought up bigotry.

    And your comment "Yes, we are still a nation of bigots folks" was also totally irrelevant to the subject being discussed, so you are being hypocritical here.
  10. Robert Snow New Member

    Mar 9, 2009
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    No offense, but I believe the government has experts who could produce a forgery that you could not refute. This is the reason I believe this is legitimate.

    First off, President Obama didn't have to produce anything, why should he produce a forgery.

    Secondly, I don't think there is anything that will satisfy the people here who don't like Obama.
  11. targus New Member

    Feb 10, 2008
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    So your belief that the government can produce a forgery that can not be refuted is proof that the document in question which is being refuted is not a forgery?

    That's quite a feat of mental gymnastics on your part. :laugh:

    Perhaps if the forgery were beyond refute your contention about satisfying people who don't like Obama may have some merit.

    But why should a refutable forgery satisfy anyone - whether they dislike Obama or not?
  12. TomVols New Member

    Oct 30, 2000
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    Robert is right. The anti-Obama people are never going to accept anything. I don't think they should've ever released this. This was a huge PR blunder on their part. It's the same reason Pete Rose should've never admitted he bet on baseball. You only gave more ammo to your detractors.

    Back to Obama: he took an issue on the periphery and made it central. You don't do that. You can't win when you do. That's why I think it's ridiculous for the MSNBC crowd to claim victory over this. You can't claim the topic was stupid, then enter the fray and claim to win it without looking stupid, and that's just what Obama has done.

    I don't think the timing was coincidental. Either way, this story was going to eventually play second fiddle to the mission to capture UBL. That part was well played. But the rest of it was amateur hour at the White House, and you also just elevated Donald Trump to boot. Nice going.