Funny how....

Discussion in '2005 Archive' started by OCC, Jun 24, 2005.

  1. OCC Guest

    when a Canadian jumps into an American politics debate people jump down their throats like they are the devil incarnate.

    Yet they feel free to comment on Canadian politics. :confused:
  2. Baptist Bro New Member

    May 31, 2005
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    I have lived in both countries, and I have seen people in both countries get offended by someone from the other side of the border expressing an opinion.

    I am an American, but I have no problem with you expressing your opinion about politics down here. Canada is certainly affected by every little hiccup in D.C., so comment to your heart's content I say.
  3. OCC Guest

    You are so correct BaptistBro. The fact that D.C. has such an issue on my country gives me the right to an opinion.
  4. BillyMac New Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    I have always liked that red maple leaf flag of yours. I heard an American recently say that our own Stars and Stripes was gaudy. I about crawled through the phone line and told that person I didn't see it as gaudy at all. In fact, I saw it as home. When it seems natural to call what it represents as home, then it is tranquil and certainly not "gaudy".
  5. OCC Guest

    I actually like your flag BillyMac. It is on my wall...under my Canadian one of course. I like your national anthem too.
  6. BillyMac New Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    What I find funny is how American Christians attach so much attention to Nationalism to Christianity like they are one and the same and they are not. Bush, Country, and God in that order it seems to many of them. If you criticize Bush you are also slamming the USofA and Bush's Christian beliefs in their eyes. If you slam Bush you are a Liberal and Liberals can't be Christians. Anyway, they lump all three things together along with the Republicans making 4Lumps lumbed together. It really makes me ill sometimes.
  7. KenH Well-Known Member

    May 18, 2002
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    You can have all the opinions about the policies of the United States government you want, KJ, and state them. Just don't expect any challenges you make to policies that some of us agree with to go unanswered. :D
  8. TexasSky Guest


    To some extent people who object to bashing the President - whether it is Bush or Clinton - are standing on biblical ground.

    The bible says to respect those in authority.

    When I was young, my parents never spoke an unkind word about the MAN who was President, whether they agreed with him or not. They would say, "Disagree with their policies if you wish, disagree with their actions if you wish, but show respect. If you cannot respect the man holding the office, then show respect to the office itself."

    I miss respect in the world.

    I find it still exists in Christian homes, but I miss when it was pretty common in all the homes of the USA.

    I miss days when children responded to adults with "Yes Sir," and "Yes Ma'am."

    I miss when students spoke with respect to their teachers.

    I miss when men and women who risked their lives for fellow Americans were "Police Officers," and not "cops".

    I miss when doors were opened for ladies, and hats were doffed for prayers and people stood for the national anthem.

    I miss when God's word was proudly displayed in public buildings, and politicians were something people could proudly aspire to be rather than shamefully mocked.

    I miss the days when loving the Lord was more common than bashing Christians.

    I'd like to see respect come back.
  9. OCC Guest

    One word for you brother (yes you are one)...

    ditto. :D

    p.s. you can challenge my opinions but if you want respect you have to give it. I won't be walked upon.
  10. LadyEagle <b>Moderator</b> <img src =/israel.gif>

    Feb 7, 2002
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    I do, too.

    I miss the days when US citizens had respect for the American flag and it was unthinkable for US citizens to burn one.

    I miss the days when people in other nations respected Americans and didn't burn the American flag.

    I miss the days when Americans were respected in other parts of the world and thought of as the good guys.

    I miss the days when elected officials had respect for public office and for the voters who put them there and didn't lie to them or betray their trust or lie to the world.

    I miss the days when the 10 commandments were respected and were something that was taught in schools.

    I miss the days when the Bible was respected and it was read in public schools.

    I miss the days when unborn babies were respected and nurtured in the womb and abortion was a rare unthinkable thing that some nasty people did in back alleys.

    I miss the days when people had respect for our judicial system and justice truly was blind and not a matter of who has the best attorney or legal team.

    I miss the days when people had respect for the Supreme Court who upheld the law instead of legislating the law.

    I miss the days when people had respect for the United States Constitution and the US Constitution really meant something to abide by.

    I miss the days when people had respect for their neighborhoods and didn't throw their fast food trash out of their car windows or onto other people's yards.

    I miss respect in the world.
  11. BillyMac New Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    And at what expense would you like to see respect come back???

    Back when hats were doffed....... women were treated like second class citizens.

    Before the birth control pill and the sexual revolution, women were expected to stay at home as housekeepers and mothers. That was a time when women who were housewives instead of career women. So, yes, TS let's DO go back to those days of respect so that the men who are the bread winners can again take back the jobs that women are now filling. Let's keep the women in their place - bare foot and pregnant.

    Are you really ready to go back to THAT???

    Politicans nowadays are mocked because they are dishonest hypocrites and have been found out. Politicians lie to get into office on promises they don't keep. They are adulterers (Newt Gingrich), and gays (Barney whatshisname), and racists who have illigitimate children of their African-American maids (Strom Thurmond-SC). Georgia has had far too many of them. Our current and our former governors both ran on the "consider to change the state flag" ticket, and both of them lied and didn't do as they promised.

    Police Officers were PoliceMEN whenever proper respect was shown to them.

    All of that that you wrote sound so pretty and nastalgic but I don't think you are ready and willing to go back to those days with all they REALLY had to offer.
  12. BillyMac New Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    And LE I am certain that you didn't write all that yourself, so please while you are missing the days when proper respect was shown, please respect the person to whom those words belong and publish a credit to them, even if it is that fellow known as "Anonymous".
  13. BillyMac New Member

    Dec 19, 2003
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    And no matter what you may think of our president, but will not say so as to be polite, there are young men and women dying out there who are dying because our president decided to take us to war on a soveriegn nation that was never a threat to the US and who continues to keep them there under fire rather than bringing them home.

    Don't get me started down that road.......
  14. emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    Hmmm. Walked upon. Well brother, sometimes you get walked upon and sometimes you are carried. That is just the way the world works.

    In the United States of America, with all of its failings, you have to learn to stand by while someone presents an opposing view to your opinion - even one youve been working your whole life to maintain. And you cant kill them or jail them, you just have to let it out there for the masses to consider.

    I am not up on any other country's politics, however, if anything they did affected me, I would do more than complain about it - I would adapt or become more independent. Like I said, I know nothing about Canadian politics, but it seems to me if DC affects your lives so deeply, it would be time to stand on your own - or become part of the US and change it. Sound silly? Maybe it is, but think about it.

    I agree with all of what you said about respect. We need to live that concept. Well put TexasSky.
  15. emeraldctyangel New Member

    Jun 11, 2005
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    0 a military member I have to ask you, would you rather us be under fire here on US soil instead? Maybe you could start another thread on that.

    I dont believe that respect and modern times are mutually exclusive. Respect is the common denominator to civilized behavior.
  16. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    Sorry if we offend you, King James-----I believe that-----just about two and one quarter centuries ago---another King was offended----except the offense carried all the way across the "Big Pond!"----to the which---the offense was settled with what was then called "Black Powder" muskets!!!

    But if you must-----offend away if thats what you want to do---it bothers me not that others of another nationality "offends" the USA---but what gets my "goat" is when people of our own country who spend time "trashin'" and "dumpin'" all over the same country they live in!!!

    You want to get me "flamed up"----just call yourself a US citizen---and then come "dump" on me about how trashy we are----you just think "The Big Red One"(US 1st Armored Division) is severe in diveing out revenge . . .!!!

  17. jdcanady Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    Be careful Blackbird; let's not forget Canada defeated the United States in their one and only war. Wow, that was hard to admit!

    :D :D :D :D
  18. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    War??? What war???? I don't remember havin' any quarrels with Canada?? I DO remember reading in WW2 History----the "botchup" at Dieppe with those Canadian soldiers having to surrender to the Krauts----and then they tried to point fingers at the Brits---claiming that the British "used" the Canadian forces at Dieppe to prove to the American "Brass" that a 1943 invasion of France was too soon!!! If there's any shootin' gonna happen----let it be between the Canadian's and their "Kissin'" Cousins!!!!
  19. jdcanady Member

    Apr 18, 2005
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    If I remember my high school history right, and it has been awhile, it seems there was a war in the early 1800's in which the U.S. evaded Canada and tried to push the northern boundary up somewhat. Also, if I remember right, the Canadians whipped us good, and we had to settle for the borders we currently have. Seems they didn't like us very much back then either (can't say I blame them since we envaded their country)
  20. blackbird Active Member

    Feb 21, 2002
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    We invaded their country-----and didn't bring nothin' home with us when it was "over, over there???????" No souveniers or nothin'??? No Kraut Luger's or Burp Guns??? No rounded off hats with spears pointin' out of the tops of 'um??? No girlfriends or cigarette lighters??????

    Boys!!!!!! I believe its "Payback" time---and this time we're "takin' names!!!!"

    Borrowin' from our late, great President---President Ronald Reagan----"We bomb Montreal in . . .!!!!"
