Genesis 33, Jacob meets Esau

Discussion in '2000-02 Archive' started by Helen, Jul 6, 2002.

  1. Helen <img src =/Helen2.gif>

    Aug 29, 2001
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    Jacob is definitely nervous. He divides up his wives and children into four groups. Rachel and Joseph are in the last group, thus giving them the most protection should Esau attack.

    I keep wondering about Leah's heart and feelings. Did she become numb to the pain?

    Esau received Jacob with an embrace, not an attack. Jacob insists Esau receive the gifts of livestock and finally Esau accepts.

    But there must have been something about Esau that bothered Jacob. He not only did not want Esau to accompany them, but lied to Esau about where they were headed.

    And this lie, too, will find him out. For he ends up encamped near Shechem, and this is going to prove disasterous.

    There is that which reminds me of Lot here. Lot chose his own way on his own wisdom and ended up encamped first outside Sodom and then had a home within its walls. He escaped the disaster, but barely, and with nothing of his former riches. It will not be the same for Jacob, but his proximity to Shechem is going to be the death of many people and a severe problem in his own home.

    It should also be noted here that Jacob bought land from Shechem (v. 19). And yet the promise of the Lord was that all this land and more would eventually be GIVEN to them.

    This is a short chapter, but it shows a number of things still about Jacob's character:

    1. He is still not trusting the Lord as he should
    2. He still is favoring Rachel
    3. He is still prone to lie
    4. Using his own wisdom, he has placed his family in a dangerous position

    He wrestled with men and with God. How like the entire nation that bears his name!
  2. Clint Kritzer Active Member
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    Oct 10, 2001
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